NC NC - Allen Croft, 46, Durham, 11 May 2005

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The Durham County Sheriff's Office "handles," almost every call, as well as the Durham Police. I have read articles by the same officers, involved with my brother's case.....

They know me by name, and I am not intimidated by them, and is why I am so verbal about letting the world know just how dispicable they are!

The level of corruption supersedes anything imaginable, and MUST be brought into the light!

What has become of these women they kidnapped and enslaved into prostitution?! What have they done about the counterfeiting and drugs?! And, let's not forget the "murder for hire!" Have they notified the people mentioned on the tape?!

Who have they murdered before?! What is going on in Mayberry Land?! This cannot go without the nation taking a stand, and the media, to see that these men are prosecuted, and the people are left with officers that are doing the job they was hired to do!

There has to be somebody to say this is abhorrant, and I am not afraid to stand up and say so!

What have we become, when we just accept injustice, and fold our hands?! We must contact our legislators, vote, and let media know as well that crap like this is intolerable, and we want and deserve justice!

Justice has lost it's meaning, and the bad man wins?!
JerseyGirl said:
If I'm not mistaken, the Sheriff's office handled neither the Duke case nor the Janet Abaroa case. The office that you're having trouble with is actually completely unrelated to those cases as far as I can tell.

Is JerseyGirl correct that in your grief you're contacting the wrong agency?
Which one should it be, Jersey Girl?

I need to go back and read the whole story from the start, but as I've already said, I KNOW I can't help, except by offering sympathy for whatever that's worth.
Justice4Jack said:
They gave the gun back to the wife, and did no tests on the gun at all! He was also cremated with the clothes he had on...Quite the loving widow huh?!

Doesn't sound good. Did she prevent your brother from helping you and your family with your poverty and illness, and exclude you from the funeral? I'm having to take a break because of eyestrain, having only read the first 3 or 4 pages, will be back.

I liked what someone said about your brother not wanting you to hasten your own death about this, his sitting on your shoulder.

I know you don't want to let the case grow "cold" but he surely would want you to calm down. You sound really frantic and it scares off the men who're supposed to help, probably. The first year is always the worst, and you have no "closure" because of the estrangement, right? That's probably covered in some of the pages I haven't read yet.

Was she wealthy before she married him? Was it his and her first marriage? Does she have relatives in town? Did they have a big funeral or , it sounds like, just quietly cremate him ? I'm not familiar with that sort of thing.
Justice4Jack said:
As for his wife, I have no clue. She lost contact with us after his death, disconnected her phone, quit 2 jobs, and is probably reading this site! I HOPE SO!!!

If it's any comfort to you, maybe he didn't have so much money as you thought, if the widow even took two jobs, whether or not she quit them. Right? Somehow he was giving the impression to outsiders that he was wealthy. University-sounding language or the way he dressed?

He was found under a railroad trestle? Maybe someone thought he was wealthy when he really was not? I'm just now reading pg 4 so these may be dumb questions or already answered.
Bobbisangel said:

I guess if it was a deputy or two that were hiring out as hitmen it wouldn't matter but I was wondering if his death would have been covered up if those particuliar deputies had anything to do with investigating and coming to the conclusion of a suicide. Am I making any sense?

You're saying what if part-time guns for hire were the very ones assigned to investigate?

Yes, but who would have hired them? The widow has taken 2 jobs since his death, and disconnected her phone, so he probably wasn't wealthy after all.

Maybe too intellectual, which could attract bullies-killers, or was he about to EXPOSE SOMETHING corrupt? Was someone maybe trying to sell him drugs?

His picture at your website doesn't look like a wealthy person, but an intellectual. They can be impractical, interested in everything but money. The widow could even be hurting, for all we know of her so far.
You've made a surprising amount of progress. The reporter's articles are a good start, but maybe she's BEEN SILENCED with threats?

Bad women wouldn't tend to marry an intellectual, church-going person like Jack, and stay married to him 7 or 8 yrs, you know, especially if she's having to work. Obviously we should look elsewhere than at her.

Is there a way to let her know that, and find out what she may know? She may have also been threatened if she does know anything. And Jack may have been "preaching" to the crooks or threatening to expose them? Was he like that?

How might Jack stumble on the information the woman has reported? And probably more? Something on his computer? Here's a copy/paste of part of one paragraph that caught my eye:

" The unidentified source told sheriff's deputies that cars frequently parked outside the establishment were 'known to be involved in illegal activities' including 'drug trafficking, armed robberies, murder ( for hire ), prostitution and human trafficking,' according to the search warrant. "

Notice it says "murder for hire". Have you seen the woman reporter lately? Does she look different in any way from when you hopefully saw her before?
IOW, does she seem fearful?

