Nancy Grace - 9/03/2008 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Absolutely. Very unlikely indeed. But they still need to prove that she is the one who did the searches (and not, say, a friend of hers). They still need to tie possession of chloroform + computer TO her. the other thing is... if she only meant to make her daughter SLEEP but did not have intent to kill her, how would that affect the charges? Does anyone know? Isn't INTENT to do harm one of the elements of first degree murder?

I would imagine there are many easier ways to get your child to sleep besides using a rare chemical that you had to research online...jmo
That makes me believe that Lee has accepted that Caylee is dead
Put on the Breaks Ms. Rockwell LOL.

Why would LP take her out when he was so worried about her safety that he had to put her back in lol

Nancy why do you think you are so much better than everyone? Why must you be so condescending?
But you know, regarding what LP just said...the immunity deal is off the table, so my guess would be that IF Casey were to ever "come clean" that she would be held without bail...IMO
It also depends on what she was searching - 'how to obtain chloroform'? 'The effects of chloroform on children'? 'How to remove chloroform from carpeting'? 'How chloroform can be used instead of nail polish remover in a pinch'?

I'm certain that right after LE found the searches is when they specifically ordered the chloroform tests - and subpeona was sent to google.
Exactly. Nancy DisGrace should've asked whether it was possible for Casey to use chloroform in a way that would not have caused Caylee's death.

She doesn't know how to phrase questions. She does this every show. And it causes nothing but confusion among her panelists, followed by Nancy's usually childish sneers and pouts.

I thought we weren't supposed to name call.
Isn't calling Nancy "Disgrace" name calling?
I don't want to "defend" Casey, but some of my posts may come across that way. In my opinion, Casey is also a victim, a guilty one perhaps, but I don't believe she had any more chance than Caylee did, for whatever reasons.

Victim?!?! CASEY?!?! This... thing... is so far from being a victim it's pathetic. This "victim" did nothing but prey on family and friends and now her little girl is missing and she's not doing one darned thing to help find her... and more than likely has killed this baby. Victim?!?! I don't think so...
That makes me believe that Lee has accepted that Caylee is dead
I agree. Lee cant ignore the evidence that is in front of his face. I wonder if George is getting to that point but I dont think Cindy will ever get there unfortunately.
Cindy says Casey left on good terms.............

HA HA HA put perfume on a pig!!!!!
Well, say I wanted my 3 year old to go to sleep FOR WHATEVER REASON I NEEDED TO MAKE HER SLEEP AND STAY ASLEEP instead of sleeping at bedtime hhhmmmmmm...

Go Online and look up chloroform. Matter of fact since it was banned from use by consumers and it's a known carcinogen what the hell!?

You know what I would do? Take my kid to the park, maybe take a swim and see how much energy they have left when I'm done wearing 'em down! Matter of fact, I guarantee I WOULD BE ASLEEP before they would!!

It's a new Nancy-ism: I don't care if you put perfume on a pig...!

John Lucich ALRIGHT I like his style, his suspenders!!
Sorry Casey had nothing but choices = she had loving parents

she made choices - really bad ones

those are on her - my poor childhood isnt going to cut it - lots have
had much worse and built respectful honorable lives

She is a monster but she CHOSE to be one

AMEN, friend!!! I agree. Everytime I hear the, "but but but I had a bad childhood" defense I consider that a BIG kick in the teeth to those upstanding, successful, and good adults who also had bad childhoods and chose to make something of their lives. No matter how bad a childhood, it doesn't give people the right to murder.
Good points!! You are totally right. I wonder the same about the sleep thing. Would that be like 2nd degree or even manslaughter?

there are cases out there, where chloroform overdose was the cause of death, that have been argued as, manslaughter; not murder, because the premeditation (intent) was not, 'to kill'. the death was accidental.
Didn't Leonard say today that he'd be willing to re-post Casey's bond with the stipulation that she must reveal the location of Caylee's body?

Sounds like he wants it in writing this time, although the chloroform evidence may change everything yet again.
Thanks for welcoming me to Websleuths! I think it's odd that NG even asked him why he has done a turnaround today and yesterday. He just seems to be wishy washy to me. JMO


What I hate is that I have always liked Kobe- especially after so many other respected scientists flip flopped and basically perjured themselves in the Phil Spector trial. I guess I can understand that he is covering all scenarios about chloro, but the fact that he let us all know that Baez contacted him makes me wonder if he isn't on 'retainer' by the defense and is already spinning a possible defense!
I could entertain numerous defenses as to why chlorform is in the trunk IF there wasn't evidence of computer searching for information. Nothing the defense can come up with can counter that evidence.

The computer searches is certainly another piece of evidence linking the chloroform to one or some of the Anthonys. It's increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for the defense to get around that. But it's still not irrefutable evidence that Caylee's death was caused by chloroform.
Doesn't Casey realize if she continues to sit tight lipped and mean mugged that a jury will convict her JUST AS QUICK?

As long as she just sits back and says nothing...



The interrupting people thing has made me crazy for two nights now. She is so busy thinking of what she is going to say next that she doesn't stop and listen to potentially good stuff. I want to scream.

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