Nancy Grace - October 31 2008..HAPPY HALLOWEEN..

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
To be honest with you we haven't seen all of Amy's LE says 2800.
Did anyone stay and watch the rest of NG about Jennifer Hudson?
Kobe was on for that part and was asked about DNA and he seemed to place a lot of value on DNA and fingerprints for this case( Hudsons), yet discounts it for Caylee's case. Isn't that hypocritical?
I hope LE and prosecution uses that when he discredits it in court!
That most likely indicates that she's lying.

isn't that the mantra over at the A's house???? lie, lie, and lie some more than do the blame game on anythng and everyone except one of your own...I truly believe that CA is mad at the police because they called her bluff and they started the ball rolling in a way she couldn't control...and wants so bad to control it....what was with that balloon thing? Hopefully they weren't letting them out to hunt down Casey?!!! jmo---that family just shows off what not to do in a case of a missing child! again jmo:rolleyes:
Hiya...I'm a newbie...just wanted to say that you guys are great!! I had a quick request though...I can't seem to find the text message records for TL, I found AH's and KC's..but none from TL? Can someone post a link please?? TIA!!!:)

:Welcome-12-june: Thank you!
I don't think TL's text's have been released yet. If I come across them I'll PM u the link. There is so much more that hasn't been released yet. Maybe we'll get some when the 15 days r up that LE has to turn them over to JB! Welcome steelergirl..I lurked here for months before joining & plan to stay active long after this case. WS's is the best group of people on the net! No other forum can compete with the brilliant & caring members in WS's. :blowkiss::clap:
Justice For Caylee! :angel:
Great, we finally agree on one thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The way Casey has protected Caylee deserves her entire life in jail!!!
You know that kinda makes sense coming from Cindy. A guilty verdict will mean nothing to her. In her mind it will martyr Casey. Oh, brilliant Cindy! Whatever lets you sleep at night.
Did anyone stay and watch the rest of NG about Jennifer Hudson?
Kobe was on for that part and was asked about DNA and he seemed to place a lot of value on DNA and fingerprints for this case( Hudsons), yet discounts it for Caylee's case. Isn't that hypocritical?
I hope LE and prosecution uses that when he discredits it in court!
LOL I did notice that!
Did anyone stay and watch the rest of NG about Jennifer Hudson?
Kobe was on for that part and was asked about DNA and he seemed to place a lot of value on DNA and fingerprints for this case( Hudsons), yet discounts it for Caylee's case. Isn't that hypocritical?
I hope LE and prosecution uses that when he discredits it in court!
It boggles my mind that she continues to even ask his opinion. "Experts" are so easily bought, don't ya think?
It just seems like an expert would believe the science across the board, not for "Certain" cases. Kobe is a very unlikable, wishy washy man. I like the original forensic experts( forgot their names).
I wish NG would bring someone in who is bright!
I'm convinced they know too.....Not only do they know I think they purposely destroyed evidence to protect Casey

This charade that they're spewing about Caylee being alive & casey being a hero for protecting her makes me ill

Even If Caylee's remains are found I'm sure they'll still continue to accuse the Nanny

This gives me a cynical thought that I hadn't considered before...

Did Casey hire JB and stick with him to "innoculate" her defense from a racist charge of blaming a possibly illegal Hispanic immigrant?

Well of course we can't find her... she's illegal and tied into underground drugs and the big bad drug cartel. They slip back and forth across the border every day, so for all we know Caylee's been on a boat to Cuba... blah blah blah.

Didn't some of the interviews say the Casey told various parties that CA was a bit of a racist, and ill disposed to Hispanics anyway. So why not stick with a Hispanic lawyer even if CA doesn't like them, because it gives them "cover".

So maybe this isn't the "Some other guy did it" defense, but the "Some damn foriegner with darker skin than mine did it" defense. I think we've all seen this ploy used before (usually ineffectively) in similar infanticide and child murder cases.
[snip]Why wait 31 days if Caylee was kidnapped [snip]

I watched a piece on TV today about the AMBER Alert Program, named for 9-year-old Amber Hagerman.

They said that the whole point is, time is soooo critical if a child is abducted or kidnapped and the majority of children have been killed if not located within first 3 days.

Abduction homicide.

31 days? I guess KC wanted to be a factor of 10 times sure ((10 x 3) + 1 = 31) and remember, there would not have been a call after 31 days if it wasn't for CA -- before she realized what KC had done.
It just seems like an expert would believe the science across the board, not for "Certain" cases. Kobe is a very unlikable, wishy washy man. I like the original forensic experts( forgot their names).
I wish NG would bring someone in who is bright!

H Lee and M Baden are two that I can think of off the top of my head. I think they come with a very high price tag. Probably the A's can't afford them.

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