Names of Jurors just Released

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Wow! A new thread! And look how long it is! I'll have to read through when I have a chance.

The intelligence of these jurors has been questioned from the day the verdicts came in, but if you ask me... they're a smart bunch of people. And they're certainly not weaklings or sheep.

May I ask in your opinion what makes them a SMART BUNCH of people???

A murderer was set free to never be tryed again......:furious:
Though some of the characters in the extremely ugly life of OCA bear culpability to varying degrees while many others are completely innocent, it is remarkable how many lives this one young woman has damaged, twisted, or outright destroyed.

It really is no exaggeration to say she has left no person unscathed she has ever had more than casual contact with.

Her own baby daughter: murdered.

All of her "friends" : lied to, stolen from, accused by OCA of crimes.

All of her family: lied to, stolen from, accused by OCA.

Thousands of volunteers who tried to help: lied to, time and resources stolen, betrayed.

A complete stranger: lied about, accused of kidnapping, her reputation destroyed.

Her own attorney: under investigation.

Other members of her DT- ridiculed, scorned, demonstrating their basest selves

A jury of 12: ridiculed, scorned, blamed, fearful.

What a track record.
I hope one Ms. Casey Anthony personally contacts each juror to thank them.. over and over and over again. That might begin to give me a better feeling about them. Just a smidge... but I'd take it.
Yes, you did come to the decision of Caylee's guilt on your own, and yes, you were here from the get go. I have always respected your opinion :)

I would like to hear from these jurors, preferably several at once, and on a live show, where editing would be minimal or non existant. I think it would be interesting to hear what they had to say.

Who knows, they might all say, we know that witch was guilty as sin, but we only had a strong belief that she was guilty as sin, and when CM put up the reasonable doubt chart, the chart said strong belief did not equal proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Neither JA nor HHBP objected to CM's chart, so it must have been legally accurate. So even though we had a strong belief she was guilty, the prosecution did not prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and we had to come back with a verdict of not guilty.

It is the same old story here though. We can speculate about what they may say, what they may not say, and what the media might speculate about what it means if they do or don't talk now that their names have been revealed. But, unless they choose to speak, all we can do is speculate.

Now........ if they speak, after they speak, then we can speculate on what they meant when they said what they said LOL :)

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

Then there will be hand-wringing and worry for their safety after such public exposure... Although that evil, bloodthirsty public has yet to lay a hand on OCA or anyone else...
That's just it, we saw every piece of evidence. We have followed the case every single day. We saw in the Courtroom what the jurors did not see. We saw pictures they did not see. We followed the behavior of each and everyone involved in this case. We have cried and demanded Justice and it was not given.

The Juror's saw just a little window IMO of what we know.
I certainly could care less about their names. But what I would like is for them to come here and read EVERYTHING. See the complete Trial as we did and then come out and give us their opinion on the Verdict.

Part of me though want's no more publicity on this tragic case. More publicity = more money.

I posted earlier that I wasn't going to say anything more on this topic, but, your post knocked the cobwebs out of my head on one more thing that I would have added to my earlier post.

Yes, I hope the jury, in addition to reading everything and ever forum, blog out there, also took the time to WATCH the trail, and see it as we saw it, complete with C___y turning on and off as she did every single day; the faces, the grimaces, the pouting, the glares and anger and no emotion whatsoever at some of the most horrific things that they did not see cause they were once again taken out of the court room.
Nailed it!!!!!!!!!!

2 jurors that vacations scheduled that they were worried about, one of those being a cruise.
Another one that "didn't want to judge" ~
They entire process was rushed.
I'm not saying that we needed to sit though a 4-5 hour questioning like the defense did with that first guy, but come on, the time that this jury was picked in was crazy, IMO.

As other's have pointed out, the coddling of the defense team straight from the get-go.There is an old saying, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime", could very well apply to the Head Attorney in the case. He was not experienced enough to even have had his little finger in this case to begin with.
They tried this case in the media, and that's what they wanted and loved. They used the social media for their questioning of the witness's in open court for crying out loud!

