Nancy Grace - 11/18/08 - Tuesday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just a sad little aside regarding last night's NG seven-year-old daughter, who is very familiar with and concerned over Caylee's case, happened to come into the room as I was watching (I don't let my girls watch the show). She yelled, "She's alive!!?" with the most unbelievably hopeful smile I've ever seen when she saw the words on the screen saying "grandparents have proof Caylee is alive". Her five-year-old sister heard her from down the hall and came running, all excited. It was heartbreaking.

Oh God, that is so sad. When my 2 and 1/2 year old daughter sees Caylee's picture, she says, "She's crying." It makes me really sad.
Don't mean to butt in....but Cindy did say on the stand at the bond hearing that she and the perp worked on the MySpace page the morning of the 16th and then the perp was arrested later that day. Somewhere in her tesitmony, I remember Cindy also saying that the perp took a shower.

Sorry, if this was not even what ya'll were discussing.:crazy:


Thanks!!! That is probably where I heard her say that then. :crazy: I couldn't remember:waitasec:
I am trying to catch up here so forgive me if someone has already mentioned this. Why would CA clean the car out, go find KC and then call 911 and say "the car smells like a d**n dead body? I guess if I was trying to hide evidence I wouldn't then call the police and say that. I don't think she was trying to clean the car out of all the evidence, I think she was trying to find out where KC and Caylee were. JMO

You have to remember...You, thank goodness, do not think like CA.

Yes, I agee....she was desperate to find them that day.

Next step CA did was to call kc who did not answer...while searching for clues, she found AHs resume....wanna bet there was more than just this one thing in the portfolio bag?

When home, kc did not respond as CA expected, so she pulled her final card.
1. She called in car as stolen
2. then she called in Caylee missing.
3. finally, she mentioned car odor.

CA was not going to take rap for her daughter...the car was in her name. She is responsible for that car AND she knew it and it scared the weemie-jeemies out of her.

Someone cleaned the car out...and it wasn't the perp because she left a bag of garbage, the "mama" doll, clothes, shoes, etc, in the car. It appeared that the car interior may have been in total disaray by the description.
LE took control of the car less than 24 hours after they showed up at the A fam's house following the 911 calls. LE was with them during that time. She didn't have time after the 911 calls to wash the pants before they got the car.

She even told LE that she had washed them along with the knife that was in the car. IIRC it took LE a loooong time to get there.

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