Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #2

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This is a good article and I don't think I've seen it posted yet. It's a breakdown of which kids may have known.

What Every Kid in the College Admissions Scandal Knew About the Scam

An excerpt from the article:

Elizabeth and Manuel Henriquez — Manuel is the founder and CEO of a Silicon Valley hedge fund in Palo Alto — paid four separate times to manipulate exams for their two daughters.
In one instance, CW-2 sat next to the older daughter and gave her the answers while she took the test. CW-2 said that after the test, he “gloated” with the mother and daughter about how they’d cheated and gotten away with it.

The younger daughter flew from California — the family lives in Atherton, California — to Houston to take the ACT in 2016 with a proctor who “discussed answers during the exam” with her and another student.
The students were instructed to answer different questions incorrectly to avoid raising suspicion. The younger daughter later flew to Los Angeles to take the SAT subject tests at the the West Hollywood Test Center, a facility where CW-1 had a relationship with one of the test administrators, Igor Dvorskiy. (Dvorskiy, director of the West Hollywood College Preparatory School, has been indicted for accepting bribes to facilitate the scheme.) A proctor provided answers during the test. The family also bribed Gordie Ernst, the head tennis coach at Georgetown, to “recruit” their older daughter. The daughter was cc’d on emails discussing the plans."

Here's the little, gloating Henriquez daughter:

The CEO's daughter and Georgetown student who allegedly gloated about cheating on her SATs after her parents 'paid more than $1MILLION to get her into the school'


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All of this - yes!! Now THAT could have been "parenting on steroids" - being a helicopter parent pushing tutors, private schools, REAL extracurricular activities to showcase a well rounded student... but as a legal defense - parenting on steroids? No. It's called fraud. There was an intent to deceive. This is way more than just good parenting that got carried away. Not okay.

But they don't because they don't care about true, personal achievement or integrity. And it's odd because I have no doubt working on a series like Here Comes the Heart of whatever it is called, is hard work. As well as doing all they do to maintain their physique, etc.

So why not work with your kids so they learn the value of hard work?
But they don't because they don't care about true, personal achievement or integrity. And it's odd because I have no doubt working on a series like Here Comes the Heart of whatever it is called, is hard work. As well as doing all they do to maintain their physique, etc.

So why not work with your kids so they learn the value of hard work?
Yes - I've been thinking the same things. It's not easy to have a career in entertainment - or in fashion. It might seem like frivolous work to some, but it definitely does take dedication and work.

But it dawns on me that WORK isn't the issue, but rather integrity. They work hard, but with goals and values that, frankly, aren't honorable. The end results (tv role, big house, vlogging contracts) are more important than the process of working honestly. So if the end result is admission to USC, they will "work" to get it, but not honestly.


Edited...but still kind of a jumble. Hard to articulate this.
I also wonder if they really have any close friends. I guess I imagine their friends have similar goals, values, behaviors etc. seems it's all about appearance, status, possessions, money, fame. material things. What an empty life really.....what about integrity, character, charity, honesty, self respect, respect for others etc. ?

It IS an empty life. I read a study recently about what makes rich people happy and what makes everyone else happy. And what makes everyone else happy is helping other people and what makes rich people happy is accumulation.
I live in a place where super rich people come on vacation.

Drugs are illegal. But as long as they are not selling to locals, people say nothing.

When a private jet lands, the pilot hands out the passports to the customs. The passengers do not show themselves.

Because of their big names, they get put into magazines such as People. I bet they get free rooms in exchange for publicity. There is no way a random photographer is around for pictures.

Staff is not allowed to talk to the guests unless spoken wo and the staff signs non disclosure papers.

They have body guards and their minions handle everything.

They do nasty things and people say nothing because they need the money.

I am not a citizen so I can say zero.

That is the world the rich have.

They are so entitled and feel they deserve their special treatment.

Because they are treated so special, they really get used to it.

Whenever someone meets a decent rich person, everyone comments on it,
This daughter definitely knew and had to have been 18 years old because she was initially denied in 2017 and accepted in Spring 2019:

Robert "Bob" Zangrillo, founder and CEO of a Miami-based private investment firm focused on venture capital and real estate investments, is facing federal charges in the college admissions bribery scandal.