I have sat and not commented on this jury, but, I hope that once they got home, that they spent every waking hour scouring the internet and reading and seeing what we have been privy to from the start as well.
I hope that it leaves them with a sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs for a very long time.

I don't believe for one minute that all of them were honest about their prior knowledge of this case, either.

Hinky, yes, all of it.
And, yes, Mrs. MacG, I know and remember exactly what you are talking about in regards to that little smug smirk that Baez tossed to the jurors out of the corner of his eye, real fast. I saw that, and I remember it clearly without having to go back and take another look at it.
Same with him giving the "6 shooter" pose in the hallway to the media when the defense rested it's case.
Who Does That???? Yeah, he's cocky and all that, but seriously???

It doesn't matter what any of the jurors have to say at this point, IMO. I'm sure that by now they have had ample time to hone any statements that they want out there.

One or two saying they felt pressured, another one or two on the fence, as we've already heard.
And, of course, the stand by, "the state didn't prove their case".

I felt halfway this trial that this would be outcome. I also remember joking with my son the day the defense rested, and saying, wouldn't it be something if they came back in a couple of hours with a verdict. Then, taking it back and saying, "well, no, they have to have a few hours to at least read the instructions and ask for one or two items to make it look legit".
Imagine my surprise when the next dang day...well.........history and here we are today. The day that the defense rested their case, it was reported that they had all shown up wearing their Sunday best. I can overlook that, but the second day, the same type of attire? I knew it then, they had their clothes packed. All they did was give consideration to the "lunch lady", and, ate her meal and then called it a day.

IMO, it would be in their best interest to just keep their mouths shut, cause there isn't anything that any one of them can say that will please, or, probably make sense to anyone, ever.

I "feel" that they were talking to each other when they shouldn't have been doing so, with all those side bars and being excused from the courtroom, not one of them at some point said, in anger, jest, or being tired, "OMG, you've got to be kidding, here we go again"??? Seriously. I know that I wouldn't have been able to not smart off about it at some point in time, "wasting my time" with all those sidebars and just plain stupidity???
Even with being told not to, at some point, everyone has that breaking point, or, most do; and in that tight, restricted envirement??

Oh that I've got that off my chest, I'll leave the rest to our esteemed members that always make much more sense than I do!
Thanks for everyone's input so far.

BBM and I probably should have bolded the whole post because I agree with you.

And to add, I guess because we are all nice, polite sleuthers, no one really wants to admit that the Judge did anything to screw this up. IMO he botched this from the beginning. Rush, rush, rush......sending ANYTHING BUT the message to jurors that THIS IS IMPORTANT, take your time, do it right. Catering and coddling the defense team to avoid a mistrial at ALL costs.

IMO, the Judge is as much to blame as the jury and I don't want to hear from any of them.
I think I would like to have them all together and answering why they found as they did to each count that was available. I don't understand how they came to the decision that they did so I would at least like to hear why they voted NG. And, just to be clear, "It wasn't beyond a reasonable doubt." is a copout, IMO. They will have to explain WHY it wasn't reasonable. This is JMO, and only that.
Actually, upon reflection, I can think of only one question that I would put to any of them.

