Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #10

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I thought he did a pretty good job with that Rebuttal.
A lot of his statements could be checked with phone calls, looking at records, or looking at emails. For example he mentioned taking one of his daughters to the doctor after it was alleged that he never did. It would be fairly easy to confirm that he was in the doctors office.

My impression was that a lot of the statements from NC's friends were just lies/exaggerations in an effort to pile on someone they see as guilty. Some of the things they stated just seemed absurd to me and hard to believe.

That said, just because he may not be as bad a person as NC's friends tried to paint him out to be that doesn't mean he didn't kill his wife.

I agree with all of this. I have been through this kind of divorce as well so when I read his rebuttal's I absolutely believe him. It's easy for me because I lived through it as well. I have mentioned earlier in some of my posts to this even before his latest updates. Stating that spouse that are not happy will in fact over exaggerate and even lie for sympathy. I live it so I have felt it. Besides everything he refutes can be verified with records. That in itself is huge. Again doesn't mean he didn't kill her.
Well, I don't know about the rest of the country, but around Cary and especially in Nancy's age group and social bracket, ball caps are definitely IN!

(I wouldn't wear one, either)

OMG my girl friend is a foo foo girl and she has ball caps that are pink and she loves to wear.
Hi....first post but I've been lurking/reading all of the links for a while and wanted to post my thoughts. First off, I am of the belief that Brad did commit the crime (although there is no confirmed evidence yet to support that so I am keeping an open mind). The reason for my belief is as follows:

(1) Statistics show that a majority of murders are not random events.
(2) There was obviously a lot of stress in this relationship (IMO not all Brad's fault). It adds to "motive". I have seen friends do things that boggled my mind when they went through a separation / divorce.
(3) Looking at the "draft" separation agreements, Brad was going to have to pay a lot. I realized the agreement was not signed yet..but even if he negotiated some of that back, he still was going to suffer financially. Again, it adds to Motive.
(4) Based on rumors/statements that came out both on here and in the community, Brad's personality was portrayed controlling and narcissistic. I heard about his limiting her money and affairs within the local community long before they came out in the affidavits.
(5) For each piece of information that came out, there can be a very credible explanation, but when you take everything in totality, it doesn't add up (IMHO).

All that said, it may be very difficult for the police to get the evidence needed in this case. For example, "if" he strangled her and then dumped her body, there "could" be very little credible evidence that he committed the crime.

Lastly, I don't put a lot of stock in the affidavits for the child custody case. I have been involved in these in the past when 2 sets of good friends went through a divorce. I was shocked how events were portrayed. Each side is trying to make the other side look as bad as possible (or make themselves look as good as possible).
Hi....first post but I've been lurking/reading all of the links for a while and wanted to post my thoughts. First off, I am of the belief that Brad did commit the crime (although there is no confirmed evidence yet to support that so I am keeping an open mind). The reason for my belief is as follows:

(1) Statistics show that a majority of murders are not random events.
(2) There was obviously a lot of stress in this relationship (IMO not all Brad's fault). It adds to "motive". I have seen friends do things that boggled my mind when they went through a separation / divorce.
(3) Looking at the "draft" separation agreements, Brad was going to have to pay a lot. I realized the agreement was not signed yet..but even if he negotiated some of that back, he still was going to suffer financially. Again, it adds to Motive.
(4) Based on rumors/statements that came out both on here and in the community, Brad's personality was portrayed controlling and narcissistic. I heard about his limiting her money and affairs within the local community long before they came out in the affidavits.
(5) For each piece of information that came out, there can be a very credible explanation, but when you take everything in totality, it doesn't add up (IMHO).

All that said, it may be very difficult for the police to get the evidence needed in this case. For example, "if" he strangled her and then dumped her body, there "could" be very little credible evidence that he committed the crime.

Lastly, I don't put a lot of stock in the affidavits for the child custody case. I have been involved in these in the past when 2 sets of good friends went through a divorce. I was shocked how events were portrayed. Each side is trying to make the other side look as bad as possible (or make themselves look as good as possible).

Yep - excellent post !

I didn't even know there are such things as $200 pedis outside of Beverly Hills. The most I've ever paid for a pedi was $30 + tip. QUOTE]

Why would a runner want a $200 pedicure? The action of the socks and the running shoes would ruin it immediately. And I haven't heard of a $200 price around here, either. Although if part of a complete spa package, it might make sense. But it just doesn't sound right to me.

