GUILTY MT - Sherry Arnold, 43, Sidney, 7 Jan 2012 - #1

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Did he normally go for walks (they did run together IIRC according to Boilly) at 5:30 a.m.
I'm gonna preface this by saying that everyone's different, BUT....when JVM asked about where the shoe was found, he said he wasn't sure of the exact location and that he hadn't gone to where it was found.

Also, to expand on her running according to what her husband said, on school days they would do a 3 mile walk together at night, so she did not go running on a regular basis, but that morning he went out for "his walk" at 5:30 am and when he came back she had left for a run and that he knew this because the light above the sink was on and he could tell she had brushed her teeth b/c there were droplets of water in the sink.....

I was so happy to hear he was coming on to talk thinking we'd get some clarification on some things, and I'm just more confused than ever!
If Gary wasn't home at the time, then he didn't see her leave the house to go running. So, who knows WHEN she left or even IF she went running?

She was seen by a witness near the post office not far from where her shoe was found.

Whether the witness was identified or anonymous IDK.
I guess they based her clothing description on what is missing from the house.

I am always amazed when a husband *knows* what is missing from the house (especially CLOTHING!)

I've been married twice and neither one of my ex'es would be able to figure out what was "missing" from my clothes.....
Did he normally go for walks (they did run together IIRC according to Boilly) at 5:30 a.m.

I expanded below, but he says no....he says they walk together at night on school nights was all. He also didn't seem to know a whole lot about her running routes when she asked, other than to say it wasn't the same all the time.
I graduated from high school with Sherry and I’d like to tell what I know. Yes, she left for her run at 6:30. She was seen by a witness at 6:40-6:45 running by the post office so she did make it out of the house in the clothes as described. Her husband and two teenage children were at home. She ran her usual route. She is very structured and followed a routine every day including days off. She is very athletic being a long time runner and swimmer and the school’s volleyball coach. The truck route is a road that is directs large trucks (semi’s etc.) so they do not congest up the main roads through town. It runs in front of house and businesses but has no stop signs or traffic signals. The speed limit on this road is 25 mph. Sherry’s shoe was found in a field next to a church. It would have been on her route, on the truck route. There would be probably no more than 100 vehicles total on any Sidney roads at this time of day. There is an irrigation ditch next to the field where the shoe was found but it contains no water and there is no snow on the ground today or the day she went missing. The population of Sidney is @ 5K but has increased a bit in the last couple years because of an oil boom in neighboring North Dakota. Sidney is 10 miles from the North Dakota border and @ 60 miles to the Canadian border. Bears and mountain lions are rarely seen here and there is no evidence of an animal attack in the area where her shoe was found. Tracking dogs were brought in but did not go beyond the shoe. Speculation is that she was taken in a vehicle because of the dog’s response. It was still dark at 6:30 am. She did not take her phone with her. Her husband first called authorities around 9am when Sherry did not return. By 11:30 they had organized the first search party. Thank you for reading this and taking an interest in Sherry. We are desperate to find her.

Just brought this forward again. Not as a source for information but as rumor until I can find MSM source.

And IIRC it was to be "a 1-hour run" ...
I am always amazed when a husband *knows* what is missing from the house (especially CLOTHING!)

I've been married twice and neither one of my ex'es would be able to figure out what was "missing" from my clothes.....

You're telling me! If I leave the room right now and someone called and asked what I'm wearing he wouldn't know. He would never be able to figure out what was missing from my closet if Sherry's circumstance were mine.
She was seen by a witness near the post office not far from where her shoe was found.

Whether the witness was identified or anonymous IDK.

Gary mentioned two witnesses: One at 6:30 and another at 6:40. I wonder which time was the P.O. sighting.
I am always amazed when a husband *knows* what is missing from the house (especially CLOTHING!)

I've been married twice and neither one of my ex'es would be able to figure out what was "missing" from my clothes.....

Agreed, I'm a guy and unless I see my partner in the morning and watch what she puts on I wouldn't know what she was wearing to go out in.

