MT MT - Nyleen Marshall, 4, Clancy, 25 June 1983

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I'm probaly being naive and just hoping she is alive, was never hurt here and am hoping for the best, but maybe the person who took her did take good care of her and didn't hurt her at all and she just plain has no memory of her family. The kidnapper could be someone who maybe couldn't have children and saw her and impulsivley took her and raised her as their own and called the family b/c they felt bad about their grief just not bad enough to return her.
Then again she was almost 5 years old, I'm not sure about anyone else but I have a few memories from when I was that age and certanly she would remember being with a different family at one time.
2sisters said:
Then again she was almost 5 years old, I'm not sure about anyone else but I have a few memories from when I was that age and certanly she would remember being with a different family at one time.

When you have been uprooted and through hell at the tender age of 5...your brain protects you by supressing many of those memories-the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes they resurface, sometimes they are better off left alone...
emma l said:
Bump. Hey Mysterview I am on this- all good ideas from you. I havent forgotten!! xx

Sorry, I just saw your reply. And welcome to all the new posters!
Cattitude, esp. welcome! As you read this thread, if you see something that differs from the story as you know it, please let us know. And inconsistencies, anything you can add would be welcome. There is a lot that can be accomplished here. Key to it all, seems to be to get it in the media- to try to reach out to Noreen or "Kay" or whatever name she may be going by now.
For those of you who live in the area- if you know anyone in LE- talk to them about the case, see if they know of a way to get the case looked at again. See if your area has a cold case unit, and ask that they review her case. Try a media blitz, asking that they bring the story up again. Keep in mind that numbers mean a lot with the media. One request they might discard. But the more requests they get, the more attention they will pay. So get friends, relatives, neighbors involved- at least involved enough to contact the station. Cattitude, it would also help if you or another family member would be willing to be on camera and let them know you want the attention on the case. So contact them, remind them of the story, and make the request. If you can get attention to be paid locally, then we can work on national coverage. Also, don't depend just on the TV and print media. Think about radio shows. Is there community blogs and forums? Think about organizing a public gathering in rememberance of her and her story. Family could post memorial type notices in the paper. (you will often find similiar things in the obit area of the paper). Anything just to get the story out there.
Paradise said:
I feel bad for this man also:

There's also someone on the Yahoo ColdCases group who lost all three of her children (one was murdered, one drowned and one committed suicide) and I think her husband passed away this past year. I often wonder how in the world she deals with it all...I think it's pretty admirable, and she must be a very strong person. Here's the links to her childrens websites...

OT Paradise -Thank you for posting those links. I have been browsing that entire site and bawling my eyes out. It's a truly beautiful site. Thanks again.
missacorah said:
If the kidnapper had treated her well maybe she would have no desire to leave and why would she? I know if someone suddenly told me my family who I get on fine with by the way, had kidnapped me and I now had to turn them in for it, I would be a little reluctant. I guess what I am trying to say is that hopefully the person making contact did steal her and the only good thing is they did care for her and looked after her - very interesting case.

I was just thinking the same thing. One of the previous posts mentioned the man said he had a good income and would care for the child. If he's done this over the years and if he has $, I can understand a reluctance to ask questions. Maybe, too, at age 27, Nyleen has moved on with her life, is married and has children and has no desire to open wounds.
I think on the unsolved episode LE thought by some of the things in the letter that she had been molested by the abductor. Hopefully this is not the case. I'd like to think a childless couple took her and raised her and was great to her but that may not be the case.
If someone with inside info contacted LE, it seems plausible that the things he said were true. I wonder just how much $ the man had. The desire to travel was mentioned, so maybe he raised Nyleen outside the US.

Is there information about the picnic site? Was it remote?
My husband was one of many who helped search the area where Nyleen went missing. Several weeks later, he took me to the area, and it is a very remote, mountainous area with trees, shrubs, etc. During the time of the search the question came up if she could have been carried off by a mountain lion, but the search has since been focused on as an abduction.

When I lived in Montana, an article appeared in the Helena Independent Record newspaper (approx. 1997) that a young woman had entered an out of state hospital to give birth. She didn't seem to know much about her personal history but thought perhaps her mother's name was Nyleen. They were wondering if this might have been Nyleen herself. The newspaper never confirmed or disclaimed whether it could have been Nyleen or not.

I now live in Washington state, so I've never learned if there was anything to the above story or not.

It's all a mystery still.

I'd really like to see a copy of that story.
Perhaps if you contacted the Helena Independent Record they could locate the article about Nyleen. I am unsure of the date it appeared. I'm just guessing it might have been in 1997. I'll try to find out more.
1997 - That would make Nyleen around 22 years old, certainly in the birthing age range. Why would this story make news? I'd like to know more, too, if you can find the story. Thanks.
to Trino:
The reason this was newsworthy is because Nyleen's disappearance was such a huge story at the time she went missing, and it was still a mystery what had happened to her. The hope that this young woman might possibly be Nyleen was evident. I just don't know why the newspaper didn't print something more - one way or the other.

I'm going to be in Helena, MT in a few weeks and plan to ask some questions. I know the man who was the manager of the Independent Record at the time. Perhaps he can shed some light on the subject, if I am able to contact him.
I'll let you know what I found out. (or don't find out)
We are all putting theories on Nyleen's fate based on the ridiculous letter sent to police by a freaky man. Lets face it, she disappeared in the wilderness, she was small, and it was very remote. Almost every kid who disappeared in a park or area similar to this died from wandering away or falling or being taken by a mountain lion. I find it very, very hard to believe that she is still alive. Somone would have recognized her by now, a relative, an abductor, or an airline employee. So, I would have to say all of those theories, while hopeful, just dont pan out to me. :mad:
But didn't the letter have info in it that only le and the family had? i belive the story and I think she is still alive. I can see how people can have reservations about this, I though the Sharon Marshall story was false when I heard it, I think otherwise now of course.
I wonder why LE didn't follow up on the woman who gave birth. If it was suspected she could have been Nyleen, you'd think LE, as well as reporters, would be all over the story - including a follow-up as to who this woman was if she was not Nyleeen.
mistagee said:
We are all putting theories on Nyleen's fate based on the ridiculous letter sent to police by a freaky man. Lets face it, she disappeared in the wilderness, she was small, and it was very remote. Almost every kid who disappeared in a park or area similar to this died from wandering away or falling or being taken by a mountain lion. I find it very, very hard to believe that she is still alive. Somone would have recognized her by now, a relative, an abductor, or an airline employee. So, I would have to say all of those theories, while hopeful, just dont pan out to me. :mad:

Remember NOT ALL information contained within the letters were released. According to LE, there was some very "CREDIBLE" info in the letter that could only be known by someone actually HOLDING THE CHILD. Whether nicknames, or names of her teddy bears or something..... the letters were NOT taken lightly or as a hoax.

Say what you like, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. I would bet she is alive.
I would like to know just what so-called privileged private info the letter had before I'd judge it to be genuine. A lot of people send fake letters to the police that are taken as real. Supposedly the letters have private information, but the info was often just a good guess.

I think it's unlkely that Nyleen is alive today and highly possible that she died of exposure or animal attack on the mountain. Of course it would be nice if she was still out there, and I hope she is, but I doubt it. If she is alive I bet she thinks she was adopted or something. If she was taken at four she might have dim, shadowy memories of her parents and family but not enough to know how to get ahold of them. Remember Steven Stayner? He was under the impression that Ken Parnell had sort of adopted him, and he was almost twice Nyleen's age when he was taken.

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