Nancy Garrido

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Uh huh. Sure. I understand. I wonder why there isn't discussion regarding why HE did what he did? Why's that? Maybe he was abused and molested as a child? That's possible isn't it? Maybe his mother (the woman who lived there for about 15 years of this whole ordeal) was a warped individual who abused and belittled her son his entire life?

Uh huh. It's all possible. We should give the same regard to both sides then, shouldn't we?

I haven't seen a single discussion about SH syndrome regarding him yet.


Stockholm syndrome is seen in people who have been abducted and are held hostage and form a type of relationship with their captors. Garrido to the best of my knowledge wasn't held captive by anyone or abducted by anyone. There is a thread about Phillip Gallido here:

[ame=""]Phillip Garrido- prior offenses and background information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Maybe there is more information there or discussions you can participate in.

Hope this helps.

Uh huh. Sure. I understand. I wonder why there isn't discussion regarding why HE did what he did? Why's that? Maybe he was abused and molested as a child? That's possible isn't it? Maybe his mother (the woman who lived there for about 15 years of this whole ordeal) was a warped individual who abused and belittled her son his entire life?

Uh huh. It's all possible. We should give the same regard to both sides then, shouldn't we?

I haven't seen a single discussion about SH syndrome regarding him yet.


Actually, PG's family has explained his behavior as being the result of a head injury and too much LSD taken in his youth. His own brother stated that PG could never do any wrong in his mother's eyes, so it certainly doesn't sound as though he is a product of an evil mother.

I will say this, I'm not a big fan of assuming that a woman in Nancy's situation did what she did because she was abused. By her stepfather's eyewitness account, Nancy was the one that grabbed Jaycee and pulled her into the car. Nancy had at least one looooooooong opportunity to let Jaycee go home and put an end to the horror, but she chose not to. Women can be every bit as evil and sick as men.

I'm already tired of seeing her referred to in news stories as "The Kidnapper's Wife." As far as I'm concerned she is a kidnapping rapist too and I will not cut her any breaks unless something major occurs to change my mind.
I was browsing Phillip Garrido’s blog and in the comments among all of the threats was a link to this site:

starlet said...

I left a comment listing the appropriate place for donations and received this email:

"From: on behalf of
Sent: Tue 9/01/09 4:10 AM

Thanks for leaving a comment on!

Would you like to contribute, share thoughts with other site members and receive occasional email updates on site activity? If so, then click here to join: Yes, I'd like to join this site

Looking forward to seeing you back on the site.

- cheyvonne molino

cheyvonne molino

PS: If you don't want to join this site, click here: Sorry, I don't want to join this site right now"

Seems like she is very likely the person to have leaked the photos and names of Jaycee’s girls.

Here is an article about Cheyvonne Molino’s odd behavior (it includes a picture):

According to this video, one of the murdered prostitutes (probably Jessica Fredericks) was found impaled on the front gate of JM Enterprises. This is the same place that’s owned by Cheyvonne and her husband and where Garrido had set up a tent to preach outside!!:
She talks in her inerviews about his “normal behavior” and ability to talk with his mind using a machine. Unlike the others that signed affidavits on his site, she doesn't back track and mentions the machine he uses as though it is a completely normal thing. She really comes off as being supportive of him.

I find this an incredibly useful post, and cross-referenced it in the Cheyvonne Molino thread.

Also, once again, Jaycee's sister Shayna has said, there is only ONE true organization to donate to on the girl's behalf:

