Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...

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DNA Solves
I can't think of one scenario where Casey's actions could be justified. If I got mixed up with something and my daughter paid the price I would be throwing myself to the courts, begging for the death penalty, not looking cute, clubbing it and now trying to save my *advertiser censored*.

I can't imagine putting my family through this pain either. Regardless of feeling towards CA and GA they loved that granddaughter, I have no doubt. It was evident in every picture, family movie, her room, she was their every thought. They paid her bills, bought her clothes and food, rocked her to sleep. The parents might not have done everything right as parents or grandparents, I haven't seen a perfect parent yet. They certainly don't deserve this. IMO they took care of Caylee trying to help Casey face her responsibility, while still affording her the opportunity to be a normal young girl and have some freedom.

I have known teenage mothers who had no support and though it was tough, they weren't perfect, they raised and loved their children.

The saddest part is Casey had it all. What on earth would justify not either having a job for 2 years or going to school to make a life for your child? If your plan wasn't to do that then give the child to your parents and move on. It's called loving something bigger than yourself. Casey didn't do this. If she cared more about being spiteful to Cindy than letting Caylee have a life then she deserves what she gets.
One question I have thought of on and off is, is it possible that Caylee was deceased and then revived? Would you then have a situation where you have evidence of a deceased Caylee but she was revived?..Pretty bizarre but is it possible?

Ummm...sorry but dead is dead..Once decomp starts it is over
Well, a heart can stop ... and breathing can stop ... for so many seconds, and the heart can be restarted and breathing can be restarted, but after a certain time, death occurs.

In that time the heart stops before being started again, the body doesn't have time to 'decompose'.

At least that's how I figure it.
"There's only one reason why my daughter would keep her mouth shut and why she would sacrifice going to prison the rest of her life -- to protect this child," Cindy Anthony said."

But yet she wanted to go search for her? Where?
Sorry I my mind cannot fathom a scenario to justify this KC's actions, she has not shown any positive actions to look for Caylee or to help with the investigation.

I think Cindy "muffin head" (as another writer called her) does not realize that there is at least one other reason which involves not Cayleee but Casey's relationship with her, her mother.

Cindy never wants any responsibility in raising a monster or knowing what her effect has been upon her daughter. Casey also now needs her mother and has her wraped around her finger.

it must have been an 'heroic' effort for KC to stage a kidnapping so that she could get rid of her daughter. She claims to know who there people are even though there has never been a baby sitter and even though she may have missed her a tad she had to put forth an heroic effort to impress her friends and boyfriend that nothing ever happened and that all was on par....which it was ...her being in control in all..lying and stealing just like normal.
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option:

Casey gets pregnant as a teen, she knows she is not equipped to raise a child at this point in her life, but her controlling and domineering mother convinces her that the best thing for the baby is to be raised by her own family. Cindy promises Casey that Casey will be able to live her life as she wants and to pursue her plans and dreams while Cindy raises little Caylee as her own. Against her better judgement Casey agrees to this arrangement.

Reality turns out a little different than these plans and we end up with much tension in the house. Casey and Cindy are trying to be the primary care giver to Caylee. But Cindy controls the finances, the insurance, the groceries, the very roof over their heads. Casey knew she was not able to provide those things and this is why she wanted to place her child for adoption, but she can't turn back the clock now, so she once again gives into Cindy and Cindy becomes the primary caregiver to Caylee. Cindy is making all the rules.

Casey feels trapped. Her education has been delayed. She is not employed at a level that would enable her to get out on her own. And even though Cindy told her she would be able to pursue all of those things while Cindy raised the baby that has not been true. Casey has to care for Caylee while Cindy is at work.

Cindy and Casey fight endlessly about these issues. It is getting so bad in the house that George and Cindy may divorce. Things come to a head in this power struggle with Cindy and Casey the weekend of June 15th with Cindy saying it is all or nothing. Either Casey lives under her roof and complies with Cindy's wishes regarding Caylee or Casey gets out from under Cindy's roof.

Casey leaves to go stay with her new boyfriend Tony, leaving Caylee in Cindy's care. During the next month she finally has some of the freedom she has yearned for, she is out at clubs, she is meeting new friends, she is entertaining Tony's roommates. They will all tell you she did not seem concerned at all for Caylee's wellbeing because she wasn't. Caylee was at home with Cindy to Casey's knowledge.

Now keep in mind the Sunfire is not Casey's car. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Casey drives it at Cindy's discretion. She does not have Cindy's car the 16-18th, even her friend Chris has testified in a sworn statement that she was driving Tony's jeep. Casey gets the Sunfire between June 19th and 20th. Around June 23rd to June 25th Casey notices a bad smell in the vehicle is getting worse and worse, she comments on it to friends, but she cannot identify the source, it is like nothing she has ever smelled before. After speaking to George she finds out that he has supposedly run something over recently. Again she relays that info to her friends.

On the 27th the Sunfire runs out of gas near the Amscott parking lot. Casey lets her father know of this and he says he will handle it. Unbeknownst to Casey George lets the car get impounded, possibly hoping it would go to scrap, but the certified letter shows up, they debate for a couple of days and decide to retrieve it. Casey does not see the vehicle again until July 15th. On that fateful day Cindy collapses the entire house of cards on this situation. She drags Casey home where Casey finds that Caylee is not there and a chain of events outside of Casey's control has already been put in motion. She is told quickly that Caylee has been kidnapped and these are the instructions.

The police arrive and Casey's only concern is Caylee and following the instructions Cindy has relayed to her. Within hours Casey is arrested and the police are implying that Caylee is dead. The dogs indicate a body has been in the Anthony's backyard and in the Anthony's Sunfire. Casey knows in her heart that Cindy could not hurt Caylee, at least she hopes not, but she cannot go there. She is being told by her parents that Caylee is alive, that they know where she is, they have people watching them and this will come to an end soon, but she must continue to follow instructions for the life of her daughter depends on it. Now she sits in jail, possibly facing the death penalty, while her very own mother makes ridiculous claims on TV, progressively making Casey the most hated woman in america, and prevents searching for looking for the very evidence that might clear her of these horrible charges.

Once again at Cindy's control, Casey's word against her Cindy's. The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?

That's not bad. Rather good, as a matter of fact. EXCEPT, it doesn't make Casey look any better - she's still a cold, heartless, emotionless block of ice. She still spent the entire 31 days lying and stealing. Lying to her family, friends, and anyone who would listen. Why tell her friends Caylee was at the beach, at Disney with the sitter when Casey "knew" she was home with Cindy? Plus, Casey was busy stealing from her grandparents, her friends, her parents.

Most of all, why protect your murdering mother or murdering father, especially if one of them killed your daughter?

Nope, this story doesn't wash. But it was good.
Ok, Im aging myself here. Remember Flip Wilson?

The Devil made me do it! Best scenario I can think of!

OMG, I'd loved his Geraldine Jones. I have a couple of his record albums and he does a wicked Geraldine on them. In fact, one album is titled, "The Devil Made Me Buy This Dress".

Honestly, I think Casey is the devil herself, so blaming others won't do her any good.

I must say some of the scenarios people have come up with are pretty good. It's just that Casey's actions don't hold up those scenarios. Yep, I think her best 'defense' is the kidnapping story but it won't stand up, for sure. It'll keep some people hoping though and Cindy won't have to admit the terrible truth.

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