Nancy Grace 1-8-09

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He told the judge during the discussion about the secure website that DrL will be in Orlando the end of Jan for a three day seminar and he would be available to view the remains then and compare the SA photos with the remains. JB stated something to the fact that the website could be ready by then and during this conversation the judge agreed.

But that was the pictures LE has, and Lee told the autopsy (which I thought was a strange word for him to use) was done weeks ago. Someone is lying.

I hope it is not me. ROFL!!
I heard it on NG last night. She asked Dr Lee about it, and he said to ask Dr S, he wasn't given any info yet. I am all confused - I am going to have to go read all those NG & Greta transcripts again. LOL
I don't watch many Lifetime movies anymore as I got sick and tired of the woman always being a victim. It's like in a movie that has a woman running for her life and a man chasing her and as sure as the sun is gonna rise that woman is gonna fall down, that is just about how I feel about Lifetime movies, so I quit watching them. Maybe Lifetime has changed. The actress Meredith Baxter Birney ?

Yeah, old case, but classic. MBB, I think you are right about spelling, was perfect. Very enjoyable role for her, because different, and great to watch. Character never stopped being p8888ed, or delusional. Yeah, BB was guilty; so what in her mind.

Lifetime was very much woman as victim, then "cutting edge" with Burning Bed = abused wife defense, etc.

[Haven't watched in years really and only recently stopped cable (books to read, and with this case and WS hardly any down time. Gosh!).]

Others can speak more informatively and interestingly than me, I'm sure. Got a neighbor with cable in the mean time? : )

My money is on readily available to the young folk these days...pill form and "Zanny bars"

From watching CA from the beginning, I am betting on a combination of anti-anxiety drugs. I believe KC was getting them from CA (stealing or whatever) and CA would have full access to any and all of them from work. It would not require prescriptions because the "detail men" leave them samples by the boxes.
Are you talking about yourself in the first paragraph

And from what I saw portrayed in Mommie Dearest Joan Crawford never looked lovingly at her adopted children at all.

I do , and always have that the photos of Casey and Caylee were not faked. There was way to many of them...

Did you seen the tons of pictures of Neil Entwhistle with his family? Joan Crawford could fake it for the camera, too! You can't believe what you see in pictures.



From watching CA from the beginning, I am betting on a combination of anti-anxiety drugs. I believe KC was getting them from CA (stealing or whatever) and CA would have full access to any and all of them from work. It would not require prescriptions because the "detail men" leave them samples by the boxes.

Yep-Yep...pharm-sales men leave all kinds of nice tidy packages for anyone who works in a private office to snag.. I used to work for the health care industry so I got lots of anti-biotics and such w/o perscription or cost to me. I bet CA had any med at the tips of her fingers.
I've watched all of FloridaKatz's uploads (thank you so much Katz!) but unfortunately, the part where KC comes in isn't in them...

It was quite interesting to see how still and stoic she was! I hope she used her Mennan speed stick because I'm quite sure that she was sweating bullets the whole time! I absolutely hated her scrunched up conspiratorial smile at Baez when the hearing was deemed to be over. IMO - This woman has already gotten used to being in jail and nothing will crack her at this point.

Maybe she posts here. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

New Lifetime movie: The Injustice of IT ALL, starring the actress above mentioned, gah now cannot even remember actress. See below.

Having some trouble in Oakland, CA, these last two nights. Riots. Hard to concentrate at times when you hear a loud yell and swear words down the block even this early in the evening, 7:48 pm Pacific Coast Time. eek.
I've watched all of FloridaKatz's uploads (thank you so much Katz!) but unfortunately, the part where KC comes in isn't in them...

It was quite interesting to see how still and stoic she was! I hope she used her Mennan speed stick because I'm quite sure that she was sweating bullets the whole time! I absolutely hated her scrunched up conspiratorial smile at Baez when the hearing was deemed to be over. IMO - This woman has already gotten used to being in jail and nothing will crack her at this point.


Pink, go here and it starts from her walking and chains clanking into the courtroom.
I watched and listened to the hearing as if I were in the courtroom myself, waiting for my turn on hearing day. Jose did a fine job. You can all knit-pick this and that, but I saw and heard a very competent attorney making sound arguments.

I was surprised that the Judge had apparently done no research on the issues presented by the photos of the skeleton, as he had no resolution ready, nor a clue as to how to handle it. Jose was right, the Motion was Moot as to him, he never had any intention to sell the photos and he can not be responsible for what happens in the experts offices, or even in the US Postal Service. I was confused by the State's Motion as well and believe that the Judge should have exercised the State's authority over the "res", (the photos) and just rule that the res must not be sent via the internet and must remain in the State. Then let the lawyers figure out how to get the expert things done. It was a ridiculous moment in courtroom drama and totally unnecessary.

I am also noting that many of these motions were being brought a second time before the court because the State had not yet complied with the last court order. This means that Baez has asked for this stuff to which I refer TWICE* before and the State did not comply according to the Rules of Procedure AND in violation of a previous order of a court, albeit under a previous docket number assigned to the case.