Jaycee Dugard Trust Fund
c/o Viewtech Financial Services
P.O. Box 596
Atwood, CA 92811
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/02/2009 05:16:13 PM PDT
Updated: 09/02/2009 06:11:48 PM PDT
If she helped strip a young girl of her innocence and perpetrated a heinous, 18-year-long crime that has shocked the world, Nancy Garrido never showed it when she arrived at work to help people who couldn't help themselves.
Nancy Garrido worked as a state-licensed aide for a respected nonprofit agency that serves 1,000 adults and children with disabilities, mostly in Contra Costa County, even as police say she helped Phillip Garrido keep Jaycee Dugard isolated and under sexual attack for years, authorities say.
She worked full-time for Contra Costa ARC from December 1994 until March 1998, arriving with stellar references as a nursing aide and physical therapy aide, said Barbara Maizie, the agency's executive director.
"The people who received services through her, they liked her very much. She was a good employee and she was well-liked by the people she worked with," Maizie said. "They cannot believe that this is possible. They're totally shocked."
Maizie said Nancy Garrido worked with adults only. She arrived with a valid California Nurse Aide license, a history of nursing home work and a long résumé with both in-state and out-of-state references dating to 1981, Maizie said.
When Nancy Garrido first came to work at the Martinez-based agency, Dugard was in her teens and having the first of two girls that Phillip Garrido fathered, living in a hidden backyard lair of tents and shacks behind the Garridos' Walnut Avenue house in unincorporated Contra Costa County, police say.
Among the 29 felony charges that El Dorado County prosecutors leveled against the couple last week is a count of forcible rape against Nancy Garrido from the month she began work at the agency, and six other counts of forcible rape against Nancy or Phillip Garrido during her tenure.
Both pleaded not guilty on Friday and are being held without bail.
Maizie declined to detail Nancy Garrido's personnel file, citing privacy concerns. She said the agency ran a state background check when it hired Garrido; it came back clean.
"Just 'shock' and 'disbelief' are the two words that come to mind," Maizie said of the allegations.
Maizie would not to say why Nancy Garrido left the agency. But a neighbor, Helen Boyer, 78, told The Associated Press that she stopped to become the primary caregiver to Phillip Garrido's bedridden mother, Patricia Franzen.
Boyer said she knew Franzen for more than 30 years and often saw Nancy Garrido.
Nancy Garrido's training could help explain how Dugard could deliver two babies and now have two healthy daughters, ages 11 and 15, even though authorities said none of them had seen a doctor.
A spokesman for the state Department of Public Health said Nancy Garrido was certified as a nurse assistant in California beginning in March 1989, until she failed to renew her license in 1995. Her training did not include assisting with childbirth, said spokesman Ken August. more at link:
I had to laugh when I saw these words from Nancy's attorney.

"She was distraught. She was frightened. She seemed a little lost, all of those things. She seemed to be like a ship without a rudder, but she understood why she was there," Maines said.

She isn't 11. She isn't to be repeatedly forcibly raped. She knows where her family is, and knows that if they wish she can maintain contact with them (not Jaycee and the girls of course.) She knows why she was taken. She will have a warm dry cell. All things that Jaycee did not have at the time she was taken by Nancy Garrido. I love it when the perps whine about the same or lesser treatment than they gave their victims.

I believe that there is a battered wife syndrome, and I do believe that wives can be so under the control of an abusive husband that they will do almost anything he says. But even with that there is a line. And when an abused wife passes over between being a victim, to being a participant, maybe even a perpetrator herself then she loses my sympathy. When a wife ignores the abuse her husband perpatrates on her children, she is over the line. When a wife covers for the death of her child, by the abusive husband, she passed the line. When a wife assists in the kidnapping of a child, then she is past the line. She is definately a participant, and who knows if her words to the detectives come true, perhaps is even a perpetrator herself. Early reports indicated that a detective told Nancy Garrido that her husband was psychotic and was addicted to forcible sex, she allegedly replied with a question, something to the effect of what if that were her taste too?

Battered wife? Maybe. Or maybe she got her kicks that way, maybe she was into forcible sex. But maybe she wanted to be giver not the taker. Or maybe she wanted someone else to take for her. Any way you want to explain it, she doesn't get my sympathy. All she would have had to have done was to assist Jaycee in "running away" during the month or more that PG was in prison. That was all. But she couldn't and wouldn't do that, because she knew she was also guilty in the kidnapping.
Interesting that the second "member" in Molino's group is from Florida. Something's up, I think...

Nah...that was me joining . I wanted to see if I would get a solicitation email. I didnt.
I had to laugh when I saw these words from Nancy's attorney.

She isn't 11. She isn't to be repeatedly forcibly raped. She knows where her family is, and knows that if they wish she can maintain contact with them (not Jaycee and the girls of course.) She knows why she was taken. She will have a warm dry cell. All things that Jaycee did not have at the time she was taken by Nancy Garrido. I love it when the perps whine about the same or lesser treatment than they gave their victims.

I believe that there is a battered wife syndrome, and I do believe that wives can be so under the control of an abusive husband that they will do almost anything he says. But even with that there is a line. And when an abused wife passes over between being a victim, to being a participant, maybe even a perpetrator herself then she loses my sympathy. When a wife ignores the abuse her husband perpatrates on her children, she is over the line. When a wife covers for the death of her child, by the abusive husband, she passed the line. When a wife assists in the kidnapping of a child, then she is past the line. She is definately a participant, and who knows if her words to the detectives come true, perhaps is even a perpetrator herself. Early reports indicated that a detective told Nancy Garrido that her husband was psychotic and was addicted to forcible sex, she allegedly replied with a question, something to the effect of what if that were her taste too?

