Nancy Grace 1-9-09

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She really has painted herself into a corner, hasn't she!??


The defence in this case will be almost entirely about possible "improprieties" and "miscarriage" of justice IMO. There is really NOTHING else they can do!

That is how I see it. The defense is going to look for juror's who have had a bad experience with the law. It can't be anything serious as you can't be juror if you have a criminal record but perhaps people who know of someone personally, friend, family member who have, in their opinion, gotten the short end of the stick. He needs juror's who feel that LE oversteps, has too much power, perhaps even young single Mom's & Dad's who may possibly feel sympathy for KC, knowing how it feels to be torn between going out and having fun with your friend's and/or doing the responsible thing and staying home and caring for your child.
Yea- that video of Caylee is very sad- I wish they would stop showing that- her voice is so sweet too- and you are right- that music is very eery along with that video
I take it you strongly believe kc could not, would not, and did not do this crime. Curious, do you have any theories on who did and do you have any evidence that would support your theory?

And how the hair from a decomposing Caylee, ended up in the trunk of KC's car?
(Please see update below as Gloria was NOT sleeping on the show. I was wrong and I'm sorry for saying she was.)

Ok, maybe I'm wrong, but didn't anyone else notice Gloria Allred was sleeping on the NG show tonight? I thought I was seeing things. It was in the beginning of the show when they showed the talking heads (oops, sleepy heads ;)) in the square boxes. Gloria's eyes were closed. At first I thought she was reading, but then her head was bobbing slightly and she really looked like she was sleeping.

Next thing we know, Nancy tries to cut to Gloria and *surprise* her satelite is out (or is someone trying to wake her up?). I was chuckling at this point, still hoping I was wrong, but when she appeared again, she seemed groggy, almost forcing herself to stay awake. I think some caffeine finally kicked in toward the end of the show, but she was definitely very tired.

Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with the case. I really enjoy Gloria whenever she is on. She's smart and refreshing, but even that pretty bright pink suit couldn't keep her awake.

I can't believe no one else noticed, but I don't think I'm wrong on this. I dunno!

*edited to add that I WAS WRONG. I watched the early segment again, this time sitting up close to my TV and Gloria was NOT sleeping. I saw her blinking a few times. She must have been reading. Very sorry. I will try not to post things like this unless I have all the facts. Gloria is top notch and I was wrong. Major apology here.
Her reaction to me shows that she didn't think Caylee would be found ~ maybe she'd hoped somebody in her family who she was dropping little clues to had moved her or that she'd actually hidden her well enough and thought after the flooding she'd be completely gone? :waitasec: MOO

Or DC reported back that Caylee was not findable because he couldn't find her. I really believe this is the reason he was there for two days looking.
Ok, maybe I'm wrong, but didn't anyone else notice Gloria Allred was sleeping on the NG show tonight? I thought I was seeing things. It was in the beginning of the show when they showed the talking heads (oops, sleepy heads ;)) in the square boxes. Gloria's eyes were closed. At first I thought she was reading, but then her head was bobbing slightly and she really looked like she was sleeping.

Next thing we know, *surprise* Nancy tries to cut to Gloria and her satelite is out (or is someone trying to wake her up?). I was chuckling at this point, still hoping I was wrong, but when she appeared again, she seemed groggy, almost forcing herself to stay awake. I think some caffeine finally kicked in toward the end of the show, but she was definitely very tired.

Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with the case. I really enjoy Gloria whenever she is on. She's smart and refreshing, but even that pretty bright pink suit couldn't keep her awake.

I can't believe no one else noticed, but I don't think I'm wrong on this. I dunno!

Too funny! I didn't notice - I was probably noding off too and bobbing my head. Poor Gloria, she's probably exhausted, NG may have been beyond her bedtime! (seriously though, she works hard)
Yea- that video of Caylee is very sad- I wish they would stop showing that- her voice is so sweet too- and you are right- that music is very eery along with that video

There has been many nights, where I can't sleep...for lying there thinking about that video and that eery music. I finally end up crying myself to sleep.

Off topic...when I see that video of KC being led into the courtroom, and she bumps either her leg or foot into something and says.."OW", I have to laugh. I would really love to see her trip and fall. (I would really and truly love to see her do more than that, but I have to be careful what I write on these boards).
Except Casey's internet searches for neck breaking, household weapons and chloroform were in March - BEFORE she got with TL. She was apparently planning this for a long time.
my thoughts exactly. She used all of her methods in one blitz imhoo. There is really no evidence so far that she was doing this over time (per friends acounts when she took Caylee to parties WITH her).. It looks to me that she wanted this child dead and she double and triple and quadruple insured it. In my opinion she used over kill.
And unstable Casey had the right to pack up Caylee and LEAVE anytime Cindy did.

Maybe Caylee died because Cindy "dared" to "make and enforce" the rules.

The state won't give you custody because you *suspect* your daughter is a sociopath. If Cindy had had Casey thrown in jail a long time ago, who is to say Casey wouldn't have taken Caylee as she as she was released and killed her then out of spite?

I think Casey is pure evil, through and through.


Exactly. Cindy couldn't just waltz into a court one day and say she wanted custody. It's tough to take a child away from her mother, sadly we've all seen much worse "mother's" than Casey (before June 16th) who manage to keep their children.

If Casey packed up and moved out and took Caylee, she could have gone anywhere, even out of state and there would have been nothing Cindy could do about it. She had no proof at that time that Casey is now the obvious sociopath that she is. She never would have gotten custody of Caylee. Much like Scott Peterson, who even Laci's parents supported in the beginning, Casey was a charmer and an accomplished liar, Cindy wouldn't have gotten custody. She put up with Casey to keep Caylee in her home.
It was bizarre as usual, and the young reporter handled it well. I do appreciate NG covering cases we care about, I really do. But I don't understand the incredibly biased nature of the program, the vilification of the defense, etc. It's ridiculous. I'm encouraged by Jane Velez-Mitchell's program. I only saw one guest expert screaming over someone else once, usually it looks pretty good. I like all the experts on NG almost. Can't stand the woman who screams the appalling rhymes.

Amazingly, at the end of every NG program when she calls me friend and tells me to meet her again at 8 sharp the next day I'm sucked in again. Why?!

It's Nancy's show she can run it any way she wants. She's also a staunch victims advocate. You will never see her be sympathetic towards the defense in any case. Any venue, even here at WS which is a victim advocate sight, you will not see a leaning towards criminals and their attorney's.
What I want to know is what she did with her the night of the 15th if she killed her on the 16th- I thought casey went to Tonys the night of the 15th after the fight w/ her mom and he told her not to bring Caylee= is this correct? she had to go somewhere unless she spend the night in the car somehere with Caylee. George claims he seen her the morning of the 16th- well this could be true- she could of killed her after he left for work- did she go back to the house at some point the night of the 15th and sleep there?

The phone pings show Casey was in the area of her parent's house. She texted AL all night long. She could have been at LA's, up the street in a parking lot somewhere. the school, who knows. I really don't see her sticking around after her mom choked her though.
Thanks, lol I never even heard of it, much less knew how to spell it. So do different plants release different Terpene compounds? Could they prove that the Terpene, if found on the car, came specifically from the crime scene?

I dont know much about forensic botany, but it woud seem to me the plant life in florida is so abundant it would be difficult to prove any plant residue found on the car came from the crime scene.

Whatever it is it does seem to have pointed to the area the remains were found. Another poster (sorry don't recall who or on what thread) recently pointed out a sequence of events: a day or two after defense got the Pontiac for Dr Lee to inspect, the PI's were at the (not yet discovered) crime scene digging around and video taping. A day or two later, NeJame stepped down as the A's attorney. It took me awhile to put that together but it seems pretty clear to me now.
Your right on the (oops) money! They wouldn't want to end this prematurely and short-change themselves. :furious:

YEP, YEP,YEP! You can see and hear the glee in GR's voice when discussing this case with JB. Whenever this gets to trial it will be a media EVENT and GR will have the inside track on it. I don't begrudge any reporter wanting to cover this case. However, to want to make big money and fame off the remains of a dead baby by standing behind and enabling the murderers side of the legal team put you on the same level of the A's the PI's, KFN, MB, LG, TB, and everyother slimy character who has crawled out of the woodwork to attach themselves to the perps side! JMO:furious:
I cry everytime I see that video, and those pictures of Caylee...with that haunting music, on NG. My seven year old daughter says, "Awwww...that poor little girl, that is so sad", every time she sees it.
It is heartbreaking to see that video on Nancy's show every night but it's such a beautiful reminder of how precious little Caylee was. I feel so sorry for Poppa now. If only Caylee could've stayed in his arms that last day. :( MOO
My mom was in delivery room with my first son. I can't remember if she or I held him first. If it was her I wouldn't have resented her, if KC was upset about that, she must have hated CA even back then. MOO

My sister was in the delivery room with me, when I had my c-section last year (my third), and SHE held my baby first, and I don't resent her at all. The nurse just handed my baby to her, for some reason.
It is heartbreaking to see that video on Nancy's show every night but it's such a beautiful reminder of how precious little Caylee was. I feel so sorry for Poppa now. If only Caylee could've stayed in his arms that last day. :( MOO

Okay, now I am crying again. I am such a cry baby.
It's Nancy's show she can run it any way she wants. She's also a staunch victims advocate. You will never see her be sympathetic towards the defense in any case. Any venue, even here at WS which is a victim advocate sight, you will not see a leaning towards criminals and their attorney's.

Thank God, SuziQ! Someone sometimes has to make a stand. Criminals have more avenues than most of us. I choose not to honor their stance at this time.

I think Nancy rocks for her fortitude. I have seen her clothes mocked to infinity but the people that do this have no core, she does. Ratings are important to TV people but she bucked the norm and is still standing. I think the core is standing.
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