The same one that Joy Behar asked Dottie.
"Would you let C____y babysit for your child or grandchild.........?"
I haven't read through this entire thread, but I have to say that I think it is horrible that any juror's names are ever released. I was a juror on a murder trial and I was shocked when they made me state my name and occupation in front of the gangbanger murderer his family and his gangbanger brothers that were in the courtroom. I don't live in a huge city, I'm the only one in my town with my name and you could easily find me. We weren't sequestered, had no police escort to the parking garage and they followed us out at the end of the day, every day for two weeks. I slept with one eye open for several months after convicting him for the murder. I will never, ever serve on a jury again, I'd rather go to jail than endure the sleepless nights, jumping at every noise, waking in the middle of the night to make sure my children were safely tucked in bed and checking locks on windows and doors over and over again. I am as outraged at their information being released as I was by their verdict.
I haven't read through this entire thread, but I have to say that I think it is horrible that any juror's names are ever released. I was a juror on a murder trial and I was shocked when they made me state my name and occupation in front of the gangbanger murderer his family and his gangbanger brothers that were in the courtroom. I don't live in a huge city, I'm the only one in my town with my name and you could easily find me. We weren't sequestered, had no police escort to the parking garage and they followed us out at the end of the day, every day for two weeks. I slept with one eye open for several months after convicting him for the murder. I will never, ever serve on a jury again, I'd rather go to jail than endure the sleepless nights, jumping at every noise, waking in the middle of the night to make sure my children were safely tucked in bed and checking locks on windows and doors over and over again. I am as outraged at their information being released as I was by their verdict.

Thank you for a big fat dose of reality.
I think there are a lot of people who are just dying for a juror to say that they were wrong about their verdict. That juror would become everybody's darling, right? They'd be loved and adored for all eternity (or at least as long as people remain fixated on this case, which could be a very long time). And who knows? That wish may come true. But even if it does, that means nothing as far as the rest of the jurors are concerned.
<respectfully snipped for length>

:floorlaugh: I seeeeeriously doubt you have to worry about any of these jurors becoming loved, adored, or "everybody's darling".
I haven't read through this entire thread, but I have to say that I think it is horrible that any juror's names are ever released. I was a juror on a murder trial and I was shocked when they made me state my name and occupation in front of the gangbanger murderer his family and his gangbanger brothers that were in the courtroom. I don't live in a huge city, I'm the only one in my town with my name and you could easily find me. We weren't sequestered, had no police escort to the parking garage and they followed us out at the end of the day, every day for two weeks. I slept with one eye open for several months after convicting him for the murder. I will never, ever serve on a jury again, I'd rather go to jail than endure the sleepless nights, jumping at every noise, waking in the middle of the night to make sure my children were safely tucked in bed and checking locks on windows and doors over and over again. I am as outraged at their information being released as I was by their verdict.

You have a huge amount of sympathy for the awful situation you were left in - but there is no comparison between OCA's trial and a trial for a couple of gangbangers in a small town - no comparison at all. Unless you too voted not guilty too?
Has anyone from the Anthony family been menacing these jurors? Have any of the public? A rude email or two from a few off the board members of the public to me don't count - easy enough to change your email...if you have to change your phone number to unlisted - but no whacko is looking for the Pinellas jury.
No, their 'juror' jobs ended when the judge excused them. The time to play 'public person' ended then.

They no longer owe the public anything.

Their "job" may have ended now but they certainly didn't do their job when they owed it to the public and our justice system.

That "smart bunch of people" elected a foreman who didn't even know they were allowed to consider KC's actions. That foreman who could" read people" so well because he had to use that skill in his profession as a PE teacher. That same foreman who read JB and thought he was "very professional". That foreman who replied to GVS when she asked if he thought about the DP when considering the verdict, "It was written on the verdict paper on the table right in front of us." Really? Did he not read the verdict paper or did he just lie because it suited him?

I could go on and on but it's all been said before. "Smart bunch of people" is not a description they have to worry about being saddled with.
You have a huge amount of sympathy for the awful situation you were left in - but there is no comparison between OCA's trial and a trial for a couple of gangbangers in a small town - no comparison at all. Unless you too voted not guilty too?
Has anyone from the Anthony family been menacing these jurors? Have any of the public? A rude email or two from a few off the board members of the public to me don't count - easy enough to change your email...if you have to change your phone number to unlisted - but no whacko is looking for the Pinellas jury.

i figure if anything any member of the a's( ga being a possible exception) are probably ( or would) EMBRACE the jury that got their daughter off...oh wait, did ca say that fca being found not guilty was god's will or way saying she was innocent?:waitasec:
dont know the specs of the previous poster who said they were part of a jury where their name, place of work,ect was stated in front of the gangbangers. ( im wanting to say "ks1"?)going out on a limb here, but i believe they/that jury probably did do their job, and the gangbangers at least got some kind of jail time vs walking scott free. ( and if they do get out , eg sentenced to 5, 10 years,ex. i dont blame the posters fears)
of course just MOO
Actually, upon reflection, I can think of only one question that I would put to any of them.