As I have stated before there is so much of this that hits home in my own experiences. My ex ran races... The one posted on here was a 5k which is three miles. My ex ran these as well and finished with the same times NC did. NC finished in like 33 minutes. Thats over 10 minute miles...thats not a serious runner...thats recreation which is why my ex ran them.
Why would he even fight custody? The best interest of the children is what is important here. If he were any kind of a father right now...he would step aside.

If he's innocent why wouldn't he fight for custody? IF he is innocent .. their mother has been murdered ... and he is their father .. period.
I know that for most general payments, the person paying doesn't have to be on the bill. However, sometimes when a utility is already cut-off it can get tricky. Even when trying to get emergency assistance, the person applying has to be the person on the bill. Also, why did Brad let it even get to that point? He was the one paying the bigger bills and leaving her with weekly allotments.

Did he also not check his own mail and notice the water disconnect notice with his name on it? I'm not saying that she may not have had some financial management issues, but again even Brad states that he was the one who took care of the major expenses.

Mail??? I live 3 miles from them...I have the same water company and I pay mine online...I get no mail.
I just posted on another thread. ITA, in that I have not seen evidence of child abuse. Afterall...NC did leave her kids with him whenever she went jogging...and on the eve of her death...she remained at this party and left him home with the girls...that just spells trust to me. In particular on the eve of her death...when things could have been at their worst. If she were worried she wouldn't have left them with him.

I am also saddened at how the police had to take the girls from him.

IMO, just from the outside looking in, as I have no personal experience with abuse, but know several people that have escaped such unions.

I think it's one of those situations where you have to actually be there to understand, as in Nancy.

She may have expressed, to her friends, that she was physically afraid of Brad, but that was most likely when she was in an emotional state to be afraid......But then, he's nice, it's ok...............then he gets mad and she's not ok................then he gets mad and she's afraid again,..........but then he's ok and kisses away the fear,...........then he gets angry, but at her, not the kids, he loves them..............

I don't know if I've made myself clear, but seeing someone in such a situaion, that's how I saw it. PLUS, you NEVER want to believe they would REALLY do anything, you've been watching too much tv, they couldn't........they wouldn't.....or would they?

Emotional abuse is one step away from physical abuse and physical abuse is one step away from..............murder.


PS...I'm not saying that happened with THIS case. I frankly don't know either way, I'm like everyone else, just watching from the outside looking in. But, THIS is how abusive relationships work. Oh, and often times, NO ONE knew a thing........ala, Laci Peterson, classic example.......fran
Hi....first post but I've been lurking/reading all of the links for a while and wanted to post my thoughts. First off, I am of the belief that Brad did commit the crime (although there is no confirmed evidence yet to support that so I am keeping an open mind). The reason for my belief is as follows:

(1) Statistics show that a majority of murders are not random events.
(2) There was obviously a lot of stress in this relationship (IMO not all Brad's fault). It adds to "motive". I have seen friends do things that boggled my mind when they went through a separation / divorce.
(3) Looking at the "draft" separation agreements, Brad was going to have to pay a lot. I realized the agreement was not signed yet..but even if he negotiated some of that back, he still was going to suffer financially. Again, it adds to Motive.
(4) Based on rumors/statements that came out both on here and in the community, Brad's personality was portrayed controlling and narcissistic. I heard about his limiting her money and affairs within the local community long before they came out in the affidavits.
(5) For each piece of information that came out, there can be a very credible explanation, but when you take everything in totality, it doesn't add up (IMHO).

All that said, it may be very difficult for the police to get the evidence needed in this case. For example, "if" he strangled her and then dumped her body, there "could" be very little credible evidence that he committed the crime.

Lastly, I don't put a lot of stock in the affidavits for the child custody case. I have been involved in these in the past when 2 sets of good friends went through a divorce. I was shocked how events were portrayed. Each side is trying to make the other side look as bad as possible (or make themselves look as good as possible).

Thank you for joining us and WELCOME to Websleuths! :)
Your post is spot on!

I saw something last night about all of the wranglings going back and forth over the custody issue. Like you said about not putting a lot of stock into those affidavits,....I guess that could be true. LOL, but you know what? LE is lovin' it! This was from a former LE officer, I believe. He said something about how this is highly unusual all of this PERSONAL information coming out and how HELPFUL it will be to LE in their investigation. ;)

Perhaps Brad's lawyers might consider that before they decide to run to the courthouse with their next round of affidavits.:rolleyes:

Just sayin'

Again, welcome and keep posting.........fran
Kind of moot now, since new information says they did not have a voip system in their home, but...
If he did have his own system in his home, he would be the sysadmin for the CM and could erase those records. Do local phone companies keep records of local calls?

