Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Something's wrong, huh? It's just so obvious to me. For the sake of their mental health I wish they could see it . . .

If people could see it they wouldn't have mental health problems.

My opinion only

Does anyone know if the Anthony's are Christians & if so what denomination?

I don't think they were "church going folks" until they began attending services at a Baptist Church on the southside of town after Caylee was missing. As I remember it, when the neighborhood association and the OCSO asked them to hold their vigils indoors or in their back yard (because of the protesters), a minister stepped forward and offered his church for the weekly vigils. He was the minister of the church they started attending.
I don't think they were "church going folks" until they began attending services at a Baptist Church on the southside of town after Caylee was missing. As I remember it, when the neighborhood association and the OCSO asked them to hold their vigils indoors or in their back yard (because of the protesters), a minister stepped forward and offered his church for the weekly vigils. He was the minister of the church they started attending.

Some people would label "those people" - rainy-day Christians ..... just sayin'
Not sure about the trespassing it has bee a site for CAYLEES memorial for months, and so the did not do anything new.
I think they had one agenda only In Memory of CAYLEE.
Seems the "A"s have deleted, erased, and made a point to make CAYLEE the forgotten victim. They wont even stand up for her, but they dare to use her name in a Foundation that feeds their azzzs. It does not matter if you will put a garden that is glorious there as long as you put up CAYLEE the "A"S will pull it down because they are not getting anyone interested in their foundation, and they have obliterated that child's name.

We aare kind of guilty as well. At one time all our pictures nexxt to our names were pink in honor of Caylee and through time we have changed them, myself included. Maybe it's time to go back to pink, that we have not forgotten Caylee at all, and we are going to wait for Justice for Caylee. Just a thought.
I agree. Sinply put, there is NO EXCUSE for bad behavior if you are a victim or not. The world is full of victims who behave correctly and who do it gracefully and with dignity. The Anthonys are not part of this list, however.

Sandra Cantu's family
Mark Hacking'a family (even tho it was Mark who did that crime)
Lori Hacking's family
Laci Peterson's family
Polly Klaas's family
Adam Walsh's family

Those are just a few off the top of my head

Natalie Holloway's family

Does anyone know if the Anthony's are Christians & if so what denomination?

Don't the anwser to this question...but have always been glad that the Grund's have been involved....
lin, at no point is that indicated in the article. Anywhere. That's why I asked about independent knowledge. It may be the case; it just is not stated as such.

(emphasis and red font color added),0,317536.story

"Women file complaint about car chase involving George and Cindy Anthony
Two St. Cloud women filed a complaint against George Anthony and Cindy Anthony and accuse the couple of chasing them in a car.
Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
5:58 PM EDT, June 2, 2009

Orange County investigators are looking into a complaint filed by two St. Cloud women who say they were chased by George and Cindy Anthony after the women caught Cindy removing a cross from the former makeshift Caylee memorial site.

It was in another article that it was mentioned there were four women; an article discussed earlier in the thread that differentiated between the 8:30 event and the 10:30 event. I'm confident there are other references to the later time earlier in the thread too but the link posted by Elphaba and others shows the time just as well and I didn't have to look for it. :)
This is the facet of the Anthonys that has me so darkly fascinated: their inabilty to look ahead and perceive the negative effect their present actions will have on their future. Time after time. If I were the author writing the book on this case, I would definitely expound on that as one of the themes. I don't see them as completely stupid; Cindy is a nurse, and that's a degree if she's an R.N. George, not as much education, but he's not an idiot. And still yet they can't recognize how their own behaviors work against them. How is that possible? Surely people have spoken bluntly to them in an effort to get them to change their M.O. But we see no change. And from a psychological perspective that's interesting. I have to say that in my own life when I had negative results from negative behaviors I did some self-examination and made some changes. Some several times. Point is I recognized that if akashana wanted A, then akashana needed to quit doing B and try C. It wasn't a high-minded thing in any way. It was motivated purely by self interest. I see the self interest in these folks. I'm still waiting on the self awareness.

