Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...

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Tee hee! Love your comment!

Thanks for all who contributed to this thead. Keep the stories coming. i am in the middle of filling out bankruptcy papers :eek:and unfortunately reality sucks right now. You all are so saving me.

I think a few posts ago summed it up for me. The shortest distance between 2 pts is a line. KC wanted her freedom and did not want CA to have her. I believe that myspace poem of CA. That is probably the only thing I believe from that woman.

Is the July 4th party wearing nothing but a flag part of the script KC?? Apparently FREEDOM meant everything to you.

OT, sorry you are going through that. Things will get better.:):blowkiss:
I have given this a great deal of thought, but my mind just gets tied up into knots trying to think of something. So, to answer the question--No, I can't think of a thing.
If there is a scenario that justifies all of this, well then.........may monkeys come flying out of my *advertiser censored**!!!!
If not for the hair and decomp in the trunk, I would understand this scenario.

KC was unable to take care of herself, much less Caylee too. She knew it. She wanted out of her parents' house and wanted to be young and free again. Rather than have Caylee raised by the A's, where she would be a constant reminder of her failure as a mother, raising a child with no father, and never getting out from under CA's rule, she let Caylee go for adoption. It was best for both of them.

She had to remain silent for some time period, '30 days, not to include legal holidays' or such so that the time for her to change her mind would expire and the adoption would be a done deal. As long as she didn't change her mind during that time period, the court ruling would be final and Caylee would belong to someone else, legally.

These may have been the people who babysat for Caylee so she would get to know and trust them. They may have given her the mysterious spending money, which seems to have come to a halt when Caylee disappeared and she had to start stealing.

She wants Caylee to have a happy life with a real family and a new puppy. She isn't going to say a word so that GA and CA will not try to get the child back from the wonderful family she now has.

There was a list of Caylee's favorite things written on a note pad.
She seemed to be keeping up with the days, 31 in fact.
Where did you find a list of Caylee's favorite things? Where was it?

For a long while, I considered Casey's nonchalant demeanor as complete confidence that Caylee was alive and well, or that she would never be found. I did think that adoption was credible and that a specific time period had to expire for finality. Her silence was to assure her parents had no say in the matter, not to mention spiting Cindy.

However, the police have traced every single phone call to and from her phone....there are no unknowns, no strangers who flitted in once or twice and never again. This is a person (much like my own granddaughter) who lives in communication with others. There is no way there isn't at least one or two calls that are suspicious. And I would have to believe that LE has thoroughly investigated all of her friends. Is it possible she was able to convince Caylee's real father (who has never been 100% identified), to take the little girl? If so, why not say so?

As difficult as it is for me to comprehend, Casey Anthony possessed the ability to carry on with her life without skipping a beat, for at least 31 days while her daughter was missing from her life. Her absolute silence and aura of confidence still says Caylee will never be found. She must have fed the baby to the alligators.

I have never seen anything like this case before. Casey Anthony will be a mandatory case study for future psychiatric students....she is truly an enigma.
I can't think of any scenario that justifies KC's actions. Her actions are much like her lies are.

Lies: She says something stupid and unbelievable and instead of fessing up she just SAYS more stupid and unbelievable things.

Actions: She does something stupid and unbelievable and instead of fessing up she just DOES more stupid and unbelievable things.

If she shut her mouth and acted straight that baby would either still be alive or at the very least be properly buried.

Short, simple, & very very sad at the same time!

:behindbar:behindbar:furious::behindbar KC's smirk makes me :furious! Why Oh Why do the A's & KC have to wait to tell the true story??? It's because they know the truth but r going to try & blame whoever fits suit to one of thier crazy stories when Caylee is found. I pray she is found so that the truth comes out though the A's will probably never admit that KC is responsible for Caylee's far too early departure on earth. :(:cry::cry::cry: She is now being loved & hugged by all the :angel::angel::angel:'s & the others that have gone before her r after! She is safe now from KC who can no longer hurt her anymore.

