GUILTY MT - Sherry Arnold, 43, Sidney, 7 Jan 2012 - #1

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Do we know if Sherry's husband tried to look for her on his own when she hadn't returned by 9 am? Did he check the neighbors' houses to see if she had stopped by a friend's house to chat and maybe lost track of the time? Check the neighborhood convenience store? Or did he immediately assume there was an emergency? If so, why? She's an experienced runner who knows the area. My first thought wouldn't necessarily be that she was missing.
My understanding from the media stories is that she was supposed to return to bring her teens somewhere but did not. The family looked for her and when they had been unable to locate her, called police at about 9:30.

I'll go back and try to find the MSM articles that reference this. There are too many now to Google and I didn't save the links.

As far as the maps, I don't know how to creat a nice map with the landmarks all on one map or I would do it.

Police received a call shortly after 9 a.m. Saturday from her husband, Gary Arnold, that she did not return when expected and family members could not locate her after they began looking.

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I graduated from high school with Sherry and I’d like to tell what I know. Yes, she left for her run at 6:30. She was seen by a witness at 6:40-6:45 running by the post office so she did make it out of the house in the clothes as described. Her husband and two teenage children were at home. She ran her usual route. She is very structured and followed a routine every day including days off. She is very athletic being a long time runner and swimmer and the school’s volleyball coach. The truck route is a road that is directs large trucks (semi’s etc.) so they do not congest up the main roads through town. It runs in front of house and businesses but has no stop signs or traffic signals. The speed limit on this road is 25 mph. Sherry’s shoe was found in a field next to a church. It would have been on her route, on the truck route. There would be probably no more than 100 vehicles total on any Sidney roads at this time of day. There is an irrigation ditch next to the field where the shoe was found but it contains no water and there is no snow on the ground today or the day she went missing. The population of Sidney is @ 5K but has increased a bit in the last couple years because of an oil boom in neighboring North Dakota. Sidney is 10 miles from the North Dakota border and @ 60 miles to the Canadian border. Bears and mountain lions are rarely seen here and there is no evidence of an animal attack in the area where her shoe was found. Tracking dogs were brought in but did not go beyond the shoe. Speculation is that she was taken in a vehicle because of the dog’s response. It was still dark at 6:30 am. She did not take her phone with her. Her husband first called authorities around 9am when Sherry did not return. By 11:30 they had organized the first search party. Thank you for reading this and taking an interest in Sherry. We are desperate to find her.

Not sure about the church being next to the field where the shoe was found but here is alink to a map with the churches in Sidney. If it is helpful at all.

Google Maps
I take off my sneakers with the toe of my opposite foot all the time -- if she was being dragged off, it's possible she might have 1) struggled so hard the shoe came off (like if she was trying to get away and he grabbed her ankle), or 2) purposefully slipped the shoe off as a sign, or 3) she kicked the person who got angry, yanked the shoe off, and threw it.

I think it's a sign of a struggle no matter what. And for some reason, I suspect a stranger more than I usually do. I know these things are usually domestic... but somehow this feels different. But it's too early to tell, I guess.

Hoping today brings some news...

I am hoping too. This is so very sad. I saw something on another thread that it is a truck route. Has anyone heard if the FBI is checking on the truckers at truck stops or document all trucks and see if any had routed for that area. Trying to think, I may go find that serial killer list and see if there are any symilarities ~~~
Points of interest I'd like to see on map (add your own)

shoe found at 9th and Holly
sugar factory
post office
sherry's house
sherry's jogging route
gary's walking route

I may have figured it out on Google maps. I have an account and will try to create one. Minus the jogging/walking routes because I haven't a clue what they are. :)
I haven't had time to get on WS for a few days, but one explanation for the abandoned shoe along Sherry's running route that I don't think has been mentioned yet:

Sherry sprained her ankle/sustained some injury to her foot. Maybe she took off her shoe and was tending to the injury when someone pulled over and offered to help. When I first read about Sherry's disappearance the other day, I had hoped that someone offered her a ride to the hospital and that, with all the publicity, she would be quickly located. Obviously, that's not the case. So, there's still the possibility that, assuming she suffered an injury while jogging, the person who pulled over was NOT a Good Samaritan but someone with a criminal motive.

