Nancy Grace - Fri., 1/23/09

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I hope that with counseling GA can begin to face the reality of Caylee's death and eventually gain strength for his life. I really can't imagine living with a person like CA and going through the emotions of loosing a loved one in this manner. To avoid the truth on a daily basis must take a horrible toll on a person. If he is coming to terms with the truth now, the last thing he needs is someone talking him out of that truth and into more false reality.
What!!! What type of custody? Do you mean arrested? Please elaborate.

Lexington is was the opening statement of Lou Dobs. He was trying to solicit the same response out of his viewers that you had when you read those words.

He was describing that GA had been taken to the hospital by LE today.
Thanks goodness, a forum where there are posters who really care about others, I am saying this because I was just on insession message boards and the posters are STILL bashing poor George after all this, I cannot even believe it, some people wont be happy till he dies, its really awful and I pray for him and his family to finally have some peace....I never bash the family because as I have said before, no matter what their 'mistakes' , I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy, so why bash them, what real point does it serve??? They did not do anything to deserve this, MOO

I was over there too and it made me sick to my stomach. I can't believe how cruel people are over there. Not an ounce of compassion for George and it is just sickening. I answered a few of the posts and will no doubt get banned but that is alright with me. Those people are acting as heartless as Casey Anthony :furious:
Lexington is was the opening statement of Lou Dobs. He was trying to solicit the same response out of his viewers that you had when you read those words.

He was describing that GA had been taken to the hospital by LE today.

Thanks Kat for clearing that up. I almost fell off my chair. The sensationalism never stops with the media, does it?
Thanks Kat for clearing that up. I almost fell off my chair. The sensationalism never stops with the media, does it?

Nope it sure doesn't Lexington. I think today is the day I had my fill of talking heads. After GA was taken to the hospital the talking heads were on TV actually discussing how this may or may not impact KC's trial. Good Lord they need to give that man a break before he is so broken he does kill himself.

As far as the A's using trying to use the media to their advantage before Caylee's body was found, well they had the right to do that.

But they are not public figures they are private citizens and if they choose to have privacy at this point in time they are entitled to have it.

I will say a prayer of comfort for GA tonight.
Chitwood said to George, I have no idea what you're going through.

George said, You're the only one who has said that to me.

I know, no discussing, but, these two statements, make me so sad. Tears
I can understand this but didn't they say the notes were also defensive of Casey, that he didn't believe she killed Caylee?

I'm not sure if this was answered as I haven't reached the end of the thread, but here it goes.

"Investigators said the eight-page note indicated George Anthony was at the end of his rope, and that once he was gone, his family would have a better life. He wrote about how strong his daughter, Casey Anthony, is and said he doesn't believe she hurt her daughter, Caylee. However, he did make dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends.

"George Anthony also wrote in the letter that his wife, Cindy, could do better than him. He also wrote about his son, Lee Anthony."

Copy of incident report for anyone who wants to read it:

One other fact I thought was interesting on local reports was that they reported JB was with KC at the jail until midnight the night this all happened. Is that normal procedure? I guess I had never realized lawyers would be with clients at the jail that late:

Jose Baez told Eyewitness News he got a call from Anthony family attorney Brad Conway on Thursday night that George Anthony was missing. Baez was at the jail visiting Casey until midnight and returned to see her Friday morning around 11:00am.

I have never heard of an attorney doing a lot of things with a client that this attorney has done....we probably don't even know the half of it either!!

I've never had an attorney who would have let me take up his office space for 6-8 hours a after day..when she was out on bond. Hugging at the jail...spending hours with her at the jail. Wonder what the wife thinks of all this??? Especially if she watches Nancy Grace and knows what a hi HO Casey is. Casey thinks she is so beautiful and sexy and in reality she is nothing to look at and her shape is nothing to call home about.
george is torn

he more than likely incriminated his daughter to the grand jury

he knows she killed his grandaughter

he knows in the end he will have lost them both

its ugly and has no chance of a happy ending

george is torn

he more than likely incriminated his daughter to the grand jury

he knows she killed his grandaughter

he knows in the end he will have lost them both

its ugly and has no chance of a happy ending


They will never have a normal life, so sad.

