Nancy Grace 9-22 Show - Father of Caseys' ex on tonight!

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You are correct. He said she told him she had a nanny... then said later he had not heard the name until this came about.
Big difference, imo, than naming 'Zanny' 2 years ago! :)
Sorry Mr Grund but I think Casey is just a really good actress -

she had you & everyone else fooled -

She was never a nice person -

I see I'm not alone.....DITTO everything you wrote.
I think her personality as we see it now, goes back years and years and years.
She was just extremely good at what she did and was able to stay under the radar, until....
Ooopsy, I can't seem to find my child!
You are correct. He said she told him she had a nanny... then said later he had not heard the name until this came about.

I will watch it again at 1:00 but I didn't here him say later that he had not heard her name. I head him say he answered the door, asked what was going to happen about the babysitting and she said she had found a nanny name zanni through jeffery hopkins.
Cindy confronted the *@#ch about stealing from grandma and grandpa....that's what happened to rock KC's world. She took her anger out on Caylee to get back at Cindy.....IMO :mad:

Kinda thinking the fight was rougher than kc was accustomed to. I think Mom told her there would be no more support for her--period. That is what knocked the props out from under kc. She finally believed them.
AND she did believe her parents would take custody. Caylee was kc's meal ticket. Losing custody would be losing her place in the home and the family.
thinking what if that DC lawyer is correct and LE never does have enough to charge her. I know the whole innocent until proven guilty but I just can't get past the way KC has acted through all of this. I'm sorry in advance to those who feel I'm judge & juror'ing - it's just the way I feel. My heart sunk that Caylee potentially won't have justice. I guess this is just one lawyer's opinion but they're lawyers and have more experience than I do in when charges can legitimately be brought and at what a jury will convict on.

My heart was in my throat when I heard that also, Misheley.

I won't play judge or jury either (maybe that's why I was on the fence with Scott Peterson until the bodies washed up right where he happened to be 'fishing') but to think any mother or dad can 'lose' their child or children, keep their mouth shut, not help with the investigation and then all they get slapped with is child endangerment?
Com'on! There's gotta be some changes in the laws where children are concerned!
So did KC lose her job b/c she lost her sitter, Lauren, or did she lose her sitter b/c she lost her job and was unable to pay her sitter?
hope this makes sense

Just wish we knew why she lost that job!!!
Are you guys going to take whatever he says as being the truth?! He is trying to protect his son as he believes they are trying to frame him.
But if she already had been stealing money and lying, that means something was already going on. So from what I can deduce..... her lying, stealing etc...remember, she already lied about not being preggy and lied to JG about the baby being his when she knew full well Caylee wasn't whatever was going on in her head, in her life, her 'break from reality', it had started long, long ago.

Personally? I think people in this sad case just began to figure out the real Casey when Caylee turned up missing.
I think for many, many years Casey had almost everyone fooled. Gotta hand it to her...she did a dern good job. :furious:

About the 'new friends', so right about that!
Maybe if she had stuck with her old friends, the real Casey would have never been found out....she could have kept up her charade for years and years.

First of all, why is it impossible to believe that she might have believed Jesse was the father? They were dating, obviously they had sex several times, and he thought he was the father as well. Mr. G said that he thinks it was a guy she had a one-night stand with and then he later died in a wreck.
But my point is... if you only had sex one time with someone... but had been having regular sex with someone else... wouldn't you assume it would be the one you slept with more often??
But if she already had been stealing money and lying, that means something was already going on. So from what I can deduce..... her lying, stealing etc...remember, she already lied about not being preggy and lied to JG about the baby being his when she knew full well Caylee wasn't his.....

General question: This is a fine point, perhaps, but it's my impression that it was entirely possible that JG was indeed Caylee's father due to his close relationship w/Casey... right?

Also, it's not unusual, and doesn't reflect poorly on him, that one of JG's reactions to Casey's bombshell news -- delivered while he's in a seminar for a new job, after all her denials, fer cryin' out loud! -- might be adoption. It just means he wanted to consider all his options while still taking responsibility. He'd been treated badly by Casey already and had every reason to be wary.
she has lied for sure... but why would she start such a lie in 2006? 2 years later???

