NC NC - Allen Croft, 46, Durham, 11 May 2005

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pardilia said:
No one is questioning your belief that its a murder. We're trying to figure out exactly what the facts are and its a very difficult task weeding out the facts from all of your emotional outbursts and accusations. No one is saying you do not have the right to be emotional, we're trying to explain to you that it is difficult to fully grasp and comprehend the bare facts of the matter when they're surrounded with so much other 'stuff'.

What I meant by my post is that your belief of his wife's involvement may not be correct - as others have tried to point out. In order to help you, we need to know *just* the facts and more about him, his friends, etc.

We all understand you are still very upset and traumatized by what has happened to you. However, you need to also understand that in order for anyone to help you, that you need to be able to convey the facts in a organized and coherent and at least somewhat rational manner. This is true not just for this forum, but for anyone you approach for help.

It's not even clear what we are supposed to do. Some of the LE people evidently gave a report, pictures, confided that the widow seemed "stoic", were not completely corrupt, dishonest, or uncaring.

We know, we and probably LE, "can't" be told enough to solve the case. And we can't convince the person we got that much.

So our hands are simply tied and it doesn't mean we're incompetents or have AntiSocial Personality Disorder or anything. Not hostile. Why would we be?
JerseyGirl said:
J4J, I totally understand your frustration. But I want to say two things.

1) I find the above statement personally offensive. Many of us are here at this site because we care about people and their suffering. We want to help in any way that we can. Many of us have been through suffering of our own and this is almost like a support group. To imply that people that spend time here need some sort of psychological help is lashing out at the very people that have been trying to offer you advice.

2) This thread has gotten way out of control. If there are people that you don't want to hear from, use the "ignore" feature that WS provides. Cutting & pasting pm's seems vindictive.

Please don't forget that many of us care. But we are also frustrated that we've done all we can in the way of advice and it doesn't seem to have gotten you any closer to justice. Many of us are simply banging our heads over this situation as we just don't know what we can do to help.

I truly wish you the very best of luck and hope you'll keep the thread updated once there is progress.

Amen to that, one of my fave expressions everyone may be getting tired of hearing, and that's a good idea, if there are any new developments, maybe that will be posted.
J4J, I just tried searching at but I can't seem to find anything. Do you happen to have a link so that I don't have to search every thread in every forum? Thanks so much.
It seems that Jack's wife is a professional, having obtained her degree prior to marrying Jack. She is in the type of profession (as far as I can tell) where she could make quite a bit of money herself.

J4J, didn't you say that his wife quit her job(s)? I'm asking because it doesn't seem that she had the kind of job that one would just "quit". The position that I can see not only requires a lot of education but it also seems that it would be a coveted position. It also seems the kind of job where you wouldn't have a second job in addition to it.

In any case, it also seems that she has made at least two charitable donations to at least one cause within the past couple of years.
His wife obtained her degree after marrying my brother.....She quit her job, my guess is because of questions.....

She had nothing prior to the marriage, and that is about it.....

JG, the thread on was called dealing with death, if that is what you are referring to.......

As far as a certain poster, I would appreciate it if you didn't waste my time by throwing your little digs in at me, if anybody needs help, you should look inward!

Insulting me just shows your ignorance, and trying to be sly doesn't fool anybody.....

So AGAIN, I will ask you politely to NOT post about my brothers case! I don't know what your problem is, but I am not here to be heckled, and would appreciate administration telling you the same.....

JerseyGirl said:
It seems that Jack's wife is a professional, having obtained her degree prior to marrying Jack. She is in the type of profession (as far as I can tell) where she could make quite a bit of money herself.

J4J, didn't you say that his wife quit her job(s)? I'm asking because it doesn't seem that she had the kind of job that one would just "quit". The position that I can see not only requires a lot of education but it also seems that it would be a coveted position. It also seems the kind of job where you wouldn't have a second job in addition to it.

In any case, it also seems that she has made at least two charitable donations to at least one cause within the past couple of years.

Good work, as usual, JerseyGirl, toward ascertaining the truth. Not heckling, by any stretch. Nobody can decide a case w/out hearing both sides.

Sounds like the wife finished her degree and obtained a high paying position, not just a job, and had no MOTIVE for murder, police must have found out.

Her position in the marriage would have been secure, inheritance-wise, whether or not he had a Will. Which of course we haven't been told. Maybe some OUTSIDER had some reason to hate him or her. I just don't think he would have walked 3 miles without his dogs, do you?

