Nancy Grace - 9/03/2008 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm really tired of hearing LP talk about accidents, pool, and now urine and bleach from pool forming chloroform. Why is everyone defending Casey!
And, for the record, there must be a good reason why so many here want to bury Casey.

I don't understand this comment, or why you would direct it to me. The expert was asked to come up with a scenario in which Casey could've used chloroform in a manner that was irrelevant to Caylee's death. He complied. What's wrong with that?
Wow.....finally some info from TonE!
there are cases out there, where chloroform overdose was the cause of death, that have been argued as, manslaughter; not murder, because the premeditation (intent) was not, 'to kill'. the death was accidental.

But certainly not since it was banned in the USA!!

And do her lies ever end? Casey told Tony that her dad took the car to a dealership and she was getting a new car..on a trade in????

She is a total sociopath! I mean...the worst I have seen.
omg...even lied about people working on her car!

edit to add...keep shaking my head...why?!! why?!!
Urine and Chorine... Chloroform.. interesting... Drown and urinated.. and then placed in trunk..


Also - she had groceries in her arms when TonE picked her up and she lied to him about the car being taken in and worked on!

More lies. Names of specific people who worked on the car!
I don't want to "defend" Casey, but some of my posts may come across that way. In my opinion, Casey is also a victim, a guilty one perhaps, but I don't believe she had any more chance than Caylee did, for whatever reasons.

Casey is not a victim. Casey is/was old enough to know right from wrong. Her concealment of Caylee's body proves she knew what she did was wrong. A person who chooses wrong over right is not a victim. She could have chosen to give her child up for adoption at any time, from birth to the day of her death. She chose murder, imo. She is Not a victim. What she continues to do to her mother and father, and brother, and anyone who ever cared about her and/or Caylee are victims. Though at this point Cindy seems to have joined doing wrong over right, trying to stop the search to protect Casey or herself from facing the truth, over what is in the best interest of the child/victim!
Wow.....finally some info from TonE!
Nancy makes a good point. The elaborateness of Casey's lies. Scott Peterson revisited - American music at the Eiffel Tower, the cobblestone streets. Pathological liars both.
I'm really tired of hearing LP talk about accidents, pool, and now urine and bleach from pool forming chloroform. Why is everyone defending Casey!

Sounds like he is asking the same question that Cindy had last night. Of course, Cindy asked about the DNA/decomp. But he asked the expert about that possibility for the chloroform. Since none of the Anthonys are on tonite, maybe he just wants to rule that out on tv before Cindy goes yelling about that angle.

Anything to stop Cindy from coming up with even more crazy theories that don't make any scientific sense.
I am so relieved to see that Tim is still searching. I hope more people will help seach to bring her home. This is so sad. It's getting to me.

I am glad too. Tim seems more confident now with LE on his side, IMO.
I'd like to know the date that the chloroform computer searches was done.

Before Caylee's disappearance would lead to Casey being the most likely searcher.

After Caylee's disappearance it could have been anyone in that family.

Wouldn't it be the opposite? Once she was gone, she had the laptop with her (according to what Tony said)...unless the searches were all on the family computer?

If it was on the computer she had with her, anytime after June 15th make it nearly solely Casey, wouldn't it?
TonE is probably thanking his lucky stars that he didn't get even more involved with Casey.
I'm really tired of hearing LP talk about accidents, pool, and now urine and bleach from pool forming chloroform. Why is everyone defending Casey!

I am with you..Think of all the pre planning Casey did to hide her lack of job...making fake emails up and leaving them around so her parents would read them and think she had a job...

And I could name many more...she is a premeditator of everything!

This death of her daughter didnt just happen to be the only accident when everything else is so perfectly, horribly planned.
I don't understand this comment, or why you would direct it to me. The expert was asked to come up with a scenario in which Casey could've used chloroform in a manner that was irrelevant to Caylee's death. He complied. What's wrong with that?

He didn't comply! He Never gave NG a scenario, he skirted around the question
I'm really tired of hearing LP talk about accidents, pool, and now urine and bleach from pool forming chloroform. Why is everyone defending Casey!

I think it's because no one can wrap their mind around the fact that a beautiful young woman would so callously murder her beautiful baby girl.
I see your point,but this wouldn't make his opinions any more or less valid. The opinion's the same, and should be subject to the same scrutiny. He's on National TV, exposed to the nation. If his theories are unsupportable, they will be made into swiss cheese immediately.
That's just it. If he's been approached by the defense and is even considering an offer to testify on Casey's behalf, is he biasing his comments? We can't tell, because we're not experts in his field.

But if he has a particular connection to this case before a death charge has even been brought, it would behoove Nancy to replace him with someone who has no such potential conflict of interest.

As long as it isn't Dr. Lee - I can never make out what he's saying.
Wow...did you hear what Leonard just said? Lee has been on the phone with him..."if Casey comes clean and helps find the body" will he bond her out???

I'm not watching the show so could you please clarify? Is Lee saying Casey will come clean and lead to the body or is LP saying separately two things? Is he saying he told LEE he'll bond her on that condition or did Lee say that? I'm just trying to understand if Lee believes Caylee is dead since we haven't heard from him lately.
Come on LE...figure this outttttttttttttt
And the neighbors say they heard a huge blowup!

And she told her friends she was getting the house...was she planning on killing the family?
Chloroform would be one way to overpower those bigger than you...

This is getting really creepy.

I have always wondered the same thing:waitasec:

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