Battered wife? Maybe. Or maybe she got her kicks that way, maybe she was into forcible sex. But maybe she wanted to be giver not the taker. Or maybe she wanted someone else to take for her. Any way you want to explain it, she doesn't get my sympathy. All she would have had to have done was to assist Jaycee in "running away" during the month or more that PG was in prison. That was all. But she couldn't and wouldn't do that, because she knew she was also guilty in the kidnapping.

ITA mysteriew. I'm just not sure she was physically abused. And let's not overlook the fact that she married PG while he was incarcerated. IMO, women who do that have their own issues.

I believe they had that "compound" ready and waiting long before they found little Jaycee. Nancy had to have known what the plan was and she, by all accounts so far, was a willing participant in what happened.

I just can't overlook the fact that this crime spanned 18 years. We already know there was at least one significant period of time when Nancy could have done the right thing and didn't. There may have been other opportunities over the many years that we don't know about. She could have let Jaycee and the girls go, and she could have gone too if it was such a horrible existance for her. But she didn't.
Is there a way to find out "who" signed up - do they use an email or screen name or what?

Florida - hey wait - maybe its KC or JB or even CA? (teehee - sorry I couldn't resist)
Well, first, I don't believe he was incarcerated--I believe he was on home confinement. California normally doesn't incarcerate for parole violations. In any event, I think your post missed my point that we don't know what was going on here with NG. If she were suffering from a mental disorder or if she were suffering from a type of Stockholm Syndrome--it wouldn't have mattered if he were in prison or at home--she wouldn't have done anything--very much the same way that Jaycee had opportunities and didn't take them. Just trying to say to hold off on judgment until we know all the facts. That's what I love about this forum--it's great to get every one's take on the situation!
I do judge her, she was working with abused children before she married this SOB - So in the beginning before she was turned into a robot she knew the signs - she worked with abused kids, understood about patterns, a behaviour...NO I ACTUALLY DO NOT CARE WHAT SYNDROME SHE HAS she is dangerous. She knew exactly where that kind of guy can lead her. NOW she is there. And I don't care, she crossed the line from humane to savage. She needs to be punished severly for life.

My heart goes out to Jaycee and the girls, to Jaycee's mom and dad her real sister. But not to this woman, not at all.
I do judge her, she was working with abused children before she married this SOB - So in the beginning before she was turned into a robot she knew the signs - she worked with abused kids, understood about patterns, a behaviour...NO I ACTUALLY DO NOT CARE WHAT SYNDROME SHE HAS she is dangerous. She knew exactly where that kind of guy can lead her. NOW she is there. And I don't care, she crossed the line from humane to savage. She needs to be punished severly for life.

My heart goes out to Jaycee and the girls, to Jaycee's mom and dad her real sister. But not to this woman, not at all.

