Nancy Grace - Fri., 1/23/09

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This is very sad to me. Most have given opinion after opinion and never recognize the need of one individual but he never asked for help prior to this. I just heard that Cindy is on her way to visit....I hope it is short.

I hope they don't let anybody in to see GA right now. He said he just wanted to be alone to sort it out. I don't think having to deal with CA or LA would help him in the least right now.
CA was mad????? Can we put her in the cell :furious:with Casey? I think they would be two happy campers. they could just lie and lie to each other and make up stories all day long. I'm furious!!

I'm not defending anyone here, but think about this. Put yourself in CA's place for a minute. I too think I would be upset if I were in the A's situation and my husband tried to commit suicide, with the trial and everything coming up. I don't think we realize it, but they only have each other to lean on and need each other right now. I wouldn't want to have to bury my husband and try to go through that grief, the loss of Caylee and her funeral, and possibly my daughter being sentenced to death all alone, except for LA. It would be a little much for anyone to handle alone.
CA could also be angry at GA for not coming to her and telling him exactly how he felt. I think GA keeps a lot inside to protect CA and prevent her from being more upset.
I'm not defending anyone here, but think about this. Put yourself in CA's place for a minute. I too think I would be upset if I were in the A's situation and my husband tried to commit suicide, with the trial and everything coming up. I don't think we realize it, but they only have each other to lean on and need each other right now. I wouldn't want to have to bury my husband and try to go through that grief, the loss of Caylee and her funeral, and possibly my daughter being sentenced to death all alone, except for LA. It would be a little much for anyone to handle alone.
CA could also be angry at GA for not coming to her and telling him exactly how he felt. I think GA keeps a lot inside to protect CA and prevent her from being more upset.

Anger is a natural reaction the situation. It is also a safer emotion for some people than being vulnerable. If I was in Cindy's situation with all that is yet to come I would be a bit upset to find out that my partner considers checking out and leaving me to battle it alone an option. Instead of a strong partner you now have someone else that needs you to carry the brunt of this. I know that is the deal when you are married and compassion and sympathy are a must as well, but I think pissed off has its place too,
I saw that too, Sundance.

NG lost her fiance to crime, I'm sure she still has wounds.

Hi Lovejac, I always enjoy your posts. I just don't usually have the time to post much.

I agree with your comment, and I think that she can also identify with the sorrow of losing a precious child by comparing her feelings for her children.
It's a heartbreaker. And it's a NoWin situation for Cindy and George. . .

Now Casey? She's a whole different ballgame. I have been following True Crime for 30 years, and she beats anything I have ever seen. Do I have sympathy for her? Nope. Not one bit.

But George and Cindy's pain is almost a tangible object that you can see and feel.
Anger is a natural reaction the situation. It is also a safer emotion for some people than being vulnerable. If I was in Cindy's situation with all that is yet to come I would be a bit upset to find out that my partner considers checking out and leaving me to battle it alone an option. Instead of a strong partner you now have someone else that needs you to carry the brunt of this. I know that is the deal when you are married and compassion and sympathy are a must as well, but I think pissed off has its place too,

And it could be that her anger was not for GA at all but rather for all the news crews stationed in front of their house again today and then showing up at the hospital too.

I do wish the news crews would cut them a little slack at this time.
I just emailed NG and asked if they could get a pic of George taking Caylee for a ride on her little red wagon. Wouldn't that be a beautiful, memorable picture?

yes. it would.. when I heard that tonight.. I literally busted into tears and cried like a baby.. thats twice this week alone that Ive done that over this case. (the other was upon hearing about the sticker on the duct tape)
And it could be that her anger was not for GA at all but rather for all the news crews stationed in front of their house again today and then showing up at the hospital too.

I do wish the news crews would cut them a little slack at this time.

Even having it blasted all over the news telling how many beers GA had drank and how many pages his letter was is getting ridiculous. How will that ever help George to ever get employment or on the road to recovery.
It could become insufferable to be together, esp if CA's first reaction was to be angry at GA for being in so much pain that he wanted to end his life.

I am sure GA is tired of living all of CA's lies she has forced him to live under for months. GA is an honest man. You could tell he knows what the truth is when he was talking to LE. CA has been her usual self...her way or the highway. KC will have no sympathy I am sure. She will be afraid maybe one of us is not going to stick together. Poor GA! I pray he lives through all of CA and KC's BS. :furious:
When a person is in deep pain....
they don't always remember to PLAN AHEAD !!!
They don't always KNOW what their plan is...
They don't always have answers / or KNOW what to do !!!
So Expecting CA or GA to plan what they are doing/ or
what they are going to do when they are devastated and
when each new day... seems to bring another discovery of
terrible evidence ... against the CRIME committed against their
only Grand Child.... with the Evidence pointing toward their
only Daughter as having committed the Terrible crime...
GEE..... The People are lucky to be able to take a shower and
get dressed and function in the world !

*** This is a very Painful ~~~ Serious Sad Case!
It is extremely difficult to say what YOU would do....:waitasec:
unless YOU have been in the EXACT SAME SITUATION !!!

Hopefully NO ONE ELSE HAS ! ! !
& Even More so.... Hopefully..... No One Else ....Ever will have to go
through some thing so EXTREMELY HORRIFIC .

This is just beyond Sad ! ! ! It seems almost Hopeless to
have any closure for this family that has been cut into pieces !

God Have Mercy On Each One of Them & Give them PEACE & HOPE ! ! !

God Bless !
I do not know if any of you noticed this tonight on Nancy Grace. But I seen George throw away a garbage bag on his front lawn similar to what Caylee was found in.
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