Ego, entitlement to name a few characteristics at play here. CA cut off her own brother because he tried to get her to see some facts she didn't want to admit. CA will only interact with those who at least agree with her but more than likely only those whom she feels she can control. Especially now that she's a "celebrity" in her world, she feels and has stated as much that she has sooooo many supporters; many more support her and her actions than those few "bloggers" who must not have children or grandchildren and "don't understand."

She's the moral to the story of 'The Emperor's New Clothes' personified. But I can see and will speak up.
I believe you're missing the point. The Anthonys don't care what other people think. The Anthonys believe they are a law unto themselves and everyone else is stupid, not having thoughts and opinions worthy of being considered, nor do they believe anyone has a right to do things they don't agree with. They believe they hold all the cards, all the brains, and all the power. Remember George telling Casey (as she's sitting in jail) 'you're the CEO, you're in charge'? That's why they are, always in charge, even with your neck in the noose you're still in charge - magical thinking.

My opinion only

Astoundingly accurate description, imo.
But at some point why can't they see it hurts them? How is anyone so blind? I don't care if they have to play-act their behaviors. They just need to change them. At this point I'm not even talking about the rightness or wrongness of what they have already done. The fact remains that their approach has alienated and isolated them from everybody, and has aggravated those who are in charge of their daughter's life and freedom, and also their own freedom. I think it's bizarre that they continue to make the same mistakes when the stakes are the highest they can possibly be. You don't even have to admit you are wrong to make a change for the better. Simply acknowledge that this isn't working, must try something new. I've only seen this level of obtuseness in addicts and alcoholics, and that is very different, as they have a vested interest in not getting sober (addiction v. withdrawal).

It's not that they don't care what people think. It's that they can't understand how displaying that attitude can only end badly for all of them.

You know they type that is always right even when they are wrong?
You know the type that think they have pulled the wool over your eyes even after they know they are transparently seen as con artists?
You know the type that has an agenda that has nothing to do with "DO THE RIGHT THING?
You know the type that is thick as a brick?
There we go ------ :crazy:
You know the type .
But at some point why can't they see it hurts them? How is anyone so blind? I don't care if they have to play-act their behaviors. They just need to change them. At this point I'm not even talking about the rightness or wrongness of what they have already done. The fact remains that their approach has alienated and isolated them from everybody, and has aggravated those who are in charge of their daughter's life and freedom, and also their own freedom. I think it's bizarre that they continue to make the same mistakes when the stakes are the highest they can possibly be. You don't even have to admit you are wrong to make a change for the better. Simply acknowledge that this isn't working, must try something new. I've only seen this level of obtuseness in addicts and alcoholics, and that is very different, as they have a vested interest in not getting sober (addiction v. withdrawal).

It's not that they don't care what people think. It's that they can't understand how displaying that attitude can only end badly for all of them.

They won't see that it's ending badly for them. They're victims, can't you see that? And that didn't start just last year, either. CA made herself known very, very clearly in her Morgan depo, especially when BC objected and CA responded something along the lines of, 'No, go ahead, let him make an *advertiser censored* of himself on the thing.'

She couldn't understand what she was doing and how it was perceived by others. She is so much smarter than the rest of us. Remember LA on tape with TL? Bragging about how smart his entire family is? And one mistake I made early in this case was ascribing any intelligence to any of them, especially KC. They are what they are. And smart isn't it, imo.

Anyone that doesn't drink the CA koolaid is cut off, cut out or 'doesn't understand.' When we disagree with her actions, we confirm to her, in her fantasy world, that she is just so much better than all of us.
Peter said they decided to return to the former memorial site

lin - If this indicates the child was not with them in some way, can you please break it down? To me the article indicates that she was. She was stated to be there at 8:30. Nowhere is it mentioned that she was brought home, picked up, dropped off elsewhere. Then "they" returned. Why would one not assume that "they" is referencing the same group of individuals?