Re Private Detectives, I once tried to hire one and by the second time I talked to him it seemed he'd started a new business and had been offered more by the other side. Investigative reporters are probably a much better bet. There's also Police Psychics, find by googling, although the ones in your town frankly don't sound like they'd cooperate with one.

Someone suggested writing a letter, keeping it to two pages. May I add the suggestion to first make an outline, include a link to the reporter's article, or maybe an attached print-out in case they don't want to look it up, and try to keep emotion out of it. As Jack Webb on TV used to say, "just the facts, ma'am", that they can investigate. They're not therapists, and might tend to chalk it all up to female hysteria.

I think I'd try to reconcile with the widow, enough to at least compare notes. If she's been threatened, at least you'd have found out that much. Maybe burying him in bloody clothes was something like JackieO not changing her bloody pink suit after the assassination. She said she wanted the killers to see what "they've" done. I'm not trying to whitewash the widow if you really do know something bad about her. We're here for you, not her.

He was evidently a danger to the bad guys in some way. What could that have been? I'm sure he didn't hang out at bars.
Eagle1 said:
Someone suggested writing a letter, keeping it to two pages. May I add the suggestion to first make an outline, include a link to the reporter's article, or maybe an attached print-out in case they don't want to look it up, and try to keep emotion out of it. As Jack Webb on TV used to say, "just the facts, ma'am", that they can investigate. They're not therapists, and might tend to chalk it all up to female hysteria.
I totally agree with that last statement. I think that you've come up with some excellent ideas. I do want to give my opinion, though, that 2 pages is much too long for a first letter. You're going to lose the reader quickly. It needs to be as short and as concise as possible. Maybe not even all the facts; maybe just a few lines to pique their interest.

Also, if J4J is short on cash, I would recommend to use that cash wisely. IMO, a psychic would not be the first place to start. I don't mean to offend anyone but I think that one should start with what we KNOW might work.
Justice4Jack said:
The Durham County Sheriff's Office "handles," almost every call, as well as the Durham Police. I have read articles by the same officers, involved with my brother's case.....
I have never once heard any mention whatsoever of the sheriff's department in regards to Janet's case. I have been following that case every single step of the way. In fact, here's a link to one of the earliest articles. Clearly it was the police department that handled the case from step 1. (This isn't to say that it's impossible that the Sheriff's Department was also involved but after a year and a half, I would find it surprising to have heard nothing of them up to now):

Durham Police Tightlipped About Woman's Murder - News - | WRAL

... Police got a 911 call late Tuesday night that someone in the house was injured. When they got there though, they found 25-year-old Janet Abaroa dead in a bedroom.

Investigators spent nearly 24 hours on the scene, collecting evidence and talking with neighbors. However, police are not talking much at all, saying they don't want to hinder the investigation.

ETA: Here's a link to the original warrant filled out by the first officer on the scene: - Slideshow

"... I am currently assigned to the homicide division of the criminal investigations division of the Durham police department ..."


ETA: All of the later updates also mention the police department - from any leads to the reward to the psychic - it always mentions the police department, not one word about the Sheriff's department.

Do you happen to have any links to those articles that mention the same officers? If not, what are their names and maybe I can do a search to see if I can find any articles that mention their names in Janet's case.

I'm not trying to challenge you, J4J, but if you want to get somewhere, you are going to have to know exactly what's what before starting. Claiming that the SD was involved in cases where they weren't is not going to have people believing that you're credible.
I have just received 99.9% confirmation from a friend of mine with indirect involvement in the Duke case that the Sheriff's department has never been involved in that case. There's still that .1% chance that it's possible but s/he can't recall any time during which the SD was involved and I can't find a single reference to them in anything I've checked so far.

Can the SD even respond to incidents within the city limits? I've been told that they do run the jail.

ETA: All of the Duke lax kids were dealt with by DPD, except when they "surrendered" for booking, and that was at the jail run by the sheriffs office. That, as far as I know, was the beginning and the end of the SD's involvement in that case.

Back to Raven Abaroa, he was never in custody at all. The only questioning he endured was at police headquarters.
Do you suppose Janet's murder and Jack's could be by the same perp? I'm brand new to this case, usually at the JonBenet forum, so I don't know a darned thing about Janet.

