Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think George is probably trying to bow out of the loop. He looked bad and sounded worse last time he spoke. The man is on the verge of a major breakdown. Time to think about his health and let Casey reap what she's planted.
I haven't rewatched the show, but I believe LP said the nation would be shocked by something that Lee, Cindy, and Casey have known since last Wednesday(?)

Why did he exclude GA?

Is it possible he JUST forgot to mention George's name?

It really doesn't make too much sense that Casey's father wouldn't have been give the info BUT the mother & brother were.

And how would LP know what LE has been telling the family members anyway... and which ones were being told what?

And why would ANYONE believe that Cindy & Lee know something already but have NOT told George..... and how would we know if they told George?

Nah.... this doesn't make much sense at all.
Good golly. I have never thought this before but I'm starting to think she's in on this with Casey. She knows Caylee's dead and she's the mouthpiece on the outside protecting Casey. SEEMS like if the search is getting to close, she ruins it. Some hint of urine, she explains it. OMG! I'm drinkin' the Cindy is guilty too kool-aide and it tastes pretty good!! This woman is not to be believed...and I mean that literally.

I mean Cindy proceeds to say she asked LE if the dogs would hit on the playhouse for urine-why is Caylee pee'ing on the playhouse anyway she says that LE said "it's possible"..and then tries to link that to the dogs hitting on the least this is what I think. Who said anything about urine in the trunk?? She forgets that we haven't been privy to everything she has.
I'm curious what LP meant about the shock also BUT I saw how 'dramatic' he can be when he was still busy pointing fingers at the nanny & then some friend.

He LOVES the media attention, so we can't discount that he wants to make sure they invite him back again & he wanted to say something that REALLY caught everyone's attention.

I highly doubt the FBI is sharing sensitive info with LP.... maybe just very general clues about how well the case is going & THAT'S why the Padillas wised up & stopped wasting their money on Casey.
Well seeing that he was the one who posted the bond and on Friday said he was not going to pull it, IMO he may very well have had some very general clues given to him so he could pack it up and move on down the road. Too many side shows mucking up the investigation.
Is it possible he JUST forgot to mention George's name?

It really doesn't make too much sense that Casey's father wouldn't have been give the info BUT the mother & brother were.

And how would LP know what LE has been telling the family members anyway... and which ones were being told what?

And why would ANYONE believe that Cindy & Lee know something already but have NOT told George..... and how would we know if they told George?

Nah.... this doesn't make much sense at all.

Often LE WILL purposely leave out info to sway opinion and "hint" to others. I believe there's something to this and quite possibly a big reason his name was not mentioned. Forgetting Lee's name is one thing - it's a sibling - but a parent? just makes me go hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
"When the FBI, who has one of the finest labs in the world, comes back with their DNA it is going to SHOCK the world over something that Lee, Casey, & Cindy have known since Wednesday when they released their preliminary results."

Are they keeping it from Ga. why doesn't he know?

Lee, Casey and Cindy have known "something" since Wednesday. Perhaps George has known all along?
I think Leonard is full of BS. Didn't he just say that maybe she choked on a candy bar or drowned or fell off Tonys balcony? He doesn't seem to have a clue. I love that montage of him they play on Nancy's show - he changes his story every time he tells it.

Good fodder for conversation though.

Don't worry... tomorrow he'll have a brand new theory & maybe another 'bombshell' to share. lol
Have you dropped a line to - oh, I don't know - one of the detectives working on the case?

Yup! Deja vu-oodoo back to the Scott Peterson case. Don't call LE, call US...cops are evil and trying to frame the golden boy.

Too many cases of suspect behavior by parents and surrounding players of late for me to NOT look at the Anthony's bizarre behavior.

Boxes of T'shirts and raising money and no search? Somethings been wrong, well many things have been wrong from the get go.
I used to like Nancy Grace and her victims' rights stance, but I'm so disappointed in her recently. It's like she's lost her self-control or her perspective, bullying everyone, even this Tim (who was totally exhausted and should not have been on the air being bullied by Nancy)...she even bullies the grandmother of the missing child. It boggles the mind. I can't believe the disrespectful way she treats all the professionals on her program, either. And she simply can't listen. Even to the forensics expert. If he's not saying the words she wants to hear, that Caylee is definitely dead and Casey put her in the trunk , if he won't say that, it just doesn't compute for her and she starts scolding. I SO wish Headline News would put Chuck Roberts on in this time slot or someone like that.

The bold is mine.....NG was not rude to Cindy. In fact I think she showed restraint.

Cindy was the usual.

Originally Posted by katleer
LP said on NG that the FBI DNA results would shock the nation. He also said that Cindy, Casey, & Lee were aware of the results. What about George? I am wondering if they were able to determine Caylee's father, and he is a family member?