There is nothing to justify KC's actions when it concerns an innocent sweet child!

Justice For Caylee :angel:!
There is no reason.

Were it true, and even if it weren't and I had information, I'd admit to everything from drunk driving to murder if it meant the safety of my children.

There's something that just absolutely reeks about an alleged former L.E. grandfather who will not cooperate with L.E. when it comes to his granddaughter's welfare.

Does he (or anyone else in the family) actually think they are equipped to deal with such a situation on their own with a successful outcome?

The minute you hear, "Don't call the cops" that better be your first call if you have any hope of a happy ending.

He knows it. Everyone else knows it.

There is no excuse.
Yes she does! My doctor introduced me to her about a year ago. She's SO boring! About a half hour with her and she puts you to sleep! Plus, she only weighs about 2.5 mg. I hate her!

OK, completely not an answer to the question that started the thread, but this post just cracked me up. I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar, oh, and yes, my daughter had an actual babysitter watching her while I was out with friends :), and I'm at a tall top table with one of my girlfriends and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I want some Xanax, while opening his coat off to the side, like he's trying to sell me a watch. I, at the time, didn't know what Xanax was, and very indignantly, 'cause I thought he was being rude for interrupting our conversation, told him that I didn't have heartburn and he should peddle his wares elsewhere. Heh.

I thought it was Zantac. :crazy: I know, I'm a dork! :rolleyes:
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option:

Casey gets pregnant as a teen, she knows she is not equipped to raise a child at this point in her life, but her controlling and domineering mother convinces her that the best thing for the baby is to be raised by her own family. Cindy promises Casey that Casey will be able to live her life as she wants and to pursue her plans and dreams while Cindy raises little Caylee as her own. Against her better judgement Casey agrees to this arrangement.

Reality turns out a little different than these plans and we end up with much tension in the house. Casey and Cindy are trying to be the primary care giver to Caylee. But Cindy controls the finances, the insurance, the groceries, the very roof over their heads. Casey knew she was not able to provide those things and this is why she wanted to place her child for adoption, but she can't turn back the clock now, so she once again gives into Cindy and Cindy becomes the primary caregiver to Caylee. Cindy is making all the rules.

Casey feels trapped. Her education has been delayed. She is not employed at a level that would enable her to get out on her own. And even though Cindy told her she would be able to pursue all of those things while Cindy raised the baby that has not been true. Casey has to care for Caylee while Cindy is at work.

Cindy and Casey fight endlessly about these issues. It is getting so bad in the house that George and Cindy may divorce. Things come to a head in this power struggle with Cindy and Casey the weekend of June 15th with Cindy saying it is all or nothing. Either Casey lives under her roof and complies with Cindy's wishes regarding Caylee or Casey gets out from under Cindy's roof.

Casey leaves to go stay with her new boyfriend Tony, leaving Caylee in Cindy's care. During the next month she finally has some of the freedom she has yearned for, she is out at clubs, she is meeting new friends, she is entertaining Tony's roommates. They will all tell you she did not seem concerned at all for Caylee's wellbeing because she wasn't. Caylee was at home with Cindy to Casey's knowledge.

Now keep in mind the Sunfire is not Casey's car. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Casey drives it at Cindy's discretion. She does not have Cindy's car the 16-18th, even her friend Chris has testified in a sworn statement that she was driving Tony's jeep. Casey gets the Sunfire between June 19th and 20th. Around June 23rd to June 25th Casey notices a bad smell in the vehicle is getting worse and worse, she comments on it to friends, but she cannot identify the source, it is like nothing she has ever smelled before. After speaking to George she finds out that he has supposedly run something over recently. Again she relays that info to her friends.

On the 27th the Sunfire runs out of gas near the Amscott parking lot. Casey lets her father know of this and he says he will handle it. Unbeknownst to Casey George lets the car get impounded, possibly hoping it would go to scrap, but the certified letter shows up, they debate for a couple of days and decide to retrieve it. Casey does not see the vehicle again until July 15th. On that fateful day Cindy collapses the entire house of cards on this situation. She drags Casey home where Casey finds that Caylee is not there and a chain of events outside of Casey's control has already been put in motion. She is told quickly that Caylee has been kidnapped and these are the instructions.

