Nancy Grace - Wednesday, 1/7/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yeah, and LP dropped the bombshell on last night's show that RK's supervisor was a neighbor of the Anthony's.

I think LP is on to something. Maybe they were all talking in the backyard and someone OVERHEARD the Anthonys perhaps???? This got passed on to Kronk from his supervisor, perhaps the same person that called in for Kronk in December...?

I have one of those listening devices. I can hear ya neighbor,,,, not being neighborly.
Oh you mean he IS ethical? lol!
Not really ~ but from what I understand an attorney can't put his client on the witness stand and let them testify to their innocence if he knows they're guilty. So I was curious if he knew and saw the location of the body, could he continue to represent her to the jury in the same way? I'm thinking before the meter reader found Caylee and when JB was saying there was no proof she was dead. :waitasec:
Money money money.

Lifetime deal worth 1.7M




Money money money.

They put a price on Caylee knowing she was long gone and it was started when they got that windfall from ABC imo. Coming into that they surrounded themselves with the likes of the kidfinders network billboard people and alienated everyone else. They never wanted that body found and I can assume they knew right where she was at and that is why they chased everyone out of town including Tim Miller and never provided him needed tools like Caylee's clothing for the dogs. They probably advised their PI where it was at so it could be moved down the road but he had trouble locating it because the water hadn't receded all the way yet. Kronk stumbled upon it before the could remove..... OR D Casey put articles near the body to frame someone else.

This is going to get very interesting.

We should suggest a cast to Lifetime. Peter Lorre would have made a good KC. Bela Lugosi?
I actually did not want my story out. It was the detective that finally investigated the case that had me take it public. He & the FBI felt by taking it public, putting my face out there, it would keep me safer. After all, the bad guy already knew who I was. They wanted him to know he was being challenged by me & I wasn't afraid to go after him ( although I was terrified.) The det. had me doing shows similar to Dateline. From there I did several interviews on a national level for TV & print. I looked over my shoulder for a very long time praying what LE wanted me to do would pay off. It did.

I wasn't all for the movie being made but it was going to be made with or without me. I was not going to have it told from anyone's view or words but my own. I also was not going to see this jackass make a dime by them getting his rights to the story vs mine.

At the trial I had a lot of LE, FBI, reporter around me but I was still terrified. They had me ck into the hotel under an assumed name yet his lawyers still showed up every single day at that hotel for lunch. That was not just a fluke, they knew where I was. At that point though, I was not going away. It gave me a huge sense of relief to see him sent to prison & for years I didnt have to look over my shoulder.

IMO, if a movie is to be made, it should be made from Caylee's point of view as the victim. If any money is paid it should be MADE to go a park for Caylee or a non profit group that helps missing & exploited children.

If the Anthony's are making any money from this, they will never enjoy it. Caylee's memory will haunt them forever.

OMG! I cannot begin to imagine what you've been through. thank you for sharing this.

And I truly hope you are right and that any monies made go to a program for missing/exploited children OR a Caylee memorial.

We can only hope, but with their track record, it appears they enjoyed many things while Caylee was laying in a trash bag in the woods. (limo rides, appearances, Ritz Carleton etc)
So is he saying (he confuses me, sorry!) that LA knew but kept it from his parents? :confused:

If Lee were my son, and he knew where Caylee was, that would be the end of him. This is almost as unforgiveable as Casey killing Caylee. How could a parent EVER forgive him for deceiving them like this???? I was beginning to feel some sympathy for the A's because they lost one of God's greatest gifts. Now I'm just sick that they ever were given this beautiful little Caylee. She deserved so much better then ending up with this evil family.
Not really ~ but from what I understand an attorney can't put his client on the witness stand and let them testify to their innocence if he knows they're guilty. So I was curious if he knew and saw the location of the body, could he continue to represent her to the jury in the same way? I'm thinking before the meter reader found Caylee and when JB was saying there was no proof she was dead. :waitasec:

Do you really think JB will put Casey on the witness stand and let her testify? :waitasec:
Has anyone broke down the time line after her remains were found? Like when did cindy and george request imunity, lee gets a lawyer, etc
If Lee were my son, and he knew where Caylee was, that would be the end of him. This is almost as unforgiveable as Casey killing Caylee. How could a parent EVER forgive him for deceiving them like this???? I was beginning to feel some sympathy for the A's because they lost one of God's greatest gifts. Now I'm just sick that they ever were given this beautiful little Caylee. She deserved so much better then ending up with this evil family.
If I were the parents and if this were true, I would feel the same way you do. MOO
I can believe Lee is involved somehow with the PI's, but I just cannot believe George and Cindy knew where Caylee was. Maybe LEE is the one who orchestrated it so she was found while George and Cindy were out of town?

I'm not sure if Lee was covering for Casey or if he was pretending to help her to get information, I would believe either, maybe he pieces some stuff together and wasn't even sure himself, but sent the PI's out to check? Not knowing for sure.

I also wonder how much control George and Cindy have over the funeral. I am not ready to blame them for the delay. I think it could very well be Casey who isn't allowing the funeral, Casey and JB. :furious:

I have heard them say the PI was hired by the A's but which one hired him? Was it George and Cindy or Lee?
I can believe Lee is involved somehow with the PI's, but I just cannot believe George and Cindy knew where Caylee was. Maybe LEE is the one who orchestrated it so she was found while George and Cindy were out of town?

I'm not sure if Lee was covering for Casey or if he was pretending to help her to get information, I would believe either, maybe he pieces some stuff together and wasn't even sure himself, but sent the PI's out to check? Not knowing for sure.

I also wonder how much control George and Cindy have over the funeral. I am not ready to blame them for the delay. I think it could very well be Casey who isn't allowing the funeral, Casey and JB. :furious:

I agree that the main character on the outside (KC being on the inside), is LA. His comments on the stand still ring in my ears, that she would tell him things she wouldn't tell anyone else. IMO LA knew but left G & C out of the loop.
Although their behaviour seems inappropriate most of the time I'm not ready to believe they could be that evil.
I have heard them say the PI was hired by the A's but which one hired him? Was it George and Cindy or Lee?

It had to be CA, GA has no blls to hire a PI without CA permission nor is he allowed to touch money, so that leaves CA and LA. LA may have hired the PI but CA controls the checkbook IMHO. No way would she let her "child" have any control over "her" money. So any way you want to look at it CA IMO hired the PI and paid the PI. The PI reported to CA. CA is the ringmaster of this circus, GA and LA are the guys in tights doing cartwheels. JMO.
ITA. And especially not off their own Grandchild... :confused:
A granchild who was allegedly killed by their daughter, the child's mother. It just isn't right, imo.
When KC was out of jail and she was going back and forth to JB's office for the day, didn't D. Casey, PI drive her to the attys sometimes? Could it be that KC herself told DC?
What I don't understand about this $500,000 interview he was supposedly trying to get for Casey, is every word she says can be used against her at trial ~ and ~ isn't that why he didn't want any visits or phone calls because they're all recorded? :confused: It seems contradictory! MOO

It might have been an upfront deal for access to KC if/when acquitted, although it is premature because the price could go up at that time. Either selling rights or seeking a retainer fee now.

The problem becomes, when she is convicted, while I have seen prisoners get interviewed in their orange suits -- can JB profit if KC is in jail LWOP?
$1.7 b none of these people truly loved Caylee. No one who truly loved someone would sell the story of her murder.

God forgive me for what I'm thinking. Could it possibly be that all the A's are in such financial straits, that they decided to sacrifice Caylee, knowing they could make a lot of money from it? I would bet if someone hadn't had loose lips, that little Caylee's body would never have been found and they could still insist the nanny took her. I can't even be rational right now, I'm absolutely sick.
I love LP but.... his conspiracy theories AND predictions have consistently missed the mark.

I have a hard time thinking Lee would have passed on where Caylee's body was to a meter reader OR that George and Cindy would have shared the information with one of their neighbors.

They sure didn't want Caylee found while they were making appearances nationally, showing their Orlando mall pictures and saying a Hispanic couple took Caylee to a restaurant. I don't think Lee would contribute to making fools out of his parents or Casey's downfall.

UNLESS...George's and Cindy's enabling and encouraging Casey's lies to the point of saying "Caylee is alive" when Lee knew they knew otherwise was more than Lee could stand. With his niece left unburied and exposed and after years of watching George and Cindy cater to his sister maybe Lee had had enough.

So he passively/aggressively righted the wrong through word-of-mouth that was picked up by a sleuthing meter reader.

My speculation and opinion.
Dr. Lee contradicted himself tonight. I waited and watched it on the re-run to make certain I heard correctly. At about the 10 minute mark, he said the defense was waiting on test results to return from the lab before there could be a funeral. At about the 27 minute mark NG asked "what lab is doing the testing?" Dr. Lee admitted that no "samples have been sent to a lab because the defense is waiting on the state to release the samples to the defense. He used the word "Samples", not CD's or discs. Unfortunately, a hardbreak interupted him in mid sentence, and NG didn't follow up after the break. The state has already released the remains. There are no more samples to release to the defense.
I don't like it when "paid experts", either for the prosecution or defense, make false statements to enhance their client's position.

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