Names of Jurors just Released

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With all due respect, I don't really think the media is to blame. The facts were there and in the court of public opinion, CA killed her daughter. Media or no media, it wasn't just a story, it was the truth.

The media took what they wanted from the Sunshine Law, and chose not to report anything the slightest bit exculpatory from the documents. Instead they chose to report, and highlight everything inculpatory from the documents. This bolstered the story the media was telling to the public, which in turn made the media the most money they could make.

This jury did not have the luxury of ignoring the exculpatory facts in this case. This jury reached a verdict of not guilty, because, in the eyes of these jurors, after listening to both the PT and the DT, and seeing all the evidence presented at trial, they felt the prosecution had not proven KC was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

In the court of public opinion, the media sold its story, and convinced the public the story was the truth. In a court of law, however, the jurors verdict of not guilty, shows that what the media portrayed as the truth, did not hold up in court and meet the burden of proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Who is to blame for the way the media reported this story for 3 years, if not the media? The jurors were only involved in this case for a couple of months, and they were told everything the prosecution had to tell them, and then they were told everything the defense had to tell them. This was totally different than what the media had been doing for three years, so it should not have been a shocking surprise, that after hearing both sides of the story, that the jury did not find KC guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

If any of these jurors decide to speak, I hope it will be on a live show, with no editing. Otherwise, the media will just edit out what they think puts the media in a bad light. If its live, then we get to hear what the jurors really have to say, not the media edited version.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I can see this thread getting shut down...Websleuthes has a great reputation...members who enjoy coming here should want to protect that reputation. We sleuth...we find information-proof to back up our theorys...I still suspect something hinky about the verdict. In the video of the verdict reading JB is looking towards the jurors. He *advertiser censored* his head and it looks like he smiles just a little...very suttle. It looks to me like he is singling someone out. I can't get anyone to go watch and give me their one wants to watch that video..I didn't either but when I saw that I had to...jmo

Why should this thread be shut down? I don't see anything here that would violate SoSueMe's admonition about not sleuthing the jurors. :waitasec:

But I do agree with you about the video MsMacG - no one wants to watch JB unless they absolutely HAVE to!
I wonder how they feel about the delay of the release, this morning? Personally, I don't care fore recurring nightmares, I would have wanted it all over and done with (given their quickness with the verdict itself, I sort of get that "over and done with" vibe from them). I suppose we'll be hearing from a few.


Some reports I've read so far gives examples. One juror had time to warn his neighbors. It said his neighbors were "looking out for him"
I can see how Judge P's decision for the delay gave the jurors time to prepare for the worst. I can see the benefit to ripping off that band aid but I can see his logic behind the decision for the delay. Forewarned is forearmed...jmo
I can see this thread getting shut down...Websleuthes has a great reputation...members who enjoy coming here should want to protect that reputation. We sleuth...we find information-proof to back up our theorys...I still suspect something hinky about the verdict. In the video of the verdict reading JB is looking towards the jurors. He *advertiser censored* his head and it looks like he smiles just a little...very suttle. It looks to me like he is singling someone out. I can't get anyone to go watch and give me their one wants to watch that video..I didn't either but when I saw that I had to...jmo too. I have my own theory about this, but thats all it is, a theory. In the end i have absolutely no idea how the jurors got to their verdict and im not sure their genders or occupations have anything at all to do with it.
Are you talking about part of a youtube video, or the whole video?

Hi Ranch...Thanks!

I want to pause the video at a certain point. Then take that snapshot..picture, and link it into a post here. Can I do that? I thought I've seen it before?
The media took what they wanted from the Sunshine Law, and chose not to report anything the slightest bit exculpatory from the documents. Instead they chose to report, and highlight everything inculpatory from the documents. This bolstered the story the media was telling to the public, which in turn made the media the most money they could make.
<respectfully snipped for space>

Wow, that's quite the hyperbolic statement. Any specific examples of the media's deliberate omissions you could share with us?