The police arrive and Casey's only concern is Caylee and following the instructions Cindy has relayed to her. Within hours Casey is arrested and the police are implying that Caylee is dead. The dogs indicate a body has been in the Anthony's backyard and in the Anthony's Sunfire. Casey knows in her heart that Cindy could not hurt Caylee, at least she hopes not, but she cannot go there. She is being told by her parents that Caylee is alive, that they know where she is, they have people watching them and this will come to an end soon, but she must continue to follow instructions for the life of her daughter depends on it. Now she sits in jail, possibly facing the death penalty, while her very own mother makes ridiculous claims on TV, progressively making Casey the most hated woman in america, and prevents searching for looking for the very evidence that might clear her of these horrible charges.

Once again at Cindy's control, Casey's word against her Cindy's. The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?

A scenario like this is the only hope Casey could have of getting off free...pinning the whole mess on Cindy!!! (not that I think this is true, but nice try :)
A scenario like this is the only hope Casey could have of getting off free...pinning the whole mess on Cindy!!! (not that I think this is true, but nice try :)

I don't think it is true either, just offering up a scenario that could technically explain it, to someone who really wants to believe it ;)
At this point, there is no justifiable reason. If it were an accident, and that's a big if, she should've called 911 immediately. She is ultimately the person responsible for that little girl and her death.
Oh I know........." mother of the year award".........KC? or CA? LOL.........yeah right
OK, completely not an answer to the question that started the thread, but this post just cracked me up. I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar, oh, and yes, my daughter had an actual babysitter watching her while I was out with friends :), and I'm at a tall top table with one of my girlfriends and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I want some Xanax, while opening his coat off to the side, like he's trying to sell me a watch. I, at the time, didn't know what Xanax was, and very indignantly, 'cause I thought he was being rude for interrupting our conversation, told him that I didn't have heartburn and he should peddle his wares elsewhere. Heh.

I thought it was Zantac. :crazy: I know, I'm a dork! :rolleyes:

That is soooo funny.
At this point, there is no justifiable reason. If it were an accident, and that's a big if, she should've called 911 immediately. She is ultimately the person responsible for that little girl and her death.

I agree that at this point, there is no justifiable reason. Casey has had an opportunity to explain and has not cooperated.
OK, completely not an answer to the question that started the thread, but this post just cracked me up. I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar, oh, and yes, my daughter had an actual babysitter watching her while I was out with friends :), and I'm at a tall top table with one of my girlfriends and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I want some Xanax, while opening his coat off to the side, like he's trying to sell me a watch. I, at the time, didn't know what Xanax was, and very indignantly, 'cause I thought he was being rude for interrupting our conversation, told him that I didn't have heartburn and he should peddle his wares elsewhere. Heh.

I thought it was Zantac. :crazy: I know, I'm a dork! :rolleyes:

Love this!!! But it does illustrate the "bar scene" of today.
OK, completely not an answer to the question that started the thread, but this post just cracked me up. I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar, oh, and yes, my daughter had an actual babysitter watching her while I was out with friends :), and I'm at a tall top table with one of my girlfriends and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I want some Xanax, while opening his coat off to the side, like he's trying to sell me a watch. I, at the time, didn't know what Xanax was, and very indignantly, 'cause I thought he was being rude for interrupting our conversation, told him that I didn't have heartburn and he should peddle his wares elsewhere. Heh.

