Nancy Grace 1-9-09

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Agreed, it is difficult to take parental rights away from a mother but CA had more leverage then most gp's in a similar situation. KC & Caylee lived under CA & GA's roof, always had therefore their testimony regarding KC's "parenting" would not only be first-hand, it would be time fluent, day in & day out, not observations made on an occassional visit to her home if she happened to live elsewhere - in addition the court (DHS) wouldn't be faced with uprooting Caylee because as I stated before, she lived in CA & GA's home. I can assure you also that CA being an RN and GA having a background in LE, would also add additional weight to any claim that they made. CA sought counseling IIRC back in March/April, at which time the counselor told CA that KC (analysis by counselor would have to have been based upon CA's description of KC's behavior) was a sociopath. That also would have worked in GA & CA's favor. Testimony by the mental health couselor who CA went to for help/advice regarding their issues & concerns with KC would have also helped tremendously. Although the counselor couldn't testify to KC's issues firsthand, experience in the field & her/his own professional observation of CA's claims & concerns, being consistant with what is typically seen in a situation such as this, would further add credibility to CA's claims. You mention that you've seen much worse mother's then KC and you add, before the 16th, do you realize that murder is usually not the first assault upon the child? Do you really think that KC was non-abusive for the first 2 1/2 years of Caylee's life and then one day she just lost it AND not only did she just lose it, she had the misfortune of going as far as to kill her? ------- JMHO

I question if ca went to a counsler.....she never made it to the lawyer for the poa....I think perhaps she spoke with someone at work.....called it a day...SW are all around nursing homes.....
I kind of disagree with that in a backwards sort of way. Sorry, it's just so easy to throw in a KCism. Seriously, my father was in LE for 35 years, he's been retired 20. Once a cop, always a cop. It never goes away. The first time I saw GA on tv, the first thing that came to my mind is "He is or has been a cop" only to find out later that I was correct. GA hasn't lost his cop skills. The intuitiveness, the suspicous nature, the always looking at things from a different angle, the ability to spot a liar. These things ingrained. He has chosen to ignore his cop instincts in order to save his daughter. During his first interviews with LE and FBI you can see he is torn between 2 worlds. The world of the cop/ex-cop and the world of being a father/grandfather. This is a battle in GA's mind. In the end, the cop side lost.

you may remember in interviews--he was always told to leave the LE hat off by CA......I think he was told to several times in this case as well...after all the best investigator was on the scene (ca & la)---GA did try to caution ca about investigating and not giving over info in one of the LE interviews....
Thank you, that's what I thought I heard. I would like to see it confirmed though. I sure hope it's back on!

My mouth fell open when I heard them say this. I think it would be *enormous* news if it had been decided. I think somebody was sort of speaking out of turn, saying what everybody has been wondering about.
The people who are sending Casey $20.00 for her commissary account are probably hoping for thank-you notes from her ---- which will next appear on E-Bay, signed by the huge celebrity herself. Why should her parents contribute if other fools are doing it?

Ok I understand that but I would think that a parent wouldn't be concerned with what everyone else is sending their child in prison. They would still be responsible for doing their part. I mean at first when they were sending her money there were fools sending money to KC at that time as well. Why now would that make any difference to them?
as long as they don't live in florida, we are good.

WFTV reported yesterday that a man in his twenties from Melbourne, FL sent her $20. Melbourne is about 30 miles SE of Orlando.
A breakdown is tough but sometimes it's not until we are in that broken place that we are able rebuild and rebuild upon the truth and knowledge, the very thing that all of us need to ever truly be whole in this life.

Hi nomoresorrow, just catching up from last night. You said it perfectly... Maybe, every last one of them needs to have a breakdown. Before trial...

Have a good day :)
Going back to catch up...btw love you avatar!
and lets not 4 get about her computer searches back in May, not reporting her missing as stated above, borrowing a shovel, the flurry of calls to make sure her mom and dad were at work, her lieing to everyone that Caylee was w/ the Nanny, her partying= the list goes on and on- and the report today that she did it, acted alone and it was intentional- theres no denial left in this case- and shouldnt be

again, the other explanations for the computer searches have already been explored indepth, she has friends who talked about and had info about chloroform so could have looked it up for that reason, and as you know, when you look up anything there are links to a million related topics, that isn't very compelling. The shovel was used by TL to break the lock on the shed, wasn't it, isn't that what he said in the second interview or so? If she was planning to bury a body do you actually think she'd ask a neighbor for a shovel? Wouldn't she just buy one at Target or Home Depot with the checks?

A lot of the so-called partying was actually just working, for TL at Fusian, for example, the hot body contest, it is documented in the text mssgs how she did not want to do that. And if she thought at that time naively that Caylee was with someone safe, then her so-called "partying" and seeming unconcerned may be a non-issue. The failure to report the disappearance is bizarre and incriminating, but could possibly be explained if she naively thought at first that a friend had Caylee, or on the other hand if she knew the person who had Caylee would kill her if she told who they were. But her stories about the nanny after being arrested, the failure to give complete information is extremely incriminating. I believe a jury could be so swayed by that that she could get convicted based on it, even if she is innocent. (Again, I don't know if she's innocent, I can't rule her out, but there are many other possible explanations that also haven't been ruled out, so I'm not convinced yet that it was necessarily KC.) Her bizarre stories since the arrest could be due to mental illness (she does, from her text mssgs seem to be deeply involved in a fantasy life, possibly even to the point of being several of the characters in her made-up stories herself, for all we know.)
I kind of disagree with that in a backwards sort of way. Sorry, it's just so easy to throw in a KCism. Seriously, my father was in LE for 35 years, he's been retired 20. Once a cop, always a cop. It never goes away. The first time I saw GA on tv, the first thing that came to my mind is "He is or has been a cop" only to find out later that I was correct. GA hasn't lost his cop skills. The intuitiveness, the suspicous nature, the always looking at things from a different angle, the ability to spot a liar. These things ingrained. He has chosen to ignore his cop instincts in order to save his daughter. During his first interviews with LE and FBI you can see he is torn between 2 worlds. The world of the cop/ex-cop and the world of being a father/grandfather. This is a battle in GA's mind. In the end, the cop side lost.

I totally agree with you.
WFTV reported yesterday that a man in his twenties from Melbourne, FL sent her $20. Melbourne is about 30 miles SE of Orlando.

He just hopes that she will get out of jail and go on a date with him, and "thank him" for his contribution.
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