"My Entire Life Has Been Taken From Me"

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How many times is Caylee's name mentioned in this 31 minute tape?

Best argument for adoption of unwanted infants: Caylee.
Best argument for abortion: Casey.
She did not need her parents signature to terminate the baby and she did not need their signature to terminate her parental rights even when she was born. The only thing I can think of is that Casey has been living in a fantasy world for a very long time. She compartmentlizes things. She ignors the parts she wants to when it suits her to do so. So being pregant was a part she ignored...untill labor pains started... and then she ignored the fact that she was now a mother...untill Cindy remindered her from time to time.

Near the end of the tape, Casey says something to the effect of "... I want my BABY back!" Hmm. It was ok, tolerable anyway, having a doll-baby that you can carry around like a pet and get attention for. But Caylee was no longer cute and little and tote-able. I think in a way, Casey did want her "BABY" back. With Caylee not living up to the "baby" role, and CA on Casey's a$$ about taking on MORE responsibility, WTF?? Casey got rid of "it" and was getting ready to start over, with a ... you know... real baby.
Near the end of the tape, Casey says something to the effect of "... I want my BABY back!" Hmm. It was ok, tolerable anyway, having a doll-baby that you can carry around like a pet and get attention for. But Caylee was no longer cute and little and tote-able. I think in a way, Casey did want her "BABY" back. With Caylee not living up to the "baby" role, and CA on Casey's a$$ about taking on MORE responsibility, WTF?? Casey got rid of "it" and was getting ready to start over, with a ... you know... real baby.

I think in the last video release she says "I just wish none of this had ever happened"

rare instances of truth I think. She isnt regretting it in the sense that she made a mistake, because if she did the things she says would be totally different, but that all this CRAP followed after. I think on hindsight she would rather just deal with Caylee.
When listening to KC and my life has been taken from me, it is like she is trying to get her parents to refocus on her plight ie: (All you care about is finding Caylee and so do I) from previous tape statement.:furious: I think she is feeling neglected by them and there search for clues in finding Caylee. Then I have to remember she supposedly knew at this point she was getting bailed out of jail so what was the reason for her rant? She defies logic.
If ONLY this were Casey's current life!! This is what she deserves, but unfortunately, she's in protective custody and isn't exposed to much of what you described. She's shielded from the other inmates who would probably make her life a living hell if she had to be in a common area with them. She has plenty of money in her commissary account to buy herself all kinds of "goodies". She has her own private toilet, so no having to "go" in front of other inmates. She's probably seeing her status more as a "special" protected guest of the jail, rather than just one of those plain old run-of-the-mill inmates.

Question -- *If* she is convicted to LWOP (please please please), will she always stay in protective custody?

Question -- *If* she is convicted to LWOP (please please please), will she always stay in protective custody?


My guess would be that she'll be in segregation, with other women who've committed crimes against children.
Nancy G (whom I love!) tries to make to public feel that KC "has it made" in Jail. She makes statements such as "lounging, reading, snacking". Yikes. This makes jail sound almost tolerable! (FORGIVE ME-I CAN NOT SPELL WORTH S**)Anyone who's ever had the misfortune to spend even one night in a county jail will tell you, it's WORSE and MORE INHUMANE than you could ever imagine!!! Sure, once you are sentenced and sent to a woman's "prison" your "quality" of life will improve. But, in a county jail, the fact is, they are run like a super max prison. Not pretty. Not comfy. Not humane.

Compare Casey's "accomodations" to where Caylee is??? Yup Casey does have it made..................
Casey is a parasite. She thrived on other people's lives to feed her needs/wants, in fact, support her very existence.


My guess would be that she'll be in segregation, with other women who've committed crimes against children.

For the rest of her natural life . . . that's mind boggling.

I like it.

Today, 03:38 AM
shadow of my mind
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I think that Casey though she was going to be able to sell the kidnapping story hook, line and sinker to her parents, LE and the whole world. She was going to get lots of media attention, have everyone fawning all over her and lead a life of celebrity status.

She can not believe that she is still sitting in jail and all anybody wants to talk about is Caylee. She did not count on the fact that her own clever little clues to where LE would 'find' what she wanted them to find to keep LE hunting for a missing Caylee and she would be the poor mother were too cryptic for anyone to figure out. I think she planned this from day one but since her parents have allowed her to do whatever she wanted for all of these years and she has been able to get away with these absurb lies she had no good basis for what would be beliebable to others.

I think she planned this from day one but since her parents have allowed her to do whatever she wanted for all of these years and she has been able to get away with these absurb lies she had no good basis for what would be beliebable to others.

I believe this statement is so true. Her actions, laughing as if it's some big joke. Like this is so horrible to be in jail (my room) when "I" should be the focus, I thought I would be getting all of this attention for being the mother of a kidnapped child. I want to be able to just forget this all happened, I want MY LIFE BACK.
I I I I I bet she misses going out to party more than she misses Caylee.
I stopped counting after 250 "I", "I'm",ME and Caylee was mentioned 3 times and my kid once.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure Casey,thinks only of her wants, her needs, and is willing to "lie,steal, or cheat" to get what she wants.
My life has been taken away... implies to me SHE STILL takes no responsibility for her actions, She is blaming everyone but herself .
lock her up and throw away the key....

