Nancy Grace -10/2/08 - Thursday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Amy's next. The As seem to be going after the best people first.

Already been done in her interview..she actually lumped them together at one point..Amy OR Jesse...
I'm with you on this. I also think she played them off each other. KC would tell her mom lies about Jesse to build resentment and vice versa.
Yes, I'm sure she told Cindy and Jesse a load of cr*p about the other one. That would be the way she manipulates and manuevers. She's a big game player! And an even bigger liar!:furious:
That's just the way she does things. Lies, lies and more lies.

I think KC's days are numbered.:behindbar
I think that the callers questions should be screened better so as to not have the repetitive questions or questions that have already been answered in different ways according to who the 'unleashed lawyers' of the night are!

I was tremendously impressed with Jesse and am so glad he did not marry into that demented (IMO) family. Jesse loved little Caylee. He has lost a loved one here in Caylee.

This was a better show tonight I thought. I think the whole Anthony family should be worried. Their lies are going to get them and Casey IS going down! For once I am glad Baez made a stupid statement!

I feel that there will be a Grand Jury soon, and an inditement. The Child Neglect charges will be upgraded to homicide charges, IMO, and it cannot come soon enough for me!

And thanks, everyone for a laugh tonight! This case has hurt our hearts so much that a lighthearted moment is needed now and then!
These two women (CA and KC) feed off of and brainwash each other - back and forth, back and forth...They both sound like they have the same disfunction - same pathology. MOO

Yes. A really classic case of codependency.

I think this case will end up in all kinds of textbooks. Medical, Abnormal Psychology, Law School textbooks, Criminal Justice textbooks, Communication/News Reporting, Fiction Writing (This would've been great if it wasn't so real.), you name it. I think this case will remain long after Jon Benet and O.J. cases are gone. The magnitude of deception and dysfunction can hardly be grasped. :confused:
Ok, I am "weighing in".....

A little history of mine, my hubby had a roommate who was a serial dater/liar who would end ALL his relationships (1-2 months in length) by borrowing money and then NEVER calling them back once he had the money in his hands. I was the one that would get these calls from women who wondered why he just stopped calling. Then, I would ask "the question"....How much money did you give him? Then they would be just flabbergasted that I would ask this, then I would tell them why and then they would tell me the truth at the amount. Then I would just tell them to walk (no run!!) away and be happy it only cost them $100 - $300 before the got the boot. Casey used this ruse like this "friend" did. He also ALWAYS had the next someone already going by the time I was fielding the calls. No conscience, no guilt.

I am sure Cindy fielded MANY calls like this from her girlfriends/boyfriends alike. It probably got to the point, like with me, how stupid these people were to be taken like this. This is why she didn't think highly of JG, (although he is stand up, imho) Casey played on his generosity and good nature. Thank god he has a great father who smelled a rat early on. That is a tough first love.....tough to undo the thoughts that you had fathered a child and held her and dreamed of her growing up.

Another question about the car sighting and figure w/cap .....can they ping/triangulate this witness's phone to figure out the date she was by the airport and in the same place as Casey? It could even triangulate the time of day also.
We can ALL pray???????????????????????????? Bumper stickers HUGE clue if in fact true. And I am sure they have been following all the tips and leads.... I feel LE has been doing a good job despite the LACK of support and truth from the key people in this investigation.

Something big must have happened for them to change her status at this time. Maybe the pings.......bumper stickers......and what the witness said and the date.............. Could you imagine if you were the person who saw a person out there with a shovel in the wee hours of the morning...and not a jogger.

Something happened this week that moved LE one step closer by naming Casey a suspect.

When you think of the time line here............tipster calls in the tip on Sept. 4th. It probably took some time for that tip to get to the right people and for someone to call that tipster back and talk to her. Then, it took a few days to assemble a search team and search the area. If the bumper sticker noted by the tipster matches the one on Casey's car, and was in the general area where her cell phone pings came from, this could pinpoint the location of where Caylee's remains are.

Casey may have checked out several locations around the airport prior to actually burying Caylee. She may have made a call from one area around the airport, but then moved to another location in the same general area. The area searched may be off by as little as a half mile.
(On a more serious note here...)

