Montage of audio/video clips, including EB claiming she had help disposing of Z from AB.
JC discussing allegations of rape by 2 men, then hit on head by one of these men, at least one of them had relationship to EB.
Marc Klaas: postponement of memorial service, now a private event. Expects this was done because no one would want to be in a room with AB. JC saying LE would want to be there to observe his demeanor. Sue Moss: he's had a lot of time to prep now; what shows who he really is is the 911 call.
JC: prosecutors don't need a motive, but what is the motive for killing Z? Guest Carmen St. George saying allegations of rape could be motive, kept her from others (home schooling), etc.
JC asking Ray Guidice if Z was a burden? Was that the motive? RG: could certainly do a psych profile why they didn't want this child. Saying DA needs to link up information in search warrants with evidence, i.e. blood in drains, etc. RG saying EB is a "crazy person"; better not base case solely on what she says.
Caller from NC, about 40 min. from Hickory: asking about discrepancy between leg being found on Dudley Shoals Rd. when EB says it was put in dumpster. Ellie: LE would never say exactly where it was found; unclear since EB lawyer says the gel liner was found there on the DS Road.