We are not taking sides, just have a right and duty to find out if things have been misinterpreted, therefore misrepresented to us, to use us somehow. I'm still not sure how. Is anyone? I for one would not want to be a party to scheming against someone who may be just naturally "stoic" and quiet, may have been hurting for all we know, a possible reason for the new car. Again, not taking sides because so far we can't know things for sure. JerseyGirl gives a phone number for the PD down there. Would anyone care to try to get some info from them? Do PD's have a department or person for public information even if we don't have a tip?

We're most humbly thankful for Good Old Websleuths today, right guys? And none of us would ever presume to act like we own it or tell Admin what to do. We don't even own our words or threads we start! None of us have ever presumed to tell Admin what to do, right, folks? Terms of Service, no personal attacks. Our loyalty is to truth in such a serious matter, or I guess in ANY matter.
I wouldn't have known to check, never heard of it.

But this brings new inevitable questions. Maybe Jack admired his wife, a lot, and told some OUTSIDER extortioner they should be like her, improve themselves and earn their own money?

But then would it stand to reason he'd get into a car with such a person?

I sure don't think he'd walk 3 miles without his dogs, to such a place.
From what I can see, Jack's wife is listed in the Class of 1996. If he passed away in 2005, and they were married for 8 years, that would bring us to 1997 which would mean that she obtained the degree before they wed. Even if it was slightly after, it shows me that she was educating herself long before they married.

Her position is a professional, career-type one that earns quite enough money to support oneself however it is not a HUGE amount. It's not as if she's some high-powered defense attorney or world-renowned surgeon. And from what I can see, it appears that she's out there working. I can't guarantee this but it's what I can see from what I've researched, (along with a "partner").

J4J, I see that Jack was one of five inventors that applied jointly for a patent. I don't know if their item earned them any money or if there could have been any "fighting" within that group?

Use of generic classifiers to determine physical topology in heterogeneous networking environments - US Patent 6639900
A couple more questions -

Who composed the original obituary? In it, Jack's wife was listed as his "loving" wife. I see that the word loving was removed from later copies.

Also, what kind of person was Jack outside of work? The obit mentions that he spent a lot of time with his two dogs. Did Jack have friends? Not just buddies from work but people that he really clicked with, spent time with, etc.? Or was he more of a loner type that used his time off to just relax and enjoy his pets?
I'm reopening the thread, but with the stern warning that any personal attacks will be dealt with without any more warnings. You all know better.
First of all I want to thank Tricia, and the mods for their support, and for those of you who have offered me advice, and a shoulder!!!

Since my last post here, I have spoken to several more agencies, and am sad to say the FBI told me they could do nothing, because I am in another state, but I have spoken again to a few more leads, and am glad to say one of my letters was printed last week by a NC area newspaper!!!!

Here is my letter, and article!!! As a note, PLEASE do not make a mockery of murder!!!! MANY of us are here for HELP, and SUPPORT not heckled nor ridiculed!!!

I mean no disrespect to anyone, and again, am here for help, hope, and justice for all!!!! :twocents:

I have been trying for almost 2 years to find out what exactly happened to my brother, and finally had a local NC paper print this.....PLEASE help my family!!!! We are here in Cleveland, and getting LE there to help has been a disgrace!

PLEASE print this article, and truly have justice for my beloved best friend!!!

Johnsville News

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Durham's Darkside

This is a follow up to this small item posted on Nov. 9th:
PLEASE help me! My name is Rhonda, and my brother was found executed in Durham NC, on May 05, 2005. His name is Allen Jackson Croft Jr. The sheriff there refuses to send us the reports, tests, and information we requested via the FOIA. This is the same department that handled the Duke rape, and the most recent fiasco of being caught on tape, plotting murder for hire, trafficking in drugs, and women for forced slavery as prostitutes, and counterfeiting. I have been threatened to be charged if I did not stop calling them to ask about the GSR results, and what they was doing about his case...​
ALLEN JACKSON CROFT, Jr., died Wednesday, May 11, 2005, in Durham. He was 46 years old. Allen was born in Beckley, W.V. and attended West Virginia Tech, where he received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. He later graduated from his beloved school, the University of Virginia (UVA), with a master's degree in Computer Science. Allen was employed at IBM for 25 years as a computer programmer and was a member of the UVA Alumni Association.