RG was waiting to pop that question to her as soon as she came in the door: What are you going to do about the babysitting situation?
Impulsive is one criteria of she impulsively answers: I found a nanny. (not true, but she popped that off)
Then--typical of kc, she adopted her first lie and stuck to it all those years.
Lived her lie...also typical of her sociopathology.
Are you guys going to take whatever he says as being the truth?! He is trying to protect his son as he believes they are trying to frame him.

Yes, I will... until I see something else that convinces me he is not being truthful. I saw a short interview weeks ago, someone (Geraldo?) was interviewing him outside somewhere... and he basically said the same things he did tonight. He seemed very honest and sincere, especially when he talked about how much his family loved Caylee. In fact, in that interview he lost it once and began to cry, couldn't talk for a minute. And this rumor that Cindy is trying to frame Jesse had not surfaced then.
I have no reason not to trust him.
Yeah, like she couldn't pay her anymore lol. She probably lost her job, kept up the pretense and couldn't pay Lauren anymore and that is why she had to come up with "Zanny". Perfect, a nanny she didn't have to pay.

I think the job was the BIG fake and the nanny a necessary requirement. I've wondered about this...When reading statements about Caylee sleeping while they were partying at Ricardos, I've wondered if those were the nights Caylee was supposed to be with 'Zanny' while Casey 'worked', I can't see Cindy being okay with Caylee at a house party, sleeping with Mommy and some Guy...Dates would be interesting...her fake work dates lined up with nights Caylee was with Casey partying, at a tattoo parlor, TonEs...I'm sure the GPs babysat sometimes, but I am thinking Casey just hung out with Caylee, the other times. Prove that the alleged work times were times Caylee was with Casey and you can prove there was no nanny...sort of. :)

Seems simple, there doesn't appear to be an 'Zanny' and if anyone else had babysat, I'm sure they would have come forward...and I also believe if there was anyone else Casey could have thrown under the bus, to get the heat off of her, she would of done it, imo.
I'm totally confused..coming in late don't crucify me..but wasn't the story that her friend Lauren was the "nanny" until April 2006?
First of all, why is it impossible to believe that she might have believed Jesse was the father? They were dating, obviously they had sex several times, and he thought he was the father as well. Mr. G said that he thinks it was a guy she had a one-night stand with and then he later died in a wreck.
But my point is... if you only had sex one time with someone... but had been having regular sex with someone else... wouldn't you assume it would be the one you slept with more often??

I understand your point, however bearing in mind KC's alleged promiscuity and her unwillingness to name a father (if it was between two possibles this should be rather easy as JG was ruled out by DNA) it is doubtful to me that she was certain on the paternity to begin with. I'm not judging, just my observation.
General question: This is a fine point, perhaps, but it's my impression that it was entirely possible that JG was indeed Caylee's father due to his close relationship w/Casey... right?

It's not unusual, and doesn't reflect poorly on him, that one of JG's reactions to Casey's bombshell news -- delivered while he's in a seminar for a new job, after all her denials, fer cryin' out loud! -- might be adoption. It just means he wanted to consider all his options while still taking responsibility. He'd been treated badly by Casey already and had every reason to be wary.

His dad said Jesse thought he and Casey were too young to be parents. I don't know how old he is or was at the time, but perhaps he was just not ready to be a dad.
Me too... Does anyone know if Zanny is a common shortened name for Zenaida (which I understand is a common Hispanic name)?

Not at all, a friends who is Hispanic has said none of the people she knows has ever even used a nickname abriviation of any kind for the name Zanaida.
RG doesn't buy Casey's story about the bio dad. He thinks the father is someone who doesn't want to be known. Casey always has the next boyfriend lined up before she leaves one behind. Casey is in her own reality.

Mark my words....the bio father will be a married man. I have always always felt that way. There is NO other reason to hide it that much.

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