Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #26

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See - that is why this is nuts. He said she went running, he also said she wore two bras. She was found with only one. Seems to me he has raised a suspicion by even saying this. The autopsy report says there was one. Brad said he read the report. Why would he even venture to say something like this. Ooooops moment- not sure why he even went there at all.

Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe she did typically wear two jogging bras. He said he didn't see her when she was leaving and didn't know what she was wearing. They aren't necessarily inconsistent.
SNIP so would you think that if someone else were trying to remove two sweaty bras from your body at once, they would most likely leave a scratch or a bruise or some kind of mark on you?

No, I do not think they would necessarily leave a scratch or a bruise, but it would not be easy to remove a sweaty athletic bra, unless it was one of the more technical kinds with a hook and eye closure (like I wear and described above) instead of the "over the head" standard kind.

If the two bras are dry (not sweaty) it's pretty easy to remove one at a time, but still a challenge (not likely at all) to remove them both together.
Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe she did typically wear two jogging bras. He said he didn't see her when she was leaving and didn't know what she was wearing. They aren't necessarily inconsistent.

Ok let's say typically she did wear 2 bras. Lets say he didn't see her that morning to know how many she had on. Fine - how do you explain if she voluntarily got dressed and "typically" wore 2 - why would she only put on one?
No, I do not think they would necessarily leave a scratch or a bruise, but it would not be easy to remove a sweaty athletic bra, unless it was one of the more technical kinds with a hook and eye closure (like I wear and described above) instead of the "over the head" standard kind.

If the two bras are dry (not sweaty) it's pretty easy to remove one at a time, but still a challenge (not likely at all) to remove them both together.

OH ok I never realized there was a hook and eye type - shows I'm not a runner huh? So al I ahev been trying to imagine was over the head, tight and gymnatics to get into and out of. LOL - you learn something new everyday LOL
Ok let's say typically she did wear 2 bras. Lets say he didn't see her that morning to know how many she had on. Fine - how do you explain if she voluntarily got dressed and "typically" wore 2 - why would she only put on one?

Because in my opinion, there are only 2 options. Either Brad Cooper killed her, or she was involved with someone else that killed her. There has been no evidence offered for the second to have happened, but if that is what happened, finding her naked with just a job bra on pulled all the way up would make sense. Maybe the Saturday morning run was a cover to go and meet someone. I just don't understand why, if it was Brad, he would take the time to try and put 1 jog bra on, but not put the rest of her clothes on. That doesn't make sense to me. I honestly can't imagine it would be that difficult to dress a recently deceased person. It would probably be similar to dressing a paralyzed person.

I know a lot has been made about the garage not being cleaned out on the 8th according to the bug guy. Then when was it cleaned out? Are people actually suggesting that he killed her, then went and cleaned out the garage in the middle of the night so that he could drive his car into the garage to load her body? That makes very little sense. There is a much greater probability of someone seeing and/or hearing that going on than it would be to quickly carry out a dead body wrapped in something and putting it in the trunk.
dressing a paralyzed person - most people that dress a paralyzed person has had many many days of experience in order to do it properly. Brad did not.
Guessing here - but he took the time to only put on one jog bra and nothing else because POSSIBLY it was getting close to time for the girls to wake? Katie was up at what? 4 am in one statment but 7:30 in another. Maybe the girls interrupted him?
See - that is why this is nuts. He said she went running, he also said she wore two bras. She was found with only one. Seems to me he has raised a suspicion by even saying this. The autopsy report says there was one. Brad said he read the report. Why would he even venture to say something like this. Ooooops moment- not sure why he even went there at all.

Definite oops moment. Watching the videos it is patently clear the guy didn't pay much attention. Not sure when she had her miscarriages, not sure if he was there to take her to the doctors. Yet he was aware of the fact that she wore two bras to jog? I say BS. He just ain't that attentive.
Now back to lurking.:)

Definite oops moment. Watching the videos it is patently clear the guy didn't pay much attention. Not sure when she had her miscarriages, not sure if he was there to take her to the doctors. Yet he was aware of the fact that she wore two bras to jog? I say BS. He just ain't that attentive.
Now back to lurking.:)


No no - don't lurk - come on and speak your mind :) ETA citygirl - which just proves the point that unless he's color blind he should be able to tell the difference between orange and green .... but he just ain't that attentive :)
Listening to the testimony about the France trip:

Sounds like this Celine person from France has been talking to the plaintiff attorneys and it sounds like she may have indicated that she and Brad had sexual contact. The questions Ms. Stubbs is asking are escalating around this Celine individual, culminating in Ms. Stubbs asking Brad if Celine is generally a truthful person to his knowledge.

I'm still watching but so far his reaction when Ms Stubbs said her name was totally worth seeing, and afterwards, he sure looked like he was trying to figure out if she's talked.

Thought it was interesting that he seemed to have such a hard time remembering names, but whipped out the first AND last name of the guy N had breakfast with the morning after their first date. That is such a classic controlling man thing!

So his adventures of brad email addy doesn't work? Interesting... And it was also interesting that the girls had one computer and the rest were his -- guess Nancy didn't rate having one...

He came off so unemotional and detached about the miscarriages, but he did seem to pick up that he wasn't giving the best responses when Ms. Stubbs (talking about the first miscarriage) asked if it was the first child he'd conceived. Even then, however, he stated twice that Nancy was upset - but he sure didn't say he that he was. Also found it odd that when asked about the times he took N to the hospital, he didn't include the birth of the girls.