***I'm going to look for any article that indicates she was not there. I'm not stating definitively she wasn't, just that from the article that you are quoting it is not verified. I don't really think that this is a central point of the discussion, however.
Off Topic (or is it?):

Squirrel Stealing Cemetery's Flags

A squirrel has been taking miniature American flags from a cemetery in Michigan and decorating its nest with them.

The cemetery says the squirrel has taken about a dozen small flags.

And please do not say you know for sure YOU know how you would react if you were ever put in the same situation as the Anthony family because believe me you do not know for sure. Not everyone handles something like this the same way. I for one would not ever want to live for even one minute in the shoes these people have been placed in and again IMO by no fault of there own. There daughter is accused of killing her daugher and there granddaughter this is a terrible thing to even comprehend in my own mind. I can only pray for these people and hope that someday they will find peace in all that has happened in this almost a year of living a he**.
Ummm, yes I do! I can say with ABSOLUTE certainty that I would never behave as the Anthony's do were I to ever be in that situation. Their behavior has been abominable from Day 1- make that June 16, 2008. I don't buy their grieving grandparents act. They act like Lee & Jackie Peterson- whom also lost a grandchild.
I would behave more along the lines of the Hacking family, the Unabomber's brother, or Jeffrey Dahmer's father and not give unconditional love and support to the murderer of my grandchild! If my daughter grows up and murders her child- I'll be the first one to turn her in and make her pay for the consequences of her own actions, even if that includes Death Row!!!!!
I know we have discussed and asked why these women would place the cross, but what would compel GA and CA and the Milsteads to go to the site and rip the cross out of the ground?
Particularly when George so loudly claimed on national television that they NEVER went there. Look at the location. It's at the end of a street that goes into a school parking lot. It's not a common road to travel unless you are dropping off a child at the school. The Anthony$ would have to be going there FREQUENTLY. I don't believe they have any children in that school. It's not like it's a busy intersection or a widely traveled street. Once again, the Anthony$ have lied with straight faces.

As for Lois, I wouldn't do what she did, but then, I wouldn't expect a crackpot family and their "muscle" man would chase me ieither. It's a public street. There are no laws about driving on it. I have to wonder if LE ever returned George's gun. I don't think George would use it, but Dennis and Cindy I am not so sure.
Ummm, yes I do! I can say with ABSOLUTE certainty that I would never behave as the Anthony's do were I to ever be in that situation. Their behavior has been abominable from Day 1- make that June 16, 2008. I don't buy their grieving grandparents act. They act like Lee & Jackie Peterson- whom also lost a grandchild.
I would behave more along the lines of the Hacking family, the Unabomber's brother, or Jeffrey Dahmer's father and not give unconditional love and support to the murderer of my grandchild! If my daughter grows up and murders her child- I'll be the first one to turn her in and make her pay for the consequences of her own actions, even if that includes Death Row!!!!!

I never thought I'd ever say this, but they make Lee & Jackie look like saints.
Lois and her friend need to get on the same page... on Wesh the friend says that she saw CIndy pull the cross up and stick it in the trunk. But Lois says when they came back, Cindy was at the back of the vehicle putting something in the back and the cross was gone.

In the Sentinel video Lois says they came back Sunday night to check on the cross and it was still there, then she says they came back Monday night and their cross was still there, so they decided to sit there and wait. That is when they then got into an "almost chase" with Milstead... so they left suburban drive to only make a uturn to go back to Suburban Drive, where they found the Anthony's there. From how Lois is telling it, there was no leaving for good and it being 2 separate visits... the whole time they were there Monday night was one fluid event, connected by a uturn.
It's a good thing the law is not a personality contest because it's hard to tell who is the bigger stinker when you are hearding skunks. It will all depend on what the Trooper saw, what transpired in the 911 call, and what the camera captured.

Just my humble 2 cents.
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