Well, we got to see Nancy Grace, once again, totally rip Crystal to shreds. We also got to see Nancy totally ignore the fact that Ron is in jail for dealing drugs. Poor Ron, Misty had really led him down the wrong path. He is still not being held accountable for his actions. Way to go, Nancy. Please, can I see a show of hands on how many of you beleived Ron when he stated that as he was thrown on the ground, handcuffed and arrested, LE let him know that it wasn't for drugs, it was about Haleigh. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze........he is indeed the gift that just keeps on giving. Nancy always lets Teresa know that she isn't trying to grill her but just has to ask her about Misty. Why don't you grill her, Nancy? Why don't you tell her to stop holding back on what she, Teresa knows? She is holding back, IMO.:furious: