Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...

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DNA Solves
There is no scenerio, sorry. If Caylee or any child was kidnapped people tell immediately. And if she was telling the truth, and she was kidnapped, you sure as heck wouldnt be out partying, stealing and buying stuff for yourself. And you wouldnt have a straight who cares face, and you wouldnt be in jail saying all everyone is worried about is Caylee.
Youd be crying, searching, pleading, and going crazy not knowing where your child is!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy is living in a dream world. I feel bad, because when it comes crashing down she will never be able to handle it.
Casey left Caylee with Caylee's father. The father whom she has protected, for years. She told him that she was no longer going to be responsible for Caylee, she had done it "alone" for almost three years.

She left and never looked back. When Cindy called, and Casey made excuses it was only to keep Cindy off her back. She knew Caylee was fine, she was with her dad. She became a bit concerned when suddenly her car started smelling. She remembered running over some roadkill she tried to miss and wondered if that was where the smell was coming from. She mentioned it to a few friends and they agreed that's what it was.

Fast forward to the 24th, the day she got caught by GA at the Anthony home. GA is trying to get into the trunk to see if he can find the gas cans he believes she has stolen. He is in shock when he recognizes the smell of human decomposition. He and Casey fight, and he asks her who she killed and hid in the trunk. She swears it was only roadkill or maybe squirrels, but that she didn't kill anybody. She leaves and doesn't return again.

Fast forward again to CA & GA getting a notice that the car has been impounded. They go to the impound lot and start putting 2 + 2 together. They know what has happened and they call Lee in to circle the wagons around her. She gets picked up and brought home where Cindy and George begin to pound her with questions and accusations. She tells them the truth, that she left Caylee with the "babysitter" (Caylee's dad). They don't believe her, she lies and lies, why would they? They put on the act of supporting her only because Cindy is all about appearances and really, they're just trying to spare her the needle.

Fast forward, again, and you have LA being asked for his DNA. He refuses and also refuses to take a lie detector test. What did the Anthony's find out that LP always alludes to? Is this when they start to believe Casey may have told the truth? How could they have been so blind?

Could LA have committed the perfect murder? Could he have framed Casey? Could it be that she's not actually protecting anybody, she's told the truth but her parents don't believe her?

Just to clarify, I started typing as a challenge to myself and had no idea where this would lead me. I don't believe this is really what happened.

:) Jane
Only if she were pulling a George Costanza and doing the opposite of every instinct she had.
Wow, I really love everyone's ideas!
There is no logical reason for KC to look as calm as she does.

What is the motive for killing Caylee in any of these scenarios?
The rest seems plausible up til the death part.
Why would Cindy do it?
Why would Lee do it?
Why would George do it?
Here I will write BUT GEORGE DEFENSE............

(snipped for space)

I mulled over that theory also. I do think that Casey's mental/emotional instability would have lended to making Caylee an easy target for a pedophille whether family or friend.

No matter what....there's no justification for her silence....or Baez's if such is true of GA. It might make the 31 day wait more plausible due to the emotional trauma but not much else after that. Casey had a lot of support available to her....Padilla and his group.....Tim Miller & TES...a minister...Baez...therapists and even LE.

Would be poor defense planning too. If I was on jury at that trial and info, that could have been used for months to bring the child home to rest, was suddenly presented as the defensive's winning hand.....Caseys in for Life/DP.

Perry Mason wins are based on last minute knowledge. Though it's probable that Baez is too young to know of PM LOL
Here's what I think: Big fight on Father's Day.(We all know that really took place) Cindy tells Casey to leave but without Caylee. Casey says she is not going anywhere without Caylee, they struggle, Caylee falls hits her head and dies. They are distraught, everyones crying and they blame it all on Casey. She gets on her cell with TonE and then George and Cindy tell her to leave immediately and never come back. She runs to TonE. Casey tries calling them all the next day and they refuse to answer her calls. They are the ones that get rid of body. Try backyard, then somewhere else. George always has access to Caseys car especially when she abandons it and he is the one that has to go pick it up. Lee tells them not to take lie detector tests or get DNA because he knows what really happened. They tell Casey they will never tell police she was responsible for Caylees death but Cindy went into a fit of rage and called 911 without thinking when she found out Casey had stolen her car and charged over $40,000 on her credit cards. They came up with the story of the kidnapping and are sticking to it because they believe Caylee will never be found and Casey will be acquitted.

But, all in all, theres no scenario for killing an angel!
The problem with all these or any other scenarios that would make us understand and say KC was Mother of The Year is that if JB knew anything that could get KC out of jail right this minute, he would have told LE.
The problem with all these or any other scenarios that would make us understand and say KC was Mother of The Year is that if JB knew anything that could get KC out of jail right this minute, he would have told LE.

