Nancy Grace Jan. 25, 2010: Will arrests help find missing Haleigh Cummings?

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Well, we got to see Nancy Grace, once again, totally rip Crystal to shreds. We also got to see Nancy totally ignore the fact that Ron is in jail for dealing drugs. Poor Ron, Misty had really led him down the wrong path. He is still not being held accountable for his actions. Way to go, Nancy. Please, can I see a show of hands on how many of you beleived Ron when he stated that as he was thrown on the ground, handcuffed and arrested, LE let him know that it wasn't for drugs, it was about Haleigh. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze........he is indeed the gift that just keeps on giving. Nancy always lets Teresa know that she isn't trying to grill her but just has to ask her about Misty. Why don't you grill her, Nancy? Why don't you tell her to stop holding back on what she, Teresa knows? She is holding back, IMO.:furious:

I wish it were true he was being arrested because of Haleigh. At least then, the truth of what has happened to her would be known. He dishonored her while she was in his presence, it is no surprise that he continues to dishonor her now.
Can't we petition for Mike Brooks to take over?

Pretty Pretty Pllleeezzzzeee!!!:whistle:
But see, if they actually talk about the interview, then Nancy may have to admit she was wrong about Ronald. :)

Peachy, you are soooooooo right. Nancy does not like to backpedal at all. But, she still likes to put Crystal down every chance she can. jmo
This is unbelievable! NG actually set the stage for AH to lay out the possibility of "RC werkin undercover tryin to get MC to open up" as being the reason he was caught up and arrested in Misty's drug biz.

wild arse guess here:

strategy being laid to lure TN back to the show so NG can have at her. :crazy:

I don't think TN will bite this time. Even for a limo ride.
I like to think that Haleigh's ultimate gift was to save her brother. I think he has a shot at a better life now and it only happened because of what she went through.

that was damned profound sweetie. yer such an old soul. :blowkiss:
wild arse guess here:

strategy being laid to lure TN back to the show so NG can have at her. :crazy:

I don't think TN will bite this time. Even for a limo ride.
But will she for another licensing fee for more pics?
Time will tell.
I can't believe that Nancy said she will never get a divorce, as if that was another fault of Crystals. I believe her mother raised her better than this.

Thank you all for the recap-I can't stomach NG anymore and I don't want to watch and break the new TV!

What did NG say about Crystal/divorce? Crystal has never been married!
Is this what she stated? If she did that is another fact wrong I can put a black mark beside!
Nancy does not have any facts on this case...and apparently she doesn't read her mail. She has never read the custody documents...grrrrrr. CS did not LOSE custody. RC took the kids....why didn't AH tell it like it was. This is infuriating.

Ever since NG had those babies, she is not doing any investigative reporting. She has a show related to victims but does not dig deep at all. She comes in 5 min. prior for make-up and reads from the monitor and goes home one hour later. Good money if you can get this gig.
AH is getting on my last nerve.....grrrrrrrr.

Thank you. It was really weird what he said about Ron working to rattle Misty. I just don't buy that. The whole Show made me angry. Like someone posted earlier, NG spent more time bashing crystal than talking about the people in jail. It really bothers me. sorry, all my opinion. thank you for letting me vent.
I enjoyed seeing MN on there..I suspect he was there to make certain NG got her facts right this time... Loved the look on his face when Marlena or whatever her name is had to retract the information she spewed last week concerning Tim Miller....JMO
TV reporting is just as bad as newspapers. They do no investigations and just take what is on the AP or from their guests (even if unverified) and opinions and call it "News".
You know the fact that Misty called 911 to report some guy jumped in the car and stole her purse as well as her drugs, just shows what we are dealing with here. She is a definitely a dumb AZZ. Which is why I can beleive that is behind this cover up, unless like I said a minute ago. Haliegh got into the Oxy's, OD'd called Ron, Ron called Tommy cause he needed to stay at work, he needed the alibi. and Tommy got rid of Haleigh while Misty got rid of the vomit soaked blanket and to watch Junior. Then When Ron got home they put the whole spin on it about the "abduction"

I'm just not sure whether it was Tommy or someone in Ron's family.
I'm leaving this thread for reference purposes and it is now closed. It was pulled due to name calling and making fun of NG after I already posted a warning.

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