*(First Baez would file a Bill of Particulars and for A Motion for Discovery. The State has an ongoing obligation to supplement it's responses on a timely basis as new evidence is gathered, etc. The State obviously did not respond timely so Baez filed a Motion to Compel the Discovery, requiring a hearing. The Judge ruled in his favor and gave the State a time within which to respond. The State didn't respond, so another Motion to Compel had to be filed and a hearing set and arguments made on the issues. This is just nonsense. The State should have gotten a tongue lashing for forcing the defense to file motion after motion for the same things. JMHO)

KC didn't look anything. She sat quietly, barely moved and had no expression whatsoever. Blank. She was polite and spoke clearly with the Judge. If the Judge wanted her to stand, he would have no trouble telling her. If the Judge was fine with it, that should be all you need.

KC signed a waiver this morning, unbeknowst to the deputies who pick up the prisoners at whatever am. She refused to go because she signed a waiver. There have been a lot of hearings where KC wasn't present - in fact this is the first Motion hearing she has attended. Why the big deal now? Someone tipped off the Judge that he needs to cover his butt on Appeal, so he better command her appearance so she can't claim that she was denied appearance at important hearings. I guess the SA did this for him - a little reminder.

KC smiled at the end after the Judge said "That's a wrap" and Baez turned towards her. A polite smile. That's all.

Jose has control over the remains for now. KC has given him the authority to make all decisions as to when the remains are no longer needed. What she does with them after Jose says her team is finished and hands them back over to her is anyone's guess. I am nearly 100% positive that she will sign over a release to have the interrment at that point. She knows she can't attend, she isnt' getting out and she can watch it on tv. Frankly, I don't think she even wants to get out to go to Caylee's funeral. Too dangerous for her on so many levels.

It may be as simple as GA and CA could not make it to the court in time to see KC today. She was only there about 35-40 minutes. Maybe they were working in the yard and I would hate to read what would be written if they showed up sweaty and in dirty yard clothes without make-up and hair done.

KC's hair did not look dirty to me. She looked well-groomed and healthy. She is neither pregnant nor wasting away with grief. All that has happened is she lost use of make-up and her hair grew to her shoulders. Oh, and no high heeled boots today.
New Lifetime movie: The Injustice of IT ALL, starring the actress above mentioned, gah now cannot even remember actress. See below.

Having some trouble in Oakland, CA, these last two nights. Riots. Hard to concentrate at times when you hear a loud yell and swear words down the block even this early in the evening, 7:48 pm Pacific Coast Time. eek.

I know O/T but riots? Does this have to do with the police who shot that guy at the bus terminal or whatever it was?
Sounds like the trial isn't happening too soon. bleh!! argh!!!
The only thing I would question is that the Judge did say that JB did not file the proper motions to waive Casey's right to appear today. Other than that, your interpretation of the hearing is not the way I saw it.
From watching CA from the beginning, I am betting on a combination of anti-anxiety drugs. I believe KC was getting them from CA (stealing or whatever) and CA would have full access to any and all of them from work. It would not require prescriptions because the "detail men" leave them samples by the boxes.
You're spot on, Turbo. Benzos and antidepressants would be my guess. She has that paxilated look. And I think she was taking them well before July 15th. I've always suspected the tart mom was getting drugs from CA.

I knew someone would dredge up the Joan Crawford photos. LOL! Glad you did, though, Steadfast. The diva was renown for her benevolence toward disadvantaged children and portrayed as the perfect, loving mother. Pfffft. All a Hollywood ploy.
Talking about how JB's team can set up the secure web site to host the images and how it is next to impossible for it not to be hacked. The expert agrees.

I missed most of today's events and NG tonight because we had company for a birthday dinner.........waiting to catch the repeat broadcast of NG in 2 hours. regards to the documents and a secure website, whatever happened to courier services? I know it would be a lot more expensive, but why can they use a courier for important documents/pictures they're concerned will get out to the public?
I know O/T but riots? Does this have to do with the police who shot that guy at the bus terminal or whatever it was?

(o/t yes. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) incident involving BART cop shooting guy already in the down on ground position on New Years Day, early hours. Late yesterday, people moved from where it started at Fruitvale station (quiet protest there) gained more people, worked their way to or three stations up to late last night. Culminated downtown area. Mayor useless, as usual, thinks he is in a movie. Car bashing, burning, business wrecking, etc. Helicopters for hours last night. Still going on here and there. Helos still scanning areas of Oakland, including Lake Merritt, where I live, even right now as I type. A big big *advertiser censored*** deal--all over the area.)

Wanted to bump for you, gibby207, cannot figure out how. jeez. helos drive me nuts.
I missed most of today's events and NG tonight because we had company for a birthday dinner.........waiting to catch the repeat broadcast of NG in 2 hours. regards to the documents and a secure website, whatever happened to courier services? I know it would be a lot more expensive, but why can they use a courier for important documents/pictures they're concerned will get out to the public?

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