I pray, with all the publicity this case has got, that she doesn't WALK.
I still don't get why she is so mad her parents haven't posted bond and where did she think the money was coming from, when she KNEW she was getting out the next day.
Can you imagine what must have been going on in that house when she got home? I am very interested in hearing what the female bondsman (forgot her name) working for LP will have to say.
O/T perhaps, but the other statement that made my ears perk up was when KC was talking about having to keep her mouth shut until the trial. At this point (8/14/08), KC is maintaining that Caylee is alive and will be found. KC claims she is innocent and claims that Caylee is "safe" and "close to home". So what trial is she talking about?

IMO, this appears to be an admission of guilt.

I thought the EXACT same thing BonKai!
This entire family has the oddest choice of words. Wouldn't you have expected her to cry out, "Caylee is my whole life and now she's been taken from me!" ?

With Casey's personality disorders thinking about someone outside of herself won't ever happen.

Inside, Casey is a shell toward everyone but herself.

In my state, a county jail contains not a single soft surface! You sit around all day either on the concrete floors or stairs, or on the metal bleachers of a picnic type table. You are given a 2" thick lumpy "mattress" to sleep upon. Doesn't matter how heavy or skinny you are, whatever weight you are, your weight sinks right through the crappy 2" lumpy foam. The sink faucet only works when deployed. Barely. One finger can press the faucet, so you can wash your hands or face with one hand. Ironically, the shower water isn't too cold or low on pressure. No, pressures fine, but the temperature is SCALDING hot, preventing one from being able to take a normal shower. ALOT of the food served is unrecognizable. Talk about "mystery meat". How about mystery meat, starch, and veggie? During the daytime, you are kept in one big open LOUD concrete room with a single toilet out in the open. When your bowels finally overcome their shyness, and you can POOP after many days...expect ridicule and annoucments from your fellow inmates....Sound pretty yet?

When I was in county jail - it was brand new at the time - each inmate had their own cell. Or room. It had a sink and a toilet. Showers were not communal - you took turns. There was a common area that had metal picnic tables in it. We came and went to our cells as we pleased. Lousy mattress. DOn't remember the food, it was 20 years ago.

But...jail isn't supposed to be a comfy place for perps, with respectable folks hangin out with you. I broke the law. Got arrested. I was a criminal, as one guard told me in no uncertain terms. Could have been much worse.

Haven't been in jail since.
I still don't get why she is so mad her parents haven't posted bond and where did she think the money was coming from, when she KNEW she was getting out the next day.
Can you imagine what must have been going on in that house when she got home? I am very interested in hearing what the female bondsman (forgot her name) working for LP will have to say.

:wave: Pattymarie

I'm not so sure that Casey knew she was being bonded out by Padilla when she had this meeting with her parents. LP discussed this very issue last night on one of the talk shows (Nancy Grace/JVM ??) and seemed uncertain as to exactly when he believed Casey would have learned she would be getting out of jail on bond.

ITA about the female bond-sitter. I've heard reports that Casey slept in her parents room, GA on the living room couch. Where did the female bondsperson sleep? Casey was gone most of the day at Baez's office where I imagine the female bondperson was obliged to give Casey her privacy in terms of any/all consultation with her lawyer and/or his assistants. Did she (the female bondsperson) accompany Casey to those law office meetings or was someone else (Rob D.) assigned to go with her?

I think that "My entire life has been taken away from me" in Casey speak means that she no longer has the freedom to do what she wants, party, drink, flirt with boys, have sex, etc. It has nothing to do with Caylee, except that it is (in Casey's warped mind) Caylee's fault that she's in trouble. She didn't appear to give two hoots about Caylee being missing during the 31 days when no one else knew, and had she been able to dodge her mother and get out of town, and get away with this whole thing, I doubt she'd give two hoots now. Casey only cares about Casey. Her life is taken away because she can't do what Casey wants to do anymore. Poor Casey...:rolleyes:
I think that Casey though she was going to be able to sell the kidnapping story hook, line and sinker to her parents, LE and the whole world. She was going to get lots of media attention, have everyone fawning all over her and lead a life of celebrity status.

She can not believe that she is still sitting in jail and all anybody wants to talk about is Caylee. She did not count on the fact that her own clever little clues to where LE would 'find' what she wanted them to find to keep LE hunting for a missing Caylee and she would be the poor mother were too cryptic for anyone to figure out. I think she planned this from day one but since her parents have allowed her to do whatever she wanted for all of these years and she has been able to get away with these absurb lies she had no good basis for what would be beliebable to others.

I think the nanny kidnapping story was thought up spur of the moment. Lee had Casey trapped. He had just pointed out that LE was on the way and Casey was going to have to show LE where Caylee was.

Oops...now what..."Oh yeah, Caylee really isn't asleep with the nanny needing to keep to her routine...the ummmm nanny KIDNAPPED her...that's it."

I think Casey planned on being smart enough to keep Cindy from finding her for a LONG time. Should Cindy get close or threaten Casey with pesky Social Services, Casey had been setting up a back-up plan with MH and gathering cash. She KNEW how to get cash as needed.

Casey didn't have a better kidnapping story or hide Caylee's body better because she didn't know it would be necessary. She thought her sloppy murder and lies to Cindy were "good enough".


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