Names of Jurors just Released

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:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:......Good One!

I still have to figure out how to do it....It will give everyone time to prepare...Hide your kids...Cover your eyes...:floorlaugh:

TH's warning....May not be suitable for small children!....:floorlaugh:

BBM-I can't hear that without thinking of this:

[ame=""]BED INTRUDER SONG!!! (now on iTunes) - YouTube[/ame]
my bold :blowkiss: I never forgot any of that, which is why I said "knowing what I knew".....I assume, which is all I can do, that were I a juror, with my ability to reason (dont laugh, I CAN REASON! :floorlaugh:), I would have still cut GA lots of slack for hostility. because exactly what you just said ...any man accused of the things JB accused him of would react in a bad and ugly manner.

I assumed that the jurors would also recognise this and cut GA some slack - enough to hear the rest of the evidence. they didnt. that's what staggers me. but I always wonder, had GA been both hostile AND truthful, maybe things would have been different. according to miss "I know my jury" singer, the answer is still no, so maybe, maybe not.

Hmm - I thought he was relatively truthful...I didn't believe a word of what "River" said- thought she was a scam artist from the get go. For someone like George to have carried on an affair considering the stress he was under was a real "stretch" for his age. A younger man....maybe...which is not to say do I deny he may have wanted to...and I couldn't figure out why the jurors couldn't see that.
I wonder if any of them have regrets that they didn't take a few days to review the evidence? What an enormous waste of tax payer's monies. Were they lazy? Narrow minded? Resentful of their duty? WTH? It's not so much that they set her free, they did it without a second thought. Literally. :mad:
I have NO interest what so ever of the names of the 12 that let Caylee down. So blah, go on with your lives. You mean nothing to me, but you will have to face Caylee someday....

Yup, and if I were any of the pinellas 12 that's what I surely would be most afraid of having to do one day. What they experience in this life will be nothing compared to when they have to come face to face with sweet Caylee.
You may discuss this topic here; however, you may NOT sleuth the jurors and post your findings on this website. Please keep the topic of discussion limited to the makeup of the jury, gender, occupation, etc., and how that may have affected the outcome of the trial.

Any sleuthing of the juror's personal lives, addresses or public records will not be tolerated.

Thank you in advance for posting responsibly.

Please review the portion of Sue's post I bolded. THAT is the topic of this thread.

Take the inculpatory/exculpatory discussion to the Sidebar or another relevant topical thread.

Thanks. :)
I have to say, looking at their occupations, I am just shocked that these people were such sheep. They had jobs that required independent thought and critical thinking. I just don't get it. One even worked in the child welfare field (but not ask a case worker, as an administrative assistant, meaning paperwork and possibly answering phones. I know because I was one). I really wish they would talk, but so far, nothing more. I wonder if they were cowards or did what one person told them to do.

Doesn't make me feel any better to find out their names and occupations. I thought it would, but it only makes sadder about the verdict. I do still believe that they are a rarity, though. It was like the cosmos aligned for the perfectly wrong jury for that trial. The only peace I get is knowing that Casey is suffering through her probation and will probably offend again because that's all she knows how to do.

I'm so sorry, Caylee. These people should have known better. They should have. I just wish we could find out WHY. You deserve to know the answer to that question!
I was reading on this link about the jurors' names being released. It shows a picture of FCA wearing all white. Was this taken at the trial? I was thinking she always wore the oversized tan sweater.

She had one off white top and jacket she wore at jury selection and then wore I think once as a complete outfit at the beginning of the trial. After that she "softened" her image and looked younger or more "vulnerable". I think they were trying to make her look "business professional" for a while but then decided for the juror's sake that a less sophisticated image might "sell" her better...grieving young mother and all...
I have no interest in these jurors' (or jurors in any other trial) names, where they live, what they do for a living, what their families are like, what their hobbies are, or anything else about them personally. None of that is any of of my business, but even if I did care enough to track that info down, it wouldn't matter one bit. Ten people could look at a piece of juror trivia and spin it ten different ways. In the end, trial-watchers will see whatever they want to see in any tidbit.
She had one off white top and jacket she wore at jury selection and then wore I think once as a complete outfit at the beginning of the trial. After that she "softened" her image and looked younger or more "vulnerable". I think they were trying to make her look "business professional" for a while but then decided for the juror's sake that a less sophisticated image might "sell" her better...grieving young mother and all...

