Nancy Garrido - thread #2

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Sorry about your mother-in-law, BillyLee.

Remember, a neighbor said she saw Patricia driving the gray sedan recently. We don't know what she meant by "recently", but that implies Patricia's dementia wasn't so bad that she couldn't drive. Although she did crash the sedan and I would sure like to see that accident report!

Nancy moved in with Patricia shortly before Phillip was released from prison. She was living there while he was paroled to the halfway house in Oakland.

According to the timeline:

Garrido paroled to an Oakland halfway house 8/26/1988.

Garrido left the Oakland halfway house and went to Lake Tahoe in November 1988; he went to the roulette table where his 1976 victim was working and greeted her by name.

Cali's Question: how long was Garrido living at halfway house in Oakland? Where did he go from there? What kind of transportation was he using? For example, how did he get to South Lake Tahoe in November 1988. When did he return to living in Antioch?

Garrido in Oakland halfway house 8/29/1988 - 12/16/1988, under Federal Bureau of Prisons oversight. He was possibly there doing community service work.

Okay, so if the above is correct, then Patricia Garrido was only 67. That's not very old in this day and age. Why, I wonder would she need "taking care of" by Nancy at that age?? From what I understand, she was a real esate agent, they are usually pretty active people. Curious???

Also, I just noticed, if the timeline above is correct, and Nancy had moved in with Patricia prior to that, then the answer to the question in the timeline about where did Garrido go "after the halfway house" would be Antioch, to be with his new bride, yes???

And what the heck was he doing in Tahoe in Nov. 88 calling on his prior rape victim, if he was with Nancy??? Is that even possible, that he was in Tahoe in November, because the timeline says he was in the halfway house through 12/16/1988, did he get to go anywhere he pleased? Hmmmmm, was Nancy with him if he did go to Tahoe??????
I agree Sunnie, IMO the only reason they'd be inclined to offer Nancy anything is if she KNOWS anything about other possible victims. And I also think that the dementia thing is over rated! However, I have a mother in law living with me who has beginning dementia and it can affect different memory patterns. My mother in law can remember everything from her childhood and even stuff from as near as 5 years ago. But she can't remember what doctor she saw yesterday, or last month or what she had for breakfast. So her dementia is having problem with making "new" memories. It's actually very difficult for her and all of us, but anyway, point is, dementia can differ among people. Some lose short term memory, some lose long term, some lose it all.
Sounds to me like Patricia's long term memory is pretty much in tact. (I'm still not sure they didn't just have her constant drugged up.) And I'm with you, that comment about Phillip not be hurt or scarred prison, makes me wonder what that was all about. Also, she stated that Nancy came to take care of her, that was in what year? It wasn't 81, was it? I thought it was more like 86? Anyway, how old was Patricia when Nancy moved in with her? Anybody know?

According to the timeline:

Garrido paroled to an Oakland halfway house 8/26/1988.

Garrido left the Oakland halfway house and went to Lake Tahoe in November 1988; he went to the roulette table where his 1976 victim was working and greeted her by name.

Cali's Question: how long was Garrido living at halfway house in Oakland? Where did he go from there? What kind of transportation was he using? For example, how did he get to South Lake Tahoe in November 1988. When did he return to living in Antioch?

Garrido in Oakland halfway house 8/29/1988 - 12/16/1988, under Federal Bureau of Prisons oversight. He was possibly there doing community service work.

Okay, so if the above is correct, then Patricia Garrido was only 67. That's not very old in this day and age. Why, I wonder would she need "taking care of" at that age?? From what I understand, she was a real esate agent, they are usually pretty active people. Curious??? Also, I just noticed, if the timeline above is correct, and Nancy had moved in with Patricia prior to that, then the question in the timeline about where did Garrido go "after the halfway house" would be Antioch, do be with his new bride, yes??? And what the heck was he doing in Tahoe in Nov. 88 calling on his prior rape victim, if he was with Nancy??? Is that possible, if he was there through 12/16/1988, did he get to go anywhere he pleased? Hmmmmm, was she with him??????
Billy, check Patricia's thread for the answers to some of these questions, I bumped it for you...
Sorry about your mother-in-law, BillyLee.

Remember, a neighbor said she saw Patricia driving the gray sedan recently. We don't know what she meant by "recently", but that implies Patricia's dementia wasn't so bad that she couldn't drive. Although she did crash the sedan and I would sure like to see that accident report!

