Nancy Garrido

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What NG did was horrific by any standard. That said, clearly there is mental illness of some kind of NG and PG at play here. PG's first wife said basically she tried to escape at every opportunity once they were married and finally got her chance when he was imprisoned. We know nothing of what went on between PG & NG. Perhaps NG was also suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Perhaps she is the incarnation of evil. The bottom line is, she may be a monster or she may also be a victim--we just don't know yet. Even SH helped his captor kidnap another boy. Is he evil? No. He did it to survive his unimaginable situation. Just saying we shouldn't start condemning anyone until all the facts are known.
But one of the facts have the SOB incarcerated for 4 months;
Just like his first wife escaped while he was incarcerated Nancy could have set the kid free and escaped too. She did not....IMHO even if you will tell me she is a robot, I will say a dangerous robot, that should be in jail for the rest of her life.
someone did point out that she could have botched up the kidnapping 18 years ago by pretending to nab the kid, and she could have told her run home fast. this does not mean he would not have try it again. It only means that hse had chances....
But one of the facts have the SOB incarcerated for 4 months;
Just like his first wife escaped while he was incarcerated Nancy could have set the kid free and escaped too. She did not....IMHO even if you will tell me she is a robot, I will say a dangerous robot, that should be in jail for the rest of her life.
someone did point out that she could have botched up the kidnapping 18 years ago by pretending to nab the kid, and she could have told her run home fast. this does not mean he would not have try it again. It only means that hse had chances....

Well, first, I don't believe he was incarcerated--I believe he was on home confinement. California normally doesn't incarcerate for parole violations. In any event, I think your post missed my point that we don't know what was going on here with NG. If she were suffering from a mental disorder or if she were suffering from a type of Stockholm Syndrome--it wouldn't have mattered if he were in prison or at home--she wouldn't have done anything--very much the same way that Jaycee had opportunities and didn't take them. Just trying to say to hold off on judgment until we know all the facts. That's what I love about this forum--it's great to get everyone's take on the situation!
What NG did was horrific by any standard. That said, clearly there is mental illness of some kind of NG and PG at play here. PG's first wife said basically she tried to escape at every opportunity once they were married and finally got her chance when he was imprisoned. We know nothing of what went on between PG & NG. Perhaps NG was also suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Perhaps she is the incarnation of evil. The bottom line is, she may be a monster or she may also be a victim--we just don't know yet. Even SH helped his captor kidnap another boy. Is he evil? No. He did it to survive his unimaginable situation. Just saying we shouldn't start condemning anyone until all the facts are known.
We know for a fact that Nancy visited and married him in prison, knowing he was a convicted rapist and kidnapper. Anybody who willing chooses that for a spouse already has major problems!
Her lawyer acknowledges that Nancy Garrido did keep Jaycee a prisoner during that time:

Her defense lawyer is trying to make out that Nancy is also a victim (B.S. in my op since Nancy Garrido is the one who dragged Jaycee into the car in 1991, according to her Jaycee's stepfather & other eyewitnesses to the kidnapping)
so i guess this decides the did he get sent back to prison or not debate. if her attorney is confirming that she kept her while he went back, then i believe he did return to prison. it doesn't benefit her in any way to say that otherwise, in fact it makes her look worse. IMO
We know for a fact that Nancy visited and married him in prison, knowing he was a convicted rapist and kidnapper. Anybody who willing chooses that for a spouse already has major problems!

Exactly! Obviously she had a screw loose to begin with. I think it's also interesting that she met him while visiting a relative in prison. This says alot about her family and her background. It will be interesting to find out exactly what is up with this woman.
Exactly! Obviously she had a screw loose to begin with. I think it's also interesting that she met him while visiting a relative in prison. This says alot about her family and her background. It will be interesting to find out exactly what is up with this woman.
I'd be interested in knowing exactly what her uncle was serving time in Leavenworth for...
Her lawyer acknowledges that Nancy Garrido did keep Jaycee a prisoner during that time:

Her defense lawyer is trying to make out that Nancy is also a victim (B.S. in my op since Nancy Garrido is the one who dragged Jaycee into the car in 1991, according to her Jaycee's stepfather & other eyewitnesses to the kidnapping)