While I don't disagree that the media played up the salacious nature of this trial, I think it's inaccurate to say that they intentionally chose to report only that which would confirm KC's guilt.
Yes, it is going to be interesting to see if anyone at all chases them for an interview. Looking at the occupations of the jurors, and that some are parents and grandparents - it is inconceivable to me that they voted the way the did.

I'm not sure I'm ready for the excuses and the whining that we didn't know or hear what everyone else knew - didn't know Baez's statements throughout the whole trial are now just called theories/lies, or that they felt heavily pressured by one or two people on the jury as they came to their decision.

There just isn't any excuse, any explanation - there isn't anything they can say that will have me "resting easy" with their decision. And I do think they themselves brought on all the derision that's come their way since they waltzed out from the jury room with their decision. Not for me.....:furious:

Let the media camp out on their doorstep, I don't want to hear anymore of their excuses, they had the option of manslaughter and didn't take it. IMO, they are not any better than 12 'accomplices' after the fact. IMO, they all have the gonads the size of a blind mole, they should have used their voices when they could have made a difference.
Nurses, student nurse, retired nurse, and verizon workers.

Guess the defense picked loads of people who may sympathise with Cindy?

And one of the Jurists names is rather rhyme like...Can assume she may have been made fun of in her younger years. Kids being cruel and all that :(
I need some help..I'm trying to bring a snapshot of a video over here from you tube. I've seen others do it but everything way I've tried so far isn't working. Could someone point me in the right direction for directions on how to...Please

What is the still of? If it is of the jurors - it should not be posted here until our owners, Sue or Tricia say it is okay. I'm not sure we need to put their pictures up at this point. The jury is not on trial here and they are not to be sleuthed. So before any stills or other photos are posted, Sue and/or Tricia should weigh-in. Links to MSM are allowed and if the picture/video is at the link, others can see, watch it there.


Why should this thread be shut down? I don't see anything here that would violate SoSueMe's admonition about not sleuthing the jurors. :waitasec:

But I do agree with you about the video MsMacG - no one wants to watch JB unless they absolutely HAVE to!

:floorlaugh:....Totally agree with you on that point

I wasn't speaking to any post specifically. I've just seen threads run amuck before...Doesn't hurt to reinforce the warning. I think this could be an interesting thread, would hate to see it get shut down. I have to keep reminding myself not to get emotional...:furious:

Must... stick... to... topic....:banghead:
Nurses, student nurse, retired nurse, and verizon workers.

Guess the defense picked loads of people who may sympathise with Cindy?

And one of the Jurists names is rather ryhme like...Can assume she may have been made fun of in her younger years. Kids being cruel and all that :(

Given JBP's rush to seat a jury and deference to the DT in light of the death penalty, I don't know if I'd call it picking a jury as much as having it handed to them on a silver platter and tied with a big red bow. :rolleyes:
I see someone had the same idea as I did..I sure hope this thread doesn't turn into a jury bashing session. I think it would be very interesting to share our opinions on the jurors occupations and how that might effect their thought processes. It might be possible to form general opinions, not specific to ones character. I've included a link to the names and occupations. Please don't bash these people...they served on a jury. Whether you agree with their decision or not, they did not commit a crime...JMO

There's definitely a thought process to this in jury selection. We're taught in law school that certain factors go certain ways in a case. For example, jurors with more education are better in a scientific case or something to do with medical malpractice. Cops are fine to use a jury for criminal defendants (I was surprised by this). Age plays a part, as well as gender.

I think the education and employment of some of the jurors definitely played a part in their verdict. In a case I clerked on recently, it involved the death of a small child. There was a lot of medical testimony from both sides. Having medical professionals or even those who work in the medical field, like handling records, really did help out case. They were able to cut through the technical bull to see where the truth lay. Having a few more scientific/technical jurors may have played a part in their finding of reasonable doubt.
There's definitely a thought process to this in jury selection. We're taught in law school that certain factors go certain ways in a case. For example, jurors with more education are better in a scientific case or something to do with medical malpractice. Cops are fine to use a jury for criminal defendants (I was surprised by this). Age plays a part, as well as gender.