I too have heard that you should keep a letter short, 1 pg, and definitely make an outline or list to see what's most important before you start typing it. Then maybe have someone in your family read it before mailing, to make sure it flows okay with no emotions, "just the facts" as concisely as possible.

Be encouraged, J4J, that the crackdown on them has started. It's not necessarily ended. These things can take time.
I don't believe that there's any possibility that Janet's murderer even knew J4J's brother. I believe that Janet's husband is the likely killer in that case and sadly, the killer also took a recently conceived unborn child as well in that case. Unfortunately, we've seen how that alone can often be a motive for a husband to kill his wife. :( I don't think that there would be any motive in Janet's case that would carry over to Jack's.

I guess it's always a possibility, especially since Janet's husband has since become a convicted embezzler and as a criminal, who knows who he might know and what he might be involved in. But it's highly unlikely to me.
Has anyone said what exactly Jack was doing, the last day of his life? What day of the week was it? Was he off from work for some reason? Sports? Was he coaching or something? What he was doing could be important to know. There's sometimes rage against coaches, like road rage. What was he doing? All day? You're getting me all warmed up since reading the pages.

He wasn't necessarily killed near the railroad tressel, as I believe you said there was no blood spatter or anything there. But was that near anything that could have pertained to him? Was he on some errand? Why was he going to be able to retire at 46? And then do what?

His being shot in the right side of the head, like Helgoth, one of the characters in the JonBenet case who was left-handed, maybe shows the killer didn't know him well enough to know he was left handed.

My brother and I always played in bands too. I know where you're coming from. I'm still in a community band when I have grandkids in band, one about to graduate. Is his widow a musician? Or what were their extracurricular activities? We need to get some kind of picture of their life at the time this happened.

About psychics, some who work for police I think don't charge anything. Tonight, Wednesday, about 10 on CourtTV I think they have Psychic Detectives or Police Psychics, unless they've changed the lineup since I last watched it. Of course if your PD has something to hide, they're going to scoff at that idea big time.
Justice4Jack said:
, I was referring to the fact I believe that I am being, "watched!" I am afraid for myself at this point, but still refuse to be intimidated, and swore to my brother.....He WAS George Bailey, and the world is a darker orb without his light :'(

I'm reading the thread again from pg 1, and sorry but I have to ask, is George Bailey some famous character?

Do be careful, and let some investigative reporters delve into the case for you who already know some things and are not emotionally involved or sick.

Would the watchers guess you're the one who stirred up an investigation, since corruption has already been written about? If it was one of them, I do hope you don't get shot too.
The only George Bailey I know of is the lead character in It's A Wonderful Life. Here's a comment about his character that I found while doing a web search for a description:

Stewart gives the finest performance of his career, in one of the most difficult characters ever portrayed. A character all of us are familiar with...a person looking to find himself/herself. It's the great struggle for finding what it is in life you really want to do. George Bailey teaches us so lessons throughout the film and in the end he teaches us the most important lesson of all, that life, although a long and winding road, truly is (for lack of a better word) wonderful

Here's another:

It is actually a dark, bittersweet post-war tale of a savings-and-loan manager who struggles against a greedy banker and his own self-doubting nature in a small town. Earnest do-gooder George Bailey (James Stewart) recognizes his life as wonderful and truly rich, even in its humdrum and bleak nature, only after suffering many hardships, mishaps and fateful trials (including compromised dreams of youth to leave the town and seek fame and fortune, other sacrifices, dismay, losses and the threat of financial ruin, and suicide). He is given encouragement by a whimsical, endearing, trainee-angel named Clarence (Henry Travers).

The story turns Dickensian (similar to A Christmas Carol, although told from Bob Cratchit's point-of-view rather than from Scrooge's) when the hysterical, despairing, and melancholy family man is shown what the small town (Bedford Falls, now renamed Pottersville after the town's evil tycoon) would be like without him. It's a frightening, nightmarish, noirish view of the world (at Christmas-time) that brings him back from self-destruction. He returns to the idyllic, small-town world that he left, with renewed faith and confidence in life itself.
I've seen parts of that, just didn't remember the names. Sorry you had to do a search which I probably should have done but if I'd thought of it I still would not have been sure he was a somebody, who'd be searchable.

So was this what got Jack into trouble with a killer?

I can't wait to find out what Jack was doing that day.
What was he doing that day

Did anyone you knew act oddly before or afterwards

Had he mentioned any names

These are the questions I have.
First of all let me clarify, there were investigators mentioned, involved in both cases....I am aware the police were on scene at Janet's murder, the sheriff's was at mine, but they share some of the same investigators and spokespersons.....