Again, SH rode his bicycle around free and didn't seek help, he had an encounter with police while he was out with a friend and didn't seek help, he even visited his own missing website and left a comment. SH also helped his captor kidnap a little boy--although he knew the boy was going to endure what he had endured himself for 4 years. Does that make SH any less a victim? No, of course not. Perhaps NG was an abused person herself--perhaps she sought an abuser for a husband--thereby repeating the cycle as it is so often repeated. We do know that she worked at an abused children's center. Why? We don't know anything about this woman's psyche--although I think we can all agree that she has mental issues.
Again, SH rode his bicycle around free and didn't seek help, he had an encounter with police while he was out with a friend and didn't seek help, he even visited his own missing website and left a comment. SH also helped his captor kidnap a little boy--although he knew the boy was going to endure what he had endured himself for 4 years. Does that make SH any less a victim? No, of course not. Perhaps NG was an abused person herself--perhaps she sought an abuser for a husband--thereby repeating the cycle as it is so often repeated. We do know that she worked at an abused children's center. Why? We don't know anything about this woman's psyche--although I think we can all agree that she has mental issues.
True, but my point was that since she willingly married him, it wasn't out of fear, so I don't think you can say she was a victim of Stockholm Syndrome in the way that Shawn was and Jaycee probably went through.
so i guess this decides the did he get sent back to prison or not debate. if her attorney is confirming that she kept her while he went back, then i believe he did return to prison. it doesn't benefit her in any way to say that otherwise, in fact it makes her look worse. IMO

Not for me...yet, anyway.

I read that report this morning and the attorney said he only met w/ NG twice for a short time. The ABC story strikes me as typical lazy reporting, w/ nothing cited to back up their claims.

The federal bureau of prison official report from yesterday states "records show Garrido served a period of supervised home confinement" in 1993 for a likely parole violation.

Why would they release that statement?

I am sure within the week it will be decided one way or another.
I still want to know what the PV was.
he was transferred home cofinement for the remainder of his sentence for the parole violation until August 1993.

"He was arrested again in Apr. 1993 because of another parole violation. The next month he was transferred to home detention and relieved of supervision in Aug. 1993."

When someone is found to have violated parole they are almost always taken into custody, not house arrest

A person can start out serving their sentence in prison, then finish the sentence in home confinement (maybe Garrido went back to court and told the judge he was needed at home to care for his aging mother)

I read in some article that his parole violation was for drug posession.
True, but my point was that since she willingly married him, it wasn't out of fear, so I don't think you can say she was a victim of Stockholm Syndrome in the way that Shawn was and Jaycee probably went through.

I absolutely agree with you that she would not have been suffering from stockholm syndrome at the time she married him. But clearly someone is not right with someone's pscyhe who willingly marries a convicted kidnapper rapist. On the other hand, PG convinced a judge and parole board that he reformed, who knows what he told NG. I'm still at a loss that PG was ever paroled. It's known that rapists will continue to rape. It's known that there is no cure for pedophilia--although his first victim wasn't a minor. Why are sexual offenders let out of prison? I've never understood this and I will never understand this.
Not for me...yet, anyway.

I read that report this morning and the attorney said he only met w/ NG twice for a short time. The ABC story strikes me as typical lazy reporting, w/ nothing cited to back up their claims.

The federal bureau of prison official report from yesterday states "records show Garrido served a period of supervised home confinement" in 1993 for a likely parole violation.

Why would they release that statement?

I am sure within the week it will be decided one way or another.
I still want to know what the PV was.

It doesn't matter to me whether he served at home or not; if he had a parole violation they would have to have taken him in at the time of the violation until they determined sentencing, right? Even if he came back home the very next day she still had time to run for help. She had an opportunity and a responsibility to do so and she didn't do it because she is nothing but a vicious waste of a person. She took that little girl and she will pay now or later for the decisions that she has made. She chose this path and she better just suck it up and beg for her life because no amount of tears is going to save her now.
Her lawyer acknowledges that Nancy Garrido did keep Jaycee a prisoner during that time:

Her defense lawyer is trying to make out that Nancy is also a victim (B.S. in my op since Nancy Garrido is the one who dragged Jaycee into the car in 1991, according to her Jaycee's stepfather & other eyewitnesses to the kidnapping)


for Nancy :boohoo:

She KNEW exactly what he was when she married him. This wasn't a case of someone who started out as Prince Charming only to turn into Mr. Hyde.

She willingly participated in Jaycee's kidnapping and kept her imprisoned while her hubby was in prison. For FIVE MONTHS.