Federal prosecutors are accusing Zangrillo, who graduated from Stanford Graduate School of Business, of conspiring to bribe athletic department officials at the University of Southern California to designate his daughter as an athletic recruit, so she could be admitted after she was rejected in 2017.

According to the criminal complaint, Zangrillo wanted Mikaela Sanford to secretly take classes on behalf of his daughter, so that the grades Sanford earned in Zangrillo's daugher's name could be submitted to USC as part of her application.

"If you can do the biology thing, just makes sure it gets done as quickly as possible, so
we have a backup plan for the conditional [acceptance to USC], and then you do the best you can to overturn the art history [grade]," Zangrillo said, according to investigator' recorded conversation.

According to an FBI Special Agent, Zangrillo's daughter submitted a transfer application February 2018 claiming that she rowed crew at a club for an average of 44 hours per week for 15 weeks per year, and that she was taking classes at a number of schools, including Santa Monica College, Rio Salado College, and the University of Colorado at Boulder.

"I will take her. You guys help us; We will help you. I’ll take her, I just need her to finish all these credits," the USC crew coach said, while agreeing to designate her as a purported recruit to the crew team, according to investigator's recorded conversation.

Investigators say the coach advocated for Zangrillo's daughter and placed her on their VIP list for transfers, and on June 14, 2018 USC admitted her as a transfer student beginning in the spring semester of 2019.

Miami developer Robert 'Bob' Zangrillo charged in college admissions scam

ZANGRILLO’s daughter inquired, in substance, what CW-1 was doing about an ‘F’ grade that she had received in an art history class she had taken. CW-1 explained that he had [arranged for someone to retake the class].’ CW-1 asked if this plan made sense. ZANGRILLO and his daughter both replied, ‘Yes.’

ZANGRILLO then inquired, in substance, whether Sanford could take his daughter’s biology class as well. Sanford replied that she was ‘happy to assist.’ ZANGRILLO added: ‘If you can do the biology thing, just makes sure it gets done as quickly as possible, so we have a backup plan for the conditional [acceptance to USC and then you do the best you can to overturn the art history grade].’

9 Revealing Moments From the College-Admissions Indictment

Here's the little princess:


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This is my favorite part:

A blog entry obtained by Daily Beast found that Isabelle described herself as 'very independent and not dependent on others when I need things'.

'I also find that I have a good moral compass,' she added.

Personally, if I discovered that my parents needed to pay a million dollars to get me into college while other individuals got in for free on their own merits, I'd be disgusted in the opposite direction.

Also, I do not think they know what the word "morality" means...

EVERY single move this family makes is totally calculated right down to their clothes. :rolleyes:

So many of these students knew exactly what was going on.


I simply cannot imagine living my life in such a ’calculated’ manner! Do these people ever enjoy their families, their beautiful home(s) and all they have accumulated?

If all of this chatter really is LL’s PR team working around the clock, their current home life must be a nightmare. I doubt LL has ever experienced a media onslaught such as this before. (I don’t know, I’ve never paid attention to her career.) Too bad it’s all negative.

What a truly exhausting existence.
I simply cannot imagine living my life in such a ’calculated’ manner! Do these people ever enjoy their families, their beautiful home(s) and all they have accumulated?

If all of this chatter really is LL’s PR team working around the clock, their current home life must be a nightmare. I doubt LL has ever experienced a media onslaught such as this before. (I don’t know, I’ve never paid attention to her career.) Too bad it’s all negative.

What a truly exhausting existence.

LL is definately (IMO)tightly wound.
Wow how narcissistic to lie on top of a lie!
AND to think yourself wonderful enough to pull it off!

Everyday for the past few weeks, the local newspaper has several athletes on the front page signing to various colleges. NOT ONE, yes not one single academic student is featured for scholarships or acceptance into college!!! High school teachers are encouraged and at times forced to pass/change grades for athletes.

The system is broke!!! It has become a way for the rich to gain entry and athletes that can barely pass are given a full ride. All of the national sports are using colleges to feed the sport. Colleges are spending vass amounts of money on stadiums, buses, private plane trips, etc. College athletic programs are a financial loss for most colleges.

When did colleges loose site of the business of education and become the MAIN source to feed players for national sports? And NOW, the rich are using sports to gain entry into colleges.

Smart kids don't stand a chance these days!!!!