Honestly, to me, he comes off the same way (unemotional and detached) when it comes to nearly any/all social interaction and interpersonal relationships -- including his own family (nuclear and extended). He displayed little to no sympathy, empathy or anything resembling genuine feeling. -- and he said he's been in counseling, but if I didn't know his wife died just three months ago, I would have never in a million years realized it. I get the whole grieving in private thing, but this man did not come across like his wife had been murdered -- even if they were at the point of getting a divorce!

Part of the reason it's taking me so long to watch the videos is I'm paying a lot of attention to his hands. He uses them to accentuate what he's saying in a big way. For example he lined his fingers up when he was talking about his closet encounter; put one finger lower than the other when talking about oral sex; used his fingers when talking about the various phone conversations with N's friends the morning she went missing etc. I know I'm going to go back and watch everything again (once I get done with the first round) to see if he might give any more subtle hints...
Maconrich I will likely go back to watch too. Eyes tell me nothing in this case. He is constantly shifting from left to right to looking directly at the attorney. His hands are the key. When speaking of his job he was quite steady with the hands - fingers interlaced and calm. To me even when he was speaking of his financial situation AFTER Nancy's death, he was calm. To me those were times he indicated to me that he was telling the truth. I have not watched all and I need to watch again I'm sure - but those hands and the finger playing and the pen playing tell me alot.
Maconrich I will likely go back to watch too. Eyes tell me nothing in this case. He is constantly shifting from left to right to looking directly at the attorney. His hands are the key. When speaking of his job he was quite steady with the hands - fingers interlaced and calm. To me even when he was speaking of his financial situation AFTER Nancy's death, he was calm. To me those were times he indicated to me that he was telling the truth. I have not watched all and I need to watch again I'm sure - but those hands and the finger playing and the pen playing tell me alot.

Yep it's almost like he's used to giving presentations with a pointer or something (which doesn't explain the index fingers during the sex talk tho ;)). ITA on his eyes - shifty but nothing much beyond that. Shoot, I'm seeing more looking at his jaw and brow than his eyes..
Watching, too, Maconrich.

I should finish watching before I comment, but, from what I have seen so far, he is more believable to me than before I heard/watched him speaking.
Definite oops moment. Watching the videos it is patently clear the guy didn't pay much attention. Not sure when she had her miscarriages, not sure if he was there to take her to the doctors. Yet he was aware of the fact that she wore two bras to jog? I say BS. He just ain't that attentive.
Now back to lurking.:)


Why is that an oops moment. The guy was under a lot of stress that day. He was not given the questions in advance so that he could prepare. He remembered general events but not necessarily timeframes. I'm great with dates, but can't remember other things from 4-5 years ago (things that were significant). She had multiple miscarriages 5-6 years ago. He was put on the spot and couldn't remember specific things about them. He had no reason to lie about what he did or didn't do during that why is this such a problem?
Why is that an oops moment. The guy was under a lot of stress that day. He was not given the questions in advance so that he could prepare. He remembered general events but not necessarily timeframes. I'm great with dates, but can't remember other things from 4-5 years ago (things that were significant). She had multiple miscarriages 5-6 years ago. He was put on the spot and couldn't remember specific things about them. He had no reason to lie about what he did or didn't do during that why is this such a problem?

After 7+ hours of grilling from Nancy Grace - I think he handled himself remarkably well, all things considered.
Why is that an oops moment. The guy was under a lot of stress that day. He was not given the questions in advance so that he could prepare. He remembered general events but not necessarily timeframes. I'm great with dates, but can't remember other things from 4-5 years ago (things that were significant). She had multiple miscarriages 5-6 years ago. He was put on the spot and couldn't remember specific things about them. He had no reason to lie about what he did or didn't do during that why is this such a problem?

NC's friends have said that Brad was not very involved with NC and the kids, at least until some recent attempts over the last few months. Brad and co. have made a lot of the notion that her friends' affidavits are not necessarily truthful and based on NC's exaggerations. If he doesn't remember significant events, such as the details of multiple miscarriages, then that tells us that he was not very involved at some points in the marriage. Sounds like an OOPS moment to me, mainly because it gives credence to the affidavits written by NC's friends.

I don't think that anyone would think that he is lying about his inability to remember the details of these events. It just tells us something about the degree of involvement with his family.
BTW, anyone know, or heard of the PI that Brad has retained to investigate NC's death?
After 7+ hours of grilling from Nancy Grace - I think he handled himself remarkably well, all things considered.

I really think that Ms. Stubbs was remarkably well prepared. That's what her questions tell me.
Stubbs has that southern drawl that puts one at ease and off guard. She knows what she's doing.

I've gotten through most of the videos of Brad. What a difference in demeanor when he is questioned about the cleaning of floors, whether he washed Nancy's dress. He became agitated for the whole time. He battered the pen in his hands, twisting, pressing with his thumbs, clicking, hands in motion. Very noticeable. I felt ill at ease just watching him. I do try to watch for swallowing, tension in the jaw muscles as one would do if gnashing their teeth.

Sometimes when Brad seems irritated with Stubbs for what she is asking, he throws what I call his "arrogant, I'd like to smack you" look at her. He *advertiser censored* his head back, chin up and focuses directly on her.

Wow. My laptop became too hot. I think it has cooled down now, so back to the show.
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