Yes and don't forget to find the photos of the SHAMROCKS hanging from KC's rearview mirror. Her hat said, "Show us your shamrocks," and I guess she did just that. I wonder if she's going to be cussing those shamrocks before it's all over...

I think the rearview mirror shamrocks are in the "Taco Bell Burrito Tongue Orgy" photos.

Also, there are photos of Caylee wearing a shirt that says, "Kiss me, I'm Irish." What's with the shamrocks? I thought KC was Italian...or is it KC O'Anthony?

Sean D has a tatoo of a shamrock. Please don't laugh but I have always had this strange feeling that he is the father..
Yesterday LE stated that they've received more than 5000 tips, so maybe they're just now checking out this tip?
I hope a lot of those aren't from here!! People don't seem to understand that theories and unfounded speculation don't belong on a tipline. Now they are deluged with so many tips they can't weed through the junk to get to the important ones. What if the last one they listen to tells them exactly where Caylee is buried because they saw Casey do it?! It is my biggest fear when I hear of so many tips.
Something happened this week that moved LE one step closer by naming Casey a suspect.

Casey may have checked out several locations around the airport prior to actually burying Caylee. She may have made a call from one area around the airport, but then moved to another location in the same general area. The area searched may be off by as little as a half mile.
I like the idea of checking out the tipster's phone pings to be more exact, too.

I agree...something happened to allow them to finally target her as THE SUSPECT. They have definitive proof from somewhere...either forensics or other evidence which is conclusive. An arrest is on the horizon...where yesterday it wasn't. LOL
Sean Daly has a tatoo of a shamrock. Please don't laugh but I have always had this strange feeling that he is the father..

Not laughing here.

I think that's very possible. Sean and D. are both "good Irish names" and so that would tie in very well - Casey has a shamrock tattooed on her lower back. That makes perfect sense and that might be why we overlook it - virtually nothing in this case makes even a little bit of sense so it's like Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass where up is down and high is low and in is out. He's been called "her best guy friend" so what's a romp in the sheets between friends? I this very weird world of Casey Anthony.

Good thought.:aktion033:
I never heard Cindy accuse JG of murder. She may have been accusing him of helping to hide Caylee. If a person didn't want to believe a child was dead, then they would start trying to think of ex boyfriends or someone who might be involved. Now JG stated on NG that Casey's personality has been so "molded" that she's not the person he knew.

Before Cindy's interview with LE was released, JG was already telling publicly that Cindy had been starting rumors that whatever happened to Caylee, he had done it, and basically that she was trying to "pin this on him". It had "gotten back to him" somehow, before he or anyone else ever saw her interview...JG has been cleared by LE. He VOLUNTARILY went in for a polygraph and passed. He has been completely co-operative with LE and Cindy needs to stop pointing her finger at HIM and point it at her spawn and maybe even a little at herself for buying the little brat out of every trouble that she ever got into and paying her way so that she did not ever learn any responsibility. I know a parent just exactly like her, and when this parent was faced with incredible evidence that her child was shooting up drugs through needles, she did EXACTLY what Cindy is doing now-denial, excuses and point the finger everywhere but where it belongs. Just as a side note, this parent that I know with the needle junkie offspring also paid his way and bought him out of TONS of troubles and looked over the thefts that he perpetrated on her and her home...she and Cindy are almost carbon copies of one another and what they are is AFRAID. They are afraid to fail. They are afraid that someone will think badly of them. They are afraid of what people will think. They are afraid of what will happen if they lay the law down. They are afraid they will lose something important. They are afraid all the time and their fear BREEDS Casey's and others just like her. Poor Jesse...Out of the belly of the whale straight into the lions den...
Originally Posted by panthera
One thing that's unique is that black bra on the front end of her car. I wonder if Casey always had it on there?

Hey wait a minute I have one on my Civic. It actually helps me in Love Bug season so i don't have to scrap dead bug matter of my front. ;). But that does make alittle more of a difference to the other whites cars. So hopefully the woman remembers the bra on the front.

You would think that they would not be sending searchers there if they were not fairly confident that it was her car...I am betting that they showed the lady everything they could about that car and then decided to send in the search parties because she said that WAS the car that she saw...Here is to HOPE!
Yes it was ripped in the back. It was torn at the front as well but it looks like it was that way when Annie was wearing it in the pic as well. Interesting bit about the hat is that the blogger who pulled it out of the trash said she was going to post pictures but she never did and I don't believe that she posted any other comments about her "find".

