Nancy Grace 1-9-09

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ohh gosh, please don't take it as "fact" though, I'm only going from my memory, I didn't go look it up.

I missed that? I went back through your posts with SuziQ and didn't see it?

ETA: Sorry - went back and found it. TY

I'll see if I still have that video bookmarked. GA was so obviously really upset.
Randy says that people donating money shows people feel sorry for KC.

Maybe these caring people will rethink their position once they read the info that we just read. How can anyone feel sorry for this witch when she set out to murder her little girl and the way that she did it. What person with 1/3 of a brain would feel sorry for her :furious: I hope and pray that no one leaves their COMMON SENSE at home if they are on this jury :furious:
Sidenote: I have also come to believe that GA mightn't have been a very good cop. He'd didn't resume his police career, which seems a bit odd? And, he seems to have lost much of his skills for adequate investigative work.

I kind of disagree with that in a backwards sort of way. Sorry, it's just so easy to throw in a KCism. Seriously, my father was in LE for 35 years, he's been retired 20. Once a cop, always a cop. It never goes away. The first time I saw GA on tv, the first thing that came to my mind is "He is or has been a cop" only to find out later that I was correct. GA hasn't lost his cop skills. The intuitiveness, the suspicous nature, the always looking at things from a different angle, the ability to spot a liar. These things ingrained. He has chosen to ignore his cop instincts in order to save his daughter. During his first interviews with LE and FBI you can see he is torn between 2 worlds. The world of the cop/ex-cop and the world of being a father/grandfather. This is a battle in GA's mind. In the end, the cop side lost.
I kind of disagree with that in a backwards sort of way. Sorry, it's just so easy to throw in a KCism. Seriously, my father was in LE for 35 years, he's been retired 20. Once a cop, always a cop. It never goes away. The first time I saw GA on tv, the first thing that came to my mind is "He is or has been a cop" only to find out later that I was correct. GA hasn't lost his cop skills. The intuitiveness, the suspicous nature, the always looking at things from a different angle, the ability to spot a liar. These things ingrained. He has chosen to ignore his cop instincts in order to save his daughter. During his first interviews with LE and FBI you can see he is torn between 2 worlds. The world of the cop/ex-cop and the world of being a father/grandfather. This is a battle in GA's mind. In the end, the cop side lost.

Fair enough.

(Sure EC... make me stop being snarky at 4:00 a.m. Whuzza matter, employees not laughing at your jokes again tonight, EC?) :D

No, you did correct me well in what I was trying to say, albeit sarcastically. You nailed it more accurately in the part I bolded above, which I do agree with. You just said it more purty. :crazy:
Something has been bugging me tonight about this. The book. IMO and I believe the book we see in the Father's Day video IS IN FACT the book (or what looks like it) in that one crime scene pic. Now, we know Caylee had that book on June 15th at the nursing home. That means that book was also in CA's car - as she brought Caylee home. It was Caylee's favorite book. So, if we believe that KC left in a huff with Caylee in tow after the big fight - how did the book get brought along? Leaving in a huff KC wouldn't have gone around fetching things to bring with Caylee and if the book was left in CA's car.... Or the book could have just been in Caylee's backpack and KC grabbed that as she was storming out. IDK - I just know that book is bugging me. When my kids were little we had books all over the place - in the cars, on the porch, at Gram's house, at Pop's house, everywhere. And yes, my kids had their favorites but they had so many it didn't matter if "the favorite" was right at hand - we just read another one.

Yet, that book ended up being thrown out in the woods but "mama" was left in the car seat.

I guess I'm just reading too much into this but that book is bothering me.

I think KC left w/Caylee after the fight w/CA.......spent the night in the car, texting Tony.........the early AM (un-answered) call to KC's cell was CA (she sees they didn't come back home, she's on her way to work).