Of course she should be imprisoned for life for what she did. I haven't seen anyone here offering her any sympathy, but rather, as a prior poster noted, some are trying to understand. My guess is that her lawyer will use this forum to demonstrate to the court that she can't get a fair trial--just you watch!
Of course she should be imprisoned for life for what she did. I haven't seen anyone here offering her any sympathy, but rather, as a prior poster noted, some are trying to understand. My guess is that her lawyer will use this forum to demonstrate to the court that she can't get a fair trial--just you watch!
I think from the little I've read of him today, he's already going that route...
He's already trying in the media,"Nancy misses and loved Jaycee and her girls".:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/02/2009 05:16:13 PM PDT
Updated: 09/02/2009 06:11:48 PM PDT
If she helped strip a young girl of her innocence and perpetrated a heinous, 18-year-long crime that has shocked the world, Nancy Garrido never showed it when she arrived at work to help people who couldn't help themselves.
Nancy Garrido worked as a state-licensed aide for a respected nonprofit agency that serves 1,000 adults and children with disabilities, mostly in Contra Costa County, even as police say she helped Phillip Garrido keep Jaycee Dugard isolated and under sexual attack for years, authorities say.
She worked full-time for Contra Costa ARC from December 1994 until March 1998, arriving with stellar references as a nursing aide and physical therapy aide, said Barbara Maizie, the agency's executive director.
"The people who received services through her, they liked her very much. She was a good employee and she was well-liked by the people she worked with," Maizie said. "They cannot believe that this is possible. They're totally shocked."
Maizie said Nancy Garrido worked with adults only. She arrived with a valid California Nurse Aide license, a history of nursing home work and a long résumé with both in-state and out-of-state references dating to 1981, Maizie said.
When Nancy Garrido first came to work at the Martinez-based agency, Dugard was in her teens and having the first of two girls that Phillip Garrido fathered, living in a hidden backyard lair of tents and shacks behind the Garridos' Walnut Avenue house in unincorporated Contra Costa County, police say.
Among the 29 felony charges that El Dorado County prosecutors leveled against the couple last week is a count of forcible rape against Nancy Garrido from the month she began work at the agency, and six other counts of forcible rape against Nancy or Phillip Garrido during her tenure.
Both pleaded not guilty on Friday and are being held without bail.
Maizie declined to detail Nancy Garrido's personnel file, citing privacy concerns. She said the agency ran a state background check when it hired Garrido; it came back clean.
"Just 'shock' and 'disbelief' are the two words that come to mind," Maizie said of the allegations.
Maizie would not to say why Nancy Garrido left the agency. But a neighbor, Helen Boyer, 78, told The Associated Press that she stopped to become the primary caregiver to Phillip Garrido's bedridden mother, Patricia Franzen.
Boyer said she knew Franzen for more than 30 years and often saw Nancy Garrido.
Nancy Garrido's training could help explain how Dugard could deliver two babies and now have two healthy daughters, ages 11 and 15, even though authorities said none of them had seen a doctor.
A spokesman for the state Department of Public Health said Nancy Garrido was certified as a nurse assistant in California beginning in March 1989, until she failed to renew her license in 1995. Her training did not include assisting with childbirth, said spokesman Ken August. more at link:

Thank you very much for this article I was not aware that she was doing a full time job all these years and had access to finding another choice. I knew she had the opportunity when he was incarcerated, but this article makes her and him partners in crime. I dont think anyone ever figured out why any of these monsters do the things they do.
I do not wish her well.
I think from the little I've read of him today, he's already going that route...
He's already trying in the media,"Nancy misses and loved Jaycee and her girls".:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:

Most likely in her twisted way she did love them. However, she was sobbing and crying when jailed, so IMO that means she knew right from wrong.
Most likely in her twisted way she did love them. However, she was sobbing and crying when jailed, so IMO that means she knew right from wrong.

She is going to jail, she is going to court she may go to prison. That is what she is crying about.

Will she miss Jaycee and her girls? They were a part of her previous life, a reminder of her life out of prison, yeah she will probably miss them. But probably not as much as a young scared child named Jaycee missed her family. Probably not even as much as she will miss her Philip. And if she does miss them, so what?
No. No she did not. If she loved Jaycee she would have found a way to get her back to her family at the first opportunity. She did not do so.

GREAT POST :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I've read that the girls thought Jaycee was their sister. So who did they think was their mother? Nancy?
Before I go I'll give you a little more.....I think nancys parents are divorced. Her mother has issues with pretty much all her kids I dont know why. Her father is a smoker who just had cataract surgery. She does not keep contact with her dad. I think he's remarried to a women whose name I wont disclose, and they had kids. I think nancys brothers and sisters think nancys dad considers his new kids from the new wife more his kids than nancy and her brothers and sisters. As I said nancy took care of phillips sick mother. Phills sick mother, I'm pretty sure has a sister whom was also sick, but I think she passed away recently. They kept this information of the passing from phills mom at first because her and her sister were very very close.

sorry you have insecurities, but my intention was not as in HAHA i know something you don't so please take that out of the universe as that is not what I said. It was more haha, i dont know you people or who reads this forum, and I'm not just going to throw everything on the table at one time in my first post I said, its a public forum, and i dont know any of you or who is reading it.

It was just plain i wont tell you my sources with the side bar point of her family is an innocent party so their names don't need to be plastered on a web forum. With another side bar point of, me, being willing to answer your questions if there were any........cuz I am able to answer them...but so far no one has asked still so maybe you don't have any questions u wanted answered.

But if you are going to take offence to something I said, twist it, when I didnt intend anything in a rude way...than i'll just take my info else where and you guys can go waste your time matching names on for whatever reasons you feel........i guess its your hobby.

so forget about little old me......continue on with your witch hunt without me.

I get the feeling this may actually be JC posting. Go back and read her emails.
I get the feeling this may actually be JC posting. Go back and read her emails.
I do not think so...
After such a horrific ordeal I think Jaycee would not be as BOLD. This poster seems too strong to be JC....
BUT, can it be Cheyvonne Molino - that is possible.
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