However regarding her footwear it could be different especially if she was a regular runner and her running shoes were out on display, or close to a hallway / exit.
My husband wears the same thing most days he runs. Rotates the shorts/pants (if cold outside) and the jackets but t-shirts would be harder ...
Gary mentioned two witnesses: One at 6:30 and another at 6:40.

Boilly said it was dark at 6:30....and 2 witnesses in the dark could identify her entire outfit down to a black headband? I'm not saying they are even the source of what she was wearing, but if her husband wasn't home and they saw her in the dark.......huh??
While Gary clearly stated that Sherry was going to "sleep in" that Saturday morning and so he, alone at 5:30am got up and went for his walk(3miles is the length of his routine walks he stated in a different interview).. He returned home at some point soon thereafter 6:30am and says that he could tell that Sherry had gotten up and went for her jog. JVm asked how'd he know and he said that the bedroom door was now open, the light over the kitchen sink had been turned on since he'd left for his walk and that he could tell that she'd also brushed her teeth as she'd left drops in the sink from her brushing them..

JVM did not pursue this vein of questioning as I wished she had.. In further questioning how'd he know that she'd gone for a jog?? Those questions weren't followed up..

I will admit that upon my hearing this phone interview live on JVM that it did set off a slight bell of alarm.. Can't explain exactly why and it's definitely not the drop kick to the gut that I'm usually dealt upon initially hearing the "story" of a guilty spouse, but I can't deny there was a momentary bell of alarm ringing somewhere far off in the distance in response to my hearing his acct of that mornings events..

But what IMO is the biggest and most important detail that is in hubby's favor is that it is being reported that two seperate individuals have gone on record to state that they witnessed seeing a woman dressed in what they each described accurately exactly what Sherry is said to have been wearing that morning.: those times were between 6:35-6:50am with the last sighting being right in front of the post office which according to officials is literally within a few hundred feet of where her shoe was eventually found..

For me that is some extremely powerful evidence that puts Gary in the clear, especially with the last sighting being near to where her shoe would be found.. What does that tell me?? It tells me that it's extremely likely that whatever happened to Sherry was within literal minutes of when the witness last saw her right near the post office.. I am in the camp that has zero issue with the shoe having come off, especially in the act of a struggle, not to mention how many times that a pedestrian is struck by an automobile(not even mentioning by a 18wheeler semi, Mac truck) but for the victim to come out of their shoe(s) is NOT unusual in even the slightest.. Kristi Cornwell(forgive spelling plz) who was abducted off the side of a rural 2 lane hwy near her home.. Kristi left a shoe behind as well..
For a myriad of differing reasons I find no issue whatsoever with her shoe having come off in any number of ways, struggle, struck by vehicle, or even purposefully left behind.. I believe with what little info that we have available to us at this time that whatever happened to Sherry happened right in the direct vicinity of where the shoe was discovered.. Then u add into account the fact that LE has sent off for testing the "stuff" they have found to be on Sherry's shoe(which I agree with those who think this is possibly why we're not shown the entire view of the Brooks running shoe).. This detail IMO depending on exactly what the "stuff" is could be indicative that even possibly her death or atleast grave injury occurred there(ie. struck by vehicle). And btw what's up with reports stating it was "stuff" found on the shoe?? That sounds so very.. :crazy:.. I don't even know?, I'm at at loss for words.. Just an odd way to refer to evidence in a case?? *shrug*

All in all for me it seems to point away from Gary and that she did infact leave out of the home for her jog.. But I'll not deny that I had a twinge of hinky enter my mind when he was telling his acct of that mornings events on JVM.. I believe it could be due to not hearing any follow up questions that were necessary but not posed to him..

Only time will tell..
My prayers for Sherry and her many loved ones tonight and in these coming days and weeks..
Here is mention of the witness (MSM)

The shoe was found east of the Sidney Sugars Inc. factory off Holly Street east of town, one of the areas where Arnold goes running. A witness reported seeing someone matching Arnold's description that morning near where the shoe was found, Assistant Police Chief Robert Burnison said.

