My father may be linked to the Texas killing fields.

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I watched your video; it is very courageous of you to come out and share your story! I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but have you contacted Kathryn Casey? She recently released a book called: Deliver Us. It's about the killing fields/missing girls/unsolved murders from the 70's, 80's and 90's. It took her 4 years to complete it. I know she has a lot of connections and insight. It may sound silly- asking you to get in touch with an author. However, she might be able to help you. Or at the very least, lead you in the right direction. PM me, if you're interested and I'll let you know how to get in touch with her.
I watched your video; it is very courageous of you to come out and share your story! I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but have you contacted Kathryn Casey? She recently released a book called: Deliver Us. It's about the killing fields/missing girls/unsolved murders from the 70's, 80's and 90's. It took her 4 years to complete it. I know she has a lot of connections and insight. It may sound silly- asking you to get in touch with an author. However, she might be able to help you. Or at the very least, lead you in the right direction. PM me, if you're interested and I'll let you know how to get in touch with her.

I did read the book. I enjoyed it and learned more. I contacted her and she seemed "willing" to speak to me but I did not push the subject. She said she had already heard about my case. Very nice lady.
I did read the book. I enjoyed it and learned more. I contacted her and she seemed "willing" to speak to me but I did not push the subject. She said she had already heard about my case. Very nice lady.

Gotcha. Yes, she is nice. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
I'll have to read that book, myself. It might spark new discussions on the many cases listed in these threads. It was almost four years ago when I, along with a lot of help from a few members like Ikoihil, JeanneC, and Mr TT, put together this sub-forum. We worked endlessly for weeks researching and listing as many cases as we could find, even extending a bit outside of the south I-45 region because we didn't want to leave out any victim whose case might be aided by the exposure. Then we started working on threads for known suspects, hoping somewhere along the line dots would start to connect. We even categorized some by COD. Now it makes me sad to scroll through these lonely threads and realize how little progress has been made in four years. Periodically, I search for updates on various cases only to find absolutely nothing new. So I really commend you guys who are forging onward in spite of the obstacles and the opposition you face in doing so. Thank you for keeping on.
I know exactly where that is. I have family in the area, and I stayed not far from that intersection the last time I was there.

A Jane Doe was found on Wallisville Rd in 1981 (I'll retrieve the link). That's all I have at the moment, but still looking for other possibly related incidents.

ETA: Links**&p=7331890#post7331890


You mentioned this to me a while back... They were all picked up in the area and taken almost to the same same area... I think there might be a connection...
even stranger is that it was a male and female found in the same area... December of 1978 by bio father raped a women infront of her husband and according to the police reports had intentions of killing them both... if these two does where dating he could have done the same thing to them...
(new lead of another murder I think my father is connected to/warning its a complicated story)

So those of you who are familiar with my case, you will remember that my father raped another woman in-front of her husband at gun point just a couple of months after my mothers attack. Reading the police reports, it sure had a lot of inconsistency in their statements... Well come to find out this couple were actually divorced. The had both recently remarried to other people so they were technically having an affair... The story gets stranger, the mans new wife was on trial for a murder that happened in October 1978 and the kicker is one month later she was killed on November 23rd 1978 in a high speed chase in Houston, allegedly she was being chased by the police...

Last night I spoke to the brother of the man she was accused of killing and was told that he thought she committed suicide because she did not want to go to prison, I spoke to someone else who claimed they had heard she was ran off the road... The brother to the victim gave me a wealth of background info on the event surrounding his brothers death. A few months prior the husband (the man my father attacked his ex-wife) had ran over his brother while in a rage against someone else and left his brother in a wheel chair, the brother had intentions of suing but he and his wife shot him in the back and killed him... The wife was the one that allegedly pulled the trigger or at least took the rap so she was the one being charged, then she gets killed in this high speed chase a month later?? Then one month later to the date, December 23rd my father barges in the house and the first thing he says is "I believe you owe me money" and the man writes a note giving him his brand new land-rover, This now explains why they never showed up to court to testify against my father, and why he was released on an appeal because they had dirty hands to.. Also, my father had strong connection to La Marque Texas this is where the murder took place but my Father went to Freeport Texas when he raped and robbed the couple....

The lady (the new wife on trial for murder) was killed on Main street in Houston Texas. It was ruled an accident but no one I have spoke with believes it was an accident. In one police report from a few years prior my father used a address on Main street when he was charged with impersonating a cop.

If you read my blog "who killed Gayle Cater" that is a case that I believe my father was connected to her murder.. Gayle was dating a married man so there was a motive to have her killed but the man she was having an affair with alibis checked out, I believe my father was a hit man with police protection.

my mother birthday was this week and Gayle's is coming up next month... here is another vent I talk about some new info that I have discovered...
I am posting random things I discover on here, so that my leads dont die and this stays active. I get busy and stop digging but its always in the back of my mind. If you read the story about the wife that was on trail for murder. I mentioned I spoke to the brother of the man she allegedly killed. Well he knew very specific details about what kind of car she was driving the night she died. He insisted she committed suicide but the autopsy told a different story. She was killed in a car crash just after pulling out of a privet drive way. He was on the money about the type of car she drove that night but no murder or suicide was noted. The man driving was allegedly a 18 years old man, who didn't even get a ticket. I became extremely suspicious. I discovered that the investigator that was on the scene the night she was killed, ended his career with the Houston police department after being under a police "shooting investigation" only a few months later. I think it would be safe to assume that he was a "dirty cop". Oh and did I mention that the brother who told me it was "suicide" was also some type of officer in Galveston county at some point. I have not decided what theory makes the most since to me but something is not adding up... any thoughts?

I am doing some short vlogs on cold cases that my father might be connected to.

The first one is about Suzanne Rene Richardson

I am doing some short vlogs on cold cases that my father might be connected to.

The first one is about Suzanne Rene Richardson

Any new news?
Any new news?

I just recovered from brain surgry so I havent really been on top of it like I should be. I am getting my strenth back and plan on jumping back in! Thanks for asking! It means a lot that folks are following this..
I just recovered from brain surgry so I havent really been on top of it like I should be. I am getting my strenth back and plan on jumping back in! Thanks for asking! It means a lot that folks are following this..

We are following, and prayers for a speedy recovery. :)

Here's the case you probably never heard of because it was ruled
an accident. It's probably one of the most mysterious connections I have found so far. Air too many coincidences and circumstantial evidence for this to be just an accident.
So the good new is.. The local police departments actualy read these blogs/vlogs. I just got a phone call from a local police department.. It was a good call and gave me renewed hope..
So the good new is.. The local police departments actualy read these blogs/vlogs. I just got a phone call from a local police department.. It was a good call and gave me renewed hope..
That is awesome. May 2016 be your year for the truth
So the good new is.. The local police departments actualy read these blogs/vlogs. I just got a phone call from a local police department.. It was a good call and gave me renewed hope..

Hi Walkingproof,

I just wanted to say that I've been following along from the beginning and I'm thrilled you are getting a response from a local PD. Best of luck and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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