Just Curious......

Oh man. I just asked yesterday on a thread if LE had been able to determine who caylee's father is. I don't think anyone responded . I didn't even think this far. Are y'all saying what I think you are? Even if just a theory, sure would somehow seem to make all of their chaos make sense! (not saying make it right -- but okay, here is part of the whole pathology and it just all. doesn't. add. up.)

Okay ya'll lost me
Patty did you say you myspace friended Rachel the ballsy myspace girl? Maybe you could leave her a message to call up Leonard and ask about this shocking evidence etc. If you want to be nice tell her to let Leonard know she is recording...then again don't.
The thing that shocked me the most though is that Leonard dropped the bomb about the family KNOWING about the evidence and the DUMPSTER NEAR TONY'S HOUSE, and Nancy didn't even bite! She probably wasn't evening listening to him. How the heck could she not question him about his dumpster comment???? Amazing. We were all left hanging.

Welcome - you're lucky you didn't end up in a ditch if you listened to NG tonight on your car radio.

I'm not sure if Nancy was a little slow on the uptake about the dumpster, or if she knew she was just out of time. We'll have to see if it gets reprised tomorrow.
It is possible. People have been found in landfills before. I don't remember all of the details but certain sections of the landfill are filled during specific times. All of this is recorded. They would be able to narrow the search depending upon the date or dates they believed Caylee was brought to the landfill from a local dumpster.

It is possible to find her body if she's in the landfill, but it will not be an easy task.

forgive me if already mentioned -- think to Lori Hacking. She'd been there a good while, but when they knew what dumpster and approx dates they could get to the right area in the landfill and did make the recovery.
"when the fbi, who has one of the finest labs in the world, comes back with their dna it is going to shock the world over something that lee, casey, & cindy have known since wednesday when they released their preliminary results."

lee, casey and cindy have known "something" since wednesday. Perhaps george has known all along?

wow bob wow.
Here's the thing about the playhouse. BEFORE the 4th of July weekend the FLOOR of the playhouse was dirt. Remember all that hoopla about a "newly poured concrete slab"?
Well, we found it WASN'T a concrete slab but concrete PAVERS (patio stones) laid down inside the playhouse to give it a floor. AND supposedly the Anthony's put those in over the 4th of July weekend (con't ask me for verification on this - I just remember hearing about it). Anyway, IF those pavers were put in on the 4th of July - Caylee WAS ALREADY missing and therefore, WOULD NEVER HAVE PEED ON THEM! So why did Cindy say anything about Caylee peeing in the playhouse?
For anyone who didn't see the coverage today in the 8:00 nancy grace hour, Cindy Anthony was saying that she and the family are refusing to let go of hope that Caylee is alive, and that recently most of the sighting tips they've received have been in Texas. She has the gut feeling that Caylee is most likely in Texas, Mexico, or Puerto Rico, judging from what Casey has shared with the family and from these alleged sighting tips. Meanwhile, the forensics expert, Dr. Kobelinski (?), was trying to explain to Nancy that he's not sure how conclusive the DNA findings so far have been, that as far as "banding" on the hair, it can occur in hair starting 8 hours after death up to 3 days, the bands on the hair darken during that time frame if they occur, the bands are actually formed by air sacs in the shaft of the hair. He says it's not known, at least to his knowledge, what other conditions could also cause banding to occur in hair. He said he also has not heard definitively which type of DNA testing they were able to perform, if it was mitochondrial DNA that they had to use, that would mean that they can't say for sure it's Caylee's hair, it could be Casey's hair. So that would not be very useful. But he doesn't know exactly what testing was performed, the nature of the sample, etc. He said he would have to wait to see what if anything is actually admitted as evidence in court and hear the details from the researchers to form any opinion about the hair evidence and what conclusions can be drawn from it. He said the "air sample" testing is an experimental technique, and that it would be a "long leap" from an air sample to any kind of reliable conclusion.
Here's the thing about the playhouse. BEFORE the 4th of July weekend the FLOOR of the playhouse was dirt. Remember all that hoopla about a "newly poured concrete slab"?
Well, we found it WASN'T a concrete slab but concrete PAVERS (patio stones) laid down inside the playhouse to give it a floor. AND supposedly the Anthony's put those in over the 4th of July weekend (con't ask me for verification on this - I just remember hearing about it). Anyway, IF those pavers were put in on the 4th of July - Caylee WAS ALREADY missing and therefore, WOULD NEVER HAVE PEED ON THEM! So why did Cindy say anything about Caylee peeing in the playhouse?

I couldn't tell if she said "IN" or "ON". I mean it's hard to pee on it unless you *advertiser censored* a leg but it sounded like ON to me.
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