Second, I am NOT allegeing that he was murdered by LE, although after they lied and botched his case so much, nothing would surprise me!

Third, Jack was a sober, drug free man! He was simple, and loved the little things, and he saved for his future....His estate was estimated at 1.5 million, plus insurance, and brand new paid in full home, and NO, his widow did not work 2 jobs to pay the bills!

She quit her job she had all through the marriage after his death, then quit a second job....She changed her phone so she wouldn't have to speak to us!
My brother was to be at work, he was last seen walking his dogs that morning...

We have requested the 911 tapes, etc, and was just sent the one report, but thank God, it included pictures!

I cannot say who we suspect, but LE knows, and have done nothing, despite the GSR tests being negative, and other proof I have given them!

I am not afraid to tell the world what happened, but I don't want to say some things which could jeopardize a trial!

So, to sum it up, he was happy as we knew, and looking forward to retiring, he wanted to teach.....He was young, and had many years to look forward to! Right in his pinnacle, he was snuffed out, and there is nothing left of him but one vial of blood!

I cannot elaborate on the specific lies, but the biggest I will say was about them doing an autopsy, and didn't! Then to be cremated like a dog!

Again, I wish I could say every detail I know, I just need to have legal help, and get this to court some how!

PS, I am not going to let fear keep me from seeking the truth! The Lord knows how special he was, and I am sure he is watching over us! Besides, we are dirt poor, and as for me, I even talk in my sleep!

It has been hard losing him in such a horrible way, and to have those pictures forever in my mind, then to know he was so degraded, his life and future taken in a blink, and we are left without even a marker to place flowers upon.....

Knowing he was murdered for his goodness, and wealth that he worked so hard for, then was never able to enjoy his success, and journey to another chapter in life, of doing what he wanted, teaching, golfing, and making the world a better place........

It hurts to know we are not alone, but is comforting I have this forum to vent, gather ideas, strength, and prayers!

I do appreciate EACH reply, and THANK you so much for caring, and again, for the prayers!
SuperDave said:
What was he doing that day

Did anyone you knew act oddly before or afterwards

Had he mentioned any names

These are the questions I have.
He was expected at work, and no odd behavior from him.... He was well liked, respected, and from the people I have spoke to that he knew, this came as a shock to them.....

He had a new home, at least a million in savings, and was to retire in 3 weeks at the young age of 46! He wanted to teach, and was working on computer programs when out of the blue, we get a call telling us he was dead, and that he killed himself...

We knew this wasn't him, and when I obtained the reports from the ME, and the pictures from the crime scene, it was clear that the scene and his body didn't match up with suicide.....

We believe he was murdered for his money, people have killed others for far less reasons, but this is the exact motive, money!
Okay, so as I see it -

1) You believe that you know what happened.
2) You want to get this to court someday.
3) You don't have much money.

So there really in nothing much that you can do aside from -

1) Hope for some attorney to stumble across this case and offer to take it pro bono.
2) Contact as many media persons as you can with a very short, concise explanation of the situation and hope that someone will be able to run with it.
3) Try your best to move on from this tragedy, knowing that your brother is not suffering and wouldn't want you to either.

You seem like such a kind-hearted person. I wish I knew of something else to tell you but I don't. I hate to think of you living your life in a way that is dictated by this tragedy and not using the time that you have here to do something positive for you.

The last piece of advice I have for now, (not that I won't continue to be here reading and putting my 2 cents in), is to wipe the slate clean and start all over at the beginning. But this time, try to do as PolkSaladAnnie, (I think), suggested and compartmentalize. Your passion is outstanding but I believe that it's getting in the way. You need to look at this anew with a clear head. You can't let your suspicions run away with you; instead you need to begin at square one and see where the clues take you.Try not to start with a conclusion to determine the clues. You need to start with the clues to determine the conclusion.

I continue to think of you and wish you luck in getting to the bottom of this.
JerseyGirl said:
(I think), suggested and compartmentalize. Your passion is outstanding but I believe that it's getting in the way.

You need to look at this anew with a clear head. You can't let your suspicions run away with you; instead you need to begin at square one and see where the clues take you.Try not to start with a conclusion to determine the clues. You need to start with the clues to determine the conclusion.

"Compartmentalize", keep it intellectual instead of physically unhealthy emotional upset, I think is excellent advice. Your having been ill before may be partly causing such extreme passion. Don't make yourself sick again. He wouldn't want you to. These things take time. It may be a while but already there's been SOME public expose, and more certainly may be coming.
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