My conclusion: murder and attempted suicide

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I wonder when they are going to finally shut the door on MacDonald? Why has he been allowed to file appeal after appeal, most of them nonsense? His case is the most litigated case in American history. Now he wants touch dna tests done after the 2007 dna tests exonerated Helena Stockley and Greg Mitchell and confirmed he was the killer.

Well I guess you can always file paperwork. Doesn't mean anyone is actually considering it. He'll have to raise money to pay for whatever testing he wants and that's if he can get the okay to test something else. He'll never admit he's guilty--narcissists like him never do.

My question is: will they ever execute Darlie? I'm starting to think TX may just let her languish on death row forever. It wouldn't bother me if they did, but it seems like they hurry along other executions.
This link:

lets you download a study on 911 calls and things that can indicate guilt or innocence. It's very good. And there are several things that strongly suggest guilt in Darlie's 911 call, such as:

1. Innocent people usually immediately start with an urgent plea for help for the victims. Guilty people give a description of the incident.

2. Innocent people mention the victim first. Notice how Darlie says "they just stabbed me and my kids." Guilty people mention themselves first.

3. Innocent people are focused on getting help for the victims. Guilty people give extraneous information (like about how someone intentionally walked in and did this and about picking up the knife and how we might have gotten fingerprints...)

4. Innocent people refuse to accept the death of family members (even in cases when the person is obviously dead). Guilty people will say the victim is dead even when they can't be sure he is. Darlie says "my babies are dying, they're dead."

5. Guilty people have contradictions in what they say - such as Darlie sometimes speaking of one person, sometimes of more than one.

6. Guilty people use the word "just" in describing what happened as when Darlie says "just stabbed me and my kids." "Just" is a way of minimizing what happened. Innocent people say "He stabbed him!"

It's very interesting research and I think Darlie definitely fits the guilty profile.


You nailed this for me. Thanks.
I dont know much about 911 responders but I do know that they know the patterns of speech and language of people in need of help and they know when someone is trying to lay the groundwork to cover something up.

I've been wondering why I haven't seen a post from someone who is a 911 dispatcher with opinions or a list like yours to detail why her call is so contrived....until now.

Her call is so bogus they could use it as a case study in how to detect phony calls from people who have just committed a crime.
My question is: will they ever execute Darlie? I'm starting to think TX may just let her languish on death row forever. It wouldn't bother me if they did, but it seems like they hurry along other executions.

She's 43 now. That gives them roughly 30 years to hook her up to the tube.
With all the noise her family and other people generate about her alleged innocence (interesting twist of a phrase, eh?) I don't know if they ever will set her date and execute her. With U.S. becoming less inclined to favor executions, we're probably moving further away from her personal D Day daily instead of closer.

It being a circumstantial case I think the likelihood of whoever sets her date going through with it is diminished. The person or people who have to sign the execution papers don't want this one hanging over their heads on the unlikely chance that Martians invade the planet and find irrefutable evidence of The Intruder buried in the ground in Roswell. I realize I'm mixing metaphors here, but indulge me, please.

I think the most punishment Texas could inflict would be 30+ years in DR. The worst thing in a pathological liar's life is knowing that they failed to get over on someone and that they lose. I used to work for one. Sick, sick people who do a lot of damage to everyone around them all for the sake of their own ego.

The only problem with letting her slide on the List of Departures is that it would eventually make it hard for Texas to keep executing other convicts who were behind her in line. Someone would file a bunch of lawsuits and they'd have to stop executions altogether.....and Texas can't have THAT.

The upside (other than the obvious) is that, by the time they inject her, Drake would be an adult and he might publicly come out against her. That would make Darin feel like he's off the hook and he would come forth with what he knows. We'd finally find out why he failed the polygraph so miserably.

I don't he was involved or colluded in the coverup. The only thing he might have is a one on one confession from Darlie and his admission that he promised her he'd never rat on her for Drake's sake.
I had to call 911 when my house was on fire. I didn't go into extenuating circumstances because I thought any extra talk would slow the process..My place was on fire and I needed help now!!!! Of course this couldn't even compare to a child Laying and gasping for breath after being stabbed where "get here now" couldn't be said fast enough


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Which is when you said something to the effect of "Oh my God.... My house is on fire!" Pretty much says it all. Fire means you need, I don't now.... A fire truck maybe. I could assume you want the cops too but fire usually means a fire truck is needed.