Karla Holmolka claimed she was a lovestruck victim of Paul Bernardo, and we all know how THAT one turned out. Nancy deserves to spend the rest of her life behind bars.

for Nancy :boohoo:

She KNEW exactly what he was when she married him. This wasn't a case of someone who started out as Prince Charming only to turn into Mr. Hyde.

She willingly participated in Jaycee's kidnapping and kept her imprisoned while her hubby was in prison. For FIVE YEARS.


At this point it is being reported that Garrido was in prison for 1 month while she kept Jaycee captive, not five years.



for Nancy :boohoo:

She KNEW exactly what he was when she married him. This wasn't a case of someone who started out as Prince Charming only to turn into Mr. Hyde.

She willingly participated in Jaycee's kidnapping and kept her imprisoned while her hubby was in prison. For FIVE YEARS.

Karla Holmolka claimed she was a lovestruck victim of Paul Bernardo, and we all know how THAT one turned out. Nancy deserves to spend the rest of her life behind bars.

yeah, Karla played them perfectly didn't she? out with a new fam and everything! i hope that is not the case with Nancy. if this were two men charged with what they have been charged with, i don't think we'd all even be having this discussion. but because she's a woman, she's considered weak...she MUST have been controlled by him, she MUST have been abused either in childhood or by him. bleh... i feel there is such a double standard when it comes to perps. man vs. woman.

PS - she didn't have her alone for five was one month (that's the latest report anyway!)
yeah, Karla played them perfectly didn't she? out with a new fam and everything! i hope that is not the case with Nancy. if this were two men charged with what they have been charged with, i don't think we'd all even be having this discussion. but because she's a woman, she's considered weak...she MUST have been controlled by him, she MUST have been abused either in childhood or by him. bleh... i feel there is such a double standard when it comes to perps. man vs. woman.

PS - she didn't have her alone for five was one month (that's the latest report anyway!)

She's a warped just like her husband. I hold her EVEN MORE accountable for whatever her role is given that she's a woman. She deserves to rot behind bars for eternity. Already on this thread, with next to no information, there are pity pleas calling out SH syndrome and the like. Give me a break! This woman aided and abetted for friggin'18 years!

She's a warped just like her husband. I hold her EVEN MORE accountable for whatever her role is given that she's a woman. She deserves to rot behind bars for eternity. Already on this thread, with next to no information, there are pity pleas calling out SH syndrome and the like. Give me a break! This woman aided and abetted for friggin'18 years!

A lot of us are trying to figure out WHY. Things are rarely black and white, and with this woman there seems to be no exception. No one is arguing that she shouldn't be punished for her role in all of this, far from it. Regardless of her mental state, she needs to be behind bars for a long time, if not forever. We're trying to figure out why she would go along with this, why she would be an accessory to this. Women are supposed to be (by biological nature) the nurturers, the caregivers. So what made her go along with all of this? It IS possible that you can be a victim and a perp or an enabler at the same time, and while I don't see a lot of blatant sympathy, I do see a lot of people struggling to understand or at least see why things happened, but no pity for her actions or what she has allowed to happen. Trying to understand or see why or how someone did the things they did isn't the same as pitying them or sympathizing with them.
A lot of us are trying to figure out WHY. Things are rarely black and white, and with this woman there seems to be no exception. No one is arguing that she shouldn't be punished for her role in all of this, far from it. Regardless of her mental state, she needs to be behind bars for a long time, if not forever. We're trying to figure out why she would go along with this, why she would be an accessory to this. Women are supposed to be (by biological nature) the nurturers, the caregivers. So what made her go along with all of this? It IS possible that you can be a victim and a perp or an enabler at the same time, and while I don't see a lot of blatant sympathy, I do see a lot of people struggling to understand or at least see why things happened, but no pity for her actions or what she has allowed to happen. Trying to understand or see why or how someone did the things they did isn't the same as pitying them or sympathizing with them.
Uh huh. Sure. I understand. I wonder why there isn't discussion regarding why HE did what he did? Why's that? Maybe he was abused and molested as a child? That's possible isn't it? Maybe his mother (the woman who lived there for about 15 years of this whole ordeal) was a warped individual who abused and belittled her son his entire life?

Uh huh. It's all possible. We should give the same regard to both sides then, shouldn't we?

I haven't seen a single discussion about SH syndrome regarding him yet.

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