Nancy Grace.. 09.10.08 8PM

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nejame is a defense atty, not a finance atty. He was not hired for anything but defending. IMO/
The payment to ATT did not go through, there was not enough money left in Amy's account. I wonder if that has any bearing on being able to charge her for that?
I'd think so ~ that would be not only her using the account fraudulently but also writing a NSF check for over $500.
1. WTF is Ptgv America and why does it cut the end of NG on Comcast. How do we file a complaint
2. Nejume looks like a plastic figure.
3. WS posters have much better questions than the actual callers!!!

And, much better answers!
Years ago, people believed that maggots formed by themselves in rotting organic matter (the theory of "spontaneous generation"). This theory was disproved over 100 years ago. Maggots hatch from eggs, laid by flies (most flies lay eggs, but some flies deposit live larvae, without a visible egg stage). The flies lay the eggs on rotting organic matter because they are attracted by it, and their larvae will eat it. Note that some flies lay their eggs on other foodstuffs, including fresh fruits and vegetables, or even on other insects that their maggots will parasitize. (source)


So, the flies are attracted to something rotting in the trunk; they find their way in, they lay their eggs. Maggots grow.

I stand corrected.
I'm 5 minutes from Titusville... tell him HI!

I used to live on Merritt Island.........still have a house there. We are "neighbors" as the crow flies.

I want to say how much I admire all you are doing Joseph, and I thank you for your dedication to this.
If I start doing experiments, please shoot me. My family already thinks I am insane. Actually I am not insane, in CA speak am "mis-normal"

:crazy: My family thinks I'm obsessed - which I am. However, they will ask me everyday, "What is happening with your case today?"
"Our creator has given us this thing called denial"

Is this guy fer real? He's like a crusading Christian revivalist or something...

God Bless all of us

Thank you Mark NeJame

Oh, now it's Caylee is the focus this guy gives me the heebie jeebies....I don't like that other chick attorney with the drawl...

NG: hold on to the sermon, sir bah haahhaa
I wonder how many times he practiced this in front of the mirror (in full makeup) in order to be ready for his big national debut, so he could strike just the right tone.

Alas, all for naught. The show isn't even over yet and he's already well on his way to Laughingstockville.
Maggots only feed on decomposing flesh, PERIOD. They will not feed on food, they will not feed on trash. Dead flesh.

Maggots as a form of field improvised debridement has been in use since antiquity and is as of 2008 being used in around 1000 medical centres in Europe and around 300 medical centres in the US. [1] In controlled and sterile settings, maggot therapy (also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT), larval therapy, larva therapy, or larvae therapy) introduces live, disinfected maggots or fly larvae into non-healing skin or soft wounds of a human or other animal. Their beneficial effect is two-fold. They eat the dead tissue, leaving the live tissue alone, and at the same time excrete powerfull antibiotics. An over-use of antibiotics has led to widespread tolerance, making maggot therapy attractive again. (source)

There is no possible way that they grew on anything but dead flesh in the trunk of that car. They screwed themselves saying that there were maggots in the trunk.

And CA being an RN, seems she would of known this!
It really looks to me, listening to NeJame, that his agenda with all this 'separating' of George and Cindy from Casey, is to help them avoid obstruction of justice charges.

Is anybody else seeing that theme?
I was thinking the same thing! He should also tell his clients to avoid the protesters and get in and out of the cars in the garage. Would save them in the long run. IMO
I can't be the one to try and call NG. I would have to start with "Your show is like crack. Sickening, but highly addictive."

I don't think I would get much farther.

NG: "Peace From Connecticut, what's your question?"

Peace-From-CT: "I just LOVE the twins."

NG: (Lowering head, closing eyes)
"Thank you. What's your question, Dear?"

Peace: "Um, this wasn't my original question, but.....
well actually I have 7 questions.....

Well, then. Ask your most important question. Hurry!
We haven't got all friggin' day.
But just one question. There's others waiting their turns.
We still need to unleash the attys."