I thought it was Zantac. :crazy: I know, I'm a dork! :rolleyes:

:doh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:: I love it!
That's not even the worst of it. (sigh!) Extra-terrestrial subpeona service is a b****! Especially if there are cross-dimensional, or black hole issues. Then, there are the inter-planetary extradition problems. And, don't even get me STARTED on finding a decent court interpreter!:-(

Yeah Brini, we figured out early on the reason KC had no good phone numbers is because we don't have intergalactic connection at this time! Undoubtedly KC's Black Jack was really a communication device left behind by ET as a means to stay in touch with Caylee and the aliens. When KC lost the I.T.D., ET wrongly assumed KC didn't want Caylee returned at the end of her vacation. The aliens found the I.T.D. using Martian technology and beamed it home to the planet Yusocrasi, so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

KC had thoroughly examined the summer program before she to allowed Caylee to be the first Earth Child to vacation on Yusocraisi. Sworn to secrecy, KC agreed to follow the script she was given and was devastated when she realized she had misplaced her communication device. Knowing that she would be endangering the very success of the unique program she made up a new script, so she wouldn't accidentally give away the truth. After all who would believe the truth anyway?

Caylee is now being raised as the adopted Earth Child of the Prime Ambassador of outer Yusocrasi. She is loved by all and wants for nothing.

Knowing what sticklers humans can be about missing children ET invented an organic mixture of maize and cinnamon that appears to be little girl DNA in our primitive methods of detection. KC was supposed to use this very sparingly in and around Orlando to prove Caylee had indeed been vacationing. In a panic after losing the communication device KC spilled the whole vial in the back of her car. The moisture and the heat, combined with sugar and spice creating the perfect medium for bacteria that smells coincidentally just like human decomp, or rotten pizza depending on the life experiences of the person smelling it. This whole thing has been nothing but a mistake, a huge mistake.

When Caylee is returned KC will be awarded Mother of the Year, The Nobel Peace Prize and an academy award as best actress in a Block Buster surveillance tape.

Then, and only then will I agree that KC's was actions were justified.
Yeah Brini, we figured out early on the reason KC had no good phone numbers is because we don't have intergalactic connection at this time! Undoubtedly KC's Black Jack was really a communication device left behind by ET as a means to stay in touch with Caylee and the aliens. When KC lost the I.T.D., ET wrongly assumed KC didn't want Caylee returned at the end of her vacation. The aliens found the I.T.D. using Martian technology and beamed it home to the planet Yusocrasi, so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

KC had thoroughly examined the summer program before she to allowed Caylee to be the first Earth Child to vacation on Yusocraisi. Sworn to secrecy, KC agreed to follow the script she was given and was devastated when she realized she had misplaced her communication device. Knowing that she would be endangering the very success of the unique program she made up a new script, so she wouldn't accidentally give away the truth. After all who would believe the truth anyway?

Caylee is now being raised as the adopted Earth Child of the Prime Ambassador of outer Yusocrasi. She is loved by all and wants for nothing.

Knowing what sticklers humans can be about missing children ET invented an organic mixture of maize and cinnamon that appears to be little girl DNA in our primitive methods of detection. KC was supposed to use this very sparingly in and around Orlando to prove Caylee had indeed been vacationing. In a panic after losing the communication device KC spilled the whole vial in the back of her car. The moisture and the heat, combined with sugar and spice creating the perfect medium for bacteria that smells coincidentally just like human decomp, or rotten pizza depending on the life experiences of the person smelling it. This whole thing has been nothing but a mistake, a huge mistake.

When Caylee is returned KC will be awarded Mother of the Year, The Nobel Peace Prize and an academy award as best actress in a Block Buster surveillance tape.

Then, and only then will I agree that KC's was actions were justified.

Ok, I'll probably get in trouble for this one but do you think her lawyers are from the planet Uranus?
:laugh:Yes she does! My doctor introduced me to her about a year ago. She's SO boring! About a half hour with her and she puts you to sleep! Plus, she only weighs about 2.5 mg. I hate her!

:shocked2: :nerves: :abnormal:
Oh, Zanni is sooo much better when bulked up to 5.0!!
:chillpill: :Banane39: :chillpill: :Banane39: :chillpill:
Ok, I'll probably get in trouble for this one but do you think her lawyers are from the planet Uranus?

ET picked them up on his way to earth, all smart aliens know, never leave home without 'em!!

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