My son in law is a very smart guy. He just graduated with his doctorate in education from USC. He didn't get any special treatment. He is neither wealthy or poor. He'll be paying for his education for years to come.
Both of my children are college grads. They had some minimal scholarship help, they paid some and so did I. It burns me when people cheat the system. Most of the kids involved in this scam don't even care if they have a degree. If they did, they would have made some kind of academic effort in high school. And yet they filled the spot of some other deserving youth.
My son in law is a very smart guy. He just graduated with his doctorate in education from USC. He didn't get any special treatment. He is neither wealthy or poor. He'll be paying for his education for years to come.
Both of my children are college grads. They had some minimal scholarship help, they paid some and so did I. It burns me when people cheat the system. Most of the kids involved in this scam don't even care if they have a degree. If they did, they would have made some kind of academic effort in high school. And yet they filled the spot of some other deserving youth.

That's what's so unjust. Someone deserving was rejected so these geniuses could take their spot and get drunk in Fiji or whatever.
It's being reported that Lori's daughter received a letter that she's being investigated. The news is reporting that all of the students that are suspected to have known about the cheating scandal have received letters that they are under investigation.

Do you think the students will be charged? Is there a plea deal still on the table for the parents? If so, I'm wondering if the letters were sent out as a threat in an attempt to make parents take the plea deal.
I wonder if any of these families ever even discussed what might happen if they were exposed. Seems not. Seems as though they were all just carrying on through life in the ways that one does, with too much money and a missing want a thing, so you pay $.
The attorney involved did discuss it in the transcripts...
I have read different fiction books over the years about well to do people such as the Totlandia books by Josie Brown.

I imagine some private schools have to accept a lot of unfortunate situations because the parents are wealthy and the school needs their bequests and other funding the rich provide.

Dealing with entitled children would be a nightmare. Can you imagine trying to give an earned bad grade to a super rich kid?

Your job would be on the line. Nightmare.

I am not impressed with private school grads. I have been suspicious for a long time.

My kids went to a wealthy public school and the things the parents did were sickening. A principal is not going to take the time and money to go to court to deal with certain parents. $$$$$$
Not to defend these parents but to be fair, some teachers are really bad and should not be teaching. I vividly remember a teacher of mine in high school who was hell-bent on making the entire class fail while not even teaching the class. During class, we had to teach ourselves while she played on her phone. On a final exam given by the entire department, our class scored the highest because we all studied constantly because the teacher deliberately tried very hard to fail the class. It was the only C I ever received in high school and I received a 100% on the final. More than half the class failed. Other teachers shook their heads in shame when students mentioned suffering from her. Yes, parents were angry and were at the principal's office about her every day and the teacher is still working there this day. Bad teachers should face consequences and if they actually did, I believe parents wouldn't "helicopter" and bother teachers as much...
Does anyone else have a feeling that USC's reputation has dramatically suffered? I have a feeling that talented students are going to pass on taking offers from USC. It's going to take USC a few years to recover from this embarrassing scandal.
I think USC's rep as been damaged. I think they have had other recent scandals too, like this one:

USC Gynecologist accused of abusing patients
USC gynecologist accused of abusing patients faces loss of medical license

There also has been a sexual harassment case with a PhD student, though, unfortunately, that is not unique to USC. :(

I think the rep that the school is the "University of Spoiled Children" will remain and weirdly continue to appeal to some people - like it's a status symbol to have or to be a spoiled child. But besides them, I think the school's is tarnished.

I also think the reputation can be repaired.

I think USC's rep as been damaged. I think they have had other recent scandals too, like this one:

USC Gynecologist accused of abusing patients
USC gynecologist accused of abusing patients faces loss of medical license

There also has been a sexual harassment case with a PhD student, though, unfortunately, that is not unique to USC. :(

I think the rep that the school is the "University of Spoiled Children" will remain and weirdly continue to appeal to some people - like it's a status symbol to have or to be a spoiled child. But besides them, I think the school's is tarnished.

I also think the reputation can be repaired.


I think USC's reputation has been damaged, somewhat.

I know that it has lost some academic credibility due to the trasgressions with admissions of unqualified students.

I also think the issue with the Chairman of the Board using his huge yacht to allow entertaining of students of parents who participated in the admissions fraud is not good publicity for the USC Administration and there should very well be influential people who call it out.

This won't affect the vast majority of college students in the US. Like me, they never wanted to go there anyway.
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