Nancy Grace: 2009.08.31

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Does anyone thing these two are not involved? Why does Misty have a separate attorney. I wonder if they are going to blame each other. I hope the attorneys are not pro bono.

......where is the spokesperson for the family?
Lil Momma..

R * M didn't want to return because of fear of wire-tapping, imo. RC needs the security of his GGMA. He can hide better with a guardian. To me, he exhibits many signs of paranoia, always has.
I think what it was is that they were concerned about their phones being bugged, so Tim got them phones so they could get in touch with them- thats how I read it-

I am sure those phones are bugged, and I am sure these two are paranoid-


If you have nothing to hide, why do you care if your phone is bugged or not?
Not sure what to think about MN, but apparently, he is being thrown under the bus along with TM.

Misty Cummings' attorney, Robert Fields, feels Orlando-based attorney Marck NeJame was behind the tests and should not have been interfering with his client.

Fields said, "If there was an ethical obligation it was possibly breached. And it would've been by Mr. NeJame. Again, I wasn't there but that's my understating of what Misty and Ronald said." (Local News under Radar Map)

The point is, neither MN nor TM initiated any of this. MN was originally contacted by Haleigh's grandma TN a number of times.

"Haleigh is a sweetheart," said Neves, who joined high-profile lawyer Mark NeJame and Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller at a mid-morning press conference.,0,6353651.story

I saw media videos with TN and MN together in his offices so .... it isn't as if TM or MN injected themselves into this, they were asked to get involved, asked to help, asked to assist in eliminating MC as a potential suspect and ..... it backfired!!!

The record in the media stands as testimony and by RC and team throwing TM and MN under the bus simply creates more enemies, bad press and, has the exact opposite effect. The 'A' syndrome.
LE has never released the results of polygraph tests or VST because they cannot. Tim Miller works closely with LE and is highly respected by them, IMO. Tim is not bound by the same rules as LE even though he does work with them on (most all) searches. That he is not bound by the same rules is why he can release the videos of the tests and comment freely on them if he wants to.

Tim probably would not have released all of this had Misty not accused him of having tricked her. JMO. He did not release them the day of the testing or until Misty opened her mouth and spewed out more lies, as she always does.

I am 100% behind Tim Miller and TES in whatever he does. I do not question him or accuse him of having motives. Tim Miller is on Haleigh's side - the victim. I am furious that Misty and Ronald have thrown Tim under the bus.

I emailed the NG show and asked that Tim Miller be on her show and given time to state his truth since the video of Ronald and Misty came out in the news. Of course it was lawyer strategy that the video was not done before the NG show was taped.

I am so disgusted by all of this carp with Misty and Ronald.
to add to that, IIRC, one of the main reasons (not sure if this is rumor or not, but i do remember reading it somewhere) they never returned to the MH is b/c they thought it was bugged. so again, i have to ask myself, if they are innocent then why are they concerned about the home being bugged? (if this is rumor, sorry, but i think it fits in and makes sense for me)

Just to add to this, lil momma:

This isn't the first time we have heard that they thought the phones were bugged.
If I were innocent, I would want my phones bugged. That way if the guilty party called, LE would have the proof. JMO
Gotta love this clip on NG:

YouTube - Nancy 8/31/09 Ronald Cummings Part 1

"I just want everybody to know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying I was home"
"They told you that"

Was she uncertain whether she was home or not before the lie detector folks told her?

There is something wrong, there is a smell of pee in the d@mn blanket.

The more I learn about MC and her desperation to prove her stories are true together with her tough background and upbringing the more concerned I become. Another KC?

MC was clearly abused and had a very harsh upbringing, lacks education and, while quite young she is very childlike. Given that, on the poly MC made a big deal of pee on the blanket and washing it late evening. Hmmm. Something smells and it was not the blanket. The abused abused?
There is something wrong, there is a smell of pee in the d@mn blanket.

The more I learn about MC and her desperation to prove her stories are true together with her tough background and upbringing the more concerned I become. Another KC?

MC was clearly abused and had a very harsh upbringing, lacks education and, while quite young she is very childlike. Given that, on the poly MC made a big deal of pee on the blanket and washing it late evening. Hmmm. Something smells and it was not the blanket. The abused abused?

I would make more of a comparison to CA rather than Casey. Lying to cover up someone else's lies by lying about lying.
I agree about the blanket story raising red flags, especially Misty's statement during the voice test concerning the blanket and how she would never let a child sleep with a blanket like that...too much fake emotion thrown in there, IMO. The blanket story is SO important that Misty must include it in every statement about Haleigh's disappearance...filler, IMO.
Nope, it is one of the surest signs that she is lying and that she wasn't home. She is trying to call attention to something almost trivial and hammer home the point that it has somehow been proven. The stressing of details that seem unatural. The overblown pee on the blanket story is another example. She is trying to feed a story out there. It is a rather unsubtle lying technique and one that I am sure immediately raised all sorts of red flags with LE. Misty is a child, this is how a child lies. ("Nuhuh! I didn't do it")

I agree about the blanket story raising red flags, especially Misty's statement during the voice test concerning the blanket and how she would never let a child sleep with a blanket like that...too much fake emotion thrown in there, IMO. The blanket story is SO important that Misty must include it in every statement about Haleigh's disappearance...filler, IMO.

She certainly said it with much emphasis. Who could ever let a child sleep with a pee blanket, it's so disgusting, I would never sleep with a pee blanket myself, etc. She justified washing the blanket for so long and in so many words that it was like she was expecting someone would start to argue and contradict her that she shouldn't have washed the blanket. That's what it seemed like to me anyway. Too much information.
There is something wrong, there is a smell of pee in the d@mn blanket.

The more I learn about MC and her desperation to prove her stories are true together with her tough background and upbringing the more concerned I become. Another KC?

