Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #8

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unless he had help. i seem to remember in one of the articles it saying they're looking for possibly more than one person involved.

I have never seen that anywhere- do you mean more than one person involved with her death?
unless he had help. i seem to remember in one of the articles it saying they're looking for possibly more than one person involved.
I think that was mentioned here too earlier today from something said on Fox News. If he was having an affair, he's probably not the only one who would want Nancy out of the way, especially with the one year separation law here.
I have never seen that anywhere- do you mean more than one person involved with her death?

i guess that's what the person is saying. i would have to go back thru all the articles i read today but i think i remember it being said that they were looking at that being a possibility. i'm sure its something they do in all cases as part of covering all basis.
unless he had help. i seem to remember in one of the articles it saying they're looking for possibly more than one person involved.
I mentioned on this morning also that on Fox this morning one of the producers who is in Cary told Jaimie Colby that the police might have be looking at more then one person.
if he is passive agressive as calgary said, while its not impossible for him to still have done it himself, it would seem possible he was helped. something would have had to happen awful big for him to take that final step to slip over from suicide threat to murder....if he's the murderer of course.
No, they are uncommon. (Not including ex-parte hearings in divorce cases or ex-parte hearings for temporary restraining orders in this assessment.)

Nancy's family didn't get permanent custody -- this is just until the hearing at which both sides will be represented.

Meanwhile, I bet the judge didn't want to take the chance that something would happen to those kids while they were in Brad's custody.

If Brad is guilty and/or having suicidal thoughts (innocent or guilty) then, IMO, it would be dangerous to have the kids remain with him.


Is it something that's common?
I can't see any reason for Brad to contest custody of the children being awarded to Nancy's parents if he is in jail, and if he really loves those kids. At least from what I've seen, Nancy's family seems warm and loving and eager to take care of her girls.

If Brad is not in jail, he still may not contest the temporary custody of the girls. Let's say he is factually innocent (as opposed to presumed innocent). He is grieving the unexpected loss of his wife, he is grappling with the fear that he will be arrested, tried and convicted of a murder he did not commit, he has no good idea of how to take care of his little children and run a household, and he still has a job to go to.

(Any husband and father who has been going to school to get his MBA, training for ironman competitions, and working full-time would not have had the time to engage in being a caregiver to his children and household.)

Presumably, the Coopers friends would help out. I bet most of them have families of their own to take care of, though, and this would be at best a temporary solution.

So, if Brad is innocent, he may need time to get his ducks in a row in many respects before he is ready to assume the role of being the primary caregiver to his children. It would not surprise me, given the huge amount of stress he would be under in his situation.


If he is not in jail, he WILL contest, if he is, I would bet he would AGREE to the temporary custody going to NC parents, stipulating their return if he made bail, dropped charges, blah blah. There is no incentive for him to fight them and he will just look bad- er.
great!...a forum just for Nancy:)

been real busy this weekend, & now have a little time to try to catch up....i saw about 15 minutes of Geraldo last night, & it sounds like nothing new on the case...(from what little i heard, anyway)....i sure hope this doesn't end up like Michelle Young's case, ugh....i truly thought Brad Cooper would have been arrested by now...i thought the same thing, very early on with Jason Young too:( (& he's still free)
Jilly said: (on a now closed thread)

"We only know about the criminal attorney he has, happy.

So did you end up with a Temporary custody order or (Permanent) Order for custody after those 3 days?

If I understand this correctly, It sounds to me like you did make an ex parte application for temporary custody and he granted that with the provision that the parents be served giving them 3 days notice to respond. Since they did not respond, maybe he made it into a permanent custody order? If it was a Temporary Order that you ended up with, perhaps it was stated on the Order that it would remain in force & effect unless otherwise ordered by the Court which eliminated the need for you to return to Court.

In any event, Blink has stated that the procedure differs State to State.
As I understand it, in the Cooper case, the date of July 25th has been set for Brad to contest this."

Sorry, jilly - been out of this for a few days and when I went back the thread has already been closed.

It was a temporary emergency custody order and stayed in effect indefinitely. I can't recall exactly what it was called. The only way it could have been changed was if the parents had petioned the court and went through a process to gain their child back, by proving several things, such as employment and residence, among other things. They didn't ever try. A couple of years later, we pushed for adoption and they, somewhat unwillingly, signed the papers.

Very different circumstances from BC, but sounds like a similar kind of custody order.

Wonder how he will respond on the 25th?
great!...a forum just for Nancy:)

been real busy this weekend, & now have a little time to try to catch up....i saw about 15 minutes of Geraldo last night, & it sounds like nothing new on the case...(from what little i heard, anyway)....i sure hope this doesn't end up like Michelle Young's case, ugh....i truly thought Brad Cooper would have been arrested by now...i thought the same thing, very early on with Jason Young too:( (& he's still free)

hi close! been missing ya!
Now before someone jumps on me for defending him or his family, I have a right to be so torn. I am one of those "ex's" from Canada. BC is from a good family. They gave him so many opportunities that others never had. The Calgary poster is right though. As a person, Brad can be materialistic, self-centered, narcisistic (sp?), moody, mean, emotionally controlling and the like.He can also be a good person

Hello RKAB.... you weren't one of the ex's I was referring to but I think you started dating Brad a little after me and him lived together, and we have some mutual friends, at least if the "R" in your username represents your first name!

Your description pretty closely describes what the others have said to me in the last week.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat!
ok, late, tired, in need of a fresh thinker:

Was there a post about Cary only presenting felony cases to a GJ, earlier or did I dream that? If so, can anyone corroberate- I never heard of strictly using grand jury's to indict-in fact in most capital cases, they are rarely used unless they are mostly circumstantial.

"He is not a suspect, he is not a person of interest and he has been very, very clear with the police - he did not kill his wife," Blum said."

Yea right Seth :clap:
You know your client is the A #1 suspect (just not named) and he DID kill his wife.
ok, late, tired, in need of a fresh thinker:

Was there a post about Cary only presenting felony cases to a GJ, earlier or did I dream that? If so, can anyone corroberate- I never heard of strictly using grand jury's to indict-in fact in most capital cases, they are rarely used unless they are mostly circumstantial.
That's my feeling. That if they have enough evidence they don't need to go to a grand jury. put your mind at ease there was a post earlier about that. :)
jtf!!! I asked and you came!! Was it you about the grand jury post I can't find??

"He is not a suspect, he is not a person of interest and he has been very, very clear with the police - he did not kill his wife," Blum said."

Yea right Seth :clap:
You know your client is the A #1 suspect (just not named) and he DID kill his wife.
That is called "lawyering up 101 speak" :bang:
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