As for the possibility of the shoe being planted, I'm sure LE has searched in the vicinity of where the shoe was found for shoe prints (signs that she was running and suddenly stopped). If there was a struggle, there would likely be signs in the grass/dirt in the vicinity of the shoe.
stion for anyone familiar with truck gps systems. I found the following quote which I have edited " ?? commands a platoon of 110 garbage trucks, so when a caller complained after seeing one of the blue and white trash tanks speeding down (anywhere USA), ?? didn’t know which driver to blame. Until he checked his computer. With a few taps on the keyboard, ?? zeroed in on the driver of one particular front-loader — which, the screen showed, had been on that very road at 7:22 a.m., doing 51 miles per hour in a zone restricted to 35. Gotcha." Is it possible to contact the trucking companies that operate in the area and find the trucks in the area of Sidney, MT on that date and near that time??

I just asked this on another thread. Has the FBI Checked that out? I am going to check the serial killer lists and see if there are any similarities.
Perhaps the clues about the shoe show that there are no signs of a struggle...or that blood or some other debris seems to have been placed on the shoe, rather than obtained in a way that would come from a struggle or injury.
I haven't had time to get on WS for a few days, but one explanation for the abandoned shoe along Sherry's running route that I don't think has been mentioned yet:

Sherry sprained her ankle/sustained some injury to her foot. Maybe she took off her shoe and was tending to the injury when someone pulled over and offered to help. When I first read about Sherry's disappearance the other day, I had hoped that someone offered her a ride to the hospital and that, with all the publicity, she would be quickly located. Obviously, that's not the case. So, there's still the possibility that, assuming she suffered an injury while jogging, the person who pulled over was NOT a Good Samaritan but someone with a criminal motive.

As for the possibility of the shoe being planted, I'm sure LE has searched in the vicinity of where the shoe was found for shoe prints (signs that she was running and suddenly stopped). If there was a struggle, there would likely be signs in the grass/dirt in the vicinity of the shoe.

I had a very similar thought - that a small rock or thorn or biting insect had gotten into her shoe and she had to stop and remove it to take care of the problem. That happens to me fairly often, especially with "no show" socks. (Which I don't know she was wearing).

I could be completely wrong here, but I am sticking with the thought that shoe wouldn't come off in a struggle, intact, and clean. Looking at the bottom tread, it's similar to my jogging shoes and they wouldn't come off no matter how hard I fought some guy. The scene would be SO BLOODY by the time there was enough friction to remove those shoes that there would be a lot more evidence than just one shoe. Whole articles of clothing would be there on the ground too.

So I like the possibility that she took the shoe off.
Just jumping in here. Only thing I have seen is when I was watching Fox News last night live and posted about it as it was being aired.

A few things come to mind:

1) If the tracking dogs focus on shoe and not elsewhere? Elsewhere meaning no forward route for that day? Were they able to trail backward? A good dog can pick up a scent like that depending on what the weather as been for a few days.

2) If she was abducted on that truck route. Perhaps she is the one who THREW her shoe out as an SOS attempt?

I am worried about the truck route issue. I have done extensive research on the John Boyer Long Haul Territory Killer. This is a very real possibility that she could have been abducted. The swiftness of her husbands and children's response to report her missing is something to consider.

I may be premature as I haven't fully read up but this is what has popped into mind from the preliminary info.
My understanding from the media stories is that she was supposed to return to bring her teens somewhere but did not. The family looked for her and when they had been unable to locate her, called police at about 9:30.

I'll go back and try to find the MSM articles that reference this. There are too many now to Google and I didn't save the links.

As far as the maps, I don't know how to creat a nice map with the landmarks all on one map or I would do it.

Police received a call shortly after 9 a.m. Saturday from her husband, Gary Arnold, that she did not return when expected and family members could not locate her after they began looking.

