Names of Jurors just Released

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Wonder if the few jurors will collectively get together for an interview with..lets say the Today Show? They (NBC) might want to test the waters regarding public outcry in their quest for OCA's first interview. The jurors would probably be up for a visit to NY about now. Wined and dined again, you know.
I think most people have moved on, and I think the fact that FCA and the jurors did not get a fat payday has helped.
I hope they all are allowed to remain quiet if they desire and are left alone. Having watched the trial in it's entirety, I understand why they came to the verdict they did. Having been privy to the rest of the information that the jury didn't hear, I understand the public majority's outrage. They don't owe anyone an explanation for anything. Their identities should have remained secret.

I don't want them stalked or anyting but I wish they would explain how they got from "dead child in trash heap while in care of mother" to "not guilty" of anything but lying.
yes I know it was announced, I just had hoped it wouldn't happen for a very long time

I think it was a mistake for HHBP to keep their names secret. IMO they have a responsibility to the public to explain the reasons for their decision. Had they done it immediately after the verdict - they would not have had to live in "fear" for three months and by now it would be well over and done with.

It's like OCA. How many threats of violence has the local Sheriff or the OCSD actually had to investigate? We're not hearing any numbers at all - it's all talk. And I believe that's all it ever was. Watch this release of their names fizzle and die a quick death from lack of interest.

This jury knew after being sequestered for six weeks that this was an unpopular verdict. How did they know until they rejoined the world? Surely they would have known nothing about it until they walked out the door. So why the refusal to speak immediately after the verdict? I'd like to know how that went down - that's what I'd really like to know.

An angry mob bent on violence would have stormed the media centre after they refused to come out and speak. I saw a lot of anger afterwards, but I didn't see any violence. And since I come from a city that has had two riots when a crowd has been angry at a loss - I think I've got a good idea how it happens...
Just curious why they can not be sleuthed..It no different than anyone elses personel info gets sleuthed and put on here.. I wanna know more about them and their personel lives it might make it clearer why they came to their decision. I mean it is public info. So is it ok to release personal info on suspected killers and witnesses to crimes, just not them? Again not trying to start anything, just curious why its ok for some and not others

We don't allow sleuthing of private citizens until and unless they have been involved with a crime or named as a person of interest in a crime by LE or main stream media. The jurors were performing a civic duty and had no involvement in this crime.
Its been hard coming to the realization that these twelve individuals came to this decision. It could be said that the prosecution left out some key elements such as the stealing and prior bad behavior. But our "justice system" put rules in place to protect the defendant. I really believe that is the reason we are here today. Evidence too prejudicial to the defendant??? really?? isnt that what we are supposed to do? collect evidence of guilt to present at trial? but some evidence is too guilty? Come on!
I am upset with the jurors. Yes I believe that there was some hinkiness with the jurors. Yes I do believe that JBP was very uneven in his treatment of the two sides, almost makin it seem as if he favored the defense. But ultimately it is the system of laws and rules put in place to be manipulated and twisted and turned in order to get the desired result. I am more disgusted with a system that allowed there to be a way for Miss Casey Anthony to only pay 4 years for what she has done. That will always get me. RIP Caylee!
I have not been here to the CA forum in awhile because I swear I have been scarred for life with the verdict of this trial. I still visit webslueths often and am waiting for a trial to come up and if it ever ends up like this one I will have lost every ounce of trusting our justice system again.

Personally I could care less whatever happens to the jurors, they did their duty, case closed. But how could they ever have got it so WRONG is what I would be interested in hearing about.
I am amazed that the released inmate gets the protection from media, her location is not disclosed, she can wear a disguise during a deposition and yet the names of these jurors are released to the public who can very easily find out where they live and what they do.
Something is not right here.
I would hope no one would now try to harass these people. It's over and done with, they made their decision and nothing they say or do is going to make people feel any better, so IMO just leave em alone.

I'm glad they won't be sleuthed here though. They are just private citizens, they didn't commit any crime.
You may discuss this topic here; however, you may NOT sleuth the jurors and post your findings on this website. Please keep the topic of discussion limited to the makeup of the jury, gender, occupation, etc., and how that may have affected the outcome of the trial.

Any sleuthing of the juror's personal lives, addresses or public records will not be tolerated.

Thank you in advance for posting responsibly.

I am bumping this randomly up.. and it lands at random too... just in case anyone missed it...:rocker:
I see someone had the same idea as I did..I sure hope this thread doesn't turn into a jury bashing session. I think it would be very interesting to share our opinions on the jurors occupations and how that might effect their thought processes. It might be possible to form general opinions, not specific to ones character. I've included a link to the names and occupations. Please don't bash these people...they served on a jury. Whether you agree with their decision or not, they did not commit a crime...JMO
I don't think that the jurors are that upset about their identity being released. Remember that juror who wanted to sell his story to the media for at least $50.000? I think there are some of them who are planing their "fame-time" at this moment. Who knows!
I for one, hope they just keep their traps shut. I've honestly heard enough. The only thing that would make me feel slightly better is for them to collectlively say "we screwed up, we're sorry, we wanted to go home". Good riddence I say. I'm so sick to death over this entire circus I could just barf.
I need some help..I'm trying to bring a snapshot of a video over here from you tube. I've seen others do it but everything way I've tried so far isn't working. Could someone point me in the right direction for directions on how to...Please
I am amazed that the released inmate gets the protection from media, her location is not disclosed, she can wear a disguise during a deposition and yet the names of these jurors are released to the public who can very easily find out where they live and what they do.
Something is not right here.

Spot on. I agree with you there.:furious:
I don't think that the jurors are that upset about their identity being released. Remember that juror who wanted to sell his story to the media for at least $50.000? I think there are some of them who are planing their "fame-time" at this moment. Who knows!

That is the ONE juror I was interested. I hope he does get an interview, unpaid because he finds that he HAS to. I really want to see a TH ask him/her to justify that......
I can see this thread getting shut down...Websleuthes has a great reputation...members who enjoy coming here should want to protect that reputation. We sleuth...we find information-proof to back up our theorys...I still suspect something hinky about the verdict. In the video of the verdict reading JB is looking towards the jurors. He *advertiser censored* his head and it looks like he smiles just a little...very suttle. It looks to me like he is singling someone out. I can't get anyone to go watch and give me their one wants to watch that video..I didn't either but when I saw that I had to...jmo
I don't have much to say. I just want them to know that until they apologize, they are not forgiven. MOO.
I need some help..I'm trying to bring a snapshot of a video over here from you tube. I've seen others do it but everything way I've tried so far isn't working. Could someone point me in the right direction for directions on how to...Please

Are you talking about part of a youtube video, or the whole video?
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