Rhonda Fleming has been writing about her brother's case at She tells a sad story of incompetence and "massive corruption" in Durham law enforcement. It sounds all too familiar.

some excerpts from thread:
(Attn: Durham NC) In The Name Of My Brother

I am hoping someone will be able to help me. concerning my brothers death. He was 46 and weeks away from retiring from IBM, in Durham NC. He was found executed May 11, 2005 on the American Tobacco Trail under a tressel, a "supposed," suicide. The sheriffs department boggled the case, and failed to adhere to protocol, and do an investigation. It has taken me over a year to glean what facts I have obtained. My mother and I both wrote under the FOIA, for ALL the facts, as they "closed," his case. A year later the detective for the case sent us a report, and it was full of hearsay, lies, and ineptness. He allowed 2 people to take his computer who were neighbors, and besides doing no handwriting analysis, or autopsy, they completely did nothing. The pictures I do have shows the crime scene, and he has only a couple of drops of blood on his clothes, (which, they also did NO GSR tests on.) There was NO powder burns to the wound, nor was there blood on the gun, his arm, or shirt. The position of his body also doesn't make sense, nor the fact he was pronounced dead 6 hours prior, yet was covered with maggots? I am PRAYING someone out here may help my family! I know we need legal help, but we are poor, and hoping someone will help pro-bono. He was an amazing man, and deserves better than to have died this way. Then, treated like roadkill....Please offer ANY advise, even though I have contacted EVERY official there is, the SHERIFF is, "untouchable," and nobody is willing to help...

The sad part to all of this, is that LE again, is more concerned with politics, than MURDERS! Durham is still more concerned with the rape case, than to solve our loved ones deaths! My brother was found executed under a bridge 3 weeks after Janet Araboa was killed, and I have had NO PRESS, and have had to fight and beg to glean what facts I have received!...

Finally I am getting help from BriAnne Dopart, she is the crime scene reporter for the Durham Herald Sun.....She is going to do a story about unsolved murders in Durham, and the tremendous political climate that is preventing LE from doing their jobs.....

The stench that reeks from the county officials is repulsive! These people are elected officials, hired to protect, serve, and seek justice! The WHOLE system is a quagmire of incompetence, and corruption!

More than a few bad apples [in Durham Law Enforcement], there are the ORCHARDS!... I am furious over the fact the rape case has received more media attention than unsolved murders and police gone gangsters!

If anybody out here knew him, or has any information, PLEASE contact me!!


In Loving Memory of Allen Jackson Croft Jr.
Allen Jackson Croft Jr.- death notice

Durham Justice Scandals !! - TalkLeft
Durham is a Business - $$ - Peek inside - TalkLeft
Law Enforcement Looks At Growing Gang Culture In Durham - WRAL
Film Documents Gang Violence In Bull City - WRAL
Durham's Gangland - LieStoppers forum
Durham's Gangland - The Johnsville News
Congrats on getting your voice heard Rhonda. I hope this leads to the truth that you and your brother deserve.
Thanks MJ! :blowkiss:

I would have PM'D you, but your box is full!

And may I ask for everyone to remember us, and all of the families of murdered children, and loved ones.....ESPECIALLY now, holidays are the worst! :(
Well, here I am back at square one! I tried my local sheriff, and local PD for help, but was told they could do nothing as this happened in another state!

I have not been able to find a GOOD lawyer yet, but now am putting my effort into that, instead of being a dog chasing it's own tail for information.....

LE is NOT going to help, so I have gone on national sites as the "town crier," getting the word out as to just how corrupt the entire system in Durham is!

The entire world knows about the "Duke rape," yet, all of these unsolved murders are swept under the rug! Too costly for the state, in resources, and for their "reputation!"

I have gleaned some evidence, and have concentrated on gathering more, because a lawyer will not even listen without it!

They want to know they will win and get paid, and a pro-bono lawyer is not an option, unless they are seasoned, and will end up with a conviction, and not be thrown out as "moot!"

Not only is the DA, Mr Nifong corrupt, but so are many other officials, and I am most afraid of having my brothers case dismissed, before I can get a conviction! POLITICS has held me up, and not knowing a GOOD lawyer!

If anyone out here lives in Durham, and can refer me to a competent attorney, I would be so thankful! So much time has passed, and I don't know how families can go decades without justice!!!

This has broken my heart, opened my eyes, and left me with a horrible feeling, knowing I am not alone!!!!!

There are SO many families destroyed over murders, and my heart and prayers goes with you, I may not know you all personally, but God does!!!

I wished this would all go faster, but the Lord has his time, and I will still try until I die!!!!

THIS is not the legacy I want to leave behind!!! I want my brothers murderer convicted, his honor restored, laws changed, and turn this into something positive, this I owe to him, and my mother and child!!! And to ALL the families who deserve peace!!!!

Thank you ALL for being here for my family!!! Even the nay sayers, I am grateful God led me here, I have met some wonderful people who have inspired me, and know I am in GOOD company!!!!!!!

God Bless you all this holiday, and EVERY day!!!!

Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
"As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held as long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession ... law enforcement."
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