MC was clearly abused and had a very harsh upbringing, lacks education and, while quite young she is very childlike. Given that, on the poly MC made a big deal of pee on the blanket and washing it late evening. Hmmm. Something smells and it was not the blanket. The abused abused?

What concerns that when this started, on the first videos of Misty, she looked like a scared child..........when you compare those to today's videos, you see someone who is getting stronger. Someone is building her look who she is around, where do you think she is getting it from? Why would they want a stronger Misty...........reeks of hink to me.
Gotta love this clip on NG:

YouTube - Nancy 8/31/09 Ronald Cummings Part 1

"I just want everybody to know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying I was home"
"They told you that"

Was she uncertain whether she was home or not before the lie detector folks told her?

Ooo! Caught something else.

4:35 ...

He lists his concerns as:
a. "keeping Haleigh's face on the TV."
b. "and being sure that she is found."
c. "and whoever has done this to her - er ... is put away.

Interesting choice of words here. Not "whoever has taken her" or "whoever has her." He says "whoever has done this to her."

He hesitates for a split-second after he says it. Perhaps he realized he said something he shouldn't have?

Edited for clarification: "done this to her." What was done to her? All we know is that she's missing. We think someone might have her, might have taken her, might have done something with her, but to her?
(Either he knows something, or he's buying Misty's ideas that her brother or cousin could have assaulted Haleigh.)
What concerns that when this started, on the first videos of Misty, she looked like a scared child..........when you compare those to today's videos, you see someone who is getting stronger. Someone is building her look who she is around, where do you think she is getting it from? Why would they want a stronger Misty...........reeks of hink to me.

I know what you mean! I see it differently though. I think she was that scared kid in the beginning because she was afraid her stories wouldn't "stick". Now that she has "mastered" her lies, she thinks she is above everyone else and "above" the intelligence of others, which is why she wasn't afraid to take the poly and voice tests. She has gone from fear to arrogance, IMO.:razz:
The more I learn about MC and her desperation to prove her stories are true together with her tough background and upbringing the more concerned I become. Another KC?

I'm with you. Every time MC points her finger at someone - her cousin, her brother, Haleigh's mom - it makes me think of KC pointing her finger at Zenaida and then Jesse.

Deflect, deflect, deflect.
I am going to bed also. To give an opinion about Ronald and Misty is NOT trashing them. It is just my opinion that both Ronald and Misty know where Haleigh is and what happened to her.

To cite Ronald's record and how he has gotten away with so much is NOT trashing him. It is stating the truth.

To state that Ronald is standing by Misty, who is clearly lying, is NOT trashing him. For me to state that Ronald looks cold and evasive is NOT trashing him. IMO, his demeanor on NC tonight did him no favors. I deeply resented his attorneys laughter.

We all have our opinions and our right to them. Goodnight, and maybe tomorrow will bring progress in the search for Haleigh.
I have to ask a question...something that didn't jive for me from last night...Ronald said (was it on NG? another video perhaps?) that when he got home that night Misty was at the door and he asked what she was doing up. I thought that he had spoken with her on the phone as he was coming into the driveway. Didn't he say to her "Why are you calling me? Why aren't you calling 911? Have I dreamed all this?
IMO, there is a simple explanation for the disposable phones. It was the perfect opportunity for LE and TM to catch Misty, Ron and whoever else to call and discuss things thinking they were on non bugged phones. You bet those phones TM bought were bugged by LE.

The only reason why Ron and Misty are throwing a temper tantrum is because they fell for all of it. People with nothing to hide wouldn't behave in this manner.
And, perhaps, therein lies the reason TM released the videos...LE asked him to.

Just a guess.
I doubt that Misty would have felt the same way if she'd have been able to pass with flying colors. She'd have wanted it on the cover of every newspaper and as many blogs as anyone could possibly read. She wanted to clear her name, which is achieved by positive publicity, not secrecy.

I don't know precisely what you mean by confusing the issue more. Releasing the tapes and the results highlighted Misty's dubious story, which ought to be a good thing. If anything new was learned on that search and from the interviews of the brother and SIL that's also a good thing.

The biggest problem I see with publishing the tapes is the way Misty accused several people of several things she might not have said face to face and she might have burned some of her bridges there. Personally, I would have edited out the parts listing her suspects and the faults she finds in the people she knows before publishing the recordings.
These tapes sure have shaken things up, haven't they? It's a good thing- shake the tree and see what falls out. Perhaps, it will be something that resembles the truth.
If we consider the fact that this has been going on for months, how do we know that RC has not, a million times, asked MC what she knows about that night? How do we know how many times he has cried, screamed, begged for more information from her only to be met with the same inconsistent answers that she gives LE? What is he to do, "beat it out of her"? I think not, then he would be what some think he is, the bad guy.

So he loves her and stands by her until something concrete tells him that she was involved. I would hope my husband would do the same.

I do believe he is medicated, but I also see him as being just drained. I am sure that he has not had one minute of joy since this began. I can't imagine what that would be like. Now, I may be dead wrong, but this is my opinion. Thank you all for giving me a chance to express it.
I agree in part...there can be no joy for him in all that's why did he pick this time to get married? What was it...a little over a month after Haleigh went missing? For the life of me, I still can't figure that part out.
to add to that, IIRC, one of the main reasons (not sure if this is rumor or not, but i do remember reading it somewhere) they never returned to the MH is b/c they thought it was bugged. so again, i have to ask myself, if they are innocent then why are they concerned about the home being bugged? (if this is rumor, sorry, but i think it fits in and makes sense for me)

Remember the Anthony's thinking their house was bugged and having D Casey go through it. IMO, when you have something to hide, you worry about something being overheard in conversation, whether it be in a house or on a phone.
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