Peace: "Gee just one? Hard to chose! I'll have to think a moment. Ummmm"

NG: "Rut Roh. She's taking way too much time deciding.
Lets break for a commercial"

Peace: "OK. I've decided which one I need the answer to the most."

NG: "Go ahead, Dear. All of America is waiting."

Peace: "Where the *advertiser censored** do you get your goofy clothes?"
I was somewhat unhappy that these new arrest charges they talked about was for these petty crimes. When is the big charge going to come down??? I don't know why they were making a big deal out of that. She will be out the same day or next day. The A's have nothing to do but spend money bailing Casey out of jail!
I like reading this thread, don't get me wrong...

I just wish we could get through it without making fun of peoples physical appearance. Saying people need to "get to the gym" or comparing them to the living dead are kind of rude.

There are a lot of different people that make up this world.

I think websleuths is above this kind of thing.

Though obviously, Nancy's shiny shirts are fair game:) Come on, why else would she wear them?;) But seriously, I see that is in good fun, just ribbing. But the other stuff is kind of awkward to read, and it takes forever to catch up with 30 posts all making fun of appearance.

And for the record, he probably didn't do his own makeup:)
Maggots only feed on decomposing flesh, PERIOD. They will not feed on food, they will not feed on trash. Dead flesh.

Maggots as a form of field improvised debridement has been in use since antiquity and is as of 2008 being used in around 1000 medical centres in Europe and around 300 medical centres in the US. [1] In controlled and sterile settings, maggot therapy (also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT), larval therapy, larva therapy, or larvae therapy) introduces live, disinfected maggots or fly larvae into non-healing skin or soft wounds of a human or other animal. Their beneficial effect is two-fold. They eat the dead tissue, leaving the live tissue alone, and at the same time excrete powerfull antibiotics. An over-use of antibiotics has led to widespread tolerance, making maggot therapy attractive again. (source)

There is no possible way that they grew on anything but dead flesh in the trunk of that car. They screwed themselves saying that there were maggots in the trunk.

No maggots feed on trash. I make my living off of other peoples trash. I have seen more maggots than you can count. And so far have never found a single dead body. I get maggots in my own kitchen trash with 3 days in the middle of summer, sure helps me keep my kitchen clean. I have no idea where you heard that about maggots, but you are 100% wrong.
So why would LE leak that she was going to be charged with more economic charges?

OMG I thought I was the only one to notice. I was going to post it but thought WS would think I was wierd or something.
Yes Baez... not very attractive... maybe your wife feels the same way and that is why you like to play with Casey.:)

Nejame may be a good attorney, but in my opinion, he is not very good with the media....the swaying back & forth while he answers is very distracting. And, anyone notice, in the video of JB leaving his office smirking with Casey, he has some pretty good size man *advertiser censored* going on! I think he ought to try and get to the gym for a few hours a week. IMOO
And CA being an RN, seems she would of known this!

I dunno; it's not a very common practice in the U.S. Being an anthropologist (or whatever the hell an insect-ologist is called) would make you privy to such information, I dunno about being a nurse.

You would think -- but you know what happens when you assume things. :rolleyes:
Maggots only feed on decomposing flesh, PERIOD. They will not feed on food, they will not feed on trash. Dead flesh.

Maggots as a form of field improvised debridement has been in use since antiquity and is as of 2008 being used in around 1000 medical centres in Europe and around 300 medical centres in the US. [1] In controlled and sterile settings, maggot therapy (also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT), larval therapy, larva therapy, or larvae therapy) introduces live, disinfected maggots or fly larvae into non-healing skin or soft wounds of a human or other animal. Their beneficial effect is two-fold. They eat the dead tissue, leaving the live tissue alone, and at the same time excrete powerfull antibiotics. An over-use of antibiotics has led to widespread tolerance, making maggot therapy attractive again. (source)

There is no possible way that they grew on anything but dead flesh in the trunk of that car. They screwed themselves saying that there were maggots in the trunk.


4. Where do maggots come from?
:crazy: My family thinks I'm obsessed - which I am. However, they will ask me everyday, "What is happening with your case today?"
That's exactly what Hubby says! He thinks I'm :crazy:!

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