Now that IS maybe LE came and got it and away it went with them...hmmmm....
:clap: Oh I would soooo offer to pay your phone bill SS!

I have been playing catch up here after coming back from vacation...catching Nancy here and there was my only update on the case through several states.

Some days it really did feel like Groundhog Day as another poster mentioned.:crazy:


No, Can't! You have it all wrong! We don't ask such questions. ;)

The conversation would go like this from a WSer:

NG: "Going out now to SeriouslySearching from Tulsa, OK. How are you, SS, and what's your question?
SS: "Hello Nancy, love your show, love the twins, love it all...let's get down to business here..."

NG: "Thank you dear, what's your question?"

SS: "I have a 3 part question, Nancy. Please don't cut me off like you do most of your guests. Thanks, Nancy.

Part 1: Since Casey is now considered a suspect, do you expect an arrest to follow very soon? Define soon, please.

NG: Let's ask the pa...

SS: (AHEM) NANCY PLEASE...allow me to finish my question. Thanks, Nancy.

Part 2: In light of what Baez stated today, can we then assume she does know where the child is and that Caylee is actually dead hence the reason it is not in her best interest to give them information which would help them give her life in prison?

Part 2, subsection a: Why would Baez make such a statement? A: He wants off the case? B: He wants a deal for the body location? C: Because he can't help himself when he is on national television?
NG: Good quest...

SS: Excuse me, Nancy, I wasn't finished yet.

Part 3: Why are we treating the grandparents with kid gloves when we know now that they have lied, hidden evidence, washed evidence, removed evidence, and covered for the actions of their lying, stealing child? Why aren't charges looming for them, too?!

Thanks, Nancy....Let's get the panel to weigh in on this now.

NG (mouth hanging open and is speechless): ..........
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:SS you rock!!!
I think that the callers questions should be screened better so as to not have the repetitive questions or questions that have already been answered in different ways according to who the 'unleashed lawyers' of the night are!

I was tremendously impressed with Jesse and am so glad he did not marry into that demented (IMO) family. Jesse loved little Caylee. He has lost a loved one here in Caylee.

This was a better show tonight I thought. I think the whole Anthony family should be worried. Their lies are going to get them and Casey IS going down! For once I am glad Baez made a stupid statement!

I feel that there will be a Grand Jury soon, and an inditement. The Child Neglect charges will be upgraded to homicide charges, IMO, and it cannot come soon enough for me!

And thanks, everyone for a laugh tonight! This case has hurt our hearts so much that a lighthearted moment is needed now and then!

I agree, but some of these callers might not be bloggers and only catch NG's show once in a while. And also it's a little hard to keep up with all the details without being on these blogs.
I also agree that there will be an indictment soon!
I do appreciate NG for still covering the case though. And those babies of hers are adorable!!!!!
Originally Posted by Hailiejade77 View Post
I think NG needs to screen the calls before they are on the air! We keep hear the SAME questions.

Wonder if NG would 'dedicate' a show to 'online sleuthers' who are monitoring the case and take calls from 'us' for a few days?
During the "newsbreak" I was thinking we could all have a laugh if we all called and asked stupid questions. We would have to identify ourselves by our WS screen names.
NG: "Going out now to Can't Sleep from Tardistan Texas. How are you Can't and what's your question?
CS: "Hello Nancy, This is Can't Sleep. I love your show."
NG: "Thank you dear, what's your question?"
CS: "Oh, and I really just LOVE your ARE they?"
NG: "<sniff> Thank you, dear. They are just fine, thank God. What's your question, dear."
CS: "I have a five part question, really. I was just wondering if anyone has ever asked Casey who the biological father of her daughter is...And then I want to know if maybe law enforcement has looked at that empty apartment that Casey says ZG lived in to see if maybe she was staying there...And I wonder if maybe somebody that went on that vacation to Puerto Rico maybe took Caylee to visit her biological paternal grandparents...and also, does anybody know if Casey was searching for ZG on the internet in the same time frame as Caylee going missing..."
NG: "Excellent questions, Can't! Going to our distinguished panel...Kobey?"

OMG. If I ever hear one of you on NG show I will laugh so loud!

Excellent! Made me LOL:crazy:

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