Nancy moved in with Patricia shortly before Phillip was released from prison. She was living there while he was paroled to the halfway house in Oakland.

I know, when someone says "recently" that could mean anything, as recently as yesterday or with the last few years. I take that kind of comment as too vague to be of much help. Wish she'd been more specific. I didn't know there was "proof" it was her that crashed the sedan, is there a link? I'll go look ont he Patrica thread, that's really where I should be on this anyway :)

Maybe it was Nancy who made that 911 call in 1992 - although they said it was a male voice.

I'm skeptical of NE having talked to Nancy, but more so of anything Nancy says anyway - unless she can prove it. Even if she tried to free Jaycee, she's still guilty of kidnapping. It looked to me as if Nancy had plenty of freedom over those 18 years, all she had to do was go to the police, ask for protection, and have them raid the property.
Just out of curiosity, what does Nancy's voice sound like anyway?
Just out of curiosity, what does Nancy's voice sound like anyway?

Somewhere online are the 911 tapes. Awhile back I listened and Nancy couldn't have been mistaken for a male. I'll try to find the news video. BRB

Now I remember. It was in the Dateline Special, In Plain Site.
Good question, maybe it is husky and raspy!

like i said in the people mag thread last night, when i mentioned this ne article........
nancy's voice was on the dateline jaycee show, when she was calling 911 for patrcia. her voice was clearly female.
i also find it hard to believe that at the start, her lawyer claimed she couldnt let jaycee go when garrido was locked up, but now there claiming she tried a year earlier. if her lawyer is leaking this to the ne i can see this as his way of seeking a deal/lienenncy
Just out of curiosity, what does Nancy's voice sound like anyway?

This is the Dateline special. They play a 911 call from Nancy (And Phillip), when Patricia was having health problems.

ETA: Sorry, it's in Part 5, about 1:30 in.

[ame=""] Video Player[/ame]
Somewhere online are the 911 tapes. Awhile back I listened and Nancy couldn't have been mistaken for a male. I'll try to find the news video. BRB

alsoo if there's anywhere with the dateline episode

nevermind you got it covered i see :)
Is that an actual picture of Garrido playing guitar at 2:42 with the long hair and beard?
Sounds far fetched since her lawyer talked for days about how much she misses the girls and she wishes they were all back home. Double speak, if it is even true.

misses "her girls' is the way they put it. :sick:
also how does her lawyer claim she was afraid to let jaycee go when garrido was locked up to all this 'she was trying to free" her nonsese?

Here is the link to the walk through cheyvonnes home. It is on video 2. How weird that I just posted this on the cheyvonne molino thread about 3 min. ago.

Talk about inconsistencies. In video 3 she talks about how the LE agents came in with guns drawn at her pleasant hill home and the rental. She was upset that they did this to adults who had kids (I think she meant kids present at the time?). Made me think that a parent was at the bay point house.
The rental unit was were the two children were taken by child protection services because of the squalor, so I would guess that is who she was talking about.
Sounds far fetched since her lawyer talked for days about how much she misses the girls and she wishes they were all back home. Double speak, if it is even true.

Not so far fetched, remember that this would be her version of events if she was trying to secure a deal with the DA. It doesn't need to actually be true, there wouldn't be any way for her to prove it.

I think it unlikely that the DA would take that into account anyway. If they did offer her a deal it would be dependent on what Jaycee and the girls had to say about her behaviour. Assuming those three regarded her in a sympathetic light, anything offered to Nancy would be purely to cement the case against PG as a practical matter. It will be interesting to see what happens though, I'm sure the DA will be twisting her arm (metaphorically speaking of course ;)) to provide "more", if you know what I mean.
Not so far fetched, remember that this would be her version of events if she was trying to secure a deal with the DA. It doesn't need to actually be true, there wouldn't be any way for her to prove it.

I think it unlikely that the DA would take that into account anyway. If they did offer her a deal it would be dependent on what Jaycee and the girls had to say about her behaviour. Assuming those three regarded her in a sympathetic light, anything offered to Nancy would be purely to cement the case against PG as a practical matter. It will be interesting to see what happens though, I'm sure the DA will be twisting her arm (metaphorically speaking of course ;)) to provide "more", if you know what I mean.

based on the fact that the charges againstn nancy include rape, it doesnt look like jaycee showed her much mercy.

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