Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019

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from the complaint document:

"I can make scores happen, and nobody on the planet can get scores to happen. She won’t even know that it happened. It will happen as though, she will think that she’s really super smart, and she got lucky on a test, and you got a score now."

I can't imagine cheating to get my kid in school and I can't imagine lying to my own child either and letting her believe something false like this. That's just so....messed up.


edited to add link: Nationwide College Cheating Scam Complaint | University And College Admission | Test (Assessment)
Another article on Buckingham. She is into what kids want to buy.

Marketing guru Jane Buckingham caught up in college admissions scandal

More fodder for SNL, lol

Buckingham, who once authored a book titled “The Modern Girl’s Guide to Sticky Situations,” wanted desperately for her son to attend USC. So the Los Angeles marketing maven — once called the Martha Stewart of the younger generation — turned to William Singer, a college admissions advisor, to help her son score high on the ACT standardized test, prosecutors alleged.
More fodder for SNL, lol

Buckingham, who once authored a book titled “The Modern Girl’s Guide to Sticky Situations,” wanted desperately for her son to attend USC. So the Los Angeles marketing maven — once called the Martha Stewart of the younger generation — turned to William Singer, a college admissions advisor, to help her son score high on the ACT standardized test, prosecutors alleged.
If Hallmark is smart, they'll do a movie about this topic....and the family who refuses to participate prevails and wins the race for the crew team. Yay!

I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it is true. Couples disagree all the time over child rearing and I think it gets even more divided sometimes with teens.
The article says Felicity’s friends thinks she deserves this and the kids had no idea and that it’s tearing their family apart. That feels very believable to me.
Feels like Aunt Becky’s family were 100% all in on the scheme together lol.

I'm telling ya, I wasn't joking with that "now Sophia Grace Macy knows she's the dumb daughter". I have my own sister. If they have any type of competition dynamic between each other already - brrrr. The parents as good as told us- the younger daughter, at 16, is passionate about poli. sci., a "real" discipline, unlike acting; and was determined not to "need" the help by Boss Momma.

Kids aren't dumb. This will speak volumes. "Tearing the family apart"? I can almost hear the conversations hidden in that nutshell.

If anyone wants to read the Affidavit in Support of the Criminal Complaint, it lists each individual case:

Nationwide College Cheating Scam Complaint | University And College Admission | Test (Assessment)

I super-duper highly recommend this action, by the bye. It's super informative, the patterns you see repeating over and over again, etc.

Re: Jane Buckingham's son's apology:

I am not convinced that is sincere. He took the exam at home and provided a handwriting sample, saying "To whom it may concern,this provides an example of my current writing style. Thank you for your attention." (see link below) How could he not know something was afoot? I'm sure he had at least an inkling.

"...Jane Buckingham, accused of paying someone to take the ACT for her son and then asking for a copy of the exam to administer to him at home so he would think he’d really taken the test."

Maybe he's one of those kids who was already Ritalin'ed, ADHD'ed, and DX'ed to within an inch of his life, thus such accommodations were normal to him?


USC is really a laughingstock in academic circles.

But it’s NOT about academics. It’s about getting access to really powerful, rich people - that bit with Olivia on the yacht didn’t just happen without some powerful pushing from mommy & daddy

Don't forget film school, though... other than that, they had might as well fight to get into Pepperdine, IMO.
oh i mean just for the tv contracts she has and i think she will try obviouslty since its her work, i don't know if it will work. but yeah as where in the Spacey thing i don't think they even opened a dialogue it was just fired and finished

i don't even know what the courts do to people in these types of situations, i am not sure its been public in this kind of scale but if they have 700 people involved, you couldn't expect jail time for them, maybe for the guy who operated it i am guessing he is screwed as he is the mastermind

i do wonder if the customers will claim they are just customers i mean it is a defence no matter how weak it is, but there seems to be some text messages and emails so we shall see what that means later

IMO, customers as a defense is no defense at all. Maybe entrapment would fly for some.
Think about it like this: receiving stolen goods is a crime, even if one did not steal the goods, but only received them.
more from the complaint document...

This is regarding getting a psychologist to write a letter that the student needs more time to take the SAT/ACT:

"Here’s the great thing. When she goes to college, she gets to bring this report with her and she’ll get extended time in all those things in whatever school she goes to, which is huge again. She’ll get all the accommodations when
she gets to college as well."

The parent was told to have the child act dumber than she really is to get the special testing accommodation.

Nationwide College Cheating Scam Complaint | University And College Admission | Test (Assessment)
If youre angry about the college cheating scandal wait till you hear that public school budgets are determined by local property taxes and that the rich cordon themselves off into segregated municipalities to hoard resources from poor communities
If youre angry about the college cheating scandal wait till you hear that public school budgets are determined by local property taxes and that the rich cordon themselves off into segregated municipalities to hoard resources from poor communities

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This situation disturbs me for so many reasons. I think that there will be more ugly details to come regarding other families involved, other methods of cheating, and fallout of bad PR for the businesses and careers of the parents.

But it seems that the worst part of it legally may be the tax fraud. (The bribe money was set up to look like a charitable contribution, and at least some parents claimed it as a tax deduction.) I'm not a lawyer. Is this the action that is likely to have the worst legal consequences?

I would think so, IMO.
Rick the scammer was working with the Feds when he recorded conversations with the parents. It's not as if he was recently caught and immediately pleaded guilty, which is what I thought. He's been involved with the investigation for months.

Nationwide College Cheating Scam Complaint | University And College Admission | Test (Assessment)

Yeah, I figured that out when I saw a lot of people earlier here and there, falling out about the "consensually recorded" description. For example, someone who thought from the description of these actions, that William H. Macy had agreed to dime his wife out and thus that's why he wasn't facing jail time :eek:; along with the then-depressing 18 or so "thumbs up" this commenter had garnered.

The people in question, of course, weren't thinking of or didn't even know, that there's more than one side to a "consensual recording", and that there even were such a thing as "one-party consent states". TL; DR: I agree with you, Rick what's his name was the "consensual" party in the recordings; He, Himself, and Him. The parents certainly did not know they were being recorded in conversation.
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