I don't think LE would listen to anything he would have to say right about now. (Unless he gave them a hug first)
Here's what I think: Big fight on Father's Day.(We all know that really took place) Cindy tells Casey to leave but without Caylee. Casey says she is not going anywhere without Caylee, they struggle, Caylee falls hits her head and dies. They are distraught, everyones crying and they blame it all on Casey. She gets on her cell with TonE and then George and Cindy tell her to leave immediately and never come back. She runs to TonE. Casey tries calling them all the next day and they refuse to answer her calls. They are the ones that get rid of body. Try backyard, then somewhere else. George always has access to Caseys car especially when she abandons it and he is the one that has to go pick it up. Lee tells them not to take lie detector tests or get DNA because he knows what really happened. They tell Casey they will never tell police she was responsible for Caylees death but Cindy went into a fit of rage and called 911 without thinking when she found out Casey had stolen her car and charged over $40,000 on her credit cards. They came up with the story of the kidnapping and are sticking to it because they believe Caylee will never be found and Casey will be acquitted.

But, all in all, theres no scenario for killing an angel!

Not a bad scenario-except if it was an accident why not call 911? With Cindy's nursing background and George's LE background I would think that they would have picked up the phone without even thinking twice.
She was following the script. She has been following her own script from Day 1.

The adoption scenario doesn't work. Those people would have come forward and produced Caylee.
Casey never wanted to be pregnant, or have a child. Cindy wanted Casey to have a child thinking it would make Casey grow up. Casey could never do the right thing in Cindy's eyes. She could never be the mother that Cindy expected her to be. Casey was used to having Cindy around to take care of Caylee and never learned how to do it on her own. After the fight about the stolen money Casey left with Caylee in tow, the only weapon she had against her Mother. She had overheard that Caylee was not welcome at her boyfriends place. Casey drove around until Caylee had fallen asleep in the car, and after she was asleep Casey put her in the trunk and went into Tony's place. The next day she opened the trunk and Caylee was dead. She panicked and left her there, she now was faced with her Mother's haunting words that she was not a good mother and there was no way that she would be able to face Cindy with what she had done. She avoids Cindy at all cost for a month. She didn't get the car in time before it was towed and that is when the story of the kidnapping began. And she has stuck with it because she will not accept the fact that her Mother was right.
The shape-shifters took her and told Casey they would end civilization as we know it if she told anyone.
Q: What scenario justifes Casey's actions?

A: um... well... hmmmmmmmm, let see.
Oh... okay: there was this one time at band ca... no, no, no, that is not it.
Let me think... *thinks*
*thinks some more*
Um, Regis, could I use a lifeline... call a friend? please?
Oh wait, Zani's phone got disconnected... dang it, just let me guess it:

Alex, what is intimidation by the underground brotherhood of the evil fluffy-tailed squirrel mafia, Floridian gator tooth gang chapter? no?

In all seriousness... I can not come up with ONE justifiable scenario in the name of keeping Caylee safe... not one.
I will say this, though (sorry for the multiple posting... as soon as I go to click away from this thread, something else jumps up in my mind): I do think the justification term is in existence in this case: Casey probably justifies keeping her mouth shut on the grounds of keeping HER tail and life safe. No Caylee means it is harder for Florida to hand down a death sentence, and keeps Cindy far enough into denial to stay Casey's loudest defender. (as we have all figured out, Casey was more worried about the "wrath of Cindy", than Caylee being missing... and I would guess, probably still is)
Q: What scenario justifes Casey's actions?

A: um... well... hmmmmmmmm, let see.
Oh... okay: there was this one time at band ca... no, no, no, that is not it.
Let me think... *thinks*
*thinks some more*
Um, Regis, could I use a lifeline... call a friend? please?
Oh wait, Zani's phone got disconnected... dang it, just let me guess it:

Alex, what is intimidation by the underground brotherhood of the evil fluffy-tailed squirrel mafia, Floridian gator tooth gang chapter? no?

Have you been bugging her cell again?! LOL This sounds just like one of her "scenarios". Too funny.
Only one woman that I know of has spent time in jail to keep her daughter safe. She had a husband that won custody and was molesting her daughter. She put the girl in an underground safe house and wouldn't tell where she was in court. I believe Clinton released her from jail when he got into office. Can't remember her name or dates. Just some thing that came to mind.

I don't think this is the case with CA and Caylee. I can't think of a defense for her.
I have a question has any evidence whatsover any tiny bit ever been shown to prove that Zanni the nanny does exist?

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