Darlie called 911 (you know, the number you usually call when you need cops, an ambulance or a fire truck) and screamed "somebody just stabbed me an my kids!" I'm not a 911 operator but um, yea, logic tells me she needs an ambulance. She wasn't calling 411 or FTD. She wasn't ordering chocolate covered strawberries or Valentine's Day cards. She was calling a number that's entire design is to send emergency responders quickly. The employees answering that phone are trained to figure out what assistance is needed. Why? Because not every caller is calm or coherent enough to just say what they need.

My son dislocated his knee about two weeks ago at a baseball field. My brother had to call 911. He didn't instantly say "send an ambulance!" He said... My nephew was playing ball, he hurt his leg and we can't even pick him up. No mention of an ambulance but he pretty much said we needed one. I called 911 on my neighbors a few years ago. I told them I heard a guy and woman arguing, a little girl crying not to hurt her mommy and two gunshots. I never once said I needed cops or an ambulance. I simply told them why I was calling... I thought someone needed help. 911 could figure out what help was needed based on my description.

My brother forgot to specifically request an ambulance. Does that mean he caused my son's injuries? Nope. I decided to tell the 911 operator what I heard as opposed to requesting specific services. Does that make me the perpetrator? Yea, probably not. I agree.... Call 911 and say what you need but when emotions are running high logic flies out the window. But in this case Darlie made it very clear she needed medical help right away.
You nailed this for me. Thanks.
I dont know much about 911 responders but I do know that they know the patterns of speech and language of people in need of help and they know when someone is trying to lay the groundwork to cover something up.

I've been wondering why I haven't seen a post from someone who is a 911 dispatcher with opinions or a list like yours to detail why her call is so contrived....until now.

Her call is so bogus they could use it as a case study in how to detect phony calls from people who have just committed a crime.

Now put her in the context of a true victim. I've heard many 911 calls from victims. They say..... I've just been stabbed, shot, beaten, etc... I need help.... I don't feel so good.... Whatever. Her 911 call says nothing more than "OMG! Someone broke in and hurt me and my kids! I need help!"
QUOTE=OtisBinghamton;9849085]She's 43 now. That gives them roughly 30 I I don't he was involved or colluded in the coverup. The only thing he might have is a one on one confession from Darlie and his admission that he promised her he'd never rat on her for Drake's sake.

I've never thought he was involved in the murder or cover up, but I do think that, at some point very soon after the murders he figured it out. Why he did not rat her out is the mystery, maybe he really thought she would get off and come back to him and that was all he wanted.

There also comes a point when someone is lying publicly, as I believe he was in "standing by her" when it is pretty impossible to admit you have been lying.

I have always thought he probably falied the Lie Detector because they asked him something along the lines of whether he knew who killed to boys. Since he did, but would have said no, you have a failure.

I certainly don't think highly of Darrin at all, but I think if he had been involved the cover up would have been better. If only because you would have had two people working together. Also, that "I promise Darrin" on the 911 tape has always bothered me. Why on earth would anyone need to convince their spouse that it was an intruder? That implies to me that she knew he would think it was her.
Hey everyone,

I'm new here and thought I'd share my thoughts on the Darlie case (if you guys are not sick of hearing newb opinions already!)

Like many here, I wanted Darlie to be innocent. I really REALLY wanted her to be innocent. And I still do. Unfortunately, very recently (only in the past few days!) I have come to realise that she isn't.

However, I do not believe she calculatedly killed the boys in cold blood. I don't believe the crime was premeditated or planned in any way. I think she intended to take her own life after the murders.

I believe a combination of many factors led to her snapping one night and carrying out this atrocity. We know she had suicidal intentions a few weeks before the murders. An increasingly unhappy marriage, financial difficulties, postpartum depression, instability from diet pills and perhaps other hormonal problems (I read somewhere she didn't get her period for a year preceding the murders! :what:) would have consolidated these suicidal feelings and led her to decide to take her life. I believe she was a deeply disturbed individual, suffering from histrionic personality disorder on top of suicidal depression who wanted to avenge her problems with Darin by punishing him in the worst way possible.

I believe she was furious and her self-esteem was at an all-time low when she went to sleep that night after her and Darin discussed separation. I believe she was suicidal, and had been for many months and intended to kill herself after taking the lives of the boys.

For whatever reason (fear, pain...) she couldn't follow through with the suicide, and panicked, making the decision within seconds to create the intruder scenario and stage the crime scene. I believed Darin helped her stage the crime scene.

There are many reasons why I have reached this conclusion, but I think the main one is the fact that this case is so damn complicated. I don't think the prosecution's argument of Darlie committing the murders in cold blood, with no mitigating circumstances and actively taking glee in the deaths of her sons adds up. I also don't believe Darlie's argument of an intruder holds up either - the fibres on the knife are damning.