Read more:

I think it was only Boilly that said her kids were waiting for her to take them to a sporting event, but someone else posted a link somewhere in this thread with quotes from her sister saying Sherry was supposed to "head back out to the farm" with her that day.
I also wanted to add this. If the FBI is taking over as LEAD and ground searches suspended.. it makes me think they are thinking she has been taken away from the area. FBI doesn't usually take lead unless it is a federal matter. They assist local by providing resources and adding input into the governing jurisdiction.

While the FBI is now in Sidney helping local police, if she were kidnapped and taken across the Canadian border -- which is about 100 miles north – her disappearance would then become a federal case.

This was yesterday. With them announcing on Fox last night that the FBI was indeed taking over reaffirms me thoughts that this is now a federal case. It was on Shephard Smith live when I watched that statement so I don't have a link but can try to find one.
Noway .. per her sister she was going to "the farm" not a sport event

Sherry's older sister Rhonda Whited-Rupp says her family is in shock over her sister's disappearance, telling us, "She's my best friend, she was just going on her normal exercise route and she was going to shower and come back out to the farm with me and it just didn't go that way that morning."]

Here's where Sherry's sister said that "she was going on her normal exercise route and she was going to shower and come back out to the farm with me". I wonder when Sherry's sister spoke with her and was told this? Back on page 7 of this thread, I posted the video of Gary Arnold on JVM....what HE said was "Sherry had been tired a couple of days earlier and she said let me sleep in tomorrow, if you want to go out, go out". Who spoke to her last about her plan for that Saturday morning? Her husband or her sister?
Do we know the last time her children saw her? Or anyone besides her husband?
I listened to the JVM interview with Sherry's husband. He stated that during the school year, he and Sherry typically take a 3 mile walk in the evenings after school. I wonder if they went on their usual walk on Friday evening. He also said he got up at 5:30 on Saturday and went for a walk alone and he was back at the house by 6:30 and Sherry was not home. I found his overly detailed description of how he knew she was up a little off putting (he described seeing little droplets in the sink and that's how he knew she had brushed her teeth).
I listened to the JVM interview with Sherry's husband. He stated that during the school year, he and Sherry typically take a 3 mile walk in the evenings after school. I wonder if they went on their usual walk on Friday evening. He also said he got up at 5:30 on Saturday and went for a walk alone and he was back at the house by 6:30 and Sherry was not home. I found his overly detailed description of how he knew she was up a little off putting (he described seeing little droplets in the sink and that's how he knew she had brushed her teeth).

I thought that was a little odd, too...and also, if she isn't in the bed or the house, why would you have to count on droplets in the sink to tell you she isn't home...
This is the second time I see posts from HLN on Facebook requesting people to submit videos, photos etc. Jane Velez Mitchell did the same for the 22 year old missing in NYC.

Must be a new approach on their behalf. Using social media to get whatever is available.

Here is a link and if anyone here can help, I'm sure it would not only help HLN but give more media exposure for Sherry.

Posted 26 minutes ago by Vinnie!/PrimeNewsHLN
Here's where Sherry's sister said that "she was going on her normal exercise route and she was going to shower and come back out to the farm with me". I wonder when Sherry's sister spoke with her and was told this? Back on page 7 of this thread, I posted the video of Gary Arnold on JVM....what HE said was "Sherry had been tired a couple of days earlier and she said let me sleep in tomorrow, if you want to go out, go out". Who spoke to her last about her plan for that Saturday morning? Her husband or her sister?

I wonder why she got up to go jogging if she allegedly told the husband she was tired and wanted to sleep in Saturday.
I wonder why she got up to go jogging if she allegedly told the husband she was tired and wanted to sleep in Saturday.

Maybe 6:30 is sleeping in for her though, we don't know that. As a runner, I know I will usually run even if I'm tired because I know for a fact I'll feel better when I'm done. Could be how she is too.

I find it the most odd though she was only going for a 30 minute run (but, how do we know that?) and her shoe ends up on a truck bypass. A 30 min run is usually right in your neighborhood isn't it?
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