Nancy Grace - 10/17/08 - Friday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would imagine in Florida saying a body is near water hyacinths is like saying it's near grass. Do you all have any idea how those things spread? I can put one or two in my large water garden and in a month, the entire surface is covered. And they don't overwinter here so they must be all over the place in Florida.

It is a common variety flower in that area. Agreed.
I have the same question! I'm sorry, but at this point, given KC's and LA closeness and secretive code phone messages to each other... I feel the body may have been moved several times. I'm sorry if that sounds really out there, but remember... we're not dealing with normal, everyday people here.

Your post has my attention, dmk
The Anthonys said they had shovels in the shed but she could not get in them, but since she broke the lock maybe she could later or like you said someone else provided the shovel.


For what it's worth I've always considered that Casey had access to the shovels at the Anthony home. After she broke into the shed there were multiple shovels in there. [Cindy mentioned there being shovels in the broken-into shed on Greta.] The only way we would know if a shovel came up missing (which Cindy said there was not one missing on Greta) would be to rely on either CA or GA.


ITA, and taking the above points a little further:

(1) I believe there were prior shovels at the A home that went missing around the time that Caylee went missing,
(2) I believe that the *new looking* shovel hanging on the wall of the carport was bought after Caylee went missing, and
(3) I've always thought that the only reason Casey "borrowed" a neighbor's shovel was to support any future theory(s) she planned to throw out there re: she didn't have access to her family's shovel(s).
I really don't believe that KC would do anything so strenuous. She either used the shovel to pry something open/up or if she did use one to bury something, perhaps it was an item that belonged to Caylee or an empty bottle of chloroform...

ITA. I'm still confused though about whether the car was actually out of gas when it was towed away. If the car was stolen then any evidence would be blamed on the car thieves...creating reasonable doubt. Has anyone heard if there were surviellance cameras around the Amscot? I'm sure if there were its been made public and I'm sure WS's know the answer.....

Can anyone help me out here? I've never been able to figure out the status of this one point.

I remember it was said that any surveillance tape taken on the 28th would have been taped over by the time police got involved. Not sure if that means there definitely are surveillance cams there at Amscot.
Thanks, that makes sense. She had to know those days were numbered as far as being confronted about her car, she was going to have to face up to that in the very near future. So what was her excuse going to be to her parents about abandoning her car for almost 3 weeks? Especially when it wasn't "broken down", it had only ran out of gas. I don't recall the A's or LE ever even asking her that question.

I don't either, probably one of those sensitive questions CA has been protecting her from!!

I think she knew this couldn't last and that's why she was so careless about signing her own name on Amy's check and forging Amy's signature at the bank. She had been getting away with stealing for some time, she's not stupid but she was very careless in the way she handled those checks. Why? KWIM?
Has anyone posted the picture with the red glasses?
Quite a few people here have speculated she was hoping the car would be stolen. Perhaps that was why she left her purse in the car.

Not in defense of Casey but... I think she like me carries/switches purses often. You can almost always find a purse in my car. Most purses are loaded with the essentials then I just switch my wallet to which purse I want.
Weird I know. My husband always yells at me to take my purses in because he thinks someone one will see them and break into my car.

She had her wallet with her, so this may be a reasoning for her purse being in the car. She was basically living in her car...purse, boots, shoes, pants this makes sense to me.
First of all, that is NOT a desolate road with little or no traffic.

Secondly, the traffic patterns on that road are not conducive to "driving real slow and looking for scrap metal".

Thirdly, it is a fairly known area for dumping.

And most importantly, it was searched.

Haven't seen rest of thread, forgive if this has been asked, but...
my bold...dumping WHAT?

Why is this area known for dumping? And what....dumping trash? Dead squirrels? Why is it a 'fairly known area for dumping' ? To whom is it fairly known....who discusses amongst themselves where they dump 'things'? Please elaborate....

"According to other sources, lab tests have been ongoing as recently as this week to "triple check" that evidence. Investigators said they're confident those tests will provide "iron-clad proof" that Caylee's body was in the trunk of the car, how her body was positioned and that strands of her hair fell out after she died."

Again, I am still trying to find it. Evidently, it wasn't only me who recalls this as there are lots of mentions on other sites (that I never read unless I am trying to track down a source. So far, I haven't found this source...still looking.) I didn't make it up. ;)

SS: You're not the only one who recalls it, I remembered it, too. Cyberborg found it and posted it a few pages back.

I'm still trying to figure out how they could tell how her body was positioned.
I never mentioned it before (because it is not relevant) but my dad drives a white pontiac sunfire as well. He moved from the Orlando area last year BUT every time I see a white sunfire I take notice because I think, "Is that Dad? Oh, that's right..." I have never seen a pontiac sunfire with a black BRA on it that I recall. Bras are pretty outdated (in my opinion, I sure don't want to offend any bra owners). I don't think there are many pontiac sunfires with big black bras in O-Town. :)


Thanks for the response.I said that about BRA's here before and had a good laugh with a Floridian that told me BRA's are kind of popular down there b/c of the bugs? Around here they are a blast from the past 1980's style.
First of all, that is NOT a desolate road with little or no traffic.

Secondly, the traffic patterns on that road are not conducive to "driving real slow and looking for scrap metal".

Thirdly, it is a fairly known area for dumping.

And most importantly, it was searched.

Why would anyone dispose of a body along a busy route? Especially one Known for dumping. Isn't the risk of being seen just too great?

With all of the roads in the area that are more desolate, that have large, boggy lots. Wouldn't this make more sense?
is it possible she If in fact this was her she was getting rid of evidence....or maybe even that the area be known for dumping possible getting rid of things pertaining to manufactuing drugs???? I dont know just trying to throw different things out there...LOL

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