Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #2

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There is no need for a crisis manager... if you take responsibility for your crime, apologize and take the consequences.


Hiring a Crisis Manager just shows the Gianulli’s as less sincere and more fake.

If I were their highly paid “Crisis Manager”, I would hand them Felicity Huffman’s statement and make them memorize it. Then tell them to sign a plea agreement and deal with the consequences.

They can’t buy their way out of this mess
I guess she has cleaned up her act and has some resort in Dubai. I think it even had a reality show. I guess I can give her a pass somewhat given her bad choices were drug fuelled. Lori? not so much.
Good point about the drugs. The public largely knew the train wrecks that Lindsay and Britney went through were because of drugs and being surrounded by bad influences. That can be fixed and cleaned up.

Bad character is harder to fix than bad drugs. It can be done, of course, but Lori isn't displaying a willingness to do the hard work to improve her situation - other than throwing money at a PR team and crisis manager to fix it for her....and throwing money at people is exactly the type of action that got her in trouble in the first place. She isn't taking the opportunity to change, reflect, or do anything positive.

Americans are a forgiving people. We like come-back stories. To screw that up really reflects her true character, imo.

I want to vomit whenever I read about LL's "faith". What "faith" is it that condones bribery and fraud to get one's children into a prestigious university? I knew there was a reason that I never liked Lori Laughlin. In a previous post, someone called her "plastic", and I thought, "Yes! Plastic!"
Even my DH who hardly knows who she is looked at her and said "she looks really fake, look at her eyes". So now the whole world knows how plastic she is. And that she's so used to getting what she wants she won't stop at anything to get it, even if it involves criminal activity. Makes one wonder if she's ever done anything like this before and just didn't get caught.
If I were her "crisis manager" I would slap that smug smile off her face and tell her to deal with it herself.
So outraged by these people who think they can just pay people to take care of a mess of their own doing. Ugh.
She can say sorry until she hair lips every cow in Texas. I wont ever believe it's sincere.

Thank goodness for Google! I've never heard this one before

""I don’t care if it harelips the governor” (or “hare-lips the governor") means the same as “come he11 or high water.” The phrase (also popularly used in to “harelip he11") is of undetermined origin, but has been popular throughout the South in the 20th century."


"To "hairlip" someone or something is a southern expression meaning that someone is going to do what they set out to do, regardless of the consequences, or the disapproval of others."

Is that right Bravo?
Thank goodness for Google! I've never heard this one before

""I don’t care if it harelips the governor” (or “hare-lips the governor") means the same as “come he11 or high water.” The phrase (also popularly used in to “harelip he11") is of undetermined origin, but has been popular throughout the South in the 20th century."


"To "hairlip" someone or something is a southern expression meaning that someone is going to do what they set out to do, regardless of the consequences, or the disapproval of others."

Is that right Bravo?
Yepper and spelling was incorrect on my part.
"Prosecutors will now begin to seek further evidence for a trial – and this is where Olivia Jade could find herself in trouble.

'The more time that passes, however, the more likely it is that the prosecutor will bring pressure by seeking to interview the children as part of the evidence,' says Moran. 'If Olivia Jade knew and participated, she could face criminal liability. As long as charges against the parents are pending, the children are still vulnerable.'"

Olivia Jade Could Face Jail Time For College Cheating Scandal, Expert Says
Thank goodness for Google! I've never heard this one before

""I don’t care if it harelips the governor” (or “hare-lips the governor") means the same as “come he11 or high water.” The phrase (also popularly used in to “harelip he11") is of undetermined origin, but has been popular throughout the South in the 20th century."


"To "hairlip" someone or something is a southern expression meaning that someone is going to do what they set out to do, regardless of the consequences, or the disapproval of others."

Is that right Bravo?

Thanks Dixiegirl, I had never heard that expression before either. It did make me chuckle though! Thanks for the daily edumacation, @Bravo !
"Prosecutors will now begin to seek further evidence for a trial – and this is where Olivia Jade could find herself in trouble.

'The more time that passes, however, the more likely it is that the prosecutor will bring pressure by seeking to interview the children as part of the evidence,' says Moran. 'If Olivia Jade knew and participated, she could face criminal liability. As long as charges against the parents are pending, the children are still vulnerable.'"

Olivia Jade Could Face Jail Time For College Cheating Scandal, Expert Says

Perhaps now that a trial looms that may include charges against the two childen, with possible jail terms for them, too, this might just spin the Gianulli parent’s heads back on again and realize they have committed crimes and need to own up to them as the parents who instituted all this illegal behavior
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I would like to hire a crisis manager to attend to my water leak I found in my basement this am, from turning on outside hose faucet on Tues, to water in crabgrass preventer, only to have it snow today. o_O

Do these people even know what a non- hollywood life is?
Perhaps now that a trial looms that may include charges against the two childen, with possible jail terms for them, too, this might just spin the Gianulli parent’s heads back on again and realize they have committed crimes and need to own up to them as the parents who instituted all this illegal behavior
That's what I think is happening. I think prosecutors will put the pressure on the kids in order to force the hands of the parents, who will, likely, be willing to take sentencing to spare the children.

FWIW, I think the kids aren't legally responsible, even if they knew about the scheme. Yes, they should have declined the scam and are morally responsible for going along with the fraud, but parents are obviously a HUGE authority figure in anyone's life and are in the position of power in the relationship. I don't think the kids should be held legally responsible. What to do with them in college - kick them or or let them stay - I don't know.

And all that “faith” that Lori seems to tout so easily

LL is calling it "faith" but in reality its nothing more than a sense of entitlement.

She considers herself above the rules and laws for the average Joe and feels she's entitled to break them because she's a wealthy celebrity, just like Jussie S.

Her arrogance and flippancy is sickening.

Sad to see she's raised her daughters to mirror this sense of obnoxious entitlement.

I'm sure she'll use the rehab excuse and then emerge as fresh as a butterfly with an apology that's as fake as a $3 bill.

Enough is enough.:mad::eek:

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FWIW, I think the kids aren't legally responsible, even if they knew about the scheme. Yes, they should have declined the scam and are morally responsible for going along with the fraud, but parents are obviously a HUGE authority figure in anyone's life and are in the position of power in the relationship. I don't think the kids should be held legally responsible.

I agree that the kids have some very minor culpability in the scheme, sort of “accessory to fraud” but if this information being reported is correct and not journalistic embelishement, the Gianulli’s should decide very quickly to cooperate

Clearly the prosecution is not playing games and is willing to impose far higher sanctions or penalties than the cooperating parties received. I do believe they could have long prison sentences if they keep messing around.
Teresa Giudice went to jail and came out with a NY Times bestseller book and her reality TV show career intact...

Guidice was famous for table-flipping <modsnip - vulgar language> . She didn’t have a terrific reputation to lose.

Lori would have to take a lot of acting lessons and start playing Lady MacBeth type roles, rather than Aunt Becky.

Or maybe they could donate a $5 million to a scholarship fund for underpriviledged kids. What the heck - make it a non-tax deductible $10 million to show how really contrite they are
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