Read more:
MSM on length of run and husband calling LE

Arnold, who grew up in Sidney and returned there to teach after college, left her home for an hour-long run at about 6:30 a.m. Saturday, Whited said. Her family reported her missing after she failed to return.

Police received a call shortly after 9 a.m. Saturday from her husband, Gary Arnold, that she did not return when expected and family members could not locate her after they began looking.

Boilly said it was dark at 6:30....and 2 witnesses in the dark could identify her entire outfit down to a black headband? I'm not saying they are even the source of what she was wearing, but if her husband wasn't home and they saw her in the dark.......huh??

Sunrise in southeastern lower Michigan was around 8:00 last weekend. At this time of year, it is dark until 7:30-7:45. Even though it looks like Sidney is toward the eastern edge of Mountain Time Zone, it would still be dark until at least 7:00. jmo
SmoothOperator, in regards to your post (which I didn't know how to snip for space!) I got a twinge of hinky when her husband seemed to want to make a point of the fact that he didn't know where the shoe was found, that he had never been to that area. Seemed like he was very intent on having people know that he had no detailed information--even telling JVM that she should contact the police and they could help with more info. He said that courteously, but still...Also,when JVM asked him where he was when she went out for her run, he laughed,stating he was not home at the time; that seemed inappropriate to me. Could just be nerves, of course. Laughing at the weird coincidence that this one time, he just didn't happen to be there, but had left on an early walk while she slept in. I don't know. When I saw videos of him being interviewed he did not make a lot of direct eye contact with the camera, but who knows. JVM mentioned to him that he seemed calm, considering the circumstances.

Otherwise, he came across as sincere.
SmoothOperator, in regards to your post (which I didn't know how to snip for space!) I got a twinge of hinky when her husband seemed to want to make a point of the fact that he didn't know where the shoe was found, that he had never been to that area. Seemed like he was very intent on having people know that he had no detailed information--even telling JVM that she should contact the police and they could help with more info. He said that courteously, but still...Also,when JVM asked him where he was when she went out for her run, he laughed,stating he was not home at the time; that seemed inappropriate to me. Could just be nerves, of course. Laughing at the weird coincidence that this one time, he just didn't happen to be there, but had left on an early walk while she slept in. I don't know. When I saw videos of him being interviewed he did not make a lot of direct eye contact with the camera, but who knows. JVM mentioned to him that he seemed calm, considering the circumstances.

Otherwise, he came across as sincere.

I couldn't agree more with how u perfectly described some of the *oddities* about Gary on JVM.. I'm hoping that it's sadly just my hyper sensitivity from following so many cases where it is the spouse/significant other thats responsible.. Hence why atleast for now I'm just keeping a mental log of all info and details as well as individual's demeanors/actions/reactions and will patiently wait til more info comes to light..

Sadly either way I feel the outcome to be a very dismal one:(
O/T.. Am watching NG and must comment that the caller that was just on, Paul from Florida.. I'd certainly love to know what direct number he calls in on because in the last 2mos this man is on no less(and often more) than 3 shows a week?!? He is a huge azz kisser !!.. Lol :D MOO MOO MOO MOO AND MORE MOO!!!
I couldn't agree more with how u perfectly described some of the *oddities* about Gary on JVM.. I'm hoping that it's sadly just my hyper sensitivity from following so many cases where it is the spouse/significant other thats responsible.. Hence why atleast for now I'm just keeping a mental log of all info and details as well as individual's demeanors/actions/reactions and will patiently wait til more info comes to light..

Sadly either way I feel the outcome to be a very dismal one:(

Thanks, SmoothOperator. I know I am hyper sensitive, too--for just the reason you state! We shall see.

I also agree that no matter what, the outcome is going to be dismal. So sad.
O/T.. Am watching NG and must comment that the caller that was just on, Paul from Florida.. I'd certainly love to know what direct number he calls in on because in the last 2mos this man is on no less(and often more) than 3 shows a week?!? He is a huge azz kisser !!.. Lol :D MOO MOO MOO MOO AND MORE MOO!!!

Well, we all know by now that NG loooooooves a good azz kissin! She probably set him up with his own line!
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