That is what leads me to believe that the crime scene was staged, very very quickly and without much planning. I believe that if Darlie had planned to kill her sons and carried out the crime in a cold, calculated manner that the crime scene would have been staged MUCH more carefully. The footprint under the vacumn and the blood being washed away from the sink are indicators that Darlie just didn't think the logistics of staging the crime scene through very well. And that has what always stood out for me.

I also don't believe enough has EVER been made of her suicidal intentions in the weeks/months before the murders.

I have no opinion as of yet what her family may really know about what happened that night. I do know that I feel deeply sorry for Drake,Darlie Kee and her other daughter.

I admit from the beginning I have not read the transcripts - this is just the conclusion I have formed what I have read - various forums, pro and anti-Darlie websites, youtube documentaries, etc, etc. Thought I'd share :)

Awesome post! The thanks button wasn't enough. I 100% agree with everything you wrote. I feel the same as you and always thought it was a murder/attempted suicide by Darlie. I believe she slit her own throat in a suicide attempt and it was just luck that she survived. I've read interviews with other people who lived after attempting suicide and they all say at the last minute they changed their mind and wanted to live after all. I feel Darlie has the same thoughts, changed her mind about death and this is why she never attempted suicide again after the murders.
I don't believe it was a suicide attempt simply because she chose such a horribly painful way to kill her kids. She could have killed each by slitting their throats rather than inflicting dozens of knife stabs. Then there was the self-bruising. Why try to prove you were in a struggle so you get huge purple bruises if your intent is suicide? Slitting one's own throat is extremely rare. Most people who commit suicide with a knife slit their wrists. And she wasn't suicidal afterwards. She practically danced on the graves.

No, for whatever reason she wanted 2 of her kids gone and she killed them in a horrible and painfully cruel way.
QUOTE=Madeleine74;9873851]I don't believe it was a suicide attempt simply because she chose such a horribly painful way to kill her kids. She could have killed each by slitting their throats rather than inflicting dozens of knife stabs. Then there was the self-bruising. Why try to prove you were in a struggle so you get huge purple bruises if your intent is suicide? Slitting one's own throat is extremely rare. Most people who commit suicide with a knife slit their wrists. And she wasn't suicidal afterwards. She practically danced on the graves.

No, for whatever reason she wanted 2 of her kids gone and she killed them in a horrible and painfully cruel way.

I agree. I don't for one second believe she ever intended to kill herself.
I've always thought that her plan was either A or B.
Plan A: kill the two boys, then if I'm still frantic and out of my mind, I'll stab myself. Hopefully I'll die quickly.
Plan B: kill the boys and slit myself to cover it up as an intruder crime.

She really is a dim bulb. Any prosecutor, cop or 911 dispatcher can see right through the 911 call as an obvious fake. Most people planning to kill and call 911 themselves don't research or plan the call. They just figure they can wing it and fool everyone. They have no idea that legitimate calls follow certain easily discernible patterns.

Most people who are sincere and focused on suicide do some research on the most foolproof and painless ways to do so. Almost none of them (as was mentioned previously) cut their own throats and wait to bleed out. They know that they could have a change of mind once they do the cutting, and how are they going to explain the incision, deal with a corps of Psychiatrists, etc.?

I should know. I made a pretty serious attempt on my own life 27 years ago, when I was 31. At the time I was in the throes of a mind-numbing booze and drug addiction. (I'm clean and sober now.)

Obviously I was severely clinically depressed (CD goes hand in hand with addiction). Even with my thinking impaired by mental disorders and high levels of toxins, I still had the brainpower to engineer a relatively quick and totally painless way to just fall asleep and die.

I think she was leaving the "and after I kill the boys I'll kill myself" part to a spur of the moment decision. She totally misjudged how hard it is to kill another human or two, and how hard it is to kill yourself.

Even if she went with Plan A and serendipitously died from her neck wound, she still figured she'd have fooled everyone with her Mystery Intruder and her name and reputation would not be tarnished as a child killer/suicide.

When I decided to kill myself, what my "legacy" would be, what people thought of me was not the closest thing on my mind. But Darlie could not leave this earth and have anyone think she was anything but a magnificent woman and the Perfect Mom and Wife.

That is also why I don't think she will ever confess, even on the gurney with the tube in her arm.

"Darlie, would you care to make a last statement before we proceed with your sentence?"

"No." with a discernible pout on her lips and a few tears on her cheeks.

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