Nancy's Friends Object!

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Haa even my MEDIA contact/buddy says Brad and his attornies are on a fishing expedition and did this because they knew it would make the media. Sone one needs to go knock on Brad's door and when he answers punch him right in the ole kisser. Sick Freak!!!
Because he is miserable he wants everyone else.

Let's see if the media goes to his door for a statement and if he is a mouse and closes the door. Bet's on he will if this happens.
Haa even my MEDIA contact/buddy says Brad and his attornies are on a fishing expedition and did this because they knew it would make the media. Sone one needs to go knock on Brad's door and when he answers punch him right in the ole kisser. Sick Freak!!!

I'm glad to hear that Topsail Girl!

See, it's NOT just us that sees this as a bunch of BS!

What ticks me off is that Brad knows this is going to be available to the general public at large and he's trying to stir the pot of everyone of Nancy's friends families. It's disgusting.

It's just like the one friend of Nancy's who talked about Brad not allowing her son to play with their girls anymore, he put out there that the boy had been molested of some such thing. He knew that was going to be in the paper and everyone in town would know! He did it for his OWN gain at the expense of the reputation of a little child!:furious:

IMO, THAT's the type of person Brad Cooper is. I would NOT want to live next door to him, that's for sure!:sick:

He's sceery!:eek:

I believe, like ncsu95 said, that when you make statements under oath, then you'd better be able to back them up......especially in a murder case. All these people came forward and trashed BC and now the attorneys are asking where the proof is to back it up. How about making all these gossips submit to a mental evaluation or better yet lie detector tests. I know, they are not allowed in court, but BC's attorneys are just trying to find out what the truth is. And if all these folks who came forward are telling the truth there should be no problem submitting to it. My opinion is that the gossip spread and then grew and spread some more....and now BC is Satan himself in this nieghborhood full of bored housewives.
Will this be heard in open court on Oct 13th? Anyone know?

The friends have already gotten attorneys. I don't think they're going to have to produce anything. He's trying to put this out to the public. His attorney knows this cra* isn't going to fly.:rolleyes:

I believe, like ncsu95 said, that when you make statements under oath, then you'd better be able to back them up......especially in a murder case. All these people came forward and trashed BC and now the attorneys are asking where the proof is to back it up. How about making all these gossips submit to a mental evaluation or better yet lie detector tests. I know, they are not allowed in court, but BC's attorneys are just trying to find out what the truth is. And if all these folks who came forward are telling the truth there should be no problem submitting to it. My opinion is that the gossip spread and then grew and spread some more....and now BC is Satan himself in this nieghborhood full of bored housewives.

I think they'll have enough first hand information to bring to court without laying their personal life open. This is NOT about the friends. This is about Brad and what a husband he was and an 'invisible' father.

FWIW, this tactic is only showing how everything her friends said about him is true. He'll stop at NOTHING to get his way. :bang:

It only reflects back on him.:boohoo:

I believe, like ncsu95 said, that when you make statements under oath, then you'd better be able to back them up......especially in a murder case. All these people came forward and trashed BC and now the attorneys are asking where the proof is to back it up. How about making all these gossips submit to a mental evaluation or better yet lie detector tests. I know, they are not allowed in court, but BC's attorneys are just trying to find out what the truth is. And if all these folks who came forward are telling the truth there should be no problem submitting to it. My opinion is that the gossip spread and then grew and spread some more....and now BC is Satan himself in this nieghborhood full of bored housewives.

Please enlighten me to what NC friends "diaries, appointment books, phone records, pictures" are going to prove?
If it were me they were asking...
a) I have NO diary
b)my calendar is torn off at the end of the month and trashed...they can go to the landfill for it if they want it.
c) digital photo's are on my computer and I'm not going to print them for anyone or give my computer over
d) phone records are trashed once my bill is paid..back to the land fill they can go on their fishing trip
I believe, like ncsu95 said, that when you make statements under oath, then you'd better be able to back them up......especially in a murder case. All these people came forward and trashed BC and now the attorneys are asking where the proof is to back it up. How about making all these gossips submit to a mental evaluation or better yet lie detector tests. I know, they are not allowed in court, but BC's attorneys are just trying to find out what the truth is. And if all these folks who came forward are telling the truth there should be no problem submitting to it. My opinion is that the gossip spread and then grew and spread some more....and now BC is Satan himself in this nieghborhood full of bored housewives.

Bored housewives? Maybe. Brad Cooper Satan himself - FOR SURE. HE MURDERED his WIFE!!!! He is trashing everything/everyone in his way to gain custody of his children even at the expense of other children. Yeah now that's a real man - for sure - uhh huh :rolleyes:
I think they'll have enough first hand information to bring to court without laying their personal life open. This is NOT about the friends. This is about Brad and what a husband he was and an 'invisible' father.

FWIW, this tactic is only showing how everything her friends said about him is true. He'll stop at NOTHING to get his way. :bang:

It only reflects back on him.:boohoo:


Preach it SISTAH!!!:blowkiss:
I believe, like ncsu95 said, that when you make statements under oath, then you'd better be able to back them up......especially in a murder case. All these people came forward and trashed BC and now the attorneys are asking where the proof is to back it up.

