Nancy Grace Headline News 1 Oct 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I was quite pleased to hear the change in LE's status of Ms. Casey O.

EVERY dog has their day, my Mum used to say. I realize the true meaning of WHAT she meant after sleuthing and reading about this particular case.

My wish is for Casey O to be arrested, cuffed, and taken on a perp walk for ALL of the USA to see. I want to see the LQQK on her face for this mess when she DOES get arrested. I want to see pain in her face, for every tear strangers have cried for her child, yet she remains unconcerned and without remorse or conscience. My day will be best when she is arrested, and it is coming soon !
She can attach the $2 per day that KC will earn for the next 20 years. And, all the Target dresses.

Somebody said the homeowner's insurance might pay.

The lawsuit would have to include GA & CA for it to cover unless Casey is one of the legal owners of the property.
I want to say 36, but I can't find a link....:waitasec:

Thanks! If she's 36, then it's still possible she has a 21 year old. I know that would make her about 15 or 16 when she had the child but that's not uncommon. And to have 6 kids it would seem plausible that she started young.
But I also read somewhere on this forum that Casey had the manager's phone number. The manager from Sawgrass. Hm...
Haven't gotten time to read the whole thread but I have always wondered how KC knew ZG's car/childrens names.. Thought she had some connection to the ppl in the ofc or maybe when the mgr walked ZG out to show her the apt, KC was waiting in the ofc and the paper with info may have been on the desk.. plus KC has, excuse me HAD friends that lived there (Dante did/or does I believe) so that also may have been around the time KC had 2 flat tires therefore she drove tone car plus she had myspace discussions around that time re: moving, getting a place with friend.. So if confusing, my head is confused at this point :)
It's interesting she said to Christine, "If they listened to what I WOULD'VE said, they would've tracked her down"......I find that odd, that she used would've said instead of what I HAVE said...........

That got to me also. If I would have said what I should have said....then maybe I could have said what I would have

yeah sure in her wildest dreams. It is amazing how persuasive she is when she is lieing to her mother.

But then...I would have said what I could have said if I had known they would listen...but they didn't listen to what I would have said because I never said it.

It's all their fault anyway. Dang! Woulda coulda shoulda, what does it all mean?
I think they would make the perfect couple!

OHH, I have always felt that too, though KC could probably out-smart ole Scottie. I'm sure she'll will be getting herself some "mail buddies" as some lonely foul out there will send letters to her just like Scottie... very sad :(
ZG older daughter does tattoos in another interview ZG addressed this and also how Laura R. got on her myspace. Bascially Laura R. messaged her was really nice to her said she supported her so ZG added her as a friend at that time.

Thank you for this info - I did not know this. Glad that issue is resolved.
I'll take a flying leap here and wager that Casey had no idea Zenaida Gonzalaz went to look at an apt at Sawgrass. The name Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was one she coped from somewhere because she liked it. The whole thing is just a coincidence.

There are nthings that happen in the universe. Things that we actually do but do not realize. We do it with our minds, with our thoughts and often they are heard and they appear. If you say it over and over na dit is from your heart ..why doesnt the drugstore on the corner sell chocolate flavored chapstick...well you never know in a week or a month or a year it might appear.

Some say we can talk to clouds and ask them to move. Some people say all babies are born of a mother's birthwish unconscious to her perhaps but nevertheless to be fulfilled 9 months later.

maybe it wqs one of those things Cindy repeating her story so much for 2 years straight...she finally attracted a Zenaida ...or maybe it had nothing to do with that at all since I don't believe it was a call from the heart from Casey anyway.....just a fluke.

It was a different Zeniada anyway one with a fernandez in her name.....hey, this is what I would have said if I could have, not that I should have. If you had listened you would have known....ha. (that i was lying)
Is there any chance that KC could have just overheard ZG & the manager talking that day & thats how she got the info?

Maybe she was just walking by while they were talking & she picked up on the conversation.

I'm having trouble figuing out how KC got a hold of the Visitor card - ?
I suppose it's possibe but neither ZG or the manager recognized KC, IIRC
There are nthings that happen in the universe. Things that we actually do but do not realize. We do it with our minds, with our thoughts and often they are heard and they appear. If you say it over and over na dit is from your heart ..why doesnt the drugstore on the corner sell chocolate flavored chapstick...well you never know in a week or a month or a year it might appear.

F.Y.I... they do make Chocolate flavored chapstick/lip gloss- Hershey's. My daughter received some as a present from a friend.
The lawsuit would have to include GA & CA for it to cover unless Casey is one of the legal owners of the property.

As a "resident relative" in the household, KC would be considered an Insured under their homeowners liabilty insurance. BUT there are clauses that limit liability for "intentional" acts, etc., so coverage still might not apply. If ZG's attorney goes after the homeowners liabilty coverage, this will get fubar, as the insurance company will send in their lawyers to defend KC in the civil trial.

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