KC & Caylee went back to the house, ate, dressed, etc........& GA see's them leaving for 'work'.........KC returns to the house after GA leaves, the A's computer shows someone to be on it mid-day of the 16th........KC had lots of time to pack-up a backpack, or pick-up the same one CA used on Father's Day.

I'd like to know more about the bathing suit found w/remains....was it the same one worn on the 15th or one that might have been worn on the 16th?
Sidenote: I have also come to believe that GA mightn't have been a very good cop. He'd didn't resume his police career, which seems a bit odd? And, he seems to have lost much of his skills for adequate investigative work.

ITA......he never even uncovered KC's 'non-job'.
(Sure EC... make me stop being snarky at 4:00 a.m. Whuzza matter, employees not laughing at your jokes again tonight, EC?) :D

No one here is laughing tonight....snow storm.....aaahhhhhh. Apparently it's the first time it has ever snowed in Michigan cause nobody know how to drive in it. </heavy sarcasm>

GA is an interesting character, he is soooo internally torn between what his heart and his head are telling him. He's been whipped for so long he doesn't know how or want to stand up for what he knows is right and truthful. Loving your daughter is one thing. I understand that completely. Covering up for a murderer is quite another.
No one here is laughing tonight....snow storm.....aaahhhhhh. Apparently it's the first time it has ever snowed in Michigan cause nobody know how to drive in it. </heavy sarcasm>

GA is an interesting character, he is soooo internally torn between what his heart and his head are telling him. He's been whipped for so long he doesn't know how or want to stand up for what he knows is right and truthful. Loving your daughter is one thing. I understand that completely. Covering up for a murderer is quite another.

I think you and I share much of the same perceptions about GA. I think GA is a tortured soul. I also believe that things he might have allowed himself to be 'whipped' about will plague him forever.

Stay safe in the snow, from the looks outside my window, you sent some of the storm north up my way. Thanks for that. :rolleyes::)
Am I the only one who feels frustrated when I go to read these NG or other show threads and see that 30 people are all recapping the show and posting what is happening on the show, one after the other, and repeating each other? It's like an echo on steroids.

Wouldn't it be great if sleuthers could organize themselves so that only one or 2 people were recapping/giving live updates on what is being said on the NG show (and other shows too) rather than have so many people posting the exact same thing, post after post, night after night? People could take turns so it wouldn't have to be the same person recapping each night (unless they really wanted to do that).

Surely I can't be the only person on this board who has noticed this and thinks there has *got* to be a better way?
Am I the only one who feels frustrated when I go to read these NG or other show threads and see that 30 people are all recapping the show and posting what is happening on the show, one after the other, and repeating each other? It's like an echo on steroids.

Wouldn't it be great if sleuthers could organize themselves so that only one or 2 people were recapping/giving live updates on what is being said on the NG show (and other shows too) rather than have so many people posting the exact same thing, post after post, night after night? People could take turns so it wouldn't have to be the same person recapping each night (unless they really wanted to do that).

Surely I can't be the only person on this board who has noticed this and thinks there has *got* to be a better way?

Am I the only one who feels frustrated when I go to read these NG or other show threads and see that 30 people are all recapping the show and posting what is happening on the show, one after the other, and repeating each other? It's like an echo on steroids.

Wouldn't it be great if sleuthers could organize themselves so that only one or 2 people were recapping/giving live updates on what is being said on the NG show (and other shows too) rather than have so many people posting the exact same thing, post after post, night after night? People could take turns so it wouldn't have to be the same person recapping each night (unless they really wanted to do that).

Surely I can't be the only person on this board who has noticed this and thinks there has *got* to be a better way?

It doesn't bother me a bit. I appreciate the generosity of the people who relay what's going on in the shows.