Local phone companies have the records as well... and yes he could delete them but you can not delete them with out leaving behind WHOM deleted them. And deleting them on the CM only deletes one segment of the entire call. He would have to access any LEC system that call went over and find a way to delete the fact he was even logged onto the CM. It cant be done. In the world of networking and security EVERYTHING is covered for multiple reasons.
About Cary's water bill...
We (Cary residents) are charged for more than just water on this bill. There are 3 charges on the 1 bill.


Most bills average $80 to $100 for a family of 4.
The calulation is if you run the water, you are charged for sewer also. Even washing a car. TOC has no way of knowing what the water was used for. So, YES you are charged both even if you didn't use the sewer system.
Anyone can pay a bill to the TOC, it does not need to be the one named on the bill. The town just wants the $$ that is owed.

Another party can't request the water to be turned OFF if the bill is in another persons name. That is when another party has no rights to the service.
Now you have your thinkin' cap on! ;)


Would he know how to change computer harddrive data?

We're not dealing with a dummy here. He's got an MBA, after all.:rolleyes:

Hope LE brings in the top computer people. THIS could be interesting and very drawn out.:eek: was pretty late last night when WRAL brought up the shelter information. Wonder if Brad saw it?:confused:

Think he got any sleep last night or had he anticipated the possibility Nancy had seeked counsel outside? :waitasec:

Is there some unknown party who's aware of what went on behind those closed doors? :bang:

This could be interesting.


Again I answered this...he has no way of eliminating all records. He could only delete whats in the Call Manager but again that would log he deleted them. He would have no access to the LEC's records.
About Cary's water bill...
We (Cary residents) are charged for more than just water on this bill. There are 3 charges on the 1 bill.


Most bills average $80 to $100 for a family of 4.
The calulation is if you run the water, you are charged for sewer also. Even washing a car. TOC has no way of knowing what the water was used for. So, YES you are charged both even if you didn't use the sewer system.
Anyone can pay a bill to the TOC, it does not need to be the one named on the bill. The town just wants the $$ that is owed.

Another party can't request the water to be turned OFF if the bill is in another persons name. That is when another party has no rights to the service.

I have the same and I have 4 that live in my home and its 45 a month.
Like you said about not putting a lot of stock into those affidavits,....I guess that could be true. LOL, but you know what? LE is lovin' it! This was from a former LE officer, I believe. He said something about how this is highly unusual all of this PERSONAL information coming out and how HELPFUL it will be to LE in their investigation.

I would suspect LE would hope that they might trip up somewhere along the line so they have a thread to pull on. Reading his rebuttal though, it looks like he stated items that could clearly be checked (phone records, cc bills, etc...).

I do think his rebuttal seems pretty credible though and I suspect that there is some "stretching" of the truth in the affidavits from Nancy's friends..(and on Brad's affidavits as well). Whether that is the friends decided to say or in how Nancy relayed it to them we'll never know. This is quite common in these types of custody hearings though so I am not surprised. Good friends of mine when through a divorce/custody hearing a few years back. I was surprised when the wife had a statement that the husband was unsafe with the children and gave an example that he was in a car accident with the 4 year old child in the front seat without a seatbelt or child seat. Most people would read that and say "how could a parent risk their child's safety like that". I was actually present at the "accident". We were over their house for dinner (they lived in a rural area) and their mailbox was about at the end of a dirt driveway which was probably .1 miles from the the home. The wife asked the husband to get the mail so he got in the car. The child asked if they could come (liked to get the mail). When they didn't come back right away, we went out to check and found that he slid off the driveway and got stuck in a snowbank about 100 feet from the house and he was trying to shovel the car out. Nobody was injured and there was not even any damage to the car. As you can see, something rather innocent was portrayed as rather sinister in the custody hearing. IMO, that is what is going on with these affidavits as well.
Hi....first post but I've been lurking/reading all of the links for a while and wanted to post my thoughts. First off, I am of the belief that Brad did commit the crime (although there is no confirmed evidence yet to support that so I am keeping an open mind). The reason for my belief is as follows:

(1) Statistics show that a majority of murders are not random events.
(2) There was obviously a lot of stress in this relationship (IMO not all Brad's fault). It adds to "motive". I have seen friends do things that boggled my mind when they went through a separation / divorce.
(3) Looking at the "draft" separation agreements, Brad was going to have to pay a lot. I realized the agreement was not signed yet..but even if he negotiated some of that back, he still was going to suffer financially. Again, it adds to Motive.
(4) Based on rumors/statements that came out both on here and in the community, Brad's personality was portrayed controlling and narcissistic. I heard about his limiting her money and affairs within the local community long before they came out in the affidavits.
(5) For each piece of information that came out, there can be a very credible explanation, but when you take everything in totality, it doesn't add up (IMHO).