I think the education and employment of some of the jurors definitely played a part in their verdict. In a case I clerked on recently, it involved the death of a small child. There was a lot of medical testimony from both sides. Having medical professionals or even those who work in the medical field, like handling records, really did help out case. They were able to cut through the technical bull to see where the truth lay. Having a few more scientific/technical jurors may have played a part in their finding of reasonable doubt.


I'd respectfully disagree, AnaTeresa. I think it was more of a lack of deductive reasoning and failure to review the evidence than any technical expertise.
Hi Ranch...Thanks!

I want to pause the video at a certain point. Then take that snapshot..picture, and link it into a post here. Can I do that? I thought I've seen it before?

I sorry but I don't know how to bring a video screenshot over. Maybe someone else can help us as I would like to know how also.
What is the still of? If it is of the jurors - it should not be posted here until our owners, Sue or Tricia say it is okay. I'm not sure we need to put their pictures up at this point. The jury is not on trial here and they are not to be sleuthed. So before any stills or other photos are posted, Sue and/or Tricia should weigh-in. Links to MSM are allowed and if the picture/video is at the link, others can see, watch it there.



God No Salem...I would never intrude on someones personal space in that way. I should have been more specific...Sorry!

The picture is of JB during the verdict video. Is this not permitted? I've seen it done on other threads. It pertains to the connection between JB and the jury to support my theory...JB -possible jury tampering. The focus is on JB...NOT the jurors. If you think this is still inappropriate, let me know. Would it fit better in another thread? I will not post until I know it's OK.

I agree..I don't think we need any pictures of the jurors posted...Thanks!
You may discuss this topic here; however, you may NOT sleuth the jurors and post your findings on this website. Please keep the topic of discussion limited to the makeup of the jury, gender, occupation, etc., and how that may have affected the outcome of the trial.

Any sleuthing of the juror's personal lives, addresses or public records will not be tolerated.

Thank you in advance for posting responsibly.

Someone in the comment section of the article already took care of that.

I'm surprised the newspaper hasn't deleted it. Unbelievable.
God No Salem...I would never intrude on someones personal space in that way. I should have been more specific...Sorry!

The picture is of JB during the verdict video. Is this not permitted? I've seen it done on other threads. It pertains to the connection between JB and the jury to support my theory...JB -possible jury tampering. The focus is on JB...NOT the jurors. If you think this is still inappropriate, let me know. Would it fit better in another thread? I will not post until I know it's OK.

I agree..I don't think we need any pictures of the jurors posted...Thanks!

MsMacG, if you're gonna go posting pictures of JB then I'm gonna preemptively post this:

Yes - JB is allowed :) We have him all over the place. LOL.

We just need to be very careful and respectful of the jury. They were performing their civic duty and whether we agree or not, anyone of us could find ourselves in the same position. But more importantly, our Country needs to seat juries everyday - and some juries do get it right and we NEED them. If we run amuck here and drag these jury members through the mud, others will see that and will not want to be part of a jury and that just wouldn't be good for any of us.

So... that's my little lecture for the day :) Let's just keep it clean and respectful, like Sue said.

Nurses, student nurse, retired nurse, and verizon workers.
Guess the defense picked loads of people who may sympathise with Cindy?

And one of the Jurists names is rather rhyme like...Can assume she may have been made fun of in her younger years. Kids being cruel and all that :(


WoW...I didn't see that...Great point!

I guess I should use my glasses more often....:floorlaugh:

Totally agree...This could have effected the outcome...:waitasec:.......:sigh:
Yes - JB is allowed :) We have him all over the place. LOL.

We just need to be very careful and respectful of the jury. They were performing their civic duty and whether we agree or not, anyone of us could find ourselves in the same position. But more importantly, our Country needs to seat juries everyday - and some juries do get it right and we NEED them. If we run amuck here and drag these jury members through the mud, others will see that and will not want to be part of a jury and that just wouldn't be good for any of us.

So... that's my little lecture for the day :) Let's just keep it clean and respectful, like Sue said.


You said it much better than I.....Totally agree!....:twocents:
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