Nancy Grace 10/6/08 - Monday

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I didn't think that she should have been on house arrest to begin with - gps her behind and the rest of the family - this whole thing would have been sewn up in a few weeks - Casey would have thought it all worked out and probably slipped further into her own demise and with her 'friends' turning against her, it would have been interesting to watch
"The strain of the current situation will wear on those around her and pressure her to explain her behavior. Because she cannot explain her lies, she will blame everyone else. She will want to flee. She may even reach for religion as a means to cope, and depression is likely to follow. Then police will be able to talk with her to find out what she really knows."

**Bold is mine** From a criminal profiler

"I coined a term in 1999, when I interviewed female serial killers and mass murderers. This term is a White Picket Fence Fantasy. Women who kill tend to long for a knight to come to their rescue and take care of them. This fantasy plays repeatedly in their minds. When they have to break from their fantasies and actually tend to their children, the burdens of being mothers become overwhelming, and they just want out. It is here that Instead of feeling love for their flesh and blood, they feel anger. Everything that has gone wrong becomes the fault of the child."

* "If only that child had not been born"
* "If only she had the freedom to live her life"
* "If only..."

According to Dr. Schurman-Kauflin, those questions eventually turn into an obsession and in time the mother will only think of what she wants.

"These thoughts haunt her until one day, something stressful happens," Dr. Schurman-Kauflin said. "Usually, it involves the breakup of a relationship or the introduction of a new lover who finds children unappealing.

Females who kill their children tend to see themselves as being very sensual and attractive, and being discarded is too much for them to bear. It does not match with the idealized self that they have created in their minds. So they begin to think of ways to have the lover.

They cannot allow a threat to their self image, so they take steps to quell the increasing internal discord. The females project the rejection onto the children and come to believe that if the children were not there, then life would be good. This is the point where plans are made to murder the little obstacles."
Originally Posted by MiraclesHappen
Local news was talking about that last night. It did not make their websites. But the female reporter here, with NG on the brain perhaps, was announcing we'd be getting
with more discovery coming out some time this week.

I might not have paid attention but it really amused me that she was calling it that B word. Poor thing must be watching as many NG reruns as I do...

I was shocked the other day when I looked at my DVR list and it was all NG. LOL I really have to remember to record Monk and Psych!

Ugh! I am not sure I am ready for more docs to come out yet! I am still going through the last batch. (OMG! That is a statement I never thought I would hear myself make! I normally kvetch about them not giving us any info!! :eek:)
I thought you were just teasing, SS!:blowkiss:
Hey, someone needs to go search since Casey doesn't stand a chance to do it. I thought LA had been keeping a low profile for a reason lately and slipping off might be a good one.
Hey, someone needs to go search since Casey doesn't stand a chance to do it. I thought LA had been keeping a low profile for a reason lately and slipping off might be a good one.

Wishful thinking....(sigh)
Will the judge be the same one KC had at the very first bond hearing? The one that said "Ms Anthony and the truth are strangers."? I really liked him!

I guess regardless of who the judge is, none of them is the least bit impressed with KC. And I sure don't see any one of them granting her request to go out on a private search!

I also liked the prosecutor at the bond hearing - she is one tough cookie!
This is priceless ~
Listen to the reporters yelling questions at the end, and the female reporter who says "why are you strutting like that?" Too funny!!

Baaaawaaaaahaaahaahha that tickled my funny bone when the reporter asked "why are you strutting like that?" Like you nut, what is wrong with you?
As my dear departed Momma would say "That gal walks like she has a corn cob stuck up her a$$, that's just not natural".
snipped: Yeah, Leonard has that laid back, country boy aire about him, but he is one savvy, smart man! He didn't come to town on the turnip truck! lol!:)

...nor did he fall off the pumpkin truck! :crazy:
Casey's request to be able to look for Caylee is nothing but a defense attempt to show that she was willing to help but was denied that opportunity. :furious:

FYI, Casey, it's too late. Nobody believes you seriously want to find your daughter. If you really wanted to help, you would tell LE where she is. They have all of the resources they need to find her if you will just tell them where she is. There's no reason for you to leave your house to help them do that, thank you very much.
Yes, I could not take that video with Lee making the remarks about Casey wanting to search for Caylee but cannot and CA solemnly nodding her head. :rolleyes:

Guess it is all about the donations, anything for money. Oscar worthy?

could someone tell where to find the link to the vigil for sunday tia
This is just my opinion, but I kind of see her as being somebody who would flee just to have an international manhunt for her and be in the media spotlight 24/7. MOO

ITA - especially if she thinks it could be her last hurrah...
I've never thought they were in's a matter of cover-up and laying the grounds for reasonable doubt.
The more I think about it, and what their actions are, I believe they've known all along and it's all a cover up for Casey. MOO
Good point, I think you all may be right. I wonder if there was some way to say yes, go ahead and let her lead them to the body.

Does anyone really think that IF by some remote chance, she is granted this "secret search", that she would actually lead them in the right direction? What would be her excuse searching anywhere near a swamp, a heavily wooded area or anywhere? She contends that she doesn't know where Caylee is, and that SHE did not harm her. Why search? I just don't get it. She just wants out of the house and ti scope out an escape route. JMO
Casey's request to be able to look for Caylee is nothing but a defense attempt to show that she was willing to help but was denied that opportunity. :furious:

FYI, Casey, it's too late. Nobody believes you seriously want to find your daughter. If you really wanted to help, you would tell LE where she is. They have all of the resources they need to find her if you will just tell them where she is. There's no reason for you to leave your house to help them do that, thank you very much.

If the defense tries to state that Casey's request to be able to search for her daughter was denied, it opens the door for the prosecution to state that Casey initially claimed that the reason she didn't immediately call 911 when she learned Caylee was missing was that she was investigating it herself. Then show the pictures of her investigation from Fusian! :mad:

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