NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/15/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Casey says from July jail interview: "All I want is for Caylee to be home. But I want to BE there when she gets home."

Switch to Nancy Grace, who says sarcastically, "Well, maybe not."

thats a two part statement...after the first statement: "All I want is for Caylee to be home." emotional response from her.

after the second: " But I want tO BE there when she gets home."....she holds her head and breaks down and cries.

case closed.
Count me in on being sick of HL.....he needs a translator, couldn't understand hardly any of what he was flapping his jaws about.

My anatomy teacher is an M.D. pathologist from Hong Kong. Her English is perfectly understandable. Also, she knows the dif between masking tape and duct tape-- which HL apparently does not.

The legal and forensic vultures are circling the remains!
I can't imagine, Kelly. But, I also couldn't imagine killing my child, much less then going out to Blockbuster with the bf that night and acting like nothing was wrong. Even IF Caylee was kidnapped by the invisi-nanny, a real Mommy wouldn't be acting like nothing has happened. I would be a wreck! the fetal position in or under the bed, sucking on my fist and moaning. Not eating or sleeping. Starting at every noise. Constantly asking, has she been found? Have they found Zanny yet? The bones CAN'T be my Caylee! Please God!
Mark Williams asked about the Dream team. Team put together by JB.

Duct tape wrapped around the head and over the mouth.

Robin Sax says if the skull was bound in duct tape it might meant the death penalty will return--taping shows deliberation and calculation.

NG, and my family (lawyers) say that if there are fingerpirnts on the duct tape, it's ALLLLL over! And plea of "accident" is instant history.
NG to MW = Since discovery of remains no GA/CA visits to the jail, correct? Correct.

The As are saying that's because their visits are being taped and shown on TV.
They are talking about the liklihood that this could be anyone but Caylee....I am just saying a silent prayer to give thanks that Caylee has been found. There is no way IMO that Casey will not be convicted now.
I feel this was Angel Caylee reaching out to make sure Justice is served.
I cannot wait till the meter reader can talk to us after the trial to see if he feels he had some kind of devine guidance. Sorry to wax religious, but I am a firm believer.

I am NOT religious, but in this case.. I would say all those millions of prayers worked. AND, as a kind of Christmas present for those who prayed.

I can only chalk it up to Karma, God, Providence, in all His/Her/Their names and titles.
No one visiting Casey is surprising, unusual. Reason, Anthonys are afraid/concerned of their own charges for obstruction of justice.

They say it's because all their discussions w/ KC are taped and aired.
Panel member says the proximity of body to the Anthony home is because Casey knows area, had access to the area, goes to show that when she was in a panic or trying to figure out what to do with the body, it was an opportunity to dump the body really quickly.

Plus the fact that she only ever drove to about four different places, in her life.

Mostly, an ongoing path between the folks house and the house of the boyfriend du jour.
OK, he can shoot from the lip, sometimes. But, I enjoy seeing his big, broad, comfortable face, opn my TV screen.

Doesn't he look like a guy on whose lap kids feel protected?

I don't believe everything the guy says, but I still like seeing him.
The A's are sticking with the Zenaida story. Sorry, I meant to type "the lame Zenaida story."

How about the lame-azz, worn to a thread, not believed the FIRST time Zenaida story.

Will we now be subjected to "Zanny sightings," all over the country?

"Zanny has been moved nine times?"

"We are just two steps from finding Zanny?"

"Zanny is very close."

"Zanny will be home on her birthday?"

"We know who has Zanny, and they are being watched."

"I pray that we'll see Zanny's little face, again."

"My gut says that Zanny is nearby, and she's OK?"
That is so true, it's why she can appear so normal and loving in all the photos, just all about appearances. Nothing real.

IMHO, she NEVER appeared loving in the photos. She was usually looking AWAY from the baby, directly into the camera. The photos were about HER and her "fashion accessory." Her in her "role" as "loving mother."
Let's see, how will the A's get around this one? Oh I know, Zanny forced Casey to spit on a roll of duct tape while Caylee was being kidnapped. Perfectly plausible, no?

These people are delusional.

Here ya go-- ZFG did, indeed, force KC to spit on the tape. She also forced KC to HANDLE the tape, whereas ZFG wore gloves. KC, traumatized, forgot ALLL about it, until recently when the "repressed memory" resurfaced.
IMHO, she NEVER appeared loving in the photos. She was usually looking AWAY from the baby, directly into the camera. The photos were about HER and her "fashion accessory." Her in her "role" as "loving mother."

Yep. She wasn't loving in the ones I saw. I really couldn't stand the video where she was playing on the floor with Caylee and then she looked disgusted.
Here ya go-- ZFG did, indeed, force KC to spit on the tape. She also forced KC to HANDLE the tape, whereas ZFG wore gloves. KC, traumatized, forgot ALLL about it, until recently when the "repressed memory" resurfaced.

LOL.....wonder if we're going to hear a "split personality" defense in the future ??.......(could be the *compelling story* JB speaks of ??)

Ya know, the (evil) Zanny does all the bad things,... then innocent ("mom of the year") KC comes out to cover-up the evil deeds.

could be KC's been *inventing* Zanny all this time for the purpose of having *someone* to blame.
Can't we just assume that the Anthonys haven't been back to see Casey because they don't want to look at the murderer of their only grandchild? I woudn't go see a babykiller, even if it were a family member.

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