Maybe you could take on a project of going through the show threads and consolidating everything said into one post, eliminating what you see as duplicates.
So you think the suggestion of people taking turns recapping each night's show (which is one stream of info each night) so that only 1 or 2 people are posting the details at one time is not a good idea because why? Aside from your feelings of gratitude to the multiple posters, I'm interested in why you believe this is not a good idea.
I heard on NG tonight that people all over the world is putting money into KC's jailhouse account. I don't know if this has been discussed but does anyone know if GA, CA, or LA is among the people still giving KC money? I know in the beginning they were. It would seem real strange if they stopped visiting her in jail (supposedly because of the media) and has also stopped putting money in her jailhouse account. That would tell me that they are no longer standing behind their daughter eventhough their attorney says otherwise.

The people who are sending Casey $20.00 for her commissary account are probably hoping for thank-you notes from her ---- which will next appear on E-Bay, signed by the huge celebrity herself. Why should her parents contribute if other fools are doing it?
So you think the suggestion of people taking turns recapping each night's show (which is one stream of info each night) so that only 1 or 2 people are posting the details at one time is not a good idea because why? Aside from your feelings of gratitude to the multiple posters, I'm interested in why you believe this is not a good idea.

Well, I liked your idea.....even the mods ask us to snip long quotes to save space......might also help with the 'server busy' problem also.

no one expected NG thread to be reduced to ONE post:)
no one expected NG thread to be reduced to ONE post:)

It wouldn't be one post--just recapping one show could easily be 20 separate posts as the person posts and hits submit and then writes their next update. One or 2 people recapping at least limits the redundancy of the EXACT SAME THING being said over and over.

It's not about not appreciating people's willingness to recap and contribute, it's about leveraging that willingness and *organizing it* so everyone isn't doing it every night leading to 500 posts that are repeating the same thing. If someone would announce at the top of that night's thread that they were going to recap then that would save others from posting the same thing, en masse.
It wouldn't be one post--just recapping one show could easily be 20 separate posts as the person posts and hits submit and then writes their next update. One or 2 people recapping at least limits the redundancy of the EXACT SAME THING being said over and over.

It's not about not appreciating people's willingness to recap and contribute, it's about leveraging that willingness and *organizing it* so everyone doesn't have to do it every night. If someone would announce at the top of that night's thread that they were going to recap then that would save others from having to post the same thing.

Yes, I understand what your saying, & it would be faster for us 'late-comers' to browse the thread.....

The "consolidating everything said into one post" did not come from me.
LOL...I just posted it...again.
So you think the suggestion of people taking turns recapping each night's show (which is one stream of info each night) so that only 1 or 2 people are posting the details at one time is not a good idea because why? Aside from your feelings of gratitude to the multiple posters, I'm interested in why you believe this is not a good idea.

I didn't say having 1 or 2 people recapping is not a good idea. I don't believe I commented on it at all. I am happy to comment on it now.

I like the spontaneity, I like hearing what people have to say, and personally, I wouldn't want to suppress that. A lot of duplicates come from people simply expressing themselves. They hear something interesting and post it "Wow! So-and-so just said such-and-such!". There's no way to know that it grabbed 6 other people's attention enough to post at the same time.

The duplicates just don't bother me. I like people to talk. I like people to feel free to express themselves. I truly enjoy jumping into a thread where we're all watching something live and talking about it. It's good, for me, to be able to share my shock or outrage or sadness or pain or even to share a chuckle or two. Makes me feel close to the other people in the thread, sharing something in common, even if we're across the country. It helps me that there are other people who share my concern for this baby.

Using my scroll-wheel to skim and scroll past dups is a small price to pay for that, and it just doesn't bother me. I'm not saying it shouldn't bother anyone else.

That's all. Just MOO.
about the NG thread....PattyG has been really good about posting the show and transcripts :)

I like that a lot of posters post during the show....the show goes very fast sometimes and I know for my self there is no way I would be able to keep up and post every thing....sometimes I think *did I really just hear that* but then someone else will post the same thing I just heard....and it confirms I did :)
I even liked it when we had two NG threads just the info and the other to chat while the show was on....that was fun too :)
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