It's fine to ask for proof of submitted allegations, but it is outside the realm of the entire case to ask friends about their own relationships with their spouses or possible affairs or whatnot. It has no bearing on either the murder or the custody case. Does not help Brad to prove he is a 'fit' parent. It does NOTHING to further his case and he knows it and his attorneys know it too.

They (BC and his attorneys) are trying desperately to sully the friends and it's as transparent as cellophane. Nothing Brad can do can turn back time and undo the murder of his wife. NOTHING. Nothing can undo whatever it is that LE has uncovered and got in their possession. NOTHING. No amount of mud-slinging at Nancy or her friends can justify her murder. NOTHING.
yep.....i think bc's attorney is trawling and, imo, i think this custody case is secondary and is being used as an excuse........he's trying to determine what facts he's going to be up against in a possible murder trial.

bingo !
Probably trying to show "everyone else does it too" so he doesn't stand out as unfit in the marital realm.

It amazes me that anyone can still back this creep after he STILL pounds away at his dead wife. So much for sorrow, concern, grief, or a search for the killer.

It's fine to ask for proof of submitted allegations, but it is outside the realm of the entire case to ask friends about their own relationships with their spouses or possible affairs or whatnot. It has no bearing on either the murder or the custody case. Does not help Brad to prove he is a 'fit' parent. It does NOTHING to further his case and he knows it and his attorneys know it too.

They (BC and his attorneys) are trying desperately to sully the friends and it's as transparent as cellophane. Nothing Brad can do can turn back time and undo the murder of his wife. NOTHING. Nothing can undo whatever it is that LE has uncovered and got in their possession. NOTHING. No amount of mud-slinging at Nancy or her friends can justify her murder. NOTHING.

Dang it another Preach it SISTAH!!!!! :blowkiss:
Please enlighten me to what NC friends "diaries, appointment books, phone records, pictures" are going to prove?
If it were me they were asking...
a) I have NO diary
b)my calendar is torn off at the end of the month and trashed...they can go to the landfill for it if they want it.
c) digital photo's are on my computer and I'm not going to print them for anyone or give my computer over
d) phone records are trashed once my bill is paid..back to the land fill they can go on their fishing trip


Mine would be a diary full of pointless/useless business meetings sure to put anyone to sleep, my hard drive would be full of about 6,000 pictures of my dog taken over her 9 years on earth (not exaggerating), pictures of family and relatives and friends...they would spend hours and hours combing through a lot of NOTHING. All billable hours to Brad, btw.

And no matter how much they comb through the friends, there is nothing that will be able to undo the murder, nothing that can undo those scratches on the back of his neck, observed by the detectives Saturday afternoon, nothing that can heal his broken daughters' hearts as he ripped their mother away from them forever. NOTHING. No matter what else he has achieved in his life, there is no amount of education or Ironman competitions or awards from Cisco or money or ANYTHING that will erase this murder and bring back his childrens' mother. He will forever be associated with her murder (and hopefully in prison the rest of his life if guilty). His soul is forever seared by his actions. And there is nothing that he can do about it.
To determine the facts they are up against, all the defense attorneys have to do is look at the list of things taken as a result of the SWs, plus the 4am visit to HT, along with his 6am visit to HT, along with the forensic info that will show whether his wife's hair was in the trunk, and show why Brad LIED on several key items. THAT'S what the attorneys need to concern themselves with, IMHO.

The friends' diaries and pictures and calenders? Pfffftttt. A whole lotta n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Please. Don't bother insulting our intelligence, Mr. High Powered Defense Attorneys.

Go back to working on "Johnny Cochran's Rhyming 101" series. Remember, 'fit' and 'acquit' are off the table. Chop-Chop! You've got some real work to do.
The minute I saw Blum prancing into the court house with BC he reminded me of this character!
My name is Seth Blum and I want your "diaries, appointment books, phone records, pictures."
To determine the facts they are up against, all the defense attorneys have to do is look at the list of things taken as a result of the SWs, plus the 4am visit to HT, along with his 6am visit to HT, along with the forensic info that will show whether his wife's hair was in the trunk, and show why Brad LIED on several key items. THAT'S what the attorneys need to concern themselves with, IMHO.

The friends' diaries and pictures and calenders? Pfffftttt. A whole lotta n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Please. Don't bother insulting our intelligence, Mr. High Powered Defense Attorneys.

Go back to working on "Johnny Cochran's Rhyming 101" series. Remember, 'fit' and 'acquit' are off the table. Chop-Chop! You got some real work to do.

"Stupid", "selfish" and "monster" are still on the table they just don't rhyme dang it all. They do however describe Brad pretty darned well.
I don't think this is the one you posted Fran.
Now he is pushing further!

attorneys for Brad Cooper have asked more than a dozen of Nancy Cooper's friends to hand over e-mails, text messages, letters and other correspondence to prove their statements made on behalf of Nancy Cooper's parents, Garry and Donna Rentz and twin sister Krista Lister, who is seeking custody of the couple's two young daughters.
Nope, that's the one I posted on the other thread...
HI :wave: K&B. I'm sure you are lurking to see what kind of controversy you have stirred up now. :crazy:
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