I didn't remember it. I was afraid it may have been a new paid-for picture.
I wish the jurors who didn't agree at the beginning had been strong enough to hold their ground. A deadlocked jury would have called for a mistrial which would have been easier for me to understand than this result.

At this point though, it's not worth much to hear from any of them about how they viewed the evidence and came to their decision. It can't be undone now.
I didn't remember it. I was afraid it may have been a new paid-for picture.

That may be the one she wrapped around her and tied it in the back. I don't think we saw it after that day. Could be for the comments that were flying around that time about it. jmo
I personally don't give a flying flip who the jurors are. I have my opinion of who they are...and it ain't pretty. Don't like them any more today, that I did on that fateful day in the past when my mouth dropped to the floor and I went into a kind of disbelief coma....I can still feel it when I let myself go back to that day....
But I would bet my right arm that the book deals and media appearances will start to fly. Now that they are out in the open and can freely "tell their story".....awww...poor pitiful things.....riiiiiiiiiiight.
She had one off white top and jacket she wore at jury selection and then wore I think once as a complete outfit at the beginning of the trial. After that she "softened" her image and looked younger or more "vulnerable". I think they were trying to make her look "business professional" for a while but then decided for the juror's sake that a less sophisticated image might "sell" her better...grieving young mother and all...

Vulnerable... definitely...the DT had Casey sitting very LOW in her chair to appear small, meek, like a child....
If I felt like I had done my job and did it to the best of my ability I would be speaking up for myself. With their names published there is no reason not to speak unless they are ashamed of their actions. I don't need to know these jurors names, but if it will make them feel responsible for their actions, or inaction, so be it.
If I felt like I had done my job and did it to the best of my ability I would be speaking up for myself. With their names published there is no reason not to speak unless they are ashamed of their actions. I don't need to know these jurors names, but if it will make them feel responsible for their actions, or inaction, so be it.

Maybe they should all go together and do a Dr. Phil show, lol. But seriously, they could do something together to assure people that when they made their decision they thought they were doing the right thing, or they did not fully understand the judge's instructions, or they were being pressured because the majority wanted to go home. Whatever happened I think if they spoke as a group and cleared the air it would do them good and we would have an understanding of what went wrong. jmo
I'm most interested in knowing what their employers think / thought about their decision making abilities and critical thinking skills!

Especially those who worked / work in the healthcare and childhood education fields...IF they were included in they were included in the "we don't know who the caretaker was" category; as a manager; I would question their ability to discern their role in patient / child care..but that's just me!

So...the only "new" info released was their name(s) and the 1 comment from the foreman saying he didn't want to draw more attention, so he wouldn't grant an interview...BUT went on to discuss with the interviewer, about his students, his neighborhood "look outs" and his decreased level of fear.:waitasec:

Unless I missed something...that's all of the "breaking Juror News" today. It seems the "secret" juror's names were only secret to us the "general public"; which IMO is still hinky!

(source for "caretaker" comment)

(source for jury foreman comment)

(source for media knowledge comment)
"Every single juror has a friend or relative and co-worker who knows they served on the jury and they're talking," said the host, who said she wasn't even aware the jurors' names were kept from the public until Monday. "Everybody in media here knows who they are. Sometimes we're tripping over each other at these people's homes, because everybody knows."
If I felt like I had done my job and did it to the best of my ability I would be speaking up for myself. With their names published there is no reason not to speak unless they are ashamed of their actions. I don't need to know these jurors names, but if it will make them feel responsible for their actions, or inaction, so be it.

i like your post 3doglady - because the jurors actual names or their addresses for that matter aren't of interest to me, although their occupations were. I would like to hear them speak however and hope we are given the opportunity to hear why they voted the way they did.
I don't wish them harm. I just would like to know what the heck they were thinking. If they were.
Maybe they should all go together and do a Dr. Phil show, lol. But seriously, they could do something together to assure people that when they made their decision they thought they were doing the right thing, or they did not fully understand the judge's instructions, or they were being pressured because the majority wanted to go home. Whatever happened I think if they spoke as a group and cleared the air it would do them good and we would have an understanding of what went wrong. jmo

Sure like the cases that are presented on Dateline I think it is. They sit in a group and are able to speak in a protected environment by answering questions and speaking their mind. I'd like to see that!
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