Also, my opinion on CA. She seems to be the one who has "held" the family together, She made the money, I know she is controlling, but that's just the way she deals with things. Nurses are caretakers, they are used to coming in and having to sometimes take control of an emergency, danger, etc. They have to sometimes stuff their feelings to do their jobs. I think the hard, "mean" demeanor that we see is just her way of dealing with stressful situations. Sorry, I know OT, but todays events have in a way touched me and events that I have been thru.
I can only imagine how Mr. GA felt after watching himself in that latest released jail video talking to his daughter. Of course, at the time it was recorded, they hadn't found little Caylee, but to see himself and how he placated and encouraged his daughter instead of pushing her for answers, he might well have had some regret that he didn't do things differently. He has been trying to protect his wife since day 1, from everything!that is a fact! You can't protect someone from something you cannot control, and that may be why is was so despondant. JMO

Secrets do make a person sick, as long as they remain Secret!
It kind of bothers me that this LEO would go on TV to describe what kind of state George was in.

Well as a local I can tell you that this is just standard operating procedure for Chief Chitwood. We can't believe some of the things he comes up (and out) with. :eek:

In Philadelphia apparently he was known as "Media Mike", and I imagine he'll milk the GA incident too.

Example: "While some cops view Chitwood as a dedicated, driven capital-"S" Super Cop, others see him as a hot dog who uses the long arm of the media to give himself a highly publicized pat on the back".
I think George got it wrong in his note...he would be better off without Cindy.
I would like to know what George was like as a young man before he met Cindy. Was he confidant with a lot of self worth? Did she undermine that with her need to control everyone and everything? Has she put him down throughout the years until he no longer feels like a man? I have an idea that is what their lives were like. Maybe he just gave up long ago and became what she expected him to be...a spineless man. It's obvious that she rules the roost in their home and that doesn't do a thing to make a man feel like a man.

I also wonder what kind of a man Lee Anthony is. We really don't know much about him. Is he a mama's boy? It seems that he has kept his distance throughout most of this tragedy.

I think that George has known for a long time that Casey is the killer here. He is probably sticking to the story that they all are sticking to because he doesn't want Cindy and Casey to be mad at him. Even when planning to commit suicide he stuck to the story of Casey being innocent so that they wouldn't hate him. He knows the truth though. He was in LE long enough to understand evidence and everything that LE has on Casey.
I was glad that NG showed compassion and empathy to GA tonight.

Me too! Nancy has always shown them compassion and I'm so glad she does.

Is it just me, or did anyone else get a chill when they showed footage of George carrying out trash in a black bag with yellow handles?

Probably from the same roll that KC used. :eek:

My heart goes out to George 100 percent. I wish I could give him a hug.
NG. . . .I'll be nice. At least she layed off a little, tonight at least.
I am so glad there is a NG thread here daily. I thought I heard that CA was angry but then thought I must have imagined that because it was never repeated on NG.

My heart and prayers go out to GA. I can't imagine what type of life he is living and I am really hoping that CA isn't pulling his strings but I'm afraid she is.....thus the "broken" man. His heart must be in a million pieces missing his sweet Caylee. :(
george is torn

he more than likely incriminated his daughter to the grand jury

he knows she killed his grandaughter

he knows in the end he will have lost them both

its ugly and has no chance of a happy ending


Yup. "sooner or later everybody's bill's gonna come due"
Me too! Nancy has always shown them compassion and I'm so glad she does.

Is it just me, or did anyone else get a chill when they showed footage of George carrying out trash in a black bag with yellow handles?

Probably from the same roll that KC used. :eek:

My heart goes out to George 100 percent. I wish I could give him a hug.

I noticed that to. That was my thought to same black bags with yellow handles:eek:
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