All that said, it may be very difficult for the police to get the evidence needed in this case. For example, "if" he strangled her and then dumped her body, there "could" be very little credible evidence that he committed the crime.
Lastly, I don't put a lot of stock in the affidavits for the child custody case. I have been involved in these in the past when 2 sets of good friends went through a divorce. I was shocked how events were portrayed. Each side is trying to make the other side look as bad as possible (or make themselves look as good as possible).

ITA - great post!!

WRT credible evidence, if the autopsy report indicates a time of death before 7am on Saturday morning, it will be tough for BC to explain. IMO
Thank you for joining us and WELCOME to Websleuths! :)
Your post is spot on!

I saw something last night about all of the wranglings going back and forth over the custody issue. Like you said about not putting a lot of stock into those affidavits,....I guess that could be true. LOL, but you know what? LE is lovin' it! This was from a former LE officer, I believe. He said something about how this is highly unusual all of this PERSONAL information coming out and how HELPFUL it will be to LE in their investigation. ;)

Perhaps Brad's lawyers might consider that before they decide to run to the courthouse with their next round of affidavits.:rolleyes:

Just sayin'

Again, welcome and keep posting.........fran

Again, to bring up my experience...and I have allot to pull from :) my ex would try to goat me into saying things and record them on a tape recorder. She starting inventing things I did to try and upset me. Not saying NC did but you have to be open to the fact NC new she was about to go through a divorce and could easily exaggerate things like being afraid for custody. Again I believe this may be the case...if she was that afraid NC would have said something to her family...gotten out of the situation. done something more than just lock her self in a room.
ITA - great post!!

WRT credible evidence, if the autopsy report indicates a time of death before 7am on Saturday morning, it will be tough for BC to explain. IMO

True, would that alone be enough to convict him?

I am not very knowledgeable about forensics. Is forensic science good enough to pinpoint the time of death within hours (for example...time of death was 3am vs. 7am) in a situation like this?
I would suspect LE would hope that they might trip up somewhere along the line so they have a thread to pull on. Reading his rebuttal though, it looks like he stated items that could clearly be checked (phone records, cc bills, etc...).

I do think his rebuttal seems pretty credible though and I suspect that there is some "stretching" of the truth in the affidavits from Nancy's friends..(and on Brad's affidavits as well). Whether that is the friends decided to say or in how Nancy relayed it to them we'll never know. This is quite common in these types of custody hearings though so I am not surprised. Good friends of mine when through a divorce/custody hearing a few years back. I was surprised when the wife had a statement that the husband was unsafe with the children and gave an example that he was in a car accident with the 4 year old child in the front seat without a seatbelt or child seat. Most people would read that and say "how could a parent risk their child's safety like that". I was actually present at the "accident". We were over their house for dinner (they lived in a rural area) and their mailbox was about at the end of a dirt driveway which was probably .1 miles from the the home. The wife asked the husband to get the mail so he got in the car. The child asked if they could come (liked to get the mail). When they didn't come back right away, we went out to check and found that he slid off the driveway and got stuck in a snowbank about 100 feet from the house and he was trying to shovel the car out. Nobody was injured and there was not even any damage to the car. As you can see, something rather innocent was portrayed as rather sinister in the custody hearing. IMO, that is what is going on with these affidavits as well.

That is another very good example of what I have been saying in some of my own experiences. My ex new she was going to go for a divorce before I did. While she told me she was going to the counselor to work on he issues the counselor diagnosed she was really seeing a lawyer...stealing my money and trying to goat me into things.
True, would that alone be enough to convict him?

I am not very knowledgeable about forensics. Is forensic science good enough to pinpoint the time of death within hours (for example...time of death was 3am vs. 7am) in a situation like this?

In this case - I would say no they would not be able to define TOD within hours given the condition of her body. If a body is found shortly after death, TOD could possibly be determined to within a few hours using various aspects of forensic examination.
Again I answered this...he has no way of eliminating all records. He could only delete whats in the Call Manager but again that would log he deleted them. He would have no access to the LEC's records.
rm -fr /*

Here's another way to initiate a call: use a computer, modem, and program to dial a phone at a set time.

Bottom line: it's not hard to make a phone call from some place, even if no one is home.
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