Nancy Grace - 11/7/08 Friday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Did George say this in his interview?
No. They both talked about having searched the backyard when LE went to ask them if they could...I think it was on the 16th or 17th of July.
Yikes! I just did the math............500 team leaders, each managing 15 people equals...........7500 people!


Yesterday they said 350 Team leaders - There must be more people showing up than they anticipated

Tomorrows the big day - I know there going to find her
For those who know, is there really that big of a difference between dead animal vs. dead human smells?

i've smelled both and think they are very similar..i was working in a hotel a few years ago and a guest had committed suicide in one of the rooms. it was winter, the heat was on and after 3 days, when he was found it smelled really bad and it is a smell you'll never forget but still similar to a dead animal, only stronger.
as far as a lingering odor, the room was thoroughly cleaned and rented out again within the odor left at all.
Mark W. talking about GA's recollection of the pool gate being open and the "borrowed" gas cans.

Caller- Asking about the A's getting pyshcological help by recommendation of their attorney.
Didn't he also tell the wrecker guy that is grandaughter is missing but they found his daughter? This part utterly confuses me.

Nah.... CA found KC via Amy after taking the car home, that was when GA called LA to go home and CA was just returning with KC. It was the papers left in the car that led them to KC.
George did not seem to have a really strong relationship with Casey so his worst fear, of course, would be that his lovely granddaughter was no longer with them
I'm just wondering now if maybe Casey had said something the night of the fight like 'you'll never see her again'? It's just kind of strange that he'd automatically think it was Caylee unless he knew Casey had the capability of killing her. But what's even stranger is after the garbage bag is removed, he no longer thinks Caylee's dead? I'm not quite following his mind change, since the food garbage wouldn't smell like a decomposing body. MOO
7500 searchers?

I guess.....I thought they originally said 3,500 volunteers

They have really been getting the word out about this search & I'll bet people are showing up by the bus load
I think that CA had been talking to KC and was still under the impression that she was in Jacksonville. When they found out about the car, they didn't know what was going on anymore...
I'm just wondering now if maybe Casey had said something the night of the fight like 'you'll never see her again'? It's just kind of strange that he'd automatically think it was Caylee unless he knew Casey had the capability of killing her. MOO

I'll bet that Cindy never failed to tell George what an unfit mother she thought Casey was, too. moo
I'm just wondering now if maybe Casey had said something the night of the fight like 'you'll never see her again'? It's just kind of strange that he'd automatically think it was Caylee unless he knew Casey had the capability of killing her. MOO
Sure does make you wonder.
Did George say this in his interview?

Cindy & George said this months ago

I think it was during an interview with Greta Van S. or maybe it was in the very first 400 pages of Doc.s that came out
I just doesn't add up.

I think it does. Casey had been texting Cindy. Although Casey didn't let Cindy find her, Casey wasn't a missing person. She had been in touch with her mother.

Since Casey wouldn't let Cindy talk to Caylee on the phone, Cindy had to have been worried about Caylee. Cindy had taken care of Caylee since she was born. But, Cindy had NO legal rights...she couldn't stop Casey from taking Caylee or force Casey to bring Caylee back. I bet Cindy tried.
I believe that someone here did figure out per cell records that KC did talk to either george or cindy before they went to the towyard.

This is most likely it but at the same time, CA told LE that she had been talkign to KC every day, I believe. they may not have known where she was but according to CA she talked to her. However, they needed Amy to actually find out where she was so if a phone call was all it took to say that they found KC but didn't know where Caylee was, that still does not pan out.

So did CA talk to KC and know she was okay all along but didn't tell GA until that day?

The woman lies so much that I think maybe GA is realizing that she is as big a liar as KC.

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