The same one that Joy Behar asked Dottie.
"Would you let C____y babysit for your child or grandchild.........?"

And to this day I still think the Pineallas 12 should be the ones to deal with Casey from here on out.

Let her steal from them, babysit their children or grandchildren, let her mooch off them. Let her be their neighbor.

Yeah .... doubt they would think she was so innocent then.
i figure if anything any member of the a's( ga being a possible exception) are probably ( or would) EMBRACE the jury that got their daughter off...oh wait, did ca say that fca being found not guilty was god's will or way saying she was innocent?:waitasec:
dont know the specs of the previous poster who said they were part of a jury where their name, place of work,ect was stated in front of the gangbangers. ( im wanting to say "ks1"?)going out on a limb here, but i believe they/that jury probably did do their job, and the gangbangers at least got some kind of jail time vs walking scott free. ( and if they do get out , eg sentenced to 5, 10 years,ex. i dont blame the posters fears)
of course just MOO

I am not sure what the sentence was but in reading the post, there was a murder conviction.

"I slept with one eye open for several months after convicting him for the murder."
My hope is that sweet, baby Caylees face haunts their dreams for eternity. And, that they never make one dime off of her tiny, dead body.
I think there are a lot of people who are just dying for a juror to say that they were wrong about their verdict. That juror would become everybody's darling, right? They'd be loved and adored for all eternity (or at least as long as people remain fixated on this case, which could be a very long time). And who knows? That wish may come true. But even if it does, that means nothing as far as the rest of the jurors are concerned.
(respectfully snipped)

They wouldn't become 'everybody's darling' or loved. They'd become someone who got it wrong and then admitted it.
Why would someone who let a killer go free because they got it wrong suddenly become endeared to anyone?
I haven't read through this entire thread, but I have to say that I think it is horrible that any juror's names are ever released. I was a juror on a murder trial and I was shocked when they made me state my name and occupation in front of the gangbanger murderer his family and his gangbanger brothers that were in the courtroom. I don't live in a huge city, I'm the only one in my town with my name and you could easily find me. We weren't sequestered, had no police escort to the parking garage and they followed us out at the end of the day, every day for two weeks. I slept with one eye open for several months after convicting him for the murder. I will never, ever serve on a jury again, I'd rather go to jail than endure the sleepless nights, jumping at every noise, waking in the middle of the night to make sure my children were safely tucked in bed and checking locks on windows and doors over and over again. I am as outraged at their information being released as I was by their verdict.

I totally agree. I felt the same panic, fear and anger when I found out that my name was released after convicting a child molester who was the son of a very wealthy, high profile, influential famiy in the 2nd largest city in Alabama. At the time I had 3 young kids and I wanted to just go back home, de-stress and get back to "normal". (I was sequestered for 2 weeks) omg...I was paranoid enough, I cannot even begin to imagine convicting a gang member! I completely understand where you are coming from. :hug:

Voir dire didn't bother me. I understood why they needed to know my occupation, # of children, whatever other innocuous questions they asked... but WTH was my NAME anyone's business?

I don't buy the "public's right to know" argument. Those performing their civic duty should have a right to confidentiality (if they so choose) and it should trump the " public's right to know".

Other than the media (:rolleyes:), I cannot think of one single reason why anyone should WANT to know. I don't agree with this jury's verdict, I don't have any respect for the lack of serious deliberations...I don't like anything about the outcome of this case but who gives a darn what a juror's name is? I don't get it.

eta: I personally believe juror's names should be sealed and ONLY opened if there is an serious